#!gmake -f SUBSTS_FILE=SUBSTS.local # Files that need changes to work locally or that contain sensitive # information LOCAL_FILES = \ .devscripts \ .gitconfig \ .imapfilter/config.lua \ .msmtprc \ .mutt/accounts.rc \ .mutt/score.rc \ .muttrc \ .netrc \ .offlineimaprc \ .screenrc \ .xinitrc \ .xmonad/xmonad.hs \ .zsh/func/prompt_wunjo_setup \ .zshrc \ bin/run-mailcheck # Files that are system independent. # IMPORTANT: directories must have trailing slash GLOBAL_FILES = \ .Xdefaults \ .Xsession \ .config/nitrogen/ \ .dzen/ \ .gitconfig \ .imapfilter/ \ .inputrc \ .local/share/wallpapers/ \ .mailcheckrc \ .mutt/ \ .mutt/alias.rc \ .muttrc \ .notmuch-config \ .offlineimap.py \ .pythonrc.py \ .quiltrc-dpkg \ .sbuildrc \ .screenlayout/ \ .screenrc-mail \ .signature \ .urxvt/ \ .vim/ \ .vimperatorrc \ .vimrc \ .xinitrc \ .xkb/ \ .xmobarrc \ .xmonad/ \ .zsh/ \ .zlogout \ bin/ \ get-val = $(shell awk '{if (match($$0, /$1/)) { print $$2 } }' $(SUBSTS_FILE)) get-sed-args = $(foreach var,$($(1)),-e 's|$(var)|$(call get-val,$(var))|g') CURRENT_BRANCH = $(shell git branch --no-color | colrm 1 2) SHA256 = $(call get-val,SHA256) VARS_.devscripts = MSMTP_PATH VARS_.gitconfig = MSMTP_PATH VARS_.imapfilter/config.lua = LOCAL_PASS PM_EMAIL VARS_.msmtprc = GMAIL_PASS QUEENSU_PASS VARS_.mutt/accounts.rc = LOCAL_PASS GMAIL_PASS QUEENSU_PASS MSMTP_PATH VARS_.mutt/score.rc = MUTT_10_SCORE MUTT_20_SCORE VARS_.muttrc = MSMTP_PATH VARS_.netrc = LOCAL_PASS VARS_.offlineimaprc = LOCAL_PASS GMAIL_PASS QUEENSU_PASS VARS_.screenrc = ZSH_PATH SCREEN_HOST_COLOUR VARS_.xinitrc = SCREENLAYOUT REDSHIFT_MODE GSD_PATH VARS_.xmonad/xmonad.hs = XMONAD_DZEN_W XMONAD_DZEN_X XMONAD_DZEN_Y VARS_.zsh/func/prompt_wunjo_setup = ZSH_HOST_COLOUR VARS_.zshrc = LOCALE SUBSTS_RM SUBSTS_LS MSMTP_PATH VARS_bin/run-mailcheck = ZSH_PATH GREP_PATH all: clean build # This target relies on GLOBAL_FILES being before LOCAL_FILES so that the # build/LOCAL_FILES targets overwrite what was copied in GLOBAL_FILES. BUILD = $(patsubst %,build/%,$(GLOBAL_FILES) $(LOCAL_FILES)) build: $(BUILD) # We must force these with a phony target, otherwise, make will see that they're # already there (for example, from installing the rest of .mutt or .zsh) and # will skip them---which means they don't get their substitutions build/.imapfilter/config.lua: FORCE build/.mutt/accounts.rc: FORCE build/.xmonad/xmonad.hs: FORCE build/.zsh/func/prompt_wunjo_setup: FORCE FORCE: .mutt/alias.rc: .mutt/alias.rc.gpg gpg --decrypt $^ > $@ build/%: % $(SUBSTS_FILE) [ -d $(dir $@) ] || mkdir -p $(dir $@) ( [ -d $< ] && rsync -a $<* $@ ) || rsync -a $< $@ @# sed will only be called if $* is in LOCAL_FILES. @# Thought of using ifeq/ifneq, but the gmake manual reads: @# "make evaluates conditionals when it reads a makefile. Consequently, @# you cannot use automatic variables in the tests of conditionals @# because they are not defined until recipes are run (see Automatic @# Variables)." [ "$(filter $*,$(LOCAL_FILES))" != "$*" ] || sed $(call get-sed-args,VARS_$*) $< > $@ install: $(BUILD) rsync -a build/ ~ chmod 600 ~/.msmtprc sha256sums: .git/refs/heads/$(CURRENT_BRANCH) $(SHA256) `git ls-files | grep -v $@` > $@ [ $(SHA256) = 'sha256' ] || awk '{ \ sum = $$1; \ $$1 = ""; \ # We want (filename), not ( filename). \ gsub(/^ /,""); \ print "SHA256 (" $$0 ") = " sum; \ }' $@ > $@.temp mv $@.temp $@ sha256sums.asc: sha256sums rm -f $@ gpg --armor --detach-sign $< merge: SUBSTS $(SUBSTS_FILE) # sdiff has exit status 1 if files are different. Ignore - sdiff -o SUBSTS.merged $^ @echo "" @echo "Please review SUBSTS.merged, then run" @echo "mv SUBSTS.merged $(SUBSTS_FILE)" verify: # BSD sha256 sum command doesn't have a -c option. # BSD and coreutils sha256 commands have different outputs, however, the # file is always in field two. The sum's location varies. awk --posix 'BEGIN {\ mismatch_count = 0; \ match_count = 0; \ } { \ # The file associated with the sum we`re checking \ # Appears to be field 2 in BSD and coreutils sum \ file = $$2; \ # We want `filename`, not `(filename)` \ sub(/^\(/, "", file); \ sub(/\)$$/, "", file); \ # Generate the sum to compare with \ cmd = "$(SHA256) " file; \ cmd | getline gensum; \ close(cmd); \ split(gensum, gensum_fields); \ gensum = ""; \ for (field in gensum_fields) { \ if (gensum_fields[field] ~ /[[:xdigit:]]{64}/) { \ gensum = gensum_fields[field]; \ } \ } \ for (i = 1; i <= NF; i++) { \ if ($$i ~ /[[:xdigit:]]{64}/) { \ filesum = $$i; \ } \ } \ if (filesum == gensum) { \ print "Match: " file; \ match_count += 1; \ } else { \ print "Mismatch: " file; \ mismatch_count += 1; \ } \ } END { \ print match_count, "matches, ", mismatch_count, "mismatches." \ }' sha256sums gpg --verify sha256sums.asc clean: rm -fr build .PHONY: build install clean verify merge