path: root/dot_vim/c-support
diff options
authorRyan Kavanagh <rak@rak.ac>2021-12-14 11:42:41 -0500
committerRyan Kavanagh <rak@rak.ac>2021-12-14 11:42:41 -0500
commitfd2001cd614dfa0d55ec820b7c358a1795d3ea27 (patch)
tree932b5f91ad3c70f9cfa4455a0ccfb27a7b259bf1 /dot_vim/c-support
parentadded symlink to cclub afs (diff)
Simplify vim configuration
Diffstat (limited to 'dot_vim/c-support')
-rw-r--r--dot_vim/c-support/doc/c-hotkeys.pdfbin48296 -> 0 bytes
30 files changed, 0 insertions, 2885 deletions
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/Makefile b/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 2208944..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
-# Filename: Makefile
-# Description:
-# Usage: make (generate executable )
-# make clean (remove objects, executable, prerequisits )
-# make tarball (generate compressed archive )
-# make zip (generate compressed archive )
-# Version: 1.0
-# Created:
-# Revision: ---
-# Author:
-# Company:
-# Email:
-# Notes: C extension : c
-# C++ extensions : cc cpp C
-# C and C++ sources can be mixed.
-# Prerequisites are generated automatically; makedepend is not
-# needed (see documentation for GNU make Version 3.80, July 2002,
-# section 4.13). The utility sed is used.
-#============================================== makefile template version 1.6 ==========
-# ------------ name of the executable ------------------------------------------------
-# ------------ list of all source files ----------------------------------------------
-SOURCES = main.c
-# ------------ compiler --------------------------------------------------------------
-CC = gcc
-CXX = g++
-# ------------ compiler flags --------------------------------------------------------
-CFLAGS = -Wall -O0 -g # Do not optimize. Produce debugging information.
-# ------------ linker-Flags ----------------------------------------------------------
-LFLAGS = -g
-# ------------ additional system include directories ---------------------------------
-# ------------ private include directories -------------------------------------------
-LOCAL_INC_DIR = $(HOME)/include
-# ------------ system libraries (e.g. -lm ) -----------------------------------------
-SYS_LIBS = -lm
-# ------------ additional system library directories ---------------------------------
-# ------------ additional system libraries -------------------------------------------
-# ------------ private library directories -------------------------------------------
-# ------------ private libraries (e.g. libxyz.a ) -----------------------------------
-# ------------ archive generation -----------------------------------------------------
-TARBALL_EXCLUDE = *.{o,gz,zip}
-ZIP_EXCLUDE = *.{o,gz,zip}
-# ------------ run executable out of this Makefile (yes/no) -------------------------
-# ------------ cmd line parameters for this executable -------------------------------
-# The following statements usually need not to be changed
-C_SOURCES = $(filter %.c, $(SOURCES))
-CPP_SOURCES = $(filter-out %.c, $(SOURCES))
-ALL_INC_DIR = $(addprefix -I, $(LOCAL_INC_DIR) $(GLOBAL_INC_DIR))
-ALL_LIB_DIR = $(addprefix -L, $(LOCAL_LIB_DIR) $(GLOBAL_LIB_DIR))
-LOCAL_LIBSS = $(addprefix $(LOCAL_LIB_DIR)/, $(LOCAL_LIBS))
-BASENAMES = $(basename $(SOURCES))
-# ------------ generate the names of the object files --------------------------------
-OBJECTS = $(addsuffix .o,$(BASENAMES))
-# ------------ generate the names of the hidden prerequisite files -------------------
-PREREQUISITES = $(addprefix .,$(addsuffix .d,$(BASENAMES)))
-# ------------ make the executable ---------------------------------------------------
-ifeq ($(strip $(CPP_SOURCES)),)
-ifeq ($(EXE_START),yes)
-# ------------ include the automatically generated prerequisites ---------------------
-# ------------ if target is not clean, tarball or zip ---------------------
-ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),clean)
-ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),tarball)
-ifneq ($(MAKECMDGOALS),zip)
-# ------------ make the objects ------------------------------------------------------
-%.o: %.c
- $(CC) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $<
-%.o: %.cc
- $(CXX) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $<
-%.o: %.cpp
- $(CXX) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $<
-%.o: %.C
- $(CXX) -c $(ALL_CFLAGS) $<
-# ------------ make the prerequisites ------------------------------------------------
-.%.d: %.c
- @$(make-prerequisite-c)
-.%.d: %.cc
- @$(make-prerequisite-cplusplus)
-.%.d: %.cpp
- @$(make-prerequisite-cplusplus)
-.%.d: %.C
- @$(make-prerequisite-cplusplus)
-# canned command sequences
-# echoing of the sed command is suppressed by the leading @
-define make-prerequisite-c
- @$(CC) -MM $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< > $@.$$$$; \
- sed 's/\($*\)\.o[ :]*/\1.o $@ : /g' < $@.$$$$ > $@; \
- rm -f $@.$$$$;
-define make-prerequisite-cplusplus
- @$(CXX) -MM $(ALL_CFLAGS) $< > $@.$$$$; \
- sed 's/\($*\)\.o[ :]*/\1.o $@ : /g' < $@.$$$$ > $@; \
- rm -f $@.$$$$;
-# ------------ remove generated files ------------------------------------------------
-# ------------ remove hidden backup files --------------------------------------------
-# ------------ tarball generation ------------------------------------------------------
- @lokaldir=`pwd`; lokaldir=$${lokaldir##*/}; \
- rm --force $$lokaldir.tar.gz; \
- tar --exclude=$(TARBALL_EXCLUDE) \
- --create \
- --gzip \
- --verbose \
- --file $$lokaldir.tar.gz *
-# ------------ zip ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- @lokaldir=`pwd`; lokaldir=$${lokaldir##*/}; \
- zip -r $$lokaldir.zip * -x $(ZIP_EXCLUDE)
-# ======================================================================================
-# vim: set tabstop=2: set shiftwidth=2:
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/Makefile.multi-target.template b/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/Makefile.multi-target.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 75da8dd..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/Makefile.multi-target.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# File: Makefile
-# Description:
-# Usage: make (generate executable(s) )
-# make clean (remove objects, executables, prerequisits )
-# make tarball (generate compressed archive )
-# make zip (generate compressed archive )
-# Author: Dr.-Ing. Fritz Mehner
-# Email: mehner@mfh-iserlohn.de
-# Created:
-CC = gcc
-CCP = g++
-CFLAGS = -c -g -Wall
-LFLAGS = -g
-SYS_LIBS = -lm
-TARBALL_EXCLUDE = "*.{o,gz,zip}"
-ZIP_EXCLUDE = *.o *.gz *.zip
-TARGETS = target_1 target_2
-#---------- targets --------------------------------------
-all: $(TARGETS)
-%.o: %.c
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
-%.o: %.cc
- $(CCP) $(CFLAGS) $*.cc
-#---------- target 1 -------------------------------------
-# C target
-target_1: target_1.o
- $(CC) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $@.o $(SYS_LIBS)
-#---------- target 2 -------------------------------------
-# C++ target
-target_2: target_2.o
- $(CCP) $(LFLAGS) -o $@ $@.o $(SYS_LIBS)
-#---------- target 3 -------------------------------------
-#---------- tarball --------------------------------------
- lokaldir=`pwd`; lokaldir=$${lokaldir##*/}; \
- rm --force $$lokaldir.tar.gz; \
- tar --exclude=$(TARBALL_EXCLUDE) \
- --create \
- --gzip \
- --verbose \
- --file $$lokaldir.tar.gz *
-#---------- zip ------------------------------------------
- lokaldir=`pwd`; lokaldir=$${lokaldir##*/}; \
- zip -r $$lokaldir.zip * -x $(ZIP_EXCLUDE)
-#---------- clear up -------------------------------------
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/calloc_double_matrix.c b/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/calloc_double_matrix.c
deleted file mode 100644
index ec71658..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/calloc_double_matrix.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
- * === FUNCTION ======================================================================
- * Name: calloc_double_matrix
- * Description: Allocate a dynamic double-matrix of size rows*columns;
- * return a pointer.
- * =====================================================================================
- */
- double**
-calloc_double_matrix ( int rows, int columns )
- int i;
- double **m;
- m = calloc ( rows, sizeof(double*) ); /* allocate pointer array */
- assert( m != NULL); /* abort if allocation failed */
- *m = calloc ( rows*columns, sizeof(double) );/* allocate data array */
- assert(*m != NULL); /* abort if allocation failed */
- for ( i=1; i<rows; i+=1 ) /* set pointers */
- m[i] = m[i-1] + columns;
- return m;
-} /* ---------- end of function calloc_double_matrix ---------- */
- * === FUNCTION ======================================================================
- * Name: free_matrix_double
- * Description: Free a dynamic double-matrix.
- * =====================================================================================
- */
- void
-free_double_matrix ( double **m )
- free(*m); /* free data array */
- free( m); /* free pointer array */
- return ;
-} /* ---------- end of function free_double_matrix ---------- */
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/calloc_int_matrix.c b/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/calloc_int_matrix.c
deleted file mode 100644
index e21215b..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/calloc_int_matrix.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
- * === FUNCTION ======================================================================
- * Name: calloc_int_matrix
- * Description: Allocate a dynamic int-matrix of size rows*columns; return a pointer.
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-calloc_int_matrix ( int rows, int columns )
- int i;
- int **m;
- m = calloc ( rows, sizeof(int*) ); /* allocate pointer array */
- assert( m != NULL ); /* abort if allocation failed */
- *m = calloc ( rows*columns, sizeof(int) ); /* allocate data array */
- assert(*m != NULL ); /* abort if allocation failed */
- for ( i=1; i<rows; i+=1 ) /* set pointers */
- m[i] = m[i-1] + columns;
- return m;
-} /* ---------- end of function calloc_int_matrix ---------- */
- * === FUNCTION ======================================================================
- * Name: free_int_matrix
- * Description: Free a dynamic int-matrix.
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-free_int_matrix ( int **m )
- free(*m); /* free data array */
- free( m); /* free pointer array */
- return ;
-} /* ---------- end of function free_int_matrix ---------- */
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/main.c b/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/main.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 770f5d5..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <string.h>
- * === FUNCTION ======================================================================
- * Name: main
- * Description: main function
- * =====================================================================================
- */
- int
-main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
- printf ("\nProgram %s\n\n", argv[0] );
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-} /* ---------- end of function main ---------- */
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/main.cc b/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/main.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index d87f891..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/main.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-#include <fstream>
-#include <iomanip>
-#include <iostream>
-using namespace std;
-// === FUNCTION ======================================================================
-// Name: main
-// Description: main function
-// =====================================================================================
- int
-main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
- cout << "\nProgram " << argv[0] << endl << endl;
- return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-} // ---------- end of function main ----------
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/print_double_array.c.noindent b/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/print_double_array.c.noindent
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ced53a..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/print_double_array.c.noindent
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * === FUNCTION ======================================================================
- * Name: print_double_array
- * Description: Print a double-array with one dimension.
- * Use
- * print_int_array( *matrix, n1*n2, n2, "matrix" );
- * for
- * double matrix[n1][n2];
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-static void
-print_double_array ( double array[], /* array to print */
- int n, /* number of elements to print */
- int nrow, /* number of elements per row */
- char *arrayname /* array name */
- )
- int i;
- printf ("\n\n array \"%s\", length %d\n", arrayname, n );
- for ( i=0; i<n; i+=1 )
- {
- if( i%nrow == 0 )
- printf ("\n%6d : ", i );
- printf (" %8.2f", array[i] );
- }
- printf ("\n\n");
- return ;
-} /* ---------- end of function print_double_array ---------- */
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/print_int_array.c.noindent b/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/print_int_array.c.noindent
deleted file mode 100644
index 02d53c0..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/codesnippets/print_int_array.c.noindent
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
- * === FUNCTION ======================================================================
- * Name: print_int_array
- * Description: Print an int-array with one dimension.
- * Use
- * print_int_array( *matrix, n1*n2, n2, "matrix" );
- * for
- * int matrix[n1][n2];
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-static void
-print_int_array ( int array[], /* array to print */
- int n, /* number of elements to print */
- int nrow, /* number of elements per row */
- char *arrayname /* array name */
- )
- int i;
- printf ("\n\n array \"%s\", length %d\n", arrayname, n );
- for ( i=0; i<n; i+=1 )
- {
- if( i%nrow == 0 )
- printf ("\n%6d : ", i );
- printf (" %6d", array[i] );
- }
- printf ("\n\n");
- return ;
-} /* ---------- end of function print_int_array ---------- */
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/doc/ChangeLog b/dot_vim/c-support/doc/ChangeLog
deleted file mode 100644
index d0d4fd4..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/doc/ChangeLog
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,304 +0,0 @@
-+ Format for the macros |DATE|, |TIME|, and |YEAR| can be defined by the user.
-+ Help text improved.
-+ Code snippets can now be used in the console mode (Vim without GUI).
-+ Bugfix: Possible conflict with 'indent' removed when inserting templates.
-+ Bugfix: Prototype picker did not alway delete no longer used prototypes.
-+ Bugfix: Prototype picker removed template specializations from parameter lists.
-+ Bugfix: autocmd setting can influence autocmd settings of OTHER plugins.
-+ Completely new template system. Now every menu item is user definable.
-+ Changes to allow a system-wide installation.
-+ A few hotkeys added and renamed.
-+ New global variable to control the filetype of *.h header files (default is now 'cpp').
-+ Bugfix: properly resetting 'compiler' after using make, splint, and CodeCheck.
-+ New insert mode mappings (comments, statements, preprocessing, idioms, C++).
-+ Some mappings renamed (easier to remember).
-+ New tag (basename of a file reduced to characters allowed in names).
-+ New menu item and hotkey for the (re)alignement of end-of-line comments.
-+ Hotkey \cn removed. Only one menu item for end-of-line comments left.
-+ Changed hotkeys: \ce -> \cl and \cl -> \cs .
-+ Three new tags (giving the basename of a file) for writing template files.
-+ Prototype picker handles template methods.
-+ Bugfix: splint works now under Windows.
-+ Minor improvements.
-+ Plugin directories rearranged.
-+ main- and for-idiom have a visual mode now.
-+ Four new commands (command line) to control the comment style.
-+ Comment style (C/C++) can automatically follow the filetype.
-+ Bugfix: empty new file after removing the header template can't be closed.
-+ Bugfix : Tools entry missing when root menu not shown from the start.
-+ Minor improvements.
-+ CodeCheck (TM) integrated (source code analysing tool).
-+ New key mappings for preprocessor statements.
-+ New preprocessor menu.
-+ Bugfix: indent under Windows.
-+ Minor improvements.
-+ Bugfix: change needed for some menu names after patch 7.0.054 .
-+ Setting the starting column for trailing comments improved.
-+ Small bug in block uncommenting fixed.
-+ Mac OS X : circumvent a Vim bug which caused a crash when loading plugin version 4.1.
-+ File syntax/c.vim removed (but see help in csupport.txt).
-+ A complete switch statement can be made from a list of labels.
-+ Additional cases can be made from a list of labels.
-+ Small bug in line end commenting fixed.
-+ Some minor improvements.
-+ Kernighan & Ritchie style for block statements can be enabled.
-+ Changes to make it compatible with Vim 7.
-+ Set C/C++ file type for source files which should not be preprocessed (*.i, *.ii).
-+ Some minor improvements.
-+ Hotkeys and an accompanying reference card added.
-+ Preparation for syntax based folding.
-+ Some minor improvements.
-+ Remove "#if 0 ... #endif" from the inside.
-+ Change C comments to C++ comments and vice versa.
-+ try..catch / catch / catch(...) now can be set surround a marked area.
-+ Prototype picking improved (for C++).
-+ A hardcopy shows the localized date and time in the header line.
-+ New help menu entry in the main menu of this plugin (shows the plugin documentation).
-+ Switch between corresponding source and header files with <S-F2> if the plugin a.vim
- is present.
-+ Plugin can be used with autocompletion for (, [, and { .
-+ Doubling of file header for new c- and h-files under Windows fixed (Thanks to
- Fabricio C A Oliveira).
-+ Tiny bug in the file open idioms fixed.
-+ Formatter 'indent' integrated.
-+ Bugfix in the automatic header insertion.
-+ Assert idiom added.
-+ #if 0 ... #endif statement for blocking out code added.
-+ Minor stylistic improvements in some idioms.
-+ Screen update problem solved: color inversion under FC4 (Thanks to Bernie Barton).
-+ RTTI menu : additional v-mode.
-+ Statement menu and C++ menu rearranged.
-+ Include guard : name generation improved.
-+ File header templates will be included for additional file extensions (cp, cxx, c++, ...).
-+ More C++ output manipulators, manipulator insertion more intuitive.
-+ Output into buffer: cursor goes to top of file.
-+ Makefile template improved (code snippet).
-+ Some internal improvements.
-+ Windows support. Most features are now available under Windows.
-+ Run buffer through splint (A tool for statically checking C programs; see
- http://www.splint.org). An error window will be opened; quickfix commands can be used.
-+ Set buffer related command line arguments for splint.
-+ Line end comments start in a fixed column (can be set from the menu).
-+ Spaces in path names and file names are now possible.
-+ Template files and snippet files are no longer kept in the list of alternate files.
-+ Some minor improvements.
-+ Bug fixed (command line arguments not passed to the executable).
-+ File extension for executables can be set.
-+ Minor improvements.
-+ Running a program:
- (1) Run program from the gVim command line.
- (2) Run program and direct the output into a window with name "C-Output".
- This buffer and its content will disappear when closing the window.
- The buffer is reused when still open.
- (3) Run program in an xterm (adjustable).
-+ Command line arguments are now buffer related (each buffer can have its own arguments).
-+ Code snippets can be protected from being indented during insertion.
-+ Picked up prototypes will be deleted after insertion.
-+ A code snippet with the file name extension "ni" or "noindent" will not be
- indented on insertion.
-+ for- and calloc-/malloc-idioms improved.
-+ Bug fixed (word list handling).
-+ Installation simplified.
-+ for-loop-idiom asks for control variable, initial value, ...
-+ malloc-idiom asks for pointer variable and size.
-+ Toggling the comment style works correct again.
-+ Empty error windows will be closed.
-+ Prototype picker removes trailing parts of the function body if marked.
-+ The dialog windows (GUI) have been replaced by more flexible command line inputs.
-+ The undocumented and unnecessary hot key F12 has been removed.
-+ Extension to ctags + taglist shows makefile targets and qmake targets.
-+ Aligned line end comments for consecutive lines.
-+ Improved prototype picker removes comments.
-+ Picked up prototypes can be shown.
-+ Uncomment more than one block at once.
-+ 3 new idioms.
-+ Help file improved .
-+ Two new global variables: C_Dictionary_File, C_MenuHeader .
-+ The preprocessor statements #if... and the function idiom include marked
- lines when invoked in visual mode.
-+ The C/C++ root menu can be disabled.
-+ Only one C/C++ entry in the gVim root menu.
-+ All hotkeys are only defined for C/C++ files (file type plugin added).
-+ The following constructs are now read as templates from files:
- class, class using new,
- template class, template class using new,
- error class
-+ Install script added.
-+ Customization improved.
-+ Documentation improved (help file added).
-+ Bug fix (template file handling)
-+ When the comment style "C" is active the menu entry "Comments.code->comment"
- turns a marked region in one multiline C-comment.
-+ The menu entry "Comments.comment->code" turns marked multiline C-comment
- back into code.
-+ A marked region can be surrounded by a for-, if, if-else, while-, do-while-statement
- (with indentation).
-+ The menu entry "Snippets.make prototype" makes a C- or C++-prototype from
- the current line or marked region and puts it in an internal buffer.
-+ The menu entry "Snippets.add prototype" also makes a C- or C++-prototype from
- the current line or a marked region and adds it to the internal buffer.
-+ The menu entry "Snippets.put prototype" inserts all gathered prototypes
- below the current line.
-+ Tag substitution rewritten (Some characters in a substitution text for a tag
- prevented the tag from being substituted).
-+ C-style comments AND C++-style comments are supported now.
-+ The menu entry 'Comments->Comment style ..' switches the styles (toggle).
-+ Block comments are now read as templates or skeletons from files:
- Frame Block, Function Description, Method Description,
- Class Description, H+file header, C/C++-file header
-+ These templates can contain tags like |FILENAME|, |AUTHOR| etc. which are replaced
- after reading (KDevelop templates can be used without any change).
-+ indentation: multiline inserts and code snippets will be indented after insertion.
-+ Most menu entries are now also active in normal mode.
-+ new menu items:
- includes for the C99 header,
- includes for the standard C++ header,
- includes for the C++ version of the Standard C Library header,
- multiline C comment
- vim modeline
-+ Reading the templates is done in one function which can be called in an autocmd.
-+ Code cleanup: register z no longer used. Most function calls are silent now.
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/doc/c-hotkeys.pdf b/dot_vim/c-support/doc/c-hotkeys.pdf
deleted file mode 100644
index 07a6c7c..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/doc/c-hotkeys.pdf
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/rc/customization.ctags b/dot_vim/c-support/rc/customization.ctags
deleted file mode 100644
index 75ccd5a..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/rc/customization.ctags
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
---regex-make=/^([^:# \t]+)[ \t]*[:]{1,2}/\1/t,targets/
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/rc/customization.gvimrc b/dot_vim/c-support/rc/customization.gvimrc
deleted file mode 100644
index ff3d690..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/rc/customization.gvimrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-"========== example gvimrc from the distribution ==============================
-runtime gvimrc_example.vim
-"========== CUSTOMIZATION (gvimrc) ===========================================
-" Moving cursor to other windows
-" shift down : change window focus to lower one (cyclic)
-" shift up : change window focus to upper one (cyclic)
-" shift left : change window focus to one on left
-" shift right : change window focus to one on right
-nmap <s-down> <c-w>w
-nmap <s-up> <c-w>W
-nmap <s-left> <c-w>h
-nmap <s-right> <c-w>l
-" some additional hot keys
-" S-F3 - call gvim file browser
- map <silent> <s-F3> :silent browse confirm e<CR>
-imap <silent> <s-F3> <Esc>:silent browse confirm e<CR>
-" toggle insert mode <--> 'normal mode with the <RightMouse>-key
-nmap <RightMouse> <Insert>
-imap <RightMouse> <ESC>
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/rc/customization.indent.pro b/dot_vim/c-support/rc/customization.indent.pro
deleted file mode 100644
index 95f6081..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/rc/customization.indent.pro
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/rc/customization.vimrc b/dot_vim/c-support/rc/customization.vimrc
deleted file mode 100644
index f9ab5a7..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/rc/customization.vimrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-"========== load example vimrc from the distribution =========================
-runtime vimrc_example.vim
-filetype plugin on
-"========== CUSTOMIZATION (vimrc) ============================================
-" Platform specific items:
-" - central backup directory (has to be created)
-" - default dictionary
-" Uncomment your choice.
-if has("win16") || has("win32") || has("win64") ||
- \ has("win95") || has("win32unix")
- "
-" runtime mswin.vim
-" set backupdir =$VIM\vimfiles\backupdir
-" set dictionary=$VIM\vimfiles\wordlists/german.list
-" set backupdir =$HOME/.vim.backupdir
-" set dictionary=$HOME/.vim/wordlists/german.list
-" Using a backupdir under UNIX/Linux: you may want to include a line similar to
-" find $HOME/.vim.backupdir -name "*" -type f -mtime +60 -exec rm -f {} \;
-" in one of your shell startup files (e.g. $HOME/.profile)
-" Use of dictionaries
-set complete+=k " scan the files given with the 'dictionary' option
-" Various settings
-set autoread " read open files again when changed outside Vim
-set autowrite " write a modified buffer on each :next , ...
-set browsedir =current " which directory to use for the file browser
-set incsearch " use incremental search
-set nowrap " do not wrap lines
-set shiftwidth =2 " number of spaces to use for each step of indent
-set tabstop =2 " number of spaces that a <Tab> in the file counts for
-set visualbell " visual bell instead of beeping
-" some additional hot keys
-" F2 - write file without confirmation
-" F3 - call file explorer Ex
-" F4 - show tag under curser in the preview window (tagfile must exist!)
-" F5 - open quickfix error window
-" F6 - close quickfix error window
-" F7 - display previous error
-" F8 - display next error
-" S-Tab - Fast switching between buffers (see below)
-" C-q - Leave the editor with Ctrl-q (see below)
-map <silent> <F2> :write<CR>
-map <silent> <F3> :Explore<CR>
-nmap <silent> <F4> :exe ":ptag ".expand("<cword>")<CR>
-map <silent> <F5> :copen<CR>
-map <silent> <F6> :cclose<CR>
-map <silent> <F7> :cp<CR>
-map <silent> <F8> :cn<CR>
-imap <silent> <F2> <Esc>:write<CR>
-imap <silent> <F3> <Esc>:Explore<CR>
-imap <silent> <F4> <Esc>:exe ":ptag ".expand("<cword>")<CR>
-imap <silent> <F5> <Esc>:copen<CR>
-imap <silent> <F6> <Esc>:cclose<CR>
-imap <silent> <F7> <Esc>:cp<CR>
-imap <silent> <F8> <Esc>:cn<CR>
-" Fast switching between buffers
-" The current buffer will be saved before switching to the next one.
-" Choose :bprevious or :bnext
- map <silent> <s-tab> <Esc>:if &modifiable && !&readonly &&
- \ &modified <CR> :write<CR> :endif<CR>:bprevious<CR>
-imap <silent> <s-tab> <Esc>:if &modifiable && !&readonly &&
- \ &modified <CR> :write<CR> :endif<CR>:bprevious<CR>
-" Leave the editor with Ctrl-q : Write all changed buffers and exit Vim
-nmap <C-q> :wqa<CR>
-" autocomplete parenthesis, brackets and braces
-inoremap ( ()<Left>
-inoremap [ []<Left>
-inoremap { {}<Left>
-vnoremap ( s()<Esc>P<Right>%
-vnoremap [ s[]<Esc>P<Right>%
-vnoremap { s{}<Esc>P<Right>%
-" Change the working directory to the directory containing the current file
-if has("autocmd")
- autocmd BufEnter * :lchdir %:p:h
-endif " has("autocmd")
-" Filename completion
-" wildmenu : command-line completion operates in an enhanced mode
-" wildignore : A file that matches with one of these
-" patterns is ignored when completing file or directory names.
-set wildmenu
-set wildignore=*.bak,*.o,*.e,*~
-" print options (pc = percentage of the media size)
-set printoptions=left:8pc,right:3pc
-" taglist.vim : toggle the taglist window
-" taglist.vim : define the title texts for make
-" taglist.vim : define the title texts for qmake
- noremap <silent> <F11> <Esc><Esc>:Tlist<CR>
-inoremap <silent> <F11> <Esc><Esc>:Tlist<CR>
-let tlist_make_settings = 'make;m:makros;t:targets'
-let tlist_qmake_settings = 'qmake;t:SystemVariables'
-if has("autocmd")
- " ---------- qmake : set filetype for *.pro ----------
- autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead *.pro set filetype=qmake
-endif " has("autocmd")
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/scripts/wrapper.sh b/dot_vim/c-support/scripts/wrapper.sh
deleted file mode 100644
index 55d9961..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/scripts/wrapper.sh
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-# FILE: wrapper.sh
-# USAGE: ./wrapper.sh executable [cmd-line-args]
-# DESCRIPTION: Wraps the execution of a programm or script.
-# Use with xterm: xterm -e wrapper.sh executable cmd-line-args
-# This script is used by several plugins:
-# bash-support.vim, c.vim and perl-support.vim
-# OPTIONS: ---
-# REQUIREMENTS: which(1) - shows the full path of (shell) commands.
-# BUGS: ---
-# NOTES: ---
-# AUTHOR: Dr.-Ing. Fritz Mehner (Mn), mehner@fh-swf.de
-# COMPANY: Fachhochschule Südwestfalen, Iserlohn
-# CREATED: 23.11.2004 18:04:01 CET
-# REVISION: $Id: wrapper.sh,v 1.3 2007/10/03 09:06:09 mehner Exp $
-command=${@} # the complete command line
-executable=${1} # name of the executable; may be quoted
-fullname=$(which $executable)
-[ $? -eq 0 ] && executable=$fullname
-if [ ${#} -ge 1 ] && [ -x "$executable" ]
- shift
- "$executable" ${@}
- echo -e "> \"${command}\" returned ${?}"
- echo -e "\n !! file \"${executable}\" does not exist or is not executable !!"
-echo -e " ... press return key ... "
-read dummy
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/syntax/c.vim b/dot_vim/c-support/syntax/c.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 395e0d9..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/syntax/c.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-" FILE: c.vim
-" DESCRIPTION: syntax file
-" enable syntax based folding
-" part of the c-support plugin
-" AUTHOR: Dr.-Ing. Fritz Mehner
-" EMAIL: mehner@fh-swf.de
-" COMPANY: FH Südwestfalen, Iserlohn
-" VERSION: 1.0
-" CREATED: 11.03.2006
-" REVISION: ---
-" fold C blocks
-syn region cBlock start="{" end="}" transparent fold
-set foldmethod=syntax
-set foldlevel=999
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/Templates b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/Templates
deleted file mode 100644
index 9aa86fc..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/Templates
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-$ =============================================================
-$ ========== USER MACROS ======================================
-$ =============================================================
-|AUTHOR| = Ryan Kavanagh
-|AUTHORREF| = ryanakca
-|EMAIL| = ryanakca@kubuntu.org
-|COPYRIGHT| = Copyright (c) 2008 Ryan Kavanagh
-$ =============================================================
-$ ========== FILE INCLUDES ====================================
-$ =============================================================
-|includefile| = c.comments.template
-|includefile| = c.cpp.template
-|includefile| = c.idioms.template
-|includefile| = c.preprocessor.template
-|includefile| = c.statements.template
-$|includefile| = cpp.comments.template
-$|includefile| = cpp.cpp.template
-$|includefile| = cpp.idioms.template
-$|includefile| = cpp.preprocessor.template
-$|includefile| = cpp.statements.template
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.comments.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.comments.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 8080968..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.comments.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-== comment.end-of-line-comment == append ==
-/* <CURSOR> */
-== comment.frame ==
- * <CURSOR>
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-== comment.function ==
- * === FUNCTION ==========================================================
- * Name: |?FUNCTION_NAME|
- * Description: <CURSOR>
- * =========================================================================
- */
-== comment.method ==
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |?CLASSNAME|
- * Method: |?METHODNAME|
- * Description: <CURSOR>
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-== comment.class ==
- * =========================================================================
- * Class: |?CLASSNAME|
- * Description: <CURSOR>
- * =========================================================================
- */
-== comment.file-description == start ==
- * =========================================================================
- *
- * Filename: |FILENAME|
- *
- * Description: <CURSOR>
- *
- * Version: 1.0
- * Created: |DATE| |TIME|
- * Revision: none
- * Compiler: gcc
- *
- * Author: |AUTHOR| (|AUTHORREF|), |EMAIL|
- * License: |LICENSE|
- *
- * =========================================================================
- */
-== comment.keyword-bug == append ==
-== comment.keyword-compiler == append ==
-== comment.keyword-todo == append ==
-== comment.keyword-tricky == append ==
-== comment.keyword-warning == append ==
-== comment.keyword-workaround == append ==
-== comment.keyword-keyword == append ==
-== comment.file-section-cpp-header-includes ==
-/* ##### HEADER FILE INCLUDES ################################################### */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-macros ==
-/* ##### MACROS - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ################################### */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-typedefs ==
-/* ##### TYPE DEFINITIONS - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ######################### */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-data-types ==
-/* ##### DATA TYPES - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ############################### */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-class-defs ==
-/* ##### CLASS DEFINITIONS - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ######################## */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-local-variables ==
-/* ##### VARIABLES - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ################################ */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-prototypes ==
-/* ##### PROTOTYPES - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ############################### */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-function-defs-exported ==
-/* ##### FUNCTION DEFINITIONS - EXPORTED FUNCTIONS ############################ */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-function-defs-local ==
-/* ##### FUNCTION DEFINITIONS - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ##################### */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-class-implementations-exported ==
-/* ##### CLASS IMPLEMENTATIONS - EXPORTED CLASSES ############################# */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-class-implementations-local ==
-/* ##### CLASS IMPLEMENTATIONS - LOCAL CLASSES ################################ */
-== comment.file-section-hpp-header-includes ==
-/* ##### HEADER FILE INCLUDES ################################################### */
-== comment.file-section-hpp-macros ==
-/* ##### EXPORTED MACROS ######################################################## */
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-typedefs ==
-/* ##### EXPORTED TYPE DEFINITIONS ############################################## */
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-data-types ==
-/* ##### EXPORTED DATA TYPES #################################################### */
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-class-defs ==
-/* ##### EXPORTED CLASS DEFINITIONS ############################################# */
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-variables ==
-/* ##### EXPORTED VARIABLES ##################################################### */
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-function-declarations ==
-/* ##### EXPORTED FUNCTION DECLARATIONS ######################################### */
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.cpp.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.cpp.template
deleted file mode 100644
index ce15421..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.cpp.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-== cpp.method-implementation ==
- return ;
-} /* ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::|?METHODNAME| ----- */
-== cpp.class ==
- * =====================================================================================
- * Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
- * Description: <CURSOR>
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public:
- /* ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================================= */
- |CLASSNAME| (); /* constructor */
- /* ==================== OPERATORS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== OPERATIONS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== ACCESS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== INQUIRY ======================================= */
- /* ==================== DATA MEMBERS ======================================= */
- protected:
- private:
-}; /* ----- end of class |CLASSNAME| ----- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: |CLASSNAME|
- * Description: constructor
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-} /* ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::|CLASSNAME| (constructor) ----- */
-== cpp.class-using-new ==
- * =====================================================================================
- * Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
- * Description: <CURSOR>
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public:
- /* ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================================= */
- |CLASSNAME| (); /* constructor */
- |CLASSNAME| ( const |CLASSNAME| &other ); /* copy constructor */
- ~|CLASSNAME| (); /* destructor */
- /* ==================== OPERATORS ======================================= */
- const |CLASSNAME|& operator = ( const |CLASSNAME| &other ); /* assignment operator */
- /* ==================== OPERATIONS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== ACCESS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== INQUIRY ======================================= */
- /* ==================== DATA MEMBERS ======================================= */
- protected:
- private:
-}; /* ----- end of class |CLASSNAME| ----- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: |CLASSNAME|
- * Description: constructor
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-} /* ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::|CLASSNAME| (constructor) ----- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: |CLASSNAME|
- * Description: copy constructor
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-|CLASSNAME|::|CLASSNAME| ( const |CLASSNAME| &other )
-} /* ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::|CLASSNAME| (copy constructor) ----- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: ~|CLASSNAME|
- * Description: destructor
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-} /* ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::~|CLASSNAME| (destructor) ----- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: operator =
- * Description: assignment operator
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-const |CLASSNAME|&
-|CLASSNAME|::operator = ( const |CLASSNAME| &other )
- if ( this != &other ) {
- }
- return *this;
-} /* ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::operator = (assignment operator) ----- */
-== cpp.error-class ==
- * =====================================================================================
- * Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
- * Description: <CURSOR>
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public: |CLASSNAME| ( char *msg ):message(msg) { }
- virtual ~|CLASSNAME| ( ) { }
- virtual const char* what ( ) const throw ( ) { return message; }
- protected: char *message;
-}; /* ----- end of class |CLASSNAME| ----- */
-== cpp.template-method-implementation ==
-template < class T >
- return ;
-} /* ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|<T>::|METHODNAME| ----- */
-== cpp.template-class ==
- * =====================================================================================
- * Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
- * Description: <CURSOR>
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-template < class T >
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public:
- /* ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================================= */
- |CLASSNAME| (); /* constructor */
- /* ==================== OPERATORS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== OPERATIONS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== ACCESS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== INQUIRY ======================================= */
- /* ==================== DATA MEMBERS ======================================= */
- protected:
- private:
-}; /* ---------- end of template class |CLASSNAME| ---------- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: |CLASSNAME|
- * Description:
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-template < class T >
-} /* ---------- end of constructor of template class |CLASSNAME| ---------- */
-== cpp.template-class-using-new ==
- * =====================================================================================
- * Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
- * Description: <CURSOR>
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-template < class T >
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public:
- /* ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================================= */
- |CLASSNAME| (); /* constructor */
- |CLASSNAME| (const |CLASSNAME| &other); /* copy constructor */
- ~|CLASSNAME| (); /* destructor */
- /* ==================== OPERATORS ======================================= */
- const |CLASSNAME|& operator = ( const |CLASSNAME| &other ); /* assignment operator */
- /* ==================== OPERATIONS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== ACCESS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== INQUIRY ======================================= */
- /* ==================== DATA MEMBERS ======================================= */
- protected:
- private:
-}; /* ---------- end of template class |CLASSNAME| ---------- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: |CLASSNAME|
- * Description: constructor
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-template < class T >
-} /* ---------- end of constructor of template class |CLASSNAME| ---------- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: |CLASSNAME|
- * Description: copy constructor
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-template < class T >
-|CLASSNAME|< T >::|CLASSNAME| ( const |CLASSNAME| &other )
-} /* ---------- end of copy constructor of template class |CLASSNAME| ---------- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: ~|CLASSNAME|
- * Description: destructor
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-template < class T >
-} /* ---------- end of destructor of template class |CLASSNAME| ---------- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: operator =
- * Description: assignment operator
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-template < class T >
-const |CLASSNAME|< T >& |CLASSNAME|< T >::operator = ( const |CLASSNAME| &other )
- return *this;
-} /* ---------- end of assignment operator of template class |CLASSNAME| ---------- */
-== cpp.template-function ==
-template <class T>
- return ;
-} /* ----- end of template function |?TEMPALTE_FUNCTION_NAME| ----- */
-== cpp.operator-in ==
-ostream &
-operator << ( ostream & os, const |?CLASSNAME| & obj )
- os << obj.<CURSOR> ;
- return os;
-} /* ----- end of function operator << ----- */
-== cpp.operator-out ==
-istream &
-operator >> ( istream & is, |?CLASSNAME| & obj )
- is >> obj.<CURSOR> ;
- return is;
-} /* ----- end of function operator >> ----- */
-== cpp.try-catch ==
-try {<CURSOR>
-catch ( const &ExceptObj ) { /* handle exception: */
-catch (...) { /* handle exception: unspezified */
-== cpp.catch ==
-catch ( <CURSOR>const &ExceptObj ) { /* handle exception: */
-== cpp.catch-points ==
-catch (...) { /* handle exception: */
-== cpp.extern ==
-extern "C" {<CURSOR>
-== cpp.open-input-file ==
-char *ifs_file_name = "<CURSOR>"; /* input file name */
-ifstream ifs; /* create ifstream object */
-ifs.open (ifs_file_name); /* open ifstream */
-if (!ifs) {
- cerr << "\nERROR : failed to open input file " << ifs_file_name << endl;
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-ifs.close (); /* close ifstream */
-== cpp.open-output-file ==
-char *ofs_file_name = "<CURSOR>"; /* output file name */
-ofstream ofs; /* create ofstream object */
-ofs.open (ofs_file_name); /* open ofstream */
-if (!ofs) {
- cerr << "\nERROR : failed to open output file " << ofs_file_name << endl;
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-ofs.close (); /* close ofstream */
-== cpp.namespace ==
-namespace |?NAMESPACE|
-<SPLIT>} /* ----- end of |NAMESPACE| name ----- */
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.idioms.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.idioms.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 09bc0b7..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.idioms.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-== idioms.function ==
-<SPLIT> return ;
-} /* ----- end of function |FUNCTION_NAME| ----- */
-== idioms.function-static ==
-static void<CURSOR>
-<SPLIT> return ;
-} /* ----- end of static function |FUNCTION_NAME| ----- */
-== idioms.main ==
-main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
-} /* ---------- end of function main ---------- */
-== idioms.enum ==
-enum |?ENUM_NAME| {<CURSOR>
-<SPLIT>}; /* ---------- end of enum |ENUM_NAME| ---------- */
-== idioms.struct ==
-struct |?STRUCT_NAME| {<CURSOR>
-<SPLIT>}; /* ---------- end of struct |STRUCT_NAME| ---------- */
-== idioms.union ==
-union |?UNION_NAME| {<CURSOR>
-<SPLIT>}; /* ---------- end of union |UNION_NAME| ---------- */
-== idioms.calloc ==
-|?POINTER| = (<CURSOR>TYPE*)calloc ( (size_t)(COUNT), sizeof(TYPE) );
-if ( |POINTER|==NULL ) {
- fprintf ( stderr, "\ndynamic memory allocation failed\n" );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-free (|POINTER|);
-== idioms.malloc ==
-|?POINTER| = (<CURSOR>TYPE*)malloc ( sizeof(TYPE) );
-if ( |POINTER|==NULL ) {
- fprintf ( stderr, "\ndynamic memory allocation failed\n" );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-free (|POINTER|);
-== idioms.open-input-file ==
-FILE *|?FILEPOINTER|; /* input-file pointer */
-char *|FILEPOINTER|_file_name = "<CURSOR>"; /* input-file name */
-|FILEPOINTER| = fopen( |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, "r" );
-if ( |FILEPOINTER| == NULL ) {
- fprintf ( stderr, "couldn't open file '%s'; %s\n",
- |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, strerror(errno) );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-if( fclose(|FILEPOINTER|) == EOF ) { /* close input file */
- fprintf ( stderr, "couldn't close file '%s'; %s\n",
- |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, strerror(errno) );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-== idioms.open-output-file ==
-FILE *|?FILEPOINTER|; /* output-file pointer */
-char *|FILEPOINTER|_file_name = "<CURSOR>"; /* output-file name */
-|FILEPOINTER| = fopen( |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, "w" );
-if ( |FILEPOINTER| == NULL ) {
- fprintf ( stderr, "couldn't open file '%s'; %s\n",
- |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, strerror(errno) );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-if( fclose(|FILEPOINTER|) == EOF ) { /* close output file */
- fprintf ( stderr, "couldn't close file '%s'; %s\n",
- |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, strerror(errno) );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-== idioms.fprintf ==
-fprintf ( |?FILEPOINTER|, "<CURSOR>\n", );
-== idioms.fscanf ==
-fscanf ( |?FILEPOINTER|, "<CURSOR>", & );
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.preprocessor.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.preprocessor.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ec674a..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.preprocessor.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-== preprocessor.define ==
-#define <CURSOR> /* */
-== preprocessor.undefine ==
-#undef <CURSOR> /* */
-== preprocessor.if-else-endif ==
-#if |?CONDITION:u|
-#else /* ----- not |CONDITION| ----- */
-#endif /* ----- not |CONDITION| ----- */
-== preprocessor.ifdef-else-endif ==
-#ifdef |?CONDITION:u|
-#else /* ----- not |CONDITION| ----- */
-#endif /* ----- not |CONDITION| ----- */
-== preprocessor.ifndef-else-endif ==
-#ifndef |?CONDITION:u|
-#else /* ----- not |CONDITION| ----- */
-#endif /* ----- not |CONDITION| ----- */
-== preprocessor.ifndef-def-endif ==
-#ifndef |?BASENAME:L|_INC
-#define |BASENAME|_INC
-#endif /* ----- #ifndef |BASENAME|_INC ----- */
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.statements.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.statements.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 966ae3a..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.statements.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-== statements.do-while ==
-do {
-<SPLIT>} while ( <CURSOR> ); /* ----- end do-while ----- */
-== statements.for ==
-for ( <CURSOR>; ; )
-== statements.for-block ==
-for ( <CURSOR>; ; ) {
-== statements.if ==
-if ( <CURSOR> )
-== statements.if-block ==
-if ( <CURSOR> ) {
-== statements.if-else ==
-if ( <CURSOR> )
-== statements.if-block-else ==
-if ( <CURSOR> ) {
-<SPLIT>} else {
-== statements.while ==
-while ( <CURSOR> )
-== statements.while-block ==
-while ( <CURSOR> ) {
-== statements.switch ==
-switch ( <CURSOR> ) {
- case :
- <SPLIT>break;
- case :
- break;
- case :
- break;
- case :
- break;
- default:
- break;
-} /* ----- end switch ----- */
-== statements.case ==
-case <CURSOR>:
-== statements.block ==
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.comments.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.comments.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 9929eab..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.comments.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-== comment.end-of-line-comment == append ==
-// <CURSOR>
-== comment.frame ==
-// <CURSOR>
-== comment.function ==
-// === FUNCTION ===========================================================
-// Name: |?FUNCTION_NAME|
-// Description: <CURSOR>
-// ==========================================================================
-== comment.method ==
-// Class: |?CLASSNAME|
-// Method: |?METHODNAME|
-// Description: <CURSOR>
-== comment.class ==
-// ==========================================================================
-// Class: |?CLASSNAME|
-// Description: <CURSOR>
-// ==========================================================================
-== comment.file-description == start ==
-// ==========================================================================
-// Filename: |FILENAME|
-// Description: <CURSOR>
-// Version: 1.0
-// Created: |DATE| |TIME|
-// Revision: none
-// Compiler: g++
-// Author: |AUTHOR| (|AUTHORREF|), |EMAIL|
-// License: |LICENSE|
-// ==========================================================================
-== comment.keyword-bug == append ==
-== comment.keyword-compiler == append ==
-== comment.keyword-todo == append ==
-== comment.keyword-tricky == append ==
-== comment.keyword-warning == append ==
-== comment.keyword-workaround == append ==
-== comment.keyword-keyword == append ==
-== comment.file-section-cpp-header-includes ==
-// ##### HEADER FILE INCLUDES ###################################################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-macros ==
-// ##### MACROS - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ###################################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-typedefs ==
-// ##### TYPE DEFINITIONS - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE #########################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-data-types ==
-// ##### DATA TYPES - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ###############################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-class-defs ==
-// ##### CLASS DEFINITIONS - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ########################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-local-variables ==
-// ##### VARIABLES - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ################################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-prototypes ==
-// ##### PROTOTYPES - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ###############################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-function-defs-exported ==
-// ##### FUNCTION DEFINITIONS - EXPORTED FUNCTIONS ############################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-function-defs-local ==
-// ##### FUNCTION DEFINITIONS - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE #####################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-class-implementations-exported ==
-// ##### CLASS IMPLEMENTATIONS - EXPORTED CLASSES #############################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-class-implementations-local ==
-// ##### CLASS IMPLEMENTATIONS - LOCAL CLASSES ################################
-== comment.file-section-hpp-header-includes ==
-// ##### HEADER FILE INCLUDES ###################################################
-== comment.file-section-hpp-macros ==
-// ##### EXPORTED MACROS ########################################################
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-typedefs ==
-// ##### EXPORTED TYPE DEFINITIONS ##############################################
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-data-types ==
-// ##### EXPORTED DATA TYPES ####################################################
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-class-defs ==
-// ##### EXPORTED CLASS DEFINITIONS #############################################
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-variables ==
-// ##### EXPORTED VARIABLES #####################################################
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-function-declarations ==
-// ##### EXPORTED FUNCTION DECLARATIONS #########################################
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.cpp.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.cpp.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 7773989..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.cpp.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-== cpp.method-implementation ==
- return ;
-} // ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::|METHODNAME| -----
-== cpp.class ==
-// =====================================================================================
-// Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
-// Description: <CURSOR>
-// =====================================================================================
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public:
- // ==================== LIFECYCLE =======================================
- |CLASSNAME| (); // constructor
- // ==================== OPERATORS =======================================
- // ==================== OPERATIONS =======================================
- // ==================== ACCESS =======================================
- // ==================== INQUIRY =======================================
- // ==================== DATA MEMBERS =======================================
- protected:
- private:
-}; // ----- end of class |CLASSNAME| -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: |CLASSNAME|
-// Description: constructor
-} // ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::|CLASSNAME| (constructor) -----
-== cpp.class-using-new ==
-// =====================================================================================
-// Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
-// Description: <CURSOR>
-// =====================================================================================
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public:
- // ==================== LIFECYCLE =======================================
- |CLASSNAME| (); // constructor
- |CLASSNAME| ( const |CLASSNAME| &other ); // copy constructor
- ~|CLASSNAME| (); // destructor
- // ==================== OPERATORS =======================================
- const |CLASSNAME|& operator = ( const |CLASSNAME| &other ); // assignment operator
- // ==================== OPERATIONS =======================================
- // ==================== ACCESS =======================================
- // ==================== INQUIRY =======================================
- // ==================== DATA MEMBERS =======================================
- protected:
- private:
-}; // ----- end of class |CLASSNAME| -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: |CLASSNAME|
-// Description: constructor
-} // ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::|CLASSNAME| (constructor) -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: |CLASSNAME|
-// Description: copy constructor
-|CLASSNAME|::|CLASSNAME| ( const |CLASSNAME| &other )
-} // ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::|CLASSNAME| (copy constructor) -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: ~|CLASSNAME|
-// Description: destructor
-} // ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::~|CLASSNAME| (destructor) -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: operator =
-// Description: assignment operator
-const |CLASSNAME|&
-|CLASSNAME|::operator = ( const |CLASSNAME| &other )
- if ( this != &other ) {
- }
- return *this;
-} // ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::operator = (assignment operator) -----
-== cpp.error-class ==
-// =====================================================================================
-// Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
-// Description: <CURSOR>
-// =====================================================================================
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public: |CLASSNAME| ( char *msg ):message(msg) { }
- virtual ~|CLASSNAME| ( ) { }
- virtual const char* what ( ) const throw ( ) { return message; }
- protected: char *message;
-}; // ---------- end of class |CLASSNAME| ----------
-== cpp.template-method-implementation ==
-template < class T >
- return ;
-} // ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|<T>::|METHODNAME| -----
-== cpp.template-class ==
-// =====================================================================================
-// Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
-// Description: <CURSOR>
-// =====================================================================================
-template < class T >
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public:
- // ==================== LIFECYCLE =======================================
- |CLASSNAME| (); // constructor
- // ==================== OPERATORS =======================================
- // ==================== OPERATIONS =======================================
- // ==================== ACCESS =======================================
- // ==================== INQUIRY =======================================
- // ==================== DATA MEMBERS =======================================
- protected:
- private:
-}; // ----- end of template class |CLASSNAME| -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: |CLASSNAME|
-// Description: constructor
-template < class T >
-} // ----- end of constructor of template class |CLASSNAME| -----
-== cpp.template-class-using-new ==
-// =====================================================================================
-// Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
-// Description: <CURSOR>
-// =====================================================================================
-template < class T >
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public:
- // ==================== LIFECYCLE =======================================
- |CLASSNAME| (); // constructor
- |CLASSNAME| ( const |CLASSNAME| &other ); // copy constructor
- ~|CLASSNAME| (); // destructor
- // ==================== OPERATORS =======================================
- const |CLASSNAME|& operator = ( const |CLASSNAME| &other ); // assignment operator
- // ==================== OPERATIONS =======================================
- // ==================== ACCESS =======================================
- // ==================== INQUIRY =======================================
- // ==================== DATA MEMBERS =======================================
- protected:
- private:
-}; // ----- end of template class |CLASSNAME| -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: |CLASSNAME|
-// Description: constructor
-template < class T >
-} // ----- end of constructor of template class |CLASSNAME| -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: |CLASSNAME|
-// Description: copy constructor
-template < class T >
-|CLASSNAME|<T>::|CLASSNAME| ( const |CLASSNAME| &other )
-} // ----- end of copy constructor of template class |CLASSNAME| -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: ~|CLASSNAME|
-// Description: destructor
-template < class T >
-} // ----- end of destructor of template class |CLASSNAME| -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: operator =
-// Description: assignment operator
-template < class T >
-const |CLASSNAME|<T>& |CLASSNAME|<T>::operator = ( const |CLASSNAME| &other )
- if ( this != &other ) {
- }
- return *this;
-} // ----- end of assignment operator of template class |CLASSNAME| -----
-== cpp.template-function ==
-template <class T>
- return ;
-} // ----- end of template function |?TEMPALTE_FUNCTION_NAME| -----
-== cpp.operator-in ==
-ostream &
-operator << ( ostream & os, const |?CLASSNAME| & obj )
- os << obj.<CURSOR> ;
- return os;
-} // ----- end of function operator << -----
-== cpp.operator-out ==
-istream &
-operator >> ( istream & is, |?CLASSNAME| & obj )
- is >> obj.<CURSOR> ;
- return is;
-} // ----- end of function operator >> -----
-== cpp.try-catch ==
-try {<CURSOR>
-catch ( const &ExceptObj ) { // handle exception:
-catch (...) { // handle exception: unspezified
-== cpp.catch ==
-catch ( <CURSOR>const &ExceptObj ) { // handle exception:
-== cpp.catch-points ==
-catch (...) { // handle exception:
-== cpp.extern ==
-extern "C" {<CURSOR>
-== cpp.open-input-file ==
-char *ifs_file_name = "<CURSOR>"; // input file name
-ifstream ifs; // create ifstream object
-ifs.open (ifs_file_name); // open ifstream
-if (!ifs) {
- cerr << "\nERROR : failed to open input file " << ifs_file_name << endl;
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-ifs.close (); // close ifstream
-== cpp.open-output-file ==
-char *ofs_file_name = "<CURSOR>"; // output file name
-ofstream ofs; // create ofstream object
-ofs.open (ofs_file_name); // open ofstream
-if (!ofs) {
- cerr << "\nERROR : failed to open output file " << ofs_file_name << endl;
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-ofs.close (); // close ofstream
-== cpp.namespace ==
-namespace |?NAMESPACE|
-<SPLIT>} // ----- end of |NAMESPACE| name -----
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.idioms.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.idioms.template
deleted file mode 100644
index febc375..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.idioms.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-== idioms.function ==
-<SPLIT> return ;
-} // ----- end of function |FUNCTION_NAME| -----
-== idioms.function-static ==
-static void<CURSOR>
-<SPLIT> return ;
-} // ----- end of static function |FUNCTION_NAME| -----
-== idioms.main ==
-main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
-} // ---------- end of function main ----------
-== idioms.enum ==
-enum |?ENUM_NAME| {<CURSOR>
-<SPLIT>}; // ---------- end of enum |ENUM_NAME| ----------
-== idioms.struct ==
-struct |?STRUCT_NAME| {<CURSOR>
-<SPLIT>}; // ---------- end of struct |STRUCT_NAME| ----------
-== idioms.union ==
-union |?UNION_NAME| {<CURSOR>
-<SPLIT>}; // ---------- end of union |UNION_NAME| ----------
-== idioms.calloc ==
-|?POINTER| = (<CURSOR>TYPE*)calloc ( (size_t)(COUNT), sizeof(TYPE) );
-if ( |POINTER|==NULL ) {
- fprintf ( stderr, "\ndynamic memory allocation failed\n" );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-free (|POINTER|);
-== idioms.malloc ==
-|?POINTER| = (<CURSOR>TYPE*)malloc ( sizeof(TYPE) );
-if ( |POINTER|==NULL ) {
- fprintf ( stderr, "\ndynamic memory allocation failed\n" );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-free (|POINTER|);
-== idioms.open-input-file ==
-FILE *|?FILEPOINTER|; // input-file pointer
-char *|FILEPOINTER|_file_name = "<CURSOR>"; // input-file name
-|FILEPOINTER| = fopen( |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, "r" );
-if ( |FILEPOINTER| == NULL ) {
- fprintf ( stderr, "couldn't open file '%s'; %s\n",
- |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, strerror(errno) );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-if( fclose(|FILEPOINTER|) == EOF ) { // close input file
- fprintf ( stderr, "couldn't close file '%s'; %s\n",
- |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, strerror(errno) );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-== idioms.open-output-file ==
-FILE *|?FILEPOINTER|; // output-file pointer
-char *|FILEPOINTER|_file_name = "<CURSOR>"; // output-file name
-|FILEPOINTER| = fopen( |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, "w" );
-if ( |FILEPOINTER| == NULL ) {
- fprintf ( stderr, "couldn't open file '%s'; %s\n",
- |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, strerror(errno) );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-if( fclose(|FILEPOINTER|) == EOF ) { // close output file
- fprintf ( stderr, "couldn't close file '%s'; %s\n",
- |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, strerror(errno) );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-== idioms.fprintf ==
-fprintf ( |?FILEPOINTER|, "<CURSOR>\n", );
-== idioms.fscanf ==
-fscanf ( |?FILEPOINTER|, "<CURSOR>", & );
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.preprocessor.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.preprocessor.template
deleted file mode 100644
index dbf8abb..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.preprocessor.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-== preprocessor.define ==
-#define <CURSOR> //
-== preprocessor.undefine ==
-#undef <CURSOR> //
-== preprocessor.if-else-endif ==
-#if |?CONDITION:u|
-#else // ----- not |CONDITION| -----
-#endif // ----- not |CONDITION| -----
-== preprocessor.ifdef-else-endif ==
-#ifdef |?CONDITION:u|
-#else // ----- not |CONDITION| -----
-#endif // ----- not |CONDITION| -----
-== preprocessor.ifndef-else-endif ==
-#ifndef |?CONDITION:u|
-#else // ----- not |CONDITION| -----
-#endif // ----- not |CONDITION| -----
-== preprocessor.ifndef-def-endif ==
-#ifndef |?BASENAME:L|_INC
-#define |BASENAME|_INC
-#endif // ----- #ifndef |BASENAME|_INC -----
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.statements.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.statements.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 8018334..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.statements.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-== statements.do-while ==
-do {
-<SPLIT>} while ( <CURSOR> ); // ----- end do-while -----
-== statements.for ==
-for ( <CURSOR>; ; )
-== statements.for-block ==
-for ( <CURSOR>; ; ) {
-== statements.if ==
-if ( <CURSOR> )
-== statements.if-block ==
-if ( <CURSOR> ) {
-== statements.if-else ==
-if ( <CURSOR> )
-== statements.if-block-else ==
-if ( <CURSOR> ) {
-<SPLIT>} else {
-== statements.while ==
-while ( <CURSOR> )
-== statements.while-block ==
-while ( <CURSOR> ) {
-== statements.switch ==
-switch ( <CURSOR> ) {
- case :
- <SPLIT>break;
- case :
- break;
- case :
- break;
- case :
- break;
- default:
- break;
-} // ----- end switch -----
-== statements.case ==
-case <CURSOR>:
-== statements.block ==
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/wordlists/c-c++-keywords.list b/dot_vim/c-support/wordlists/c-c++-keywords.list
deleted file mode 100644
index 5a97dd6..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/wordlists/c-c++-keywords.list
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,209 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/wordlists/k+r.list b/dot_vim/c-support/wordlists/k+r.list
deleted file mode 100644
index 805756a..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/wordlists/k+r.list
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/wordlists/stl_index.list b/dot_vim/c-support/wordlists/stl_index.list
deleted file mode 100644
index b5d98a3..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/wordlists/stl_index.list
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@