ryanakca-dotfilesMy configuration files3 days
talk-templateMy beamer template for talks12 months
cmu-thesisClass files for PhD theses at CMU in CSD3 years
grading-scriptsScripts to print off assignments, etc.5 years
autolab-helperSML framework for writing AutoLab autograders5 years
biblatex-eptcsBibLaTeX implementation of the EPTCS bibliography style5 years
telemConsole bulletin board implemented in Lua. Mirror of git:// years
ocamllbOCaml ListenBrainz library3 years
tmphosttemporary file hosting and cleanup4 years
nmmA C and curses implementation of the popular games Three/Nine/Twelve Man Morris.5 years
ledaA gemini client written in OCaml5 years