path: root/dot_cwmrc.tmpl
blob: 7f07727ecf94214680a4f8fec3d53c51e65995c2 (plain) (tree)
































autogroup 0 "xconsole", "XConsole"
autogroup 1 "URxvt"
autogroup 1 "XTerm"
autogroup 2 "Mozilla Firefox"
autogroup 2 "qutebrowser"
autogroup 6 "pavucontrol", "Pavucontrol"

# assign windows to current group
sticky yes

command term    {{ if (eq .chezmoi.os "openbsd" "darwin") -}}xterm{{ else }}urxvtc{{ end }}
command lock    {{ if (eq .chezmoi.os "openbsd") -}}"xlock -dpmsoff 1"{{ else }}"slock xset dpms force off"{{ end }}
command dpmsoff "xset dpms force off"

color activeborder "#ff7701"

# F: function description
# K: default keybinding
unbind-key all

# F:  restart                  Restart the running cwm(1).
# D:  CMS-r           Restart.
bind-key 4-semicolon restart

# F:  quit                     Quit cwm(1).
# D:  CMS-q           Quit.
bind-key 4S-semicolon quit

# F:  terminal                 Spawn a new terminal.
# D:  CM-Return       Spawn a new terminal.
bind-key 4S-Return terminal

# F:  lock                     Lock the screen.
# D:  CM-Delete       Lock the screen.
bind-key 4-l lock

# F:  menu-window              Launch window search menu.
# D:  M-slash         Search for windows.
bind-key 4-slash menu-window

# F:  menu-window-hidden       Launch hidden window search menu.

# F:  menu-cmd                 Launch application search menu.
# D:  C-slash         Search for applications.
bind-key 4-c menu-cmd

# F:  menu-group               Launch group search menu.
bind-key 4-g menu-group

# F:  menu-exec                Launch “exec program” menu.
# D:  M-question      Spawn “exec program” dialog.
bind-key 4-z menu-exec

# F:  menu-exec-wm             Launch “exec WindowManager” menu.
# D:  CM-w            Spawn “exec WindowManager” menu, allowing a switch
# D:                  to another window manager.

# F:  menu-ssh                 Launch “ssh” menu.
# D:  M-period        Spawn “ssh to” dialog.  This parses
# D:                  $HOME/.ssh/known_hosts to provide host auto-
# D:                  completion.  ssh(1) will be executed via the
# D:                  configured terminal emulator.

# F:  group-toggle-[n]         Toggle visibility of group n, where n is 1-9.
# D:  CM-[n]          Toggle visibility of group n, where n is 1-9.
bind-key C4-ampersand   group-toggle-1
bind-key C4-bracketleft group-toggle-2
bind-key C4-braceleft   group-toggle-3
bind-key C4-braceright  group-toggle-4
bind-key C4-parenleft   group-toggle-5
bind-key C4-equal       group-toggle-6
bind-key C4-asterisk    group-toggle-7
bind-key C4-parenright  group-toggle-8
bind-key C4-plus        group-toggle-9

# F:  group-only-[n]           Show only group n, where n is 1-9, hiding other
#                              groups.
bind-key 4-ampersand   group-only-1
bind-key 4-bracketleft group-only-2
bind-key 4-braceleft   group-only-3
bind-key 4-braceright  group-only-4
bind-key 4-parenleft   group-only-5
bind-key 4-equal       group-only-6
bind-key 4-asterisk    group-only-7
bind-key 4-parenright  group-only-8
bind-key 4-plus        group-only-9

# F:  group-close-[n]          Close all windows in group n, where n is 1-9.

# F:  group-toggle-all         Toggle visibility of all groups.
# D:  CM-a            Toggle visibility of all groups.
bind-key 4-a group-toggle-all

# F:  window-group             Toggle group membership of current window.
# D:  CM-g            Toggle group membership of current window.
# D:  CM-M1           Toggle group membership of current window.

# F:  window-movetogroup-[n]   Hide current window from display and move to
# F:                           group n, where n is 1-9.
bind-key 4S-ampersand   window-movetogroup-1
bind-key 4S-bracketleft window-movetogroup-2
bind-key 4S-braceleft   window-movetogroup-3
bind-key 4S-braceright  window-movetogroup-4
bind-key 4S-parenleft   window-movetogroup-5
bind-key 4S-equal       window-movetogroup-6
bind-key 4S-asterisk    window-movetogroup-7
bind-key 4S-parenright  window-movetogroup-8
bind-key 4S-plus        window-movetogroup-9

# F:  group-cycle              Forward cycle through groups.
# D:  M-Right         Cycle through active groups.
bind-key 4-Right group-cycle

# F:  group-rcycle             Reverse cycle through groups.
# D:  M-Left          Reverse cycle through active groups.
bind-key 4-Left group-cycle

# F:  window-cycle             Forward cycle through windows.
# D:  M-Tab           Cycle through currently visible windows.
bind-key 4-Tab window-cycle

# F:  window-rcycle            Reverse cycle through windows.
# D:  MS-Tab          Reverse cycle through currently visible windows.
bind-key 4S-Tab window-rcycle

# F:  window-cycle-ingroup     Forward cycle through windows in current group.
# F:  window-rcycle-ingroup    Reverse cycle through windows in current group.
bind-key C4-Tab window-cycle-ingroup
bind-key C4S-Tab window-rcycle-ingroup

# F:  window-close    Close current window.
# D:  CM-x            Close current window.
bind-key 4S-j window-close

# F:  window-hide              Hide current window.
# D:  M-Return        Hide current window.
# D:  CMS-M3          Hide current window.
bind-key 4-Return window-hide

# F:  window-lower             Lower current window.
# D:  M-Down          Lower current window.
# D:  M-M3            Lower current window.
bind-key 4-Down window-lower

# F:  window-raise             Raise current window.
# D:  M-Up            Raise current window.
bind-key 4-Up window-raise

# F:  window-menu-label Label current window.
# D:  CM-n              Label current window.
bind-key C4-l window-menu-label

# F:  window-freeze            Freeze current window geometry.
# D:  CMS-f           Toggle freezing geometry of current window.

# F:  window-stick             Stick current window to all groups (same as
# F:                           assigning to nogroup).
# D:  CM-s            Toggle stickiness of current window.

# F:  window-fullscreen        Full-screen current window (gap + border
# F:                           removed).
# D:  CM-f            Toggle full-screen mode of current window.
bind-key 4-s window-fullscreen

# F:  window-maximize          Maximize current window (gap + border honored).
# D:  CM-m            Toggle maximization of current window.
bind-key C4-m window-maximize

# F:  window-vmaximize         Vertically maximize current window (gap + border
# F:                           honored).
# D:  CM-equal        Toggle vertical maximization of current window.
bind-key C4-s window-vmaximize

# F:  window-hmaximize         Horizontally maximize current window (gap +
# F:                           border honored).
# D:  CMS-equal       Toggle horizontal maximization of current window.
bind-key M4-s window-hmaximize

# F:  window-htile             Current window is placed at the top of the
# F:                           screen, maximized horizontally and resized to
# F:                           htile (default half) of the vertical screen
# F:                           space.  Other windows in its group share
# F:                           remaining screen space.
bind-key 4M-space window-htile

# F:  window-vtile             Current window is placed on the left of the
# F:                           screen, maximized vertically and resized to
# F:                           vtile (default half) of the horizontal screen
# F:                           space.  Other windows in its group share
# F:                           remaining screen space.
bind-key 4-space window-vtile

# F:  window-move              Move current window.
# D:  M-M1            Move current window.
bind-mouse 4-1 window-move

# F:  window-resize            Resize current window.
# D:  M-M2            Resize current window
bind-mouse 4-3 window-resize

# F:  window-resize-up
# F:  window-resize-down
# F:  window-resize-right
# F:  window-resize-left
# D:  CM-[hjkl]       Resize window by a small amount.
bind-key C4-h window-resize-down
bind-key C4-t window-resize-up
bind-key C4-d window-resize-left
bind-key C4-n window-resize-right

# F:  window-resize-up-big
# F:  window-resize-down-big
# F:  window-resize-right-big
# F:  window-resize-left-big
# D:  CMS-[hjkl]      Resize window by a large amount; see cwmrc(5).
bind-key C4S-h window-resize-down-big
bind-key C4S-t window-resize-up-big
bind-key C4S-d window-resize-left-big
bind-key C4S-n window-resize-right-big

# F:  window-move-up           Move window moveamount pixels up.
# F:  window-move-down         Move window moveamount pixels down.
# F:  window-move-right        Move window moveamount pixels right.
# F:  window-move-left         Move window moveamount pixels left.
# D:  M-[hjkl]        Move window by a small amount.
bind-key 4-h window-move-down
bind-key 4-t window-move-up
bind-key 4-d window-move-left
bind-key 4-n window-move-right

# F:  window-move-up-big       Move window 10 times moveamount pixels up.
# F:  window-move-down-big     Move window 10 times moveamount pixels down.
# F:  window-move-right-big    Move window 10 times moveamount pixels right.
# F:  window-move-left-big     Move window 10 times moveamount pixels left.
# D:  MS-[hjkl]       Move window by a large amount; see cwmrc(5).
bind-key 4S-h window-move-down-big
bind-key 4S-t window-move-up-big
bind-key 4S-d window-move-left-big
bind-key 4S-n window-move-right-big

bind-key 4-F5 "xset dpms force off"
bind-key 4-F6 icd