#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# recentdepart.pl
# irssi script
# This script, when loaded into irssi, will filter quit and parted messages
# for channels listed in recdep_channels for any nick whos last message was
# more then a specified time ago.
# It also filters join messages showing only join messages for nicks who recently
# parted.
# [settings]
# recdep_channels
# - Should contain a list of chatnet and channel names that recentdepart
# should monitor. Its format is a spcae delimited list of chatnet/#channel
# pairs. Either chatnet or channel are optional but adding a / makes it
# explicitly recognized as a chatnet or a channel name. A special case is just a
# "*" which turns it on globally.
# "#irrsi #perl" - enables filtering on the #irssi and #perl
# channels on all chatnets.
# "freenode IRCNet/#irssi" - enables filtering for all channels on frenode
# and only the #irssi channel on IRCNet.
# "freenode/" - force "freenode" to be interpreted as the chatnet
# name by adding a / to the end.
# "/freenode" - forces "freenode" to be interpreted as the channel
# by prefixing it with the / delimiter.
# "*" - globally enables filtering.
# recdep_period
# - specifies the window of time, after a nick last spoke, for which quit/part
# notices will be let through the filter.
# recdep_rejoin
# - specifies a time period durring which a join notice for someone rejoining will
# be shown. Join messages are filtered if the nicks part/quit message was filtered
# or if the nick is gone longer then the rejoin period.
# Set to 0 to turn off filtering of join notices.
# recdep_nickperiod
# - specifies a window of time like recdep_period that is used to filter nick change
# notices. Set to 0 to turn off filtering of nick changes.
# recdep_use_hideshow
# - whether to use hideshow script instead of ignoring
use strict;
use warnings;
use Irssi;
use Irssi::Irc;
our $VERSION = "0.7";
our %IRSSI = (
authors => 'Matthew Sytsma',
contact => 'spiderpigy@yahoo.com',
name => 'Recently Departed',
description => 'Filters quit/part/join/nick notices based on time since last message. (Similar to weechat\'s smartfilter).',
license => 'GNU GPLv2 or later',
url => '',
# store a hash of configure selected servers/channels
my %chanlist;
# Track recent times by server/nick/channel
# (it is more optimal to go nick/channel then channel/nick because some quit signals are by server not by channel.
# We will only have to loop through open channels that a nick has spoken in which should be less then looping
# through all the monitored channels looking for the nick.
my %nickhash=();
# Track recent times for parted nicks by server/channel/nick
my %joinwatch=();
my $use_hide;
sub on_setup_changed {
my %old_chanlist = %chanlist;
%chanlist = ();
my @pairs = split(/ /, Irssi::settings_get_str("recdep_channels"));
$use_hide = Irssi::settings_get_bool("recdep_use_hideshow");
foreach (@pairs)
my ($net, $chan, $more) = split(/\//);
if ($more)
$chan = $1;
# Irssi::active_win()->print("Initial Net: $net Chan: $chan");
if (!$net)
$net = '*';
if ($net =~ /^[#!@&]/ && !$chan)
$chan = $net;
$net = "*";
if (!$chan)
$chan = "*";
$chanlist{$net}{$chan} = 1;
# empty the storage in case theres a channel or server we are no longer filtering
sub check_channel
my ($server, $channel) = @_;
# quits dont have a channel so we need to see if this server possibly contains this channel
if (!$channel || $channel eq '*')
# see if any non chatnet channel listings are open on this server
if (keys %{ $chanlist{'*'} })
foreach my $chan (keys %{ $chanlist{'*'} })
if ($chan eq '*' || $server->channel_find($chan))
return 1;
# see if there were any channels listed for this chatnet
if (keys %{ $chanlist{$server->{'chatnet'}} })
{ return 1; }
{ return 0; }
# check for global channel matches and pair matches
return (($chanlist{'*'}{'*'}) ||
($chanlist{'*'}{$channel}) ||
($chanlist{$server->{'chatnet'}}{'*'}) ||
# Hook for quitting
sub on_quit
my ($server, $nick, $address, $reason) = @_;
if ($server->{'nick'} eq $nick)
{ return; }
if (check_channel($server, '*'))
my $recent = 0;
foreach my $chan (keys %{ $nickhash{$server->{'tag'}}{lc($nick)} })
if (time() - $nickhash{$server->{'tag'}}{lc($nick)}{$chan} < Irssi::settings_get_int("recdep_period"))
$recent = 1;
if (Irssi::settings_get_int("recdep_rejoin") > 0)
$joinwatch{$server->{'tag'}}{$chan}{lc($nick)} = time();
delete $nickhash{$server->{'tag'}}{lc($nick)};
if (!$recent)
$use_hide ? $Irssi::scripts::hideshow::hide_next = 1
: Irssi::signal_stop();
# Hook for parting
sub on_part
my ($server, $channel, $nick, $address, $reason) = @_;
# cleanup if its you who left a channel
if ($server->{'nick'} eq $nick)
# slightly painfull cleanup but we shouldn't hit this as often
foreach my $nickd (keys %{ $nickhash{$server->{'tag'}} })
delete $nickhash{$server->{'tag'}}{$nickd}{$channel};
if (!keys(%{ $nickhash{$server->{'tag'}}{$nickd} }))
delete $nickhash{$server->{'tag'}}{$nickd};
delete $joinwatch{$server->{'tag'}}{$channel};
elsif (check_channel($server, $channel))
if (!defined $nickhash{$server->{'tag'}}{lc($nick)}{$channel} || time() - $nickhash{$server->{'tag'}}{lc($nick)}{$channel} > Irssi::settings_get_int("recdep_period"))
$use_hide ? $Irssi::scripts::hideshow::hide_next = 1
: Irssi::signal_stop();
elsif (Irssi::settings_get_int("recdep_rejoin") > 0)
$joinwatch{$server->{'tag'}}{$channel}{lc($nick)} = time();
delete $nickhash{$server->{'tag'}}{lc($nick)}{$channel};
if (!keys(%{ $nickhash{$server->{'tag'}}{lc($nick)} }))
delete $nickhash{$server->{'tag'}}{lc($nick)};
# Hook for public messages.
sub on_public
my ($server, $msg, $nick, $addr, $target) = @_;
if (!$target) { return; }
if ($nick =~ /^#/) { return; }
if ($server->{'nick'} eq $nick) { return; }
if (check_channel($server, $target))
$nickhash{$server->{'tag'}}{lc($nick)}{$target} = time();
# Hook for people joining
sub on_join
my ($server, $channel, $nick, $address) = @_;
if ($server->{'nick'} eq $nick)
{ return; }
if (Irssi::settings_get_int("recdep_rejoin") == 0)
{ return; }
if (check_channel($server, $channel))
if (!defined $joinwatch{$server->{'tag'}}{$channel}{lc($nick)} || time() - $joinwatch{$server->{'tag'}}{$channel}{lc($nick)} > Irssi::settings_get_int("recdep_rejoin"))
$use_hide ? $Irssi::scripts::hideshow::hide_next = 1
: Irssi::signal_stop();
# loop through and delete all old nicks from the rejoin hash
# this should be a small loop because it will only inlude nicks who recently left channel and who
# passed the part message filter
foreach my $nickd (keys %{ $joinwatch{$server->{'tag'}}{$channel} })
if (time() - $joinwatch{$server->{'tag'}}{$channel}{lc($nickd)} < Irssi::settings_get_int("recdep_rejoin"))
{ next; }
delete $joinwatch{$server->{'tag'}}{$channel}{lc($nickd)};
if (!keys(%{ $joinwatch{$server->{'tag'}}{$channel} }))
delete $joinwatch{$server->{'tag'}}{$channel};
# Hook for nick changes
sub on_nick
my ($server, $new, $old, $address) = @_;
if ($server->{'nick'} eq $old || $server->{'nick'} eq $new)
{ return; }
if (check_channel($server, '*'))
my $recent = 0;
foreach my $chan (keys %{ $nickhash{$server->{'tag'}}{lc($old)} })
if (time() - $nickhash{$server->{'tag'}}{lc($old)}{$chan} < Irssi::settings_get_int("recdep_nickperiod"))
$recent = 1;
if (!$recent && Irssi::settings_get_int("recdep_nickperiod") > 0)
$use_hide ? $Irssi::scripts::hideshow::hide_next = 1
: Irssi::signal_stop();
delete $nickhash{$server->{'tag'}}{lc($old)};
# Hook for cleanup on server quit
sub on_serverquit
my ($server, $msg) = @_;
delete $nickhash{$server->{'tag'}};
delete $joinwatch{$server->{'tag'}};
# Setup hooks on events
Irssi::signal_add_last("message public", "on_public");
Irssi::signal_add_last("message part", "on_part");
Irssi::signal_add_last("message quit", "on_quit");
Irssi::signal_add_last("message nick", "on_nick");
Irssi::signal_add_last("message join", "on_join");
Irssi::signal_add_last("server disconnected", "on_serverquit");
Irssi::signal_add_last("server quit", "on_serverquit");
Irssi::signal_add('setup changed', "on_setup_changed");
# Add settings
Irssi::settings_add_str("recdentpepart", "recdep_channels", '*');
Irssi::settings_add_int("recdentpepart", "recdep_period", 600);
Irssi::settings_add_int("recdentpepart", "recdep_rejoin", 120);
Irssi::settings_add_int("recdentpepart", "recdep_nickperiod", 600);
Irssi::settings_add_bool("recdentpepart", "recdep_use_hideshow", 0);