path: root/.vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/custommacros.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 257 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/custommacros.vim b/.vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/custommacros.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b1c6bd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/custommacros.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+" File: custommacros.vim
+" Author: Mikolaj Machowski
+" Version: 1.0
+" Created: Tue Apr 23 05:00 PM 2002 PST
+" CVS: $Id: custommacros.vim 997 2006-03-20 09:45:45Z srinathava $
+" Description: functions for processing custom macros in the
+" latex-suite/macros directory
+let s:path = expand('<sfile>:p:h')
+" Set path to macros dir dependent on OS {{{
+if has("unix") || has("macunix")
+ let s:macrodirpath = $HOME."/.vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/macros/"
+elseif has("win32")
+ if exists("$HOME")
+ let s:macrodirpath = $HOME."/vimfiles/ftplugin/latex-suite/macros/"
+ else
+ let s:macrodirpath = $VIM."/vimfiles/ftplugin/latex-suite/macros/"
+ endif
+" }}}
+" SetCustomMacrosMenu: sets up the menu for Macros {{{
+function! <SID>SetCustomMacrosMenu()
+ let flist = Tex_FindInRtp('', 'macros')
+ exe 'amenu '.g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation.'&New :call <SID>NewMacro("FFFromMMMenu")<CR>'
+ exe 'amenu '.g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation.'&Redraw :call RedrawMacro()<CR>'
+ let i = 1
+ while 1
+ let fname = Tex_Strntok(flist, ',', i)
+ if fname == ''
+ break
+ endif
+ exe "amenu ".g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation."&Delete.&".i.":<tab>".fname." :call <SID>DeleteMacro('".fname."')<CR>"
+ exe "amenu ".g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation."&Edit.&".i.":<tab>".fname." :call <SID>EditMacro('".fname."')<CR>"
+ exe "imenu ".g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation."&".i.":<tab>".fname." <C-r>=<SID>ReadMacro('".fname."')<CR>"
+ exe "nmenu ".g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation."&".i.":<tab>".fname." i<C-r>=<SID>ReadMacro('".fname."')<CR>"
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+if g:Tex_Menus
+ call <SID>SetCustomMacrosMenu()
+" }}}
+" NewMacro: opens new file in macros directory {{{
+function! <SID>NewMacro(...)
+ " Allow for calling :TMacroNew without argument or from menu and prompt
+ " for name.
+ if a:0 > 0
+ let newmacroname = a:1
+ else
+ let newmacroname = input("Name of new macro: ")
+ if newmacroname == ''
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ if newmacroname == "FFFromMMMenu"
+ " Check if NewMacro was called from menu and prompt for insert macro
+ " name
+ let newmacroname = input("Name of new macro: ")
+ if newmacroname == ''
+ return
+ endif
+ elseif Tex_FindInRtp(newmacroname, 'macros') != ''
+ " If macro with this name already exists, prompt for another name.
+ exe "echomsg 'Macro ".newmacroname." already exists. Try another name.'"
+ let newmacroname = input("Name of new macro: ")
+ if newmacroname == ''
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(s:macrodirpath.newmacroname)
+ setlocal filetype=tex
+" }}}
+" RedrawMacro: refreshes macro menu {{{
+function! RedrawMacro()
+ aunmenu TeX-Suite.Macros
+ call <SID>SetCustomMacrosMenu()
+" }}}
+" ChooseMacro: choose a macro file {{{
+" " Description:
+function! s:ChooseMacro(ask)
+ let filelist = Tex_FindInRtp('', 'macros')
+ let filename = Tex_ChooseFromPrompt(
+ \ a:ask."\n" .
+ \ Tex_CreatePrompt(filelist, 2, ',') .
+ \ "\nEnter number or filename :",
+ \ filelist, ',')
+" }}}
+" DeleteMacro: deletes macro file {{{
+function! <SID>DeleteMacro(...)
+ if a:0 > 0
+ let filename = a:1
+ else
+ let filename = s:ChooseMacro('Choose a macro file for deletion :')
+ endif
+ if !filereadable(s:macrodirpath.filename)
+ " When file is not in local directory decline to remove it.
+ call confirm('This file is not in your local directory: '.filename."\n".
+ \ 'It will not be deleted.' , '&OK', 1)
+ else
+ let ch = confirm('Really delete '.filename.' ?', "&Yes\n&No", 2)
+ if ch == 1
+ call delete(s:macrodirpath.filename)
+ endif
+ call RedrawMacro()
+ endif
+" }}}
+" EditMacro: edits macro file {{{
+function! <SID>EditMacro(...)
+ if a:0 > 0
+ let filename = a:1
+ else
+ let filename = s:ChooseMacro('Choose a macro file for insertion:')
+ endif
+ if filereadable(s:macrodirpath.filename)
+ " If file exists in local directory open it.
+ exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(s:macrodirpath.filename)
+ else
+ " But if file doesn't exist in local dir it probably is in user
+ " restricted area. Instead opening try to copy it to local dir.
+ " Pity VimL doesn't have mkdir() function :)
+ let ch = confirm("You are trying to edit file which is probably read-only.\n".
+ \ "It will be copied to your local LaTeX-Suite macros directory\n".
+ \ "and you will be operating on local copy with suffix -local.\n".
+ \ "It will succeed only if ftplugin/latex-suite/macros dir exists.\n".
+ \ "Do you agree?", "&Yes\n&No", 1)
+ if ch == 1
+ " But there is possibility we already created local modification.
+ " Check it and offer opening this file.
+ if filereadable(s:macrodirpath.filename.'-local')
+ let ch = confirm('Local version of '.filename." already exists.\n".
+ \ 'Do you want to open it or overwrite with original version?',
+ \ "&Open\nOver&write\n&Cancel", 1)
+ if ch == 1
+ exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(s:macrodirpath.filename.'-local')
+ elseif ch == 2
+ new
+ exe '0read '.Tex_FindInRtp(filename, 'macros')
+ " This is possible macro was edited before, wipe it out.
+ if bufexists(s:macrodirpath.filename.'-local')
+ exe 'bwipe '.s:macrodirpath.filename.'-local'
+ endif
+ exe 'write! '.s:macrodirpath.filename.'-local'
+ else
+ return
+ endif
+ else
+ " If file doesn't exist, open new file, read in system macro and
+ " save it in local macro dir with suffix -local
+ new
+ exe '0read '.Tex_FindInRtp(filename, 'macros')
+ exe 'write '.s:macrodirpath.filename.'-local'
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ setlocal filetype=tex
+" }}}
+" ReadMacro: reads in a macro from a macro file. {{{
+" allowing for placement via placeholders.
+function! <SID>ReadMacro(...)
+ if a:0 > 0
+ let filename = a:1
+ else
+ let filelist = Tex_FindInRtp('', 'macros')
+ let filename =
+ \ Tex_ChooseFromPrompt("Choose a macro file:\n" .
+ \ Tex_CreatePrompt(filelist, 2, ',') .
+ \ "\nEnter number or name of file :",
+ \ filelist, ',')
+ endif
+ let fname = Tex_FindInRtp(filename, 'macros', ':p')
+ let markerString = '<---- Latex Suite End Macro ---->'
+ let _a = @a
+ let position = line('.').' | normal! '.virtcol('.').'|'
+ silent! call append(line('.'), markerString)
+ silent! exec "read ".fname
+ silent! exec "normal! V/^".markerString."$/-1\<CR>\"ax"
+ " This is kind of tricky: At this stage, we are one line after the one we
+ " started from with the marker text on it. We need to
+ " 1. remove the marker and the line.
+ " 2. get focus to the previous line.
+ " 3. not remove anything from the previous line.
+ silent! exec "normal! $v0k$\"_x"
+ call Tex_CleanSearchHistory()
+ let @a = substitute(@a, '['."\n\r\t ".']*$', '', '')
+ let textWithMovement = IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(@a)
+ let @a = _a
+ return textWithMovement
+" }}}
+" commands for macros {{{
+com! -nargs=? TMacroNew :call <SID>NewMacro(<f-args>)
+" This macros had to have 2 versions:
+if v:version >= 602
+ com! -complete=custom,Tex_CompleteMacroName -nargs=? TMacro
+ \ :let s:retVal = <SID>ReadMacro(<f-args>) <bar> normal! i<C-r>=s:retVal<CR>
+ com! -complete=custom,Tex_CompleteMacroName -nargs=? TMacroEdit
+ \ :call <SID>EditMacro(<f-args>)
+ com! -complete=custom,Tex_CompleteMacroName -nargs=? TMacroDelete
+ \ :call <SID>DeleteMacro(<f-args>)
+ " Tex_CompleteMacroName: for completing names in TMacro... commands {{{
+ " Description: get list of macro names with Tex_FindInRtp(), remove full path
+ " and return list of names separated with newlines.
+ "
+ function! Tex_CompleteMacroName(A,P,L)
+ " Get name of macros from all runtimepath directories
+ let macronames = Tex_FindInRtp('', 'macros')
+ " Separate names with \n not ,
+ let macronames = substitute(macronames,',','\n','g')
+ return macronames
+ endfunction
+ " }}}
+ com! -nargs=? TMacro
+ \ :let s:retVal = <SID>ReadMacro(<f-args>) <bar> normal! i<C-r>=s:retVal<CR>
+ com! -nargs=? TMacroEdit :call <SID>EditMacro(<f-args>)
+ com! -nargs=? TMacroDelete :call <SID>DeleteMacro(<f-args>)
+" }}}
+" vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4