path: root/.vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texmenuconf.vim
diff options
authorRyan Kavanagh <ryanakca@kubuntu.org>2011-08-14 17:16:55 -0400
committerRyan Kavanagh <ryanakca@kubuntu.org>2011-08-25 07:42:57 -0400
commit1c019761dfaf6be82de9284fa5e2b9dbfbdec27d (patch)
tree7ed6bd2f437d3a334bd7a81f62e6dfa63689272b /.vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texmenuconf.vim
Initial import
Diffstat (limited to '.vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texmenuconf.vim')
1 files changed, 131 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texmenuconf.vim b/.vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texmenuconf.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..405e46a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texmenuconf.vim
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+" File: texmenuconf.vim
+" Author: Srinath Avadhanula
+" Copyright: Vim charityware license. :help license
+" Description:
+" CVS: $Id: texmenuconf.vim 997 2006-03-20 09:45:45Z srinathava $
+" Paths, crucial for functions
+let s:path = expand("<sfile>:p:h")
+let s:up_path = expand("<sfile>:p:h:h")
+let s:mainmenuname = g:Tex_MenuPrefix.'S&uite.'
+let s:mapleader = exists('mapleader') ? mapleader : "\\"
+" This glboal variable is incremented each time a top-level latex-suite menu
+" is created. We should always use this variable for setting the locations of
+" newly created top-level menus.
+let g:Tex_NextMenuLocation = g:Tex_MainMenuLocation
+" The templates and macros menus are always nested within the main latex-suit
+" menu.
+let g:Tex_TemplatesMenuLocation = g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.20 '.s:mainmenuname.'&Templates.'
+let g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation = g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.20 '.s:mainmenuname.'&Macros.'
+" The packages menu can either be a child of the main menu or be a top-level
+" menu by itself.
+if g:Tex_NestPackagesMenu
+ let g:Tex_PackagesMenuLocation = (g:Tex_MainMenuLocation).'.10 '.s:mainmenuname.'&Packages.'
+ let g:Tex_PackagesMenuLocation = (g:Tex_NextMenuLocation).'.10 '.g:Tex_MenuPrefix.'Packages.'
+ let g:Tex_NextMenuLocation = g:Tex_NextMenuLocation + 1
+" Environments are always a top-level menu.
+let g:Tex_EnvMenuLocation = (g:Tex_NextMenuLocation).'.20 '.g:Tex_MenuPrefix.'E&nvironments.'
+let g:Tex_NextMenuLocation = g:Tex_NextMenuLocation + 1
+" Elements are always a top-level menu.
+" If we choose to nest elements, then the top-level &TeX-Elements menu
+" contains <Fonts / Counters / Dimensions>
+" otherwise, the Fonts, Counters and Dimensions menus become top-level menus.
+if g:Tex_NestElementMenus
+ let g:Tex_ElementsMenuLocation = (g:Tex_NextMenuLocation).'.20 '.g:Tex_MenuPrefix.'E&lements.'
+ let g:Tex_ElementsMenuLocation = (g:Tex_NextMenuLocation).'.20 '.g:Tex_MenuPrefix
+let g:Tex_NextMenuLocation = g:Tex_NextMenuLocation + 1
+" Set up the compiler/viewer menus. {{{
+if has('gui_running') && g:Tex_Menus
+ exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.25 '. s:mainmenuname.'-sepsuite0- :'
+ " menus for compiling / viewing etc.
+ exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.30 '.s:mainmenuname.'&Compile<tab>'.s:mapleader.'ll'.
+ \' :silent! call Tex_RunLaTeX()<CR>'
+ exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.40 '.s:mainmenuname.'&View<tab>'.s:mapleader.'lv'.
+ \' :silent! call Tex_ViewLaTeX()<CR>'
+ exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.50 '.s:mainmenuname.'&Search<tab>'.s:mapleader.'ls'.
+ \' :silent! call ForwardSearchLaTeX()<CR>'
+ exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.60 '.s:mainmenuname.'&Target\ Format<tab>:TTarget'.
+ \' :call SetTeXTarget()<CR>'
+ exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.70 '.s:mainmenuname.'&Compiler\ Target<tab>:TCTarget'.
+ \' :call Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget("Compile", "")<CR>'
+ exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.80 '.s:mainmenuname.'&Viewer\ Target<tab>:TVTarget'.
+ \' :call Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget("View", "")<CR>'
+ exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.90 '.s:mainmenuname.'Set\ &Ignore\ Level<tab>:TCLevel'.
+ \' :TCLevel<CR>'
+ exec 'imenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.100 '.s:mainmenuname.'C&omplete\ Ref/Cite'.
+ \' <Plug>Tex_Completion'
+ exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.110 '.s:mainmenuname.'-sepsuite1- :'
+ " refreshing folds
+ if g:Tex_Folding
+ exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.120 '.s:mainmenuname.'&Refresh\ Folds<tab>'.s:mapleader.'rf'.
+ \' :call MakeTexFolds(1)<CR>'
+ exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.130 '.s:mainmenuname.'-sepsuite2- :'
+ endif
+" }}}
+" ==============================================================================
+" MenuConf: configure the menus as compact/extended, with/without math
+" ==============================================================================
+function! Tex_MenuConfigure(type, action) " {{{
+ let menuloc = s:mainmenuname.'Configure\ Menu.'
+ if a:type == 'math'
+ if a:action == 1
+ let g:Tex_MathMenus = 1
+ exe 'so '.s:path.'/mathmacros.vim'
+ exe 'amenu disable '.menuloc.'Add\ Math\ Menu'
+ exe 'amenu enable '.menuloc.'Remove\ Math\ Menu'
+ elseif a:action == 0
+ call Tex_MathMenuRemove()
+ exe 'amenu enable '.menuloc.'Add\ Math\ Menu'
+ exe 'amenu disable '.menuloc.'Remove\ Math\ Menu'
+ endif
+ elseif a:type == 'elements'
+ if a:action == 'expand'
+ let g:Tex_ElementsMenuLocation = '80.20 '.g:Tex_MenuPrefix
+ exe 'amenu disable '.menuloc.'Expand\ Elements'
+ exe 'amenu enable '.menuloc.'Compress\ Elements'
+ elseif a:action == 'nest'
+ let g:Tex_ElementsMenuLocation = '80.20 '.g:Tex_MenuPrefix.'Elements.'
+ exe 'amenu enable '.menuloc.'Expand\ Elements'
+ exe 'amenu disable '.menuloc.'Compress\ Elements'
+ endif
+ exe 'source '.s:path.'/elementmacros.vim'
+ elseif a:type == 'packages'
+ if a:action == 1
+ let g:Tex_PackagesMenu = 1
+ exe 'so '.s:path.'/packages.vim'
+ exe 'amenu disable '.menuloc.'Load\ Packages\ Menu'
+ endif
+ endif
+" }}}
+" configuration menu.
+if g:Tex_Menus
+ exe 'amenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.900 '.s:mainmenuname.'Configure\ Menu.Add\ Math\ Menu :call Tex_MenuConfigure("math", 1)<cr>'
+ exe 'amenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.900 '.s:mainmenuname.'Configure\ Menu.Remove\ Math\ Menu :call Tex_MenuConfigure("math", 0)<cr>'
+ exe 'amenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.900 '.s:mainmenuname.'Configure\ Menu.Expand\ Elements :call Tex_MenuConfigure("elements", "expand")<cr>'
+ exe 'amenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.900 '.s:mainmenuname.'Configure\ Menu.Compress\ Elements :call Tex_MenuConfigure("elements", "nest")<cr>'
+ exe 'amenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.900 '.s:mainmenuname.'Configure\ Menu.Load\ Packages\ Menu :call Tex_MenuConfigure("packages", 1)<cr>'
+" vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4