This is a skeleton for a checkscript for autolab. In order to make this happen there are a small battery of SML scripts. New in f17 for 15-317: we introduce a directory per assignment containing the autolab checks, rather than using a single "src" directory that gets modified every time we have a new assignment. The central one is `checks.sml`. In it, you can describe a sequence of checks to perform (not necessarily related to any given problem). You can also describe a series of Autolab problems to grade. These checks and problems belong in the variable `checks`. See the file for examples and further documentation. When writing your checks, you should assume that a given student's files are in the subdirectory `./handin` (relative to the file `main.sml`) during check execution. This file is loaded by the file `main.sml`. This file runs the tests described in the the `checks` variable from `checks.sml` and outputs a correctly-formatted [Autolab score string]. You should never need to edit main.sml. The file `helper.sml` provides a variety of helper functions for grading, described In order to create an autolab test for homework NN, we recommend you do the following: - Copy `./skel/*` to `./NN/` - If you want to check your students submitted the correct files, use the checkFilesExist check described in the skeleton `checks.sml`. It will check that each file in the list exists under the directory `./handin`, and will abort the grading if it is missing. - To keep things organised, put various utilities, etc., you need to grade assignments under `./NN/support/`. - If you're doing anything really really funky, update the `autograde` target in `./NN/Makefile` . It **must** generate the file `./autograde.tar` containing all files you require for your checks. The skeleton Makefile at the time of this writing simply creates a tarball with the contents of `./NN/*` in the top level, and dereferences any symlinks. - Test your scripts using `./NN/test_checks.sh` (see below). - Run `make NN-autograde` to generate `autograder.tar`. - Upload `./autograder.tar` and `autograde-Makefile` to Autolab. And you're all set. If you want to automatically test your `./NN/checks.sml` against some submissions to make sure the output scores are reasonable, the script `./NN/test_checks.sh` will look in the directory `./NN/test_handins/` for test submissions, and will run your check scripts against them. See `./NN/test_handins/README` for more details. I know of no *clean* way to abort the autograder without updating any scores. The semantically cleanest way is to return an empty scores dictionary in the autoscore. However, at the time of this writing, Autolab complains with an error when we do so. This is, in my opinion, a bug, and should be fixed by this [pull request]. [Autolab score string]: https://autolab.github.io/docs/lab/ [pull request]: https://github.com/autolab/Autolab/pull/895