path: root/cmuthesis.cls
blob: 285e0431d2fc9c750c3e186a0d3d86fba167fb96 (plain) (tree)



%% dkoes 5/10/2006


%% dkoes - Here's a bunch of stuff taken from mjz-titlepage.sty that makes
% a pretty CMU techreport acceptable title page

%% titlepage parameters
%%   required: title, author, date, Year, trnumber, committee
%%   optional: permission, support, disclaimer, keywords


%\def\@copyrightnotice#1{{\small\sbox{\@copyrightbox}{#1}\ifthenelse{\lengthtest{\wd\@copyrightbox > \linewidth}}{\noindent #1 \par}{\begin{center} #1 \end{center}}}}
\def\@copyrightnotice#1{{\small\sbox{\@copyrightbox}{#1}\ifdim\wd\@copyrightbox>\linewidth \noindent #1 \par\else\begin{center} #1 \end{center}\fi}}


% calculate skip needed to ensure that title appears in the cut-out
\setlength{\@cutoutvskip}{2.1875 true in}       % position of cut-out
\addtolength{\@cutoutvskip}{-1 true in}         % printer margin

%% Centered things on the title page must be *physically* centered
%% on the page, so they line up with the cut-out window. So we hardwire
%% the margins for the title page so that left margin = right margin:
%%         left margin = (8.5in - textwidth)/2
\advance\oddsidemargin by -\textwidth
\advance\oddsidemargin by -1in % TeX sux
%\begin{minipage}[t]{4.875in}   % must be a minipage due to \thanks
\begin{minipage}[t]{4.8in}      % hackery
\vbox to 2in{
{\Large \strut \@title\par}
{\large \begin{tabular}[t]{c}\@author\end{tabular}\par}
{\sc \@trnumber\par}
{\large \@date\par}

\vskip 3em

    School of Computer Science \\
    Carnegie Mellon University \\
    Pittsburgh, PA 15213

    {\bf Thesis Committee:} \\
    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements \\
    for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy.


\@ifundefined{@permission}{\@copyrightnotice{Copyright \copyright\ \@Year\ \@author}}{\@copyrightnotice{Copyright \copyright\ \@Year\ \@author. \@permission}}



% keywords go at bottom of page ii (the rear of the titlepage)
% if keywords are omitted, this page is blank

\@ifundefined{@keywords}{}{\vspace*{\fill} {\bf Keywords:} \@keywords}

  {\cleardoublepage \thispagestyle{empty} \vspace*{\stretch{1}} \begin{center} \em}
  {\end{center} \vspace*{\stretch{3}} \clearpage}

   \begin{center} \large {\bf #1} \end{center}
%   \addcontentsline{toc}{chapter}{\numberline{}#1} --not yet mjz 



%% dkoes - what follows is just a result of my personal style preferences
% most things are shamelessly ripped from various conference class files

%                       Utilities
%                       ---------

  {\setbox\@tempboxa = \hbox{#1}%
   \@measurecapheight{\@tempdima}%         % Calculate ht(CAP) - ht(text)
   \advance \@tempdima by -\ht\@tempboxa   %           ------------------
   \divide \@tempdima by 2                 %                   2
   \raise \@tempdima \box\@tempboxa}}


\def \@measurecapheight #1{%                            {\dimen}
  \setbox\@measbox = \hbox{ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ}%
  #1 = \ht\@measbox}

\long\def \@titlefootnote #1#2{%
    \splitmaxdepth \dp\strutbox \floatingpenalty \@MM
    \hsize\columnwidth \@parboxrestore
%%%    \protected@edef\@currentlabel{%
%%%       \csname p@footnote\endcsname\@thefnmark}%
      \def \@makefnmark {$^{#1}$}%

%                       Lists
%                       -----


\renewcommand{\labelitemi}{{\small \centeroncapheight{\textbullet}}}
\renewcommand{\labelitemiv}{{\Large \textperiodcentered}}

  \leftmargin = \leftmargini
  \listparindent = 0pt}

\let \@listI = \@listi

  \leftmargin = \leftmarginii
  \topsep = 1pt
  \labelwidth = \leftmarginii
  \advance \labelwidth by -\labelsep
  \listparindent = \parindent}

  \leftmargin = \leftmarginiii
  \labelwidth = \leftmarginiii
  \advance \labelwidth by -\labelsep
  \listparindent = \parindent}

  \leftmargin = \leftmarginiv
  \labelwidth = \leftmarginiv
  \advance \labelwidth by -\labelsep
  \listparindent = \parindent}

% A simple style file to provide a draft marking in the background of
% a file
% Thank you to Will Uther who provided the base code that I rolled
% into this package
% ChangeLog
% 1.1: shrunk and shifted the stamp so that it avoid the unprintable
% area at the top of the page
% 1.2 dkoes - made it big and rotated and light
% 1.3 dkoes - made it small, and unrotated since Jonathan Aldrich complained
% 1.4 comar - moved it below the page number to avoid problem with synctex

%Got this from Will (
%usage: \draftstamp{date}{label}
                    #1 \\

% mainmatter is ignoring openany, fix