open Angstrom (** We only care about tags in the intersection of those known by MPD and ListenBrainz. They are (LB <-> MPD) + artist_name <-> artist, performer, composer + track_name <-> title + tracknumber <-> track + artist_mbids <-> musicbrainz_artistid + release_mbid <-> musicbrainz_albumid + recording_mbid <-> musicbrainz_trackid MPD may return multiple entries for each tag. See for the correspondence between LB and MPD tag names. *) type currentsong = { artist: string list; performer: string list; composer: string list; title: string option; track: int option; musicbrainz_albumid: string option; musicbrainz_artistid: string list; musicbrainz_trackid: string option; } exception ParseError of string let parse_string p s = match Angstrom.parse_string ~consume:All (p >>= return) s with | Ok parsed -> parsed | Error m -> raise (ParseError m) let take_till_eol = let is_eol = function | '\n' | '\r' -> true | _ -> false in take_till is_eol <* end_of_line let is_whitespace = function | ' ' | '\t' -> true | _ -> false let skip_spaces = skip_while is_whitespace let currentsong_parser : currentsong Angstrom.t = let open Angstrom in fix (fun currentsong -> lift2 (fun artist current -> { current with artist = artist :: current.artist }) (string "Artist:" *> skip_spaces *> take_till_eol) currentsong <|> lift2 (fun performer current -> { current with performer = performer :: current.performer }) (string "Performer:" *> skip_spaces *> take_till_eol) currentsong <|> lift2 (fun composer current -> { current with composer = composer :: current.composer }) (string "Composer:" *> skip_spaces *> take_till_eol) currentsong <|> lift2 (fun title current -> { current with title = Some title }) (string "Title:" *> skip_spaces *> take_till_eol) currentsong <|> lift2 (fun track current -> { current with track = Some (int_of_string track) }) (string "Track:" *> skip_spaces *> take_till_eol) currentsong <|> lift2 (fun albumid current -> { current with musicbrainz_albumid = Some albumid }) (string "MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID:" *> skip_spaces *> take_till_eol) currentsong <|> lift2 (fun artistid current -> { current with musicbrainz_artistid = artistid :: current.musicbrainz_artistid }) (string "MUSICBRAINZ_ARTISTID:" *> skip_spaces *> take_till_eol) currentsong <|> lift2 (fun trackid current -> { current with musicbrainz_trackid = Some trackid }) (string "MUSICBRAINZ_TRACKID:" *> skip_spaces *> take_till_eol) currentsong <|> ((string "OK") *> return { artist = []; performer = []; composer = []; title = None; track = None; musicbrainz_albumid = None; musicbrainz_artistid = []; musicbrainz_trackid = None; }) <|> (take_till_eol *> currentsong)) "currentsong"