path: root/.vim/colors/reloaded.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '.vim/colors/reloaded.vim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 856 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/colors/reloaded.vim b/.vim/colors/reloaded.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c0c382..0000000
--- a/.vim/colors/reloaded.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,856 +0,0 @@
-" Vim colour file: The colorscheme reloaded.
-" Maintainer: Pan Shizhu <dicpan@hotmail.com>
-" Last Change: 16 July 2004
-" URL: http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=760
-" Version: 0.6
-" Please prepend [VIM] in the title when writing e-mail to me, or it will
-" be silently discarded.
-" Description:
-" See :h reloaded.txt for details
-" Release Notes:
-" v0.6 For default users it may be slow, Added :se lz to disable refresh
-" Changed some groups of the sample parameter
-" Use bracketed variable instead of the exe statement
-" Changed the order of most division calculation to improve accuracy
-" v0.5 Initial upload at 15 July 2004.
-" minimal value of all the given numbers, maximum 20 parameters
-fu! s:min(num1,num2,...)
- let l:min = a:num1<a:num2 ? a:num1 : a:num2
- let l:idx = a:0
- wh l:idx > 0
- let l:var = a:{l:idx}
- if l:var < l:min
- let l:min = l:var
- en
- let l:idx = l:idx - 1
- endw
- retu l:min
-" same as above for maximal value
-fu! s:max(num1,num2,...)
- let l:max = a:num1>a:num2 ? a:num1 : a:num2
- let l:idx = a:0
- wh l:idx > 0
- let l:var = a:{l:idx}
- if l:var > l:max
- let l:max = l:var
- en
- let l:idx = l:idx - 1
- endw
- retu l:max
-" guard the var to be in the range between unity and base.
-" if base is omitted, treat like degrees.
-fu! s:guard(var,unity,...)
- if a:0
- if a:var < a:1
- retu a:1
- elsei a:var > a:unity
- retu a:unity
- en
- retu a:var
- en
- if a:var < 0
- retu a:unity + (a:var % a:unity)
- en
- retu a:var % a:unity
-" sub-function
- " 8-bit integer to 2 digit hexadecimal
- fu! s:to_hex(num)
- retu '0123456789abcdef' [a:num/16%16] . '0123456789abcdef' [a:num%16]
- endf
-" rgb to rgb color string
-fu! s:rgb2colors(red,green,blue)
- retu "#".s:to_hex(a:red+0).s:to_hex(a:green+0).s:to_hex(a:blue+0)
-" sub-functions
- fu! s:hue2rgb(v1, v2, hue)
- " trim to the first period
- let l:hue = s:guard(a:hue, 360)
- if l:hue < 60
- retu a:v1 + l:hue * (a:v2 - a:v1) / 60
- en
- if l:hue < 180
- retu a:v2
- en
- if l:hue < 240
- retu a:v1 + (240 - l:hue) * (a:v2 - a:v1) / 60
- en
- retu a:v1
- endf
-" hsl to rgb color string
-fu! s:hsb2colors(hue,sat,bri)
- " Hue: Any integer degree (modular 360)
- " Saturation: 0 to 1023/1023
- " Luminance: 0 to 1023/1023
- " RGB results = 0 to 255
- if a:sat == 0
- let l:lum = a:bri / 4
- retu s:rgb2colors(l:lum, l:lum, l:lum)
- en
- if a:bri < 512
- let l:v2 = a:bri * ( 1023 + a:sat )
- el
- let l:v2 = ( a:bri + a:sat ) * 1023 - ( a:sat * a:bri )
- en
- let l:v1 = 2 * 1023 * a:bri - l:v2
- let l:red = s:hue2rgb(l:v1, l:v2, a:hue + 120) / 4092
- let l:green = s:hue2rgb(l:v1, l:v2, a:hue) / 4092
- let l:blue = s:hue2rgb(l:v1, l:v2, a:hue - 120) / 4092
- retu s:rgb2colors(l:red, l:green, l:blue)
-" rgb color number to s:rgb
-fu! s:color2rgb(color)
- let s:red = a:color / 0x10000
- let s:green = (a:color / 0x100) % 0x100
- let s:blue = a:color % 0x100
-" rgb to s:hsl
-fu! s:rgb2hsb(red,green,blue)
- let l:red = a:red * 1023 / 255
- let l:green = a:green * 1023 / 255
- let l:blue = a:blue * 1023 / 255
- let l:min = s:min(l:red, l:green, l:blue)
- let l:max = s:max(l:red, l:green, l:blue)
- let l:delta = l:max - l:min
- let s:bri = (l:max + l:min) / 2
- if l:delta == 0
- let s:hue = 180 " When sat = 0, hue default to 180
- let s:sat = 0
- el
- if s:bri < 512
- let s:sat = l:delta * 1023 / (l:max + l:min)
- el
- let s:sat = l:delta * 1023 / (2*1023 - l:max - l:min)
- en
- let l:del_r = ( (l:max-l:red) + (l:delta*3) ) * 60 / l:delta
- let l:del_g = ( (l:max-l:green) + (l:delta*3) ) * 60 / l:delta
- let l:del_b = ( (l:max-l:blue) + (l:delta*3) ) * 60 / l:delta
- if l:red == l:max
- let s:hue = l:del_b - l:del_g
- elsei l:green == l:max
- let s:hue = 120 + l:del_r - l:del_b
- elsei l:blue == l:max
- let s:hue = 240 + l:del_g - l:del_r
- en
- let s:hue = s:guard(s:hue, 360)
- en
-" sub-functions
- if !exists("s:loaded") | let s:hue_range = 0 | let s:hue_phase = 0 | en
- fu! s:cast_hue(hue)
- retu a:hue * s:hue_range / 360 - s:hue_range / 2 + s:hue_phase
- endf
- if !exists("s:loaded") | let s:sat_base = 0 | let s:sat_modify = 0 | en
- fu! s:cast_sat(sat)
- let l:sat = a:sat * (1024 - s:sat_base) / 1024 + s:sat_base
- retu l:sat * s:sat_modify / 100
- endf
- if !exists("s:loaded") | let s:bri_base = 0 | let s:bri_modify = 0 | en
- fu! s:cast_bri(bri)
- let l:bri = a:bri * (1024 - s:bri_base) / 1024 + s:bri_base
- retu l:bri * s:bri_modify / 100
- endf
-" input hsl, do modification in HSL color space, output rgb color string
-fu! s:make_hsb(hue,sat,bri)
- let l:hue = s:guard(s:cast_hue(a:hue), 360)
- let l:sat = s:guard(s:cast_sat(a:sat), 1023, s:sat_base)
- let l:bri = s:guard(s:cast_bri(a:bri), 1023, s:bri_base)
- if s:verbose | ec "\"\tH=".l:hue."\tS=".l:sat."\tL=".l:bri | en
- retu s:hsb2colors(l:hue, l:sat, l:bri)
-" input rgb color number, transfer to HSL, then do <sid>make_hsb
-fu! s:make_color(color)
- cal s:color2rgb(a:color)
- cal s:rgb2hsb(s:red, s:green, s:blue)
- retu s:make_hsb(s:hue, s:sat, s:bri)
-" input color string, transfer in HSL, output rgb color string
-fu! s:parse_color(p)
- if a:p[6] == "#"
- let l:p = '0x'.strpart(a:p, 7, 6) + 0
- retu strpart(a:p, 0, 6).s:make_color(l:p)
- elsei a:p[6] == "@"
- let l:hue = s:guard(strpart(a:p, 7, 3) + 0, 360)
- let l:sat = s:guard(strpart(a:p, 10, 4) + 0, 1023, 0)
- let l:bri = s:guard(strpart(a:p, 14, 4) + 0, 1023, 0)
- retu strpart(a:p, 0, 6).s:make_hsb(l:hue, l:sat, l:bri)
- el
- retu a:p
- en
-if !exists("s:loaded") | let s:verbose = 0 | en
-fu! s:psc_hi(group, p1, p2, ...)
- if a:0 == 0
- let l:p3 = "gui=NONE"
- el
- let l:p3 = a:1
- en
- let l:p1 = s:parse_color(a:p1)
- let l:p2 = s:parse_color(a:p2)
- if s:verbose | ec "hi ".a:group." ".l:p1." ".l:p2." ".l:p3 | en
- exe "hi ".a:group." ".l:p1." ".l:p2." ".l:p3
-fu! s:multi_hi(setting, ...)
- let l:idx = a:0
- wh l:idx > 0
- let l:hlgroup = a:{l:idx}
- if s:verbose | ec "hi ".l:hlgroup." ".a:setting | en
- exe "hi ".l:hlgroup." ".a:setting
- let l:idx = l:idx - 1
- endw
-" Transfer global variable into script variable
-fu! s:init_option(var, value)
- if !exists("g:psc_".a:var)
- exe "let s:".a:var." = ".a:value
- el
- let s:{a:var} = g:psc_{a:var}
- en
-if !exists("loaded") | let s:file = expand("<sfile>") | en
-cal s:init_option("reload_prefix", "'".fnamemodify(s:file,":p:h")."/'")
-fu! s:psc_reload(...)
- " Only do color for GUI
- if !has("gui_running") | retu | en
- if a:0 > 10
- echoe "Too many parameters, ".'a:0 == '.a:0
- retu
- en
- com! -nargs=+ InitOpt cal s:init_option(<f-args>)
- if a:0 >= 6
- " Hue = phase +- (range/2)
- " Sat = sat * modify% then promoted from base to 1024
- " Bri = bri * modify% then promoted from base to 1024
- let s:hue_range = a:1
- let s:sat_modify = a:2
- let s:bri_modify = a:3
- let s:hue_phase = a:4
- let s:sat_base = a:5
- let s:bri_base = a:6
- el
- InitOpt hue_range 360
- InitOpt sat_modify 100
- InitOpt bri_modify 100
- InitOpt hue_phase 180
- InitOpt sat_base 0
- InitOpt bri_base 0
- en
- if a:0 >= 7
- let s:lightbg = a:7
- el
- InitOpt style 'cool'
- if s:style == 'warm'
- InitOpt lightbg 1
- el
- InitOpt lightbg 0
- en
- en
- if a:0 >= 8
- let s:plainfont = a:8
- el
- InitOpt fontface 'mixed'
- if s:fontface == 'mixed'
- InitOpt plainfont 0
- el
- InitOpt plainfont 1
- en
- en
- if a:0 >= 9
- let s:verbose = a:9
- el
- InitOpt verbose 0
- en
- if a:0 == 10
- let s:reload_filename = a:10
- el
- InitOpt reload_filename 'ps_color.vim'
- en
- delc InitOpt
- let s:reload_filename = s:reload_prefix.s:reload_filename
- if !filereadable(s:reload_filename)
- echoe "Color data file ".s:reload_filename." not found."
- retu
- en
- se lz
- if !s:lightbg | se bg=dark | el | se bg=light | en
- hi clear
- if exists("syntax_on") | sy reset | en
- " This is mandatory, personally I think it is a bug rather than a feature.
- let g:colors_name = expand("<sfile>:t:r")
- " GUI:
- "
- " Matrix Reloaded style for gui
- "
- let s:tempfile = '__Temp_Colors__'
- exe "sil! 1new ".s:tempfile
- sil! %d
- exe "sil! 0r ".s:reload_filename
- if s:verbose
- ec '" Reloaded color scheme from '.s:reload_filename
- ec '" with param ' s:hue_range s:sat_modify s:bri_modify
- \s:hue_phase s:sat_base s:bri_base s:lightbg s:plainfont
- ec '" '
- en
- if !s:lightbg
- sil! 1,/^\s*" DARK COLOR DEFINE START$/d
- sil! /^\s*" DARK COLOR DEFINE END$/,$d
- el
- sil! 1,/^\s*" LIGHT COLOR DEFINE START$/d
- sil! /^\s*" LIGHT COLOR DEFINE END$/,$d
- en
- sil! 0
- let s:nnb = 1
- com! -nargs=+ PscHi cal s:psc_hi(<f-args>)
- wh 1
- let s:nnb = nextnonblank(s:nnb)
- if !s:nnb | brea | en
- let s:line = getline(s:nnb)
- let s:nnb = s:nnb + 1
- " Skip invalid lines
- if s:line !~ '^\s*hi\%[ghlight]\s*.*' | con | en
- exe substitute(s:line, '\<hi\%[ghlight]\>', 'PscHi', '')
- endw
- sil! q!
- delc PscHi
- " Enable the bold style
- com! -nargs=+ MultiHi cal s:multi_hi(<f-args>)
- if !s:plainfont
- MultiHi gui=bold Question StatusLine DiffText Statement Type MoreMsg ModeMsg NonText Title VisualNOS DiffDelete
- endif
- delc MultiHi
- " Color Term:
- " Are you crazy?
- " Term:
- " Don't be silly...
- " Links:
- " Something sensible
- exe "sil! 1new ".s:tempfile
- sil! %d
- exe "sil! 0r ".s:reload_filename
- sil! 1,/^\s*" COLOR LINKS DEFINE START$/d
- sil! /^\s*" COLOR LINKS DEFINE END$/,$d
- sil! 0
- let s:nnb = 1
- wh 1
- let s:nnb = nextnonblank(s:nnb)
- if !s:nnb
- brea
- en
- let s:line = getline(s:nnb)
- let s:nnb = s:nnb + 1
- " Skip invalid lines
- if s:line !~ '^\s*hi\%[ghlight]\s*.*' | con | en
- if s:verbose | ec s:line | en
- sil! exe s:line
- endw
- sil! q!
-" To flag the script variables are initialized
-let s:loaded = 1
-com! -nargs=* Reload cal <SID>psc_reload(<f-args>)
-" vim:et:nosta:sw=2:ts=8:
-" HelpExtractor:
-" The document {{{2
-fu! s:extract_help()
- se lz
- let docdir = substitute(s:file, '\<colors[/\\].*$', 'doc', '')
- if !isdirectory(docdir)
- if has("win32")
- echoe 'Please make '.docdir.' directory first'
- unl docdir
- return
- elsei !has("mac")
- exe "!mkdir ".docdir
- en
- en
- let curfile = fnamemodify(s:file, ":t:r")
- let docfile = substitute(fnamemodify(s:file, ":r").".txt",
- \'\<colors\>', 'doc', '')
- exe "silent! 1new ".docfile
- sil! %d
- exe "silent! 0r ".fnamemodify(s:file, ":p")
- sil! 1,/^" HelpExtractorDoc:$/d
- norm! GVkkd
- cal append(line('$'), '')
- cal append(line('$'), 'v' . 'im:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:fo+=t:norl:noet:')
- sil! wq!
- exe "helptags ".substitute(docfile,'^\(.*doc.\).*$','\1','e')
- exe "silent! 1new ".fnamemodify(s:file, ":p")
- 1
- sil! /^" HelpExtractor:$/,$g/.*/d
- sil! wq!
- noh
-cal s:extract_help()
-" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Put the help after the HelpExtractorDoc label...
-" HelpExtractorDoc:
-*reloaded.txt* Color Tuner and Reloader Last change: 16 July 2004
-Author: Pan, Shizhu. <dicpan> at <hotmail o com> >
- (prepend '[VIM]' in the title or your mail may be silently removed.)
-CONTENTS *pcr* *pcr-contents*
- 1. Contents.....................|pcr-contents|
- 2. PCR Overview.................|pcr-overview|
- 3. PCR Usage....................|pcr-usage|
- 4. PCR Options..................|pcr-options|
- 5. PCR FAQ .....................|pcr-faq|
- 6. PCR Todo List................|pcr-todo|
-For release notes, please see the header of reloaded.vim
-PCR FEATURES OVERVIEW *pcr-features* *pcr-overview*
- Features ~
- . PCR is a color scheme tuner and reloader.
- . PCR is an optional utility for ps_color as well as other schemes
- . It tunes the whole color scheme in HSL color space.
- . Thousands of color styles can be achieved by HSL tuning.
- . Tuned output can be saved to create new color schemes.
- . Can be configured to tune your own color scheme.
- . Works under GUI only, do not affect console version.
- Design Concern ~
- When I'm designing the color scheme |ps_color|, I realized it is
- extremely difficult to fine-tune the color, the whole step is not at
- all straight forward. What is more, RGB is not quite comprehensive
- for most average people. It would be much better if it is possible to
- tune the color scheme in HSL color space. Many color schemes in vim
- are actually similar, just some tune in the HSL color space.
- It is very easy to understand HSL color space even if one has NO
- previous knowledge. This may be another reason to use HSL color
- space.
- Portability ~
- Before playing the game of colors, you are strongly recommended to
- adjust your monitor to 6500k color temperature and proper gamma curve.
- This has been described in the |ps_color.txt| at the same
- "Portability" section. If you don't know how, just skip it.
- The only portability issue, for the obvious reason, this is GUI only.
- ;-)
-PSC USAGE *pcr-usage*
- For the impatient ~
- Make sure both ps_color.vim and reloaded.vim are in your
- [runtimepath]/colors and type in the following command >
- :colo reloaded
- in your Vim or append to your |.vimrc|. The [runtimepath] can be any
- 'writable' directory listed in |vimfiles|, normally your $HOME/.vim in
- Unix or $HOME/vimfiles in Windows.
- Note that you don't need to remove your current :colo lines in .vimrc,
- since the :colo reloaded does nothing on color scheme, the
- reloaded.vim has to be a color scheme for some bizarre reason.
- Note if you do not want to have ps_color.vim, go to FAQ section to see
- how to create your own.
- Experiencing ~
- Normally, nothing will happen when you sourced the colorscheme
- reloaded, this only enables the command :Reload.
- The :Reload command will be available after you sourced the
- colorscheme reloaded. If not, type :colo reloaded now.
- Now try the following:
- :Reload 60 100 100 120 341 0 0 0 0
- If you do as above, you will get a greenish feeling like "Matrix
- reloaded". You can run the Reload command in vim command line as well
- as in .vimrc. To see what the :Reload is capable of, try the
- following, one by one:
- :Reload 120 100 100 60 341 128
- :Reload 120 100 100 60 341 0 1
- :Reload 480 84 84 195 256 96 0
- :Reload 720 71 100 360 0 0 0
- :Reload 60 100 100 150 341 0 0
- :Reload 240 120 100 330 341 0 1
- :Reload 360 100 100 180 0 0 0 1
- :Reload 360 100 100 180 0 0 1 0
- (Hint: choose a document which has as much highlight as possible to
- see what the come scheme looks like. Vim scripts or Vim help documents
- may be good samples.)
- . The first line will give you a golden feeling, followed by
- a reversed version.
- . Next comes a low contrast dark-cyan-background scheme.
- . Next comes a black background with decreased saturation.
- . The Hue can be changed anyway. This is a cyan-green style, call it
- "Matrix revolution"?
- . Be hot, lets try a reddish style.
- . The last two lines will give you the same as ps_color 'cool' and
- 'warm' style.
- Are you amazed? I guess so. And, of course all the above can be
- further fine-tuned.
- If you want to explore the mysteries inside this, see the next
- section.
-PCR OPTIONS *pcr-options*
- Since it is much easier and straight forward to specify command line
- arguments, there are no need to create individual options. Here we
- describe the 10 parameters.
- Synopsis ~
- :Reload h_r s_m l_m h_p s_b l_b [ lbg [ pf [ vb [ cdf ] ] ] ]
- Scope ~
- Hue is the dominant parameter to a color, because the human eye is
- very sensitive to the changing of hue. Generally, the hue is
- expressed by angle, can be 0 to 360 degrees, where 359 degree is equal
- to -1 degree, 360 degree is equal to 0 degree, 361 degree is equal to
- 1 degree, etc.
- The human eye is less sensitive to Saturation, the Black, Grey, and
- White has saturation=0, The pure Red, Green, and Blue has
- saturation=max, usually, saturation is defined to be between 0 and 1.
- But Vim is not capable of handling floating points, so I defined the
- saturation to be between 0 and 1023.
- The saturation is the amount the different color elements differs, if
- the red, green, blue are similar, the saturation is low.
- The human eye is least sensitive to Luminance, since the dynamic range
- of human eye can be changed on the fly. The luminance, or to say
- brightness, needs no explanation, since the meaning is quite obvious.
- The Luminance is also defined to be 0 to 1023, for the same reason.
- Parameter h_r and h_p ~
- This refers to hue range and hue phase.
- set the hue range to any positive value, the hue will be in the range
- of hue_phase-(hue_range/2) to hue_phase-(hue_range/2)
- The normal hue is from 0 to 360, let hue_range=360 and hue_phase=180
- will have the range 0 to 360, hence the hue of original color scheme
- will be retained.
- Set the hue range to between 0 and 360 will have the hue range
- compressed, or to say a color-filtered look. Set the hue range to
- 0 will force all colors in the color scheme to have the same hue value
- as hue_phase. You may not want it to be that low, since the
- hue_range=60 will in most cases enough to give the whole color scheme
- a color-filtered look.
- Set the hue range to >360 will have the color changed without compress
- the hue range, the behavior is not easy to describe, you need to do
- more experiments to understand what it does.
- Set the hue range to <0 is illegal.
- The hue_phase is the base value the whole color scheme designed
- around. Usually, the Hue=0 is Red, Hue=60 is Yellow, Hue=120 is
- Green, Hue=180 is Cyan, Hue=240 is Blue, Hue=300 is Magenta, any other
- value is between two color, for example, Hue=30 is Orange color.
- It would be very interesting to see how a color scheme changes when
- change the hue_phase.
- Parameter s_m and s_b ~
- This refers to saturation modify and saturation base
- The saturation modify is a percent value, 100 means no modify.
- If set to 50, all saturation will be decreased to 50%,
- If set to 0, the screen will be black and white (greyscale),
- If set to 200, all saturation will be increased to 200% times the
- original value.
- The saturation base is a linear value, it defines the minimum
- saturation.
- If set to 0, the saturation will not be modified.
- If set to 256, the minimum saturation will be 1/4.
- If set to 341, the minimum saturation will be 1/3.
- If set to 512, the minimum saturation will be 1/2.
- Oops, please _note_ that a too high value of saturation is not quite
- comfortable for most people.
- Parameter l_m and l_b ~
- This refers to luminance modify and luminance base
- The luminance modify is a percent value, 100 means no modify.
- If set to 50, all luminance will be decreased to 50%,
- If set to 0, the screen will be completely dark (can be possibly used
- for boss key?)
- If set to 200, all luminance will be increased to 200% times the
- original value.
- The luminance base is a linear value, it defines the minimum
- luminance.
- Main use of this is to tune the background for a dark background
- colorscheme.
- If set to 0, the background will be black.
- If set to 128, the background will be a 1/8 dark one, the color of
- background can be tuned by saturation_base and hue_phase.
- If set to 1023, the screen will be completely white.
- For light background, it is recommended to set luminance base to 0.
- Parameter lbg ~
- This refers to light background
- when set to 1, the reloader choose a light background scheme and set
- bg to light, otherwise, it is set to 0.
- This options is optional, if omitted, it checks the value of
- g:psc_style, if the style is 'warm', the light background is set to 1.
- Parameter pf ~
- This refers to plain font
- Optional, set to 1 will turn all bolded font to plain font.
- When not set, will check for g:psc_fontface, if non-exists,
- default to 0.
- Parameter vb ~
- This refers to 'verbose'
- When set to 1, some debug messages will be echoed when running the
- command.
- Parameter cdf ~
- This refers to custom data file
- The default data file is the ps_color.vim placed at the same directory
- as reloaded.vim. You can set it to any file you want.
- When present, it should be the file name of your data file.
- For example, if your data file is ~/.vim/colors/template.vim:
- :Reload 360 100 100 180 0 0 1 0 0 template.vim
- will reload the light color scheme in template.vim
- *pcr-custom-data*
- Designing a data file ~
- The data file can be a normal color scheme script, such as
- ps_color.vim, You may need to know more if you want to do
- modifications.
- The ps_color.vim is fairly complicated, but only part of the file are
- imported as data. Mainly, you only need to see how it organizes
- statements in between "DEFINE START" and "DEFINE END" blocks.
- The data file should conform to some restrictions:
- . Must be in the same directory as reloaded.vim
- . ALL highlight group must be defined, do not accept any default
- value, this include the Underline and Ignore groups, this also hints
- that both foreground and background must be defined. Use :ru
- syntax/hitest.vim to check if all highlight groups are defined.
- . Color names like "SlateBlue" should not be used, only hardcoded color
- like #rrggbb is acceptable, the fg and bg can be used though, Since
- fg and bg comes from the group Normal, and Normal group must be
- defined with #rrggbb form of foreground and background.
- . The following should exist in the file
- the highlight statement should be placed in between START and END.
- All statement other than the 'highlight' will be silently discarded.
- You can put dark color scheme defines in dark color define section,
- or light color scheme in light color section. It doesn't matter if
- you have nothing in the section, since the defaults are used.
- However, the defaults will not be tuned in the HSL color space,
- which may be you want, and may not!
- Further statements can be put in color links define section, you can
- put any 'highlight' statements in this section since the statements
- in this section will be execute unparsed, if you want to manually
- change some groups in a reloaded scheme, put something there.
-PCR FAQ AND TIPS *pcr-faq*
- Q: How to make my own color to be tunable?
- A: Your own color scheme must conform to some restrictions,
- see |pcr-custom-data| for details.
- Q: How to run reloaded.vim without having ps_color.vim?
- A: reloaded.vim is just a utility to reload colorscheme, it does not
- contain any colors. You must have a data file, or to say
- colorscheme, contains the 'highlight' statements like those in
- ps_color.vim, and tell the reloaded.vim to use that file.
- Instructions on creating custom data file is described in
- |pcr-custom-data|.
- Q: How to export the tuned output to create new color scheme?
- A: This is still under construction, currently you can set verbose in
- the command line parameter and capture the output, but it is not
- working very well.
- Q: Why this should be a colorschme instead of a plugin utility?
- A: This seems to be a Vim bug (or to say 'feature' if you prefer), the
- main function will hang up if run as a plugin and you will not be
- able to source the colorscheme in the current Vim session, so,
- please put reloaded.vim in ~/.vim/colors, do NOT put it in
- ~/.vim/plugin !
- Q: Why it is impossible to browse functions in reloaded.vim with
- taglist plugin?
- A: The old versions of exuberant ctags utility do not cope with <sid>
- functions very well, please download and recompile the newest
- version of exuberant ctags utility.
-PCR TODO LIST *pcr-todo*
- o Fix the remaining bugs.
- o Try to be able to parse color names
- o Improve the output feature
-}}}2 vim600:fdm=marker:fdl=1: