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% https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/311007/change-package-option-overlay-from-textpos-package-in-document/311031#311031
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\author{Ryan Kavanagh}
\institute{Carnegie Mellon University}%\\\\Funded in part by an NSERC Postgraduate Fellowship}
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\nti{A Note}
\frametitle{A Title}
\frametitle{Related Work}
Abramsky, Samson and Achim~Jung.
\newblock Domain Theory
\newblock {\em Handbook of Logic in Computer Science}. Vol 3, 1995.
Bloom, Stephen L. and Zolt{\'a}n {\'E}sik.
\newblock Some Equational Laws of Initiality in {2CCC}'s
\newblock {\em International Journal of Foundations of Computer
Science}, \textbf{6}(2):95-118, 1995.
Fiore, Marcelo P.
\newblock Axiomatic Domain Theory in Categories of\\
Partial Maps
\newblock PhD thesis. The University of Edinburgh, 1994.