path: root/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texviewer.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texviewer.vim')
1 files changed, 1052 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texviewer.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texviewer.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dc8861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texviewer.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1052 @@
+" ============================================================================
+" File: texviewer.vim
+" Author: Mikolaj Machowski
+" Created: Sun Jan 26 06:00 PM 2003
+" Description: make a viewer for various purposes: \cite{, \ref{
+" License: Vim Charityware License
+" Part of vim-latexSuite: http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net
+" CVS: $Id: texviewer.vim 1004 2006-03-25 08:40:15Z srinathava $
+" ============================================================================
+" Tex_SetTexViewerMaps: sets maps for this ftplugin {{{
+function! Tex_SetTexViewerMaps()
+ inoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_Completion <Esc>:call Tex_Complete("default","text")<CR>
+ if !hasmapto('<Plug>Tex_Completion', 'i')
+ if has('gui_running')
+ imap <buffer> <silent> <F9> <Plug>Tex_Completion
+ else
+ imap <buffer> <F9> <Plug>Tex_Completion
+ endif
+ endif
+augroup LatexSuite
+ au LatexSuite User LatexSuiteFileType
+ \ call Tex_Debug('texviewer.vim: Catching LatexSuiteFileType event', 'view') |
+ \ call Tex_SetTexViewerMaps()
+augroup END
+command -nargs=1 TLook call Tex_Complete(<q-args>, 'tex')
+command -nargs=1 TLookAll call Tex_Complete(<q-args>, 'all')
+command -nargs=1 TLookBib call Tex_Complete(<q-args>, 'bib')
+" }}}
+" ==============================================================================
+" Main completion function
+" ==============================================================================
+" Tex_Complete: main function {{{
+" Description:
+function! Tex_Complete(what, where)
+ " Get info about current window and position of cursor in file
+ let s:winnum = winnr()
+ " Change to the directory of the file being edited before running all the
+ " :grep commands. We will change back to the original directory after we
+ " finish with the grep.
+ let s:origdir = getcwd()
+ cd %:p:h
+ let s:pos = line('.').' | normal! '.virtcol('.').'|'
+ unlet! s:type
+ unlet! s:typeoption
+ if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_WriteBeforeCompletion') == 1
+ wall
+ endif
+ if a:where == "text"
+ " What to do after <F9> depending on context
+ let s:curfile = expand("%:p")
+ let s:curline = strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.'))
+ let s:prefix = matchstr(s:curline, '.*{\zs.\{-}\(}\|$\)')
+ " a command is of the type
+ " \psfig[option=value]{figure=}
+ " Thus
+ " s:curline = '\psfig[option=value]{figure='
+ " (with possibly some junk before \psfig)
+ " from which we need to extract
+ " s:type = 'psfig'
+ " s:typeoption = '[option=value]'
+ let pattern = '.*\\\(\w\{-}\)\(\[.\{-}\]\)\?{\(\S\+\)\?$'
+ if s:curline =~ pattern
+ let s:type = substitute(s:curline, pattern, '\1', 'e')
+ let s:typeoption = substitute(s:curline, pattern, '\2', 'e')
+ call Tex_Debug('Tex_Complete: s:type = '.s:type.', typeoption = '.s:typeoption, 'view')
+ endif
+ if exists("s:type") && s:type =~ 'ref'
+ if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseOutlineCompletion') == 1
+ call Tex_Debug("Tex_Complete: using outline search method", "view")
+ call Tex_StartOutlineCompletion()
+ elseif Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseSimpleLabelSearch') == 1
+ call Tex_Debug("Tex_Complete: searching for \\labels in all .tex files in the present directory", "view")
+ call Tex_Debug("Tex_Complete: silent! grep! ".Tex_EscapeForGrep('\\label{'.s:prefix)." *.tex", 'view')
+ call Tex_Grep('\\label{'.s:prefix, '*.tex')
+ call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow()
+ elseif Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ProjectSourceFiles') != ''
+ call Tex_Debug('Tex_Complete: searching for \\labels in all Tex_ProjectSourceFiles', 'view')
+ call Tex_CD(Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:h'))
+ call Tex_Grep('\\label{'.s:prefix, Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ProjectSourceFiles'))
+ call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow()
+ else
+ call Tex_Debug("Tex_Complete: calling Tex_GrepHelper", "view")
+ silent! grep! ____HIGHLY_IMPROBABLE___ %
+ call Tex_GrepHelper(s:prefix, 'label')
+ call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow()
+ endif
+ redraw!
+ elseif exists("s:type") && s:type =~ 'cite'
+ let s:prefix = matchstr(s:prefix, '\([^,]\+,\)*\zs\([^,]\+\)\ze$')
+ call Tex_Debug(":Tex_Complete: using s:prefix = ".s:prefix, "view")
+ if has('python') && Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UsePython')
+ \ && Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseCiteCompletionVer2') == 1
+ call Tex_CD(s:origdir)
+ silent! call Tex_StartCiteCompletion()
+ elseif Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseJabref') == 1
+ call Tex_CD(s:origdir)
+ let g:Remote_WaitingForCite = 1
+ let citation = input('Enter citation from jabref (<enter> to leave blank): ')
+ let g:Remote_WaitingForCite = 0
+ call Tex_CompleteWord(citation)
+ else
+ " grep! nothing %
+ " does _not_ clear the search history contrary to what the
+ " help-docs say. This was expected. So use something improbable.
+ " TODO: Is there a way to clear the search-history w/o making a
+ " useless, inefficient search?
+ silent! grep! ____HIGHLY_IMPROBABLE___ %
+ if g:Tex_RememberCiteSearch && exists('s:citeSearchHistory')
+ call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow(s:citeSearchHistory)
+ else
+ call Tex_GrepHelper(s:prefix, 'bib')
+ redraw!
+ call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow()
+ endif
+ if g:Tex_RememberCiteSearch && &ft == 'qf'
+ let _a = @a
+ silent! normal! ggVG"ay
+ let s:citeSearchHistory = @a
+ let @a = _a
+ endif
+ endif
+ elseif exists("s:type") && (s:type =~ 'includegraphics' || s:type == 'psfig')
+ call Tex_SetupFileCompletion(
+ \ '',
+ \ '^\.\\|\.tex$\\|\.bib$\\|\.bbl$\\|\.zip$\\|\.gz$',
+ \ 'noext')
+ elseif exists("s:type") && s:type == 'bibliography'
+ call Tex_SetupFileCompletion(
+ \ '\.b..$',
+ \ '',
+ \ 'noext')
+ elseif exists("s:type") && s:type =~ 'include\(only\)\='
+ call Tex_SetupFileCompletion(
+ \ '\.t..$',
+ \ '',
+ \ 'noext')
+ elseif exists("s:type") && s:type == 'input'
+ call Tex_SetupFileCompletion(
+ \ '',
+ \ '',
+ \ 'ext')
+ elseif exists('s:type') && exists("g:Tex_completion_".s:type)
+ call <SID>Tex_CompleteRefCiteCustom('plugin_'.s:type)
+ else
+ let s:word = expand('<cword>')
+ if s:word == ''
+ if col('.') == strlen(getline('.'))
+ startinsert!
+ return
+ else
+ normal! l
+ startinsert
+ return
+ endif
+ endif
+ call Tex_Debug("silent! grep! ".Tex_EscapeForGrep('\<'.s:word.'\>')." *.tex", 'view')
+ call Tex_Grep('\<'.s:word.'\>', '*.tex')
+ call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow()
+ endif
+ elseif a:where == 'tex'
+ " Process :TLook command
+ call Tex_Grep(a:what, "*.tex")
+ call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow()
+ elseif a:where == 'bib'
+ " Process :TLookBib command
+ call Tex_Grep(a:what, "*.bib")
+ call Tex_Grepadd(a:what, "*.bbl")
+ call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow()
+ elseif a:where == 'all'
+ " Process :TLookAll command
+ call Tex_Grep(a:what, "*")
+ call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow()
+ endif
+" }}}
+" Tex_CompleteWord: inserts a word at the chosen location {{{
+" Description: This function is meant to be called when the user press
+" ``<enter>`` in one of the [Error List] windows which shows the list of
+" matches. completeword is the rest of the word which needs to be inserted.
+function! Tex_CompleteWord(completeword)
+ exe s:pos
+ " Complete word, check if add closing }
+ exe 'normal! a'.a:completeword."\<Esc>"
+ if getline('.')[col('.')-1] !~ '{' && getline('.')[col('.')] !~ '}'
+ exe "normal! a}\<Esc>"
+ endif
+ " Return to Insert mode
+ if col('.') == strlen(getline('.'))
+ startinsert!
+ else
+ normal! l
+ startinsert
+ endif
+endfunction " }}}
+" ==============================================================================
+" File name completion helper functons
+" ==============================================================================
+" Tex_SetupFileCompletion: {{{
+" Description:
+function! Tex_SetupFileCompletion(accept, reject, ext)
+ call FB_SetVar('FB_AllowRegexp', a:accept)
+ call FB_SetVar('FB_RejectRegexp', a:reject)
+ call FB_SetVar('FB_CallBackFunction', 'Tex_CompleteFileName')
+ call FB_SetVar('FB_CallBackFunctionArgs', '"'.a:ext.'"')
+ call FB_OpenFileBrowser('.')
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_CompleteFileName: {{{
+" Description:
+function! Tex_CompleteFileName(filename, ext)
+ call Tex_Debug('+Tex_CompleteFileName: getting filename '.a:filename, 'view')
+ if a:ext == 'noext'
+ let completeword = fnamemodify(a:filename, ':r')
+ endif
+ let completeword = Tex_RelPath(completeword, Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:h'))
+ call Tex_Debug(":Tex_CompleteFileName: completing with ".completeword, "view")
+ call Tex_CompleteWord(completeword)
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_Common: common part of strings {{{
+function! s:Tex_Common(path1, path2)
+ " Assume the caller handles 'ignorecase'
+ if a:path1 == a:path2
+ return a:path1
+ endif
+ let n = 0
+ while a:path1[n] == a:path2[n]
+ let n = n+1
+ endwhile
+ return strpart(a:path1, 0, n)
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_NormalizePath: {{{
+" Description:
+function! Tex_NormalizePath(path)
+ let retpath = a:path
+ if has("win32") || has("win16") || has("dos32") || has("dos16")
+ let retpath = substitute(retpath, '\\', '/', 'ge')
+ endif
+ if isdirectory(retpath) && retpath !~ '/$'
+ let retpath = retpath.'/'
+ endif
+ return retpath
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_RelPath: ultimate file name {{{
+function! Tex_RelPath(explfilename,texfilename)
+ let path1 = Tex_NormalizePath(a:explfilename)
+ let path2 = Tex_NormalizePath(a:texfilename)
+ let n = matchend(<SID>Tex_Common(path1, path2), '.*/')
+ let path1 = strpart(path1, n)
+ let path2 = strpart(path2, n)
+ if path2 !~ '/'
+ let subrelpath = ''
+ else
+ let subrelpath = substitute(path2, '[^/]\{-}/', '../', 'ge')
+ let subrelpath = substitute(subrelpath, '[^/]*$', '', 'ge')
+ endif
+ let relpath = subrelpath.path1
+ return escape(Tex_NormalizePath(relpath), ' ')
+endfunction " }}}
+" ==============================================================================
+" Helper functions for dealing with the 'quickfix' and 'preview' windows.
+" ==============================================================================
+" Tex_SetupCWindow: set maps and local settings for cwindow {{{
+" Description: Set local maps jkJKq<cr> for cwindow. Also size and basic
+" settings
+function! s:Tex_SetupCWindow(...)
+ call Tex_Debug('+Tex_SetupCWindow', 'view')
+ cclose
+ exe 'copen '. g:Tex_ViewerCwindowHeight
+ " If called with an argument, it means we want to re-use some search
+ " history from last time. Therefore, just paste it here and proceed.
+ if a:0 == 1
+ set modifiable
+ % d _
+ silent! 0put!=a:1
+ $ d _
+ endif
+ setlocal nonumber
+ setlocal nowrap
+ let s:scrollOffVal = &scrolloff
+ call <SID>Tex_SyncPreviewWindow()
+ " If everything went well, then we should be situated in the quickfix
+ " window. If there were problems, (no matches etc), then we will not be.
+ " Therefore return.
+ if &ft != 'qf'
+ call Tex_Debug('not in quickfix window, quitting', 'view')
+ return
+ endif
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> j j:call <SID>Tex_SyncPreviewWindow()<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> k k:call <SID>Tex_SyncPreviewWindow()<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <up> <up>:call <SID>Tex_SyncPreviewWindow()<CR>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <down> <down>:call <SID>Tex_SyncPreviewWindow()<CR>
+ " Change behaviour of <cr> only for 'ref' and 'cite' context.
+ if exists("s:type") && s:type =~ 'ref\|cite'
+ exec 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <cr> '
+ \ .':set scrolloff='.s:scrollOffVal.'<CR>'
+ \ .':cd '.s:origdir.'<CR>'
+ \ .':silent! call <SID>Tex_CompleteRefCiteCustom("'.s:type.'")<CR>'
+ else
+ " In other contexts jump to place described in cwindow and close small
+ " windows
+ exec 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <cr> '
+ \ .':set scrolloff='.s:scrollOffVal.'<CR>'
+ \ .':cd '.s:origdir.'<CR>'
+ \ .':call <SID>Tex_GoToLocation()<cr>'
+ endif
+ " Scroll the preview window while in the quickfix window
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> J :wincmd j<cr><c-e>:wincmd k<cr>
+ nnoremap <buffer> <silent> K :wincmd j<cr><c-y>:wincmd k<cr>
+ " Exit the quickfix window without doing anything.
+ exe 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q '
+ \ .':set scrolloff='.s:scrollOffVal.'<CR>'
+ \ .':cd '.s:origdir.'<CR>'
+ \ .':call Tex_CloseSmallWindows()<CR>'
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_CompleteRefCiteCustom: complete/insert name for current item {{{
+" Description: handle completion of items depending on current context
+function! s:Tex_CompleteRefCiteCustom(type)
+ if a:type =~ 'cite'
+ if getline('.') =~ '\\bibitem{'
+ let bibkey = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\bibitem{\zs.\{-}\ze}')
+ else
+ let bibkey = matchstr(getline('.'), '{\zs.\{-}\ze\(,\|$\)')
+ endif
+ let completeword = strpart(bibkey, strlen(s:prefix))
+ elseif a:type =~ 'ref'
+ let label = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\label{\zs.\{-}\ze}')
+ let completeword = strpart(label, strlen(s:prefix))
+ elseif a:type =~ '^plugin_'
+ let type = substitute(a:type, '^plugin_', '', '')
+ let completeword = <SID>Tex_DoCompletion(type)
+ endif
+ call Tex_CloseSmallWindows()
+ call Tex_Debug(":Tex_CompleteRefCiteCustom: completing with ".completeword, "view")
+ call Tex_CompleteWord(completeword)
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_SyncPreviewWindow: synchronize quickfix and preview window {{{
+" Description: Usually quickfix engine takes care about most of these things
+" but we discard it for better control of events.
+function! s:Tex_SyncPreviewWindow()
+ call Tex_Debug('+Tex_SyncPreviewWindow', 'view')
+ let viewfile = matchstr(getline('.'), '^\f*\ze|\d')
+ let viewline = matchstr(getline('.'), '|\zs\d\+\ze')
+ " Hilight current line in cwindow
+ " Normally hightlighting is done with quickfix engine but we use something
+ " different and have to do it separately
+ syntax clear
+ runtime syntax/qf.vim
+ exe 'syn match vTodo /\%'. line('.') .'l.*/'
+ hi link vTodo Todo
+ " Close preview window and open it again in new place
+ pclose
+ exe 'silent! bot pedit +'.viewline.' '.viewfile
+ " Vanilla 6.1 has bug. This additional setting of cwindow height prevents
+ " resizing of this window
+ exe g:Tex_ViewerCwindowHeight.' wincmd _'
+ " Handle situation if there is no item beginning with s:prefix.
+ " Unfortunately, because we know it late we have to close everything and
+ " return as in complete process
+ if v:errmsg =~ 'E32\>'
+ exe s:winnum.' wincmd w'
+ pclose!
+ cclose
+ if exists("s:prefix")
+ echomsg 'No bibkey, label or word beginning with "'.s:prefix.'"'
+ endif
+ if col('.') == strlen(getline('.'))
+ startinsert!
+ else
+ normal! l
+ startinsert
+ endif
+ let v:errmsg = ''
+ call Tex_Debug('Tex_SyncPreviewWindow: got error E32, no matches found, quitting', 'view')
+ return 0
+ endif
+ " Move to preview window. Really is it under cwindow?
+ wincmd j
+ " Settings of preview window
+ exe g:Tex_ViewerPreviewHeight.' wincmd _'
+ setlocal nofoldenable
+ if exists('s:type') && s:type =~ 'cite'
+ " In cite context place bibkey at the top of preview window.
+ setlocal scrolloff=0
+ normal! zt
+ else
+ " In other contexts in the middle. Highlight this line?
+ setlocal scrolloff=100
+ normal! z.
+ endif
+ " Return to cwindow
+ wincmd p
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_CloseSmallWindows: {{{
+" Description:
+function! Tex_CloseSmallWindows()
+ exe s:winnum.' wincmd w'
+ pclose!
+ cclose
+ exe s:pos
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_GoToLocation: Go to chosen location {{{
+" Description: Get number of current line and go to this number
+function! s:Tex_GoToLocation()
+ pclose!
+ let errmsg = v:errmsg
+ let v:errmsg = ''
+ exe 'silent! cc ' . line('.')
+ " If the current buffer is modified, then split
+ if v:errmsg =~ '^E37:'
+ split
+ exe 'silent! cc ' . line('.')
+ endif
+ cclose
+ let v:errmsg = errmsg
+endfunction " }}}
+" ==============================================================================
+" Functions for finding \\label's or \\bibitem's in the main file.
+" ==============================================================================
+" Tex_GrepHelper: grep main filename for \\bibitem's or \\label's {{{
+" Description:
+function! Tex_GrepHelper(prefix, what)
+ let _path = &path
+ let _suffixesadd = &suffixesadd
+ let _hidden = &hidden
+ let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p')
+ " If we are already editing the file, then use :split without any
+ " arguments so it works even if the file is modified.
+ " FIXME: If mainfname is being presently edited in another window and
+ " is 'modified', then the second split statement will not work.
+ " We will need to travel to that window and back.
+ if mainfname == expand('%:p')
+ split
+ else
+ exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(mainfname)
+ endif
+ let pos = line('.').'| normal! '.virtcol('.').'|'
+ if a:what =~ 'bib'
+ call Tex_ScanFileForCite(a:prefix)
+ else
+ call Tex_ScanFileForLabels(a:prefix)
+ endif
+ exec pos
+ q
+ let &path = _path
+ let &suffixesadd = _suffixesadd
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_ScanFileForCite: search for \bibitem's in .bib or .bbl or tex files {{{
+" Description:
+" Search for bibliographic entries in the presently edited file in the
+" following manner:
+" 1. First see if the file has a \bibliography command.
+" If YES:
+" 1. If a .bib file corresponding to the \bibliography command can be
+" found, then search for '@.*'.a:prefix inside it.
+" 2. Otherwise, if a .bbl file corresponding to the \bibliography command
+" can be found, then search for '\bibitem'.a:prefix inside it.
+" 2. Next see if the file has a \thebibliography environment
+" If YES:
+" 1. Search for '\bibitem'.a:prefix in this file.
+" If neither a \bibliography or \begin{thebibliography} are found, then repeat
+" steps 1 and 2 for every file \input'ed into this file. Abort any searching
+" as soon as the first \bibliography or \begin{thebibliography} is found.
+function! Tex_ScanFileForCite(prefix)
+ call Tex_Debug('+Tex_ScanFileForCite: searching for bibkeys in '.bufname('%').' (buffer #'.bufnr('%').')', 'view')
+ let presBufNum = bufnr('%')
+ let foundCiteFile = 0
+ " First find out if this file has a \bibliography command in it. If so,
+ " assume that this is the only file in the project which defines a
+ " bibliography.
+ if search('\\\(no\)\?bibliography{', 'w')
+ call Tex_Debug('Tex_ScanFileForCite: found bibliography command in '.bufname('%'), 'view')
+ " convey that we have found a bibliography command. we do not need to
+ " proceed any further.
+ let foundCiteFile = 1
+ " extract the bibliography filenames from the command.
+ let bibnames = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\\(no\)\?bibliography{\zs.\{-}\ze}')
+ let bibnames = substitute(bibnames, '\s', '', 'g')
+ call Tex_Debug('trying to search through ['.bibnames.']', 'view')
+ let &path = '.,'.g:Tex_BIBINPUTS
+ let i = 1
+ while 1
+ let bibname = Tex_Strntok(bibnames, ',', i)
+ if bibname == ''
+ break
+ endif
+ " first try to find if a .bib file exists. If so do not search in
+ " the corresponding .bbl file. (because the .bbl file will most
+ " probly be generated automatically from the .bib file with
+ " bibtex).
+ let fname = Tex_FindFile(bibname, '.,'.g:Tex_BIBINPUTS, '.bib')
+ if fname != ''
+ call Tex_Debug('finding .bib file ['.bufname('%').']', 'view')
+ exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(fname)
+ call Tex_Grepadd('@.*{'.a:prefix, "%")
+ q
+ else
+ let fname = Tex_FindFile(bibname, '.,'.g:Tex_BIBINPUTS, '.bbl')
+ if fname != ''
+ exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(fname)
+ call Tex_Debug('finding .bbl file ['.bufname('.').']', 'view')
+ call Tex_Grepadd('\\bibitem{'.a:prefix, "%")
+ q
+ endif
+ endif
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+ if foundCiteFile
+ return 1
+ endif
+ endif
+ " If we have a thebibliography environment, then again assume that this is
+ " the only file which defines the bib-keys. Aand convey this information
+ " upwards by returning 1.
+ if search('^\s*\\begin{thebibliography}', 'w')
+ call Tex_Debug('got a thebibliography environment in '.bufname('%'), 'view')
+ let foundCiteFile = 1
+ split
+ lcd %:p:h
+ call Tex_Debug("silent! grepadd! ".Tex_EscapeForGrep('\\bibitem{'.a:prefix)." %", 'view')
+ call Tex_Grepadd('\\bibitem{'.a:prefix, "%")
+ q
+ return 1
+ endif
+ " If we have not found any \bibliography or \thebibliography environment
+ " in this file, search for these environments in all the files which this
+ " file includes.
+ exec 0
+ let wrap = 'w'
+ while search('^\s*\\\(input\|include\)', wrap)
+ let wrap = 'W'
+ let filename = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\\(input\|include\){\zs.\{-}\ze}')
+ let foundfile = Tex_FindFile(filename, '.,'.g:Tex_TEXINPUTS, '.tex')
+ if foundfile != ''
+ exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(foundfile)
+ call Tex_Debug('scanning recursively in ['.foundfile.']', 'view')
+ let foundCiteFile = Tex_ScanFileForCite(a:prefix)
+ q
+ endif
+ if foundCiteFile
+ return 1
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ return 0
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_ScanFileForLabels: greps present file and included files for \\label's {{{
+" Description:
+" Grep the presently edited file for \\label's. If the present file \include's
+" or \input's other files, then recursively scan those as well, i.e we support
+" arbitrary levels of \input'ed-ness.
+function! Tex_ScanFileForLabels(prefix)
+ call Tex_Debug("+Tex_ScanFileForLabels: grepping in file [".bufname('%')."]", "view")
+ lcd %:p:h
+ call Tex_Grepadd('\\label{'.a:prefix, "%")
+ " Then recursively grep for all \include'd or \input'ed files.
+ exec 0
+ let wrap = 'w'
+ while search('^\s*\\\(input\|include\)', wrap)
+ let wrap = 'W'
+ let filename = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\\(input\|include\){\zs.\{-}\ze}')
+ let foundfile = Tex_FindFile(filename, '.,'.Tex_TEXINPUTS, '.tex')
+ if foundfile != ''
+ exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(foundfile)
+ call Tex_Debug('Tex_ScanFileForLabels: scanning recursively in ['.foundfile.']', 'view')
+ call Tex_ScanFileForLabels(a:prefix)
+ q
+ endif
+ endwhile
+endfunction " }}}
+" ==============================================================================
+" Functions for custom command completion
+" ==============================================================================
+" Tex_completion_{var}: similar variables can be set in package files {{{
+let g:Tex_completion_bibliographystyle = 'abbr,alpha,plain,unsrt'
+let g:Tex_completion_addtocontents = 'lof}{,lot}{,toc}{'
+let g:Tex_completion_addcontentsline = 'lof}{figure}{,lot}{table}{,toc}{chapter}{,toc}{part}{,'.
+ \ 'toc}{section}{,toc}{subsection}{,toc}{paragraph}{,'.
+ \ 'toc}{subparagraph}{'
+" }}}
+" Tex_PromptForCompletion: prompts for a completion {{{
+" Description:
+function! s:Tex_PromptForCompletion(texcommand,ask)
+ let common_completion_prompt =
+ \ Tex_CreatePrompt(g:Tex_completion_{a:texcommand}, 2, ',') . "\n" .
+ \ 'Enter number or completion: '
+ let inp = input(a:ask."\n".common_completion_prompt)
+ if inp =~ '^[0-9]\+$'
+ let completion = Tex_Strntok(g:Tex_completion_{a:texcommand}, ',', inp)
+ else
+ let completion = inp
+ endif
+ return completion
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_DoCompletion: fast insertion of completion {{{
+" Description:
+function! s:Tex_DoCompletion(texcommand)
+ let completion = <SID>Tex_PromptForCompletion(a:texcommand, 'Choose a completion to insert: ')
+ if completion != ''
+ return completion
+ else
+ return ''
+ endif
+endfunction " }}}
+" ==============================================================================
+" Functions for presenting an outlined version for completion
+" ==============================================================================
+" Tex_StartOutlineCompletion: sets up an outline window {{{
+" get the place where this plugin resides for setting cpt and dict options.
+" these lines need to be outside the function.
+let s:path = expand('<sfile>:p:h')
+if has('python') && Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UsePython')
+ python import sys, re
+ exec "python sys.path += [r'". s:path . "']"
+ python import outline
+function! Tex_StartOutlineCompletion()
+ let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p')
+ " open the buffer
+ let _report = &report
+ let _cmdheight=&cmdheight
+ let _lazyredraw = &lazyredraw
+ set report=1000
+ set cmdheight=1
+ set lazyredraw
+ bot split __OUTLINE__
+ exec Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_OutlineWindowHeight', 15).' wincmd _'
+ setlocal modifiable
+ setlocal noswapfile
+ setlocal buftype=nowrite
+ setlocal bufhidden=delete
+ setlocal nowrap
+ setlocal foldmethod=marker
+ setlocal foldmarker=<<<,>>>
+ " delete everything in it to the blackhole
+ % d _
+ if has('python') && Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UsePython')
+ exec 'python retval = outline.main('
+ \. 'r"' . fnamemodify(mainfname, ':p') . '", '
+ \. 'r"' . s:prefix . '")'
+ " transfer variable from python to a local variable.
+ python vim.command("""let retval = "%s" """ % re.sub(r'"|\\', r'\\\g<0>', retval))
+ 0put!=retval
+ else
+ exec '0r!'.s:path.'/outline.py '.mainfname.' '.s:prefix
+ endif
+ 0
+ call Tex_SetupOutlineSyntax()
+ exec 'nnoremap <buffer> <cr> '
+ \ .':cd '.s:origdir.'<CR>'
+ \ .':call Tex_FinishOutlineCompletion()<CR>'
+ exec 'nnoremap <buffer> q '
+ \ .':cd '.s:origdir.'<CR>'
+ \ .':close<CR>'
+ " once the buffer is initialized, go back to the original settings.
+ setlocal nomodifiable
+ setlocal nomodified
+ let &report = _report
+ let &cmdheight = _cmdheight
+ let &lazyredraw = _lazyredraw
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_SetupOutlineSyntax: sets up the syntax items for the outline {{{
+" Description:
+function! Tex_SetupOutlineSyntax()
+ syn match outlineFileName "<\f\+>$" contained
+ syn match foldMarkers "<<<\d$" contained
+ syn match firstSemiColon '^:' contained
+ syn match firstAngle '^>' contained
+ syn match sectionNames '\(\d\.\)\+ .*' contains=foldMarkers
+ syn match previousLine '^:.*' contains=firstSemiColon
+ syn match labelLine '^>.*' contains=firstAngle,outlineFileName
+ hi def link outlineFileName Ignore
+ hi def link foldMarkers Ignore
+ hi def link firstSemiColon Ignore
+ hi def link firstAngle Ignore
+ hi def link sectionNames Type
+ hi def link previousLine Special
+ hi def link labelLine Comment
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_FinishOutlineCompletion: inserts the reference back in the text {{{
+function! Tex_FinishOutlineCompletion()
+ if getline('.') !~ '^[>:]'
+ return
+ endif
+ if getline('.') =~ '^>'
+ let ref_complete = matchstr(getline('.'), '^>\s\+\zs\S\+\ze')
+ elseif getline('.') =~ '^:'
+ let ref_complete = matchstr(getline(line('.')-1), '^>\s\+\zs\S\+\ze')
+ endif
+ let ref_remaining = strpart(ref_complete, strlen(s:prefix))
+ close
+ call Tex_CompleteWord(ref_remaining)
+endfunction " }}}
+" ==============================================================================
+" Functions for presenting a nicer list of bibtex entries
+" ==============================================================================
+" Tex_FindBibFiles: finds all .bib files used by the main file {{{
+" Description:
+function! Tex_FindBibFiles()
+ let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p')
+ wincmd n
+ exec 'silent! e '.mainfname
+ if search('\\\(no\)\?bibliography{', 'w')
+ call Tex_Debug('Tex_FindBibFiles: found bibliography command in '.bufname('%'), 'view')
+ " extract the bibliography filenames from the command.
+ let bibnames = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\\(no\)\?bibliography{\zs.\{-}\ze}')
+ let bibnames = substitute(bibnames, '\s', '', 'g')
+ call Tex_Debug(':Tex_FindBibFiles: trying to search through ['.bibnames.']', 'view')
+ let bibfiles = ''
+ let i = 1
+ while 1
+ let bibname = Tex_Strntok(bibnames, ',', i)
+ if bibname == ''
+ break
+ endif
+ let fname = Tex_FindFile(bibname, '.,'.g:Tex_BIBINPUTS, '.bib')
+ if fname != ''
+ let bibfiles = bibfiles.fname."\n"
+ endif
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+ call Tex_Debug(":Tex_FindBibFiles: returning [".bibfiles."]", "view")
+ q
+ return bibfiles
+ else
+ q
+ return ''
+ endif
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_StartBibtexOutline: sets up an outline window {{{
+" get the place where this plugin resides for setting cpt and dict options.
+" these lines need to be outside the function.
+if has('python') && Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UsePython')
+ python import sys, re
+ exec "python sys.path += [r'". s:path . "']"
+ python import bibtools
+function! Tex_StartCiteCompletion()
+ let bibfiles = Tex_FindBibFiles()
+ if bibfiles !~ '\S'
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echomsg 'No bibfiles found! Sorry'
+ echohl None
+ return
+ endif
+ bot split __OUTLINE__
+ exec Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_OutlineWindowHeight', 15).' wincmd _'
+ exec 'python Tex_BibFile = bibtools.BibFile("""'.bibfiles.'""")'
+ exec 'python Tex_BibFile.addfilter("key ^'.s:prefix.'")'
+ call Tex_DisplayBibList()
+ nnoremap <Plug>Tex_JumpToNextBibEntry :call search('^\S.*\]$', 'W')<CR>:call Tex_EchoBibShortcuts()<CR>z.
+ nnoremap <Plug>Tex_JumpToPrevBibEntry :call search('^\S.*\]$', 'bW')<CR>:call Tex_EchoBibShortcuts()<CR>z.
+ nnoremap <Plug>Tex_FilterBibEntries :call Tex_HandleBibShortcuts('filter')<CR>
+ nnoremap <Plug>Tex_RemoveBibFilters :call Tex_HandleBibShortcuts('remove_filters')<CR>
+ nnoremap <Plug>Tex_SortBibEntries :call Tex_HandleBibShortcuts('sort')<CR>
+ nnoremap <Plug>Tex_CompleteCiteEntry :call Tex_CompleteCiteEntry()<CR>
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> n <Plug>Tex_JumpToNextBibEntry
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> p <Plug>Tex_JumpToPrevBibEntry
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> f <Plug>Tex_FilterBibEntries
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> s <Plug>Tex_SortBibEntries
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> a <Plug>Tex_RemoveBibFilters
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> q :close<CR>
+ nmap <buffer> <silent> <CR> <Plug>Tex_CompleteCiteEntry
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_DisplayBibList: displays the list of bibtex entries {{{
+" Description:
+function! Tex_DisplayBibList()
+ " open the buffer
+ let _report = &report
+ let _cmdheight=&cmdheight
+ let _lazyredraw = &lazyredraw
+ set report=1000
+ set cmdheight=1
+ set lazyredraw
+ setlocal modifiable
+ setlocal noswapfile
+ setlocal buftype=nowrite
+ setlocal bufhidden=delete
+ setlocal nowrap
+ setlocal foldmethod=marker
+ setlocal foldmarker=<<<,>>>
+ " delete everything in it to the blackhole
+ % d _
+ exec 'python Tex_CurBuf = vim.current.buffer'
+ exec 'python Tex_CurBuf[:] = str(Tex_BibFile).splitlines()'
+ call Tex_SetupBibSyntax()
+ 0
+ call Tex_EchoBibShortcuts()
+ " once the buffer is initialized, go back to the original settings.
+ setlocal nomodifiable
+ setlocal nomodified
+ let &report = _report
+ let &cmdheight = _cmdheight
+ let &lazyredraw = _lazyredraw
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_EchoBibShortcuts: echos all the shortcuts in the status line {{{
+" Description:
+function! Tex_EchoBibShortcuts()
+ echomsg '(a) all (f) filter (s) sort (n) next (p) previous (q) quit (<CR>) choose'
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_SetupBibSyntax: sets up the syntax items for the outline {{{
+" Description:
+function! Tex_SetupBibSyntax()
+ syn match BibTitleHeader "^TI" contained
+ syn match BibAuthorHeader "^AU" contained
+ syn match BibLocationHeader "^IN" contained
+ syn match BibMiscHeader "^MI" contained
+ syn match BibKeyLine '^\S.*\]$' contains=BibKey
+ syn match BibTitle "^TI .*" contains=BibTitleHeader
+ syn match BibAuthor "^AU .*" contains=BibAuthorHeader
+ syn match BibLocation "^IN .*" contains=BibLocationHeader
+ syn match BibMisc "^MI .*" contains=BibMiscHeader
+ hi def link BibTitleHeader Ignore
+ hi def link BibAuthorHeader Ignore
+ hi def link BibLocationHeader Ignore
+ hi def link BibMiscHeader Ignore
+ hi def link BibKeyLine Visual
+ hi def link BibTitle Type
+ hi def link BibAuthor Special
+ hi def link BibLocation Comment
+ hi def link BibMisc Comment
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_HandleBibShortcuts: handles user keypresses {{{
+" Description:
+function! Tex_HandleBibShortcuts(command)
+ if a:command == 'filter' || a:command == 'sort'
+ let fieldprompt =
+ \ "Field acronyms: (`:let g:Tex_EchoBibFields = 0` to avoid this message)\n" .
+ \ " [t] title [a] author [b] booktitle \n" .
+ \ " [j] journal [y] year [p] bibtype \n" .
+ \ " (you can also enter the complete field name) \n"
+ let fieldprompt = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_BibFieldPrompt', fieldprompt)
+ if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_EchoBibFields', 1) == 1
+ echo fieldprompt
+ endif
+ let inp = input('Enter '.a:command.' criterion [field<space>value]: ')
+ if inp !~ '\v^\S+\s+\S.*'
+ echohl WarningMsg
+ echomsg 'Invalid filter specification. Use "field<space>value"'
+ echohl None
+ return
+ endif
+ if inp != ''
+ " If the field is specified as a single character, then replace
+ " it with the corresponding 'full form'.
+ if inp =~ '^[a-z]\>'
+ if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_BibAcronym_'.inp[0]) != ''
+ let inp = substitute(inp, '.', Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_BibAcronym_'.inp[0]), '')
+ elseif fieldprompt =~ '\['.inp[0].'\]'
+ let full = matchstr(fieldprompt, '\['.inp[0].'\] \zs\w\+\ze')
+ let inp = substitute(inp, '.', full, '')
+ endif
+ endif
+ call Tex_Debug(":Tex_HandleBibShortcuts: using inp = [".inp."]", "view")
+ if a:command == 'filter'
+ exec 'python Tex_BibFile.addfilter("'.inp.'")'
+ elseif a:command == 'sort'
+ exec "python Tex_BibFile.addsortfield(\"".inp."\")"
+ exec 'python Tex_BibFile.sort()'
+ endif
+ silent! call Tex_DisplayBibList()
+ endif
+ elseif a:command == 'remove_filters'
+ exec 'python Tex_BibFile.rmfilters()'
+ exec 'python Tex_BibFile.addfilter("key ^'.s:prefix.'")'
+ call Tex_DisplayBibList()
+ endif
+endfunction " }}}
+" Tex_CompleteCiteEntry: completes cite entry {{{
+" Description:
+function! Tex_CompleteCiteEntry()
+ normal! 0
+ call search('\[\S\+\]$', 'W')
+ if getline('.') !~ '\[\S\+\]$'
+ call search('\[\S\+\]$', 'bW')
+ endif
+ if getline('.') !~ '\[\S\+\]$'
+ return
+ endif
+ let ref = matchstr(getline('.'), '\[\zs\S\+\ze\]$')
+ close
+ call Tex_Debug(":Tex_CompleteCiteEntry: completing with ".ref, "view")
+ call Tex_CompleteWord(strpart(ref, strlen(s:prefix)))
+endfunction " }}}
+com! -nargs=0 TClearCiteHist unlet! s:citeSearchHistory
+" vim:fdm=marker:nowrap:noet:ff=unix:ts=4:sw=4