%% dkoes 5/10/2006 \LoadClassWithOptions{amsbook} % pass tells geometry not to mess with amsbook's defaults, % but instead to use them as the default. \PassOptionsToPackage{pass}{geometry} \RequirePackage{geometry} %% dkoes - Here's a bunch of stuff taken from mjz-titlepage.sty that makes % a pretty CMU techreport acceptable title page %% rak - Updated in 2020 to use the amsbook class and to simplify some of % the LaTeX code. %% titlepage parameters %% required: title, author, date, Year, trnumber, committee %% optional: permission, support, disclaimer, keywords \def\title#1{\gdef\@title{#1}} \def\author#1{\gdef\@author{#1}} \def\date#1{\gdef\@date{#1}} \def\Year#1{\gdef\@Year{#1}} \def\trnumber#1{\gdef\@trnumber{#1}} \def\committee#1{\gdef\@committee{#1}} \def\permission#1{\gdef\@permission{#1}} \def\support#1{\gdef\@support{#1}} \def\disclaimer#1{\gdef\@disclaimer{#1}} \def\keywords#1{\gdef\@keywords{#1}} \newsavebox{\@copyrightbox} %\def\@copyrightnotice#1{{\small\sbox{\@copyrightbox}{#1}\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\wd\@copyrightbox > \linewidth}}{\noindent #1 \par}{\begin{center} #1 \end{center}}}} \def\@copyrightnotice#1{{\small\sbox{\@copyrightbox}{#1}\ifdim\wd\@copyrightbox>\linewidth \noindent #1 \par\else\begin{center} #1 \end{center}\fi}} \def\@maketitle{ \thispagestyle{empty} %% Centered things on the title page must be *physically* centered %% on the page, so they line up with the cut-out window. So we hardwire %% the margins for the title page so that left margin = right margin. \newgeometry{hmargin={0cm, 0cm}} % calculate skip needed to ensure that title appears in the cut-out \newlength{\@cutoutvskip} \setlength{\@cutoutvskip}{2.1875 true in} % position of cut-out \addtolength{\@cutoutvskip}{-1 true in} % printer margin \addtolength{\@cutoutvskip}{-\topmargin} \addtolength{\@cutoutvskip}{-\headheight} \addtolength{\@cutoutvskip}{-\headsep} \let\footnoterule\relax \vglue\@cutoutvskip \begin{center} %\begin{minipage}[t]{4.875in} % must be a minipage due to \thanks \begin{minipage}[t]{4.8in} % hackery \vbox to 2in{ \vfill \begin{center} {\Large \strut \@title\par} \vfill {\large \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\@author\end{tabular}\par} \vfill {\sc \@trnumber\par} \smallskip {\large \@date\par} \end{center} \vfill} \end{minipage} \end{center} \vskip 3em \begin{center} School of Computer Science \\ Carnegie Mellon University \\ Pittsburgh, PA 15213 \end{center} \vskip 1em \begin{center} {\bf Thesis Committee:} \\ \@committee \end{center} \vspace{1em} \begin{center} \em Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements \\ for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. \end{center} \vfill \@ifundefined{@permission}{\@copyrightnotice{Copyright \copyright\ \@Year\ \@author}}{\@copyrightnotice{Copyright \copyright\ \@Year\ \@author. \@permission}} \@ifundefined{@support}{}{{\medskip\footnotesize\noindent\@support\par}} \@ifundefined{@disclaimer}{}{{\medskip\footnotesize\noindent\@disclaimer\par}} % keywords go at bottom of page ii (the rear of the titlepage) % if keywords are omitted, this page is blank % amsbook default textwidth / textheight is 30pc / 50.5pc (p. 10 % of amsclass manual). To save Catherine paper (and to allow us % slightly wider inference rule displays), we increase the width % by two pica and scale the height accordingly. % Then call \calclayout to have AMS recalculate whatever it needs % to recalculate (p. 80 of manual). % positioning of subjclass, keywords, and abstract based on p.61 % of manual. \restoregeometry\thispagestyle{empty} %\newgeometry{textwidth=32pc,textheight=53.9pc}\thispagestyle{empty} \calclayout \begin{center} \ifx\@empty\@subjclass\else\@setsubjclass\fi \ifx\@empty\@keywords\else\@setkeywords\fi \end{center} \vfil \@setabstract } % A simple style file to provide a draft marking in the background of % a file % Thank you to Will Uther who provided the base code that I rolled % into this package % ChangeLog % 1.1: shrunk and shifted the stamp so that it avoid the unprintable % area at the top of the page % 1.2 dkoes - made it big and rotated and light % 1.3 dkoes - made it small, and unrotated since Jonathan Aldrich complained % 1.4 comar - moved it below the page number to avoid problem with synctex \RequirePackage{graphicx} \RequirePackage{eso-pic} \RequirePackage{color} %Got this from Will (will@cs.cmu.edu) %usage: \draftstamp{date}{label} \newcommand{\draftstamp}[2]{\definecolor{DraftGrey}{gray}{0.7} \ClearShipoutPicture\AddToShipoutPicture{ \begin{minipage}[b][0.11\paperheight][t]{\paperwidth} \centering \vspace{.5in} \textcolor{DraftGrey}{\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.0}\normalsize \begin{tabular}{c} #1 \\ #2 \end{tabular} } \end{minipage} }} \newenvironment{dedication} {\cleardoublepage \thispagestyle{empty} \vspace*{\stretch{1}} \begin{center} \em} {\end{center} \vspace*{\stretch{3}} \clearpage} \newenvironment{psuedochapter}[1] {\cleardoublepage \thispagestyle{empty} \vspace*{\stretch{1}} \begin{center} \large {\bf #1} \end{center} % \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\numberline{}#1} --not yet mjz \begin{quotation}} {\end{quotation} \vspace*{\stretch{3}} \clearpage} \newenvironment{acknowledgments} {\begin{psuedochapter}{Acknowledgments}} {\end{psuedochapter}} \setlength{\textwidth}{32pc} \setlength{\textheight}{53.9pc} \calclayout