%for a more compact document, add the option openany to avoid
%starting all chapters on odd numbered pages
% This is a template for a CMU thesis. It is 16 pages without any content :-)
% The source for this is pulled from a variety of sources and people.
% Here's a partial list of people who may or may have not contributed:
% bnoble = Brian Noble
% caruana = Rich Caruana
% colohan = Chris Colohan
% comar = Cyrus Omar
% dkoes = David Koes
% jab = Justin Boyan
% josullvn = Joseph O'Sullivan
% jrs = Jonathan Shewchuk
% kosak = Corey Kosak
% mjz = Matt Zekauskas (mattz@cs)
% pdinda = Peter Dinda
% pfr = Patrick Riley
% rak = Ryan Kavanagh
% dkoes: My main contribution is putting everything into a single class files and small template since I prefer this to some complicated sprawling directory tree with makefiles.
% rak: I ported it to use the "amsbook" class instead of the plain "book" class.
% some useful packages
\usepackage[backref,pageanchor=true,plainpages=false, pdfpagelabels, bookmarks,bookmarksnumbered,
%pdfborder=0 0 0, %removes outlines around hyper links in online display
% Approximately 1" margins, more space on binding side
%for general printing (not binding)
% Provides a draft mark at the top of the document.
\title{ %% {\it \huge Thesis Proposal}\\
{\bf Awesome Work in Computer Science}}
\date{January 3006}
Nearly Divine Personage, Chair \\
Someone else \\
Yet another person \\
Someone from a strange and faraway land
% copyright notice generated automatically from Year and author.
% permission added if \permission{} given.
\keywords{Stuff, More Stuff}
% The maketitle command also prints your abstract. For this reason,
% the abstract needs to come before \maketitle.
A short summary.
For my dog
My advisor is cool.
%% Double space document for easy review:
% The other requirements Catherine has:
% - avoid large margins. She wants the thesis to use fewer pages,
% especially if it requires colour printing.
% - The thesis should be formatted for double-sided printing. This
% means that all chapters, acknowledgements, table of contents, etc.
% should start on odd numbered (right facing) pages.
% - You need to use the department standard tech report title page. I
% have tried to ensure that the title page here conforms to this
% standard.
% - Use a nice serif font, such as Times Roman. Sans serif looks bad.
% Other than that, just make it look good...
% By default \bibsection is \chapter*, but we really want this to show
% up in the table of contents and pdf bookmarks.
%\renewcommand{\bibpreamble}{This text goes between the ``Bibliography''
% header and the actual list of references}
\bibliography{register} %your bib file