path: root/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite
diff options
authorRyan Kavanagh <rak@rak.ac>2021-12-14 11:42:41 -0500
committerRyan Kavanagh <rak@rak.ac>2021-12-14 11:42:41 -0500
commitfd2001cd614dfa0d55ec820b7c358a1795d3ea27 (patch)
tree932b5f91ad3c70f9cfa4455a0ccfb27a7b259bf1 /dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite
parentadded symlink to cclub afs (diff)
Simplify vim configuration
Diffstat (limited to 'dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite')
-rw-r--r--dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/bibtools.pycbin7004 -> 0 bytes
-rw-r--r--dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/outline.pycbin4324 -> 0 bytes
107 files changed, 0 insertions, 13574 deletions
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/bibtex.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/bibtex.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 8037914..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/bibtex.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,266 +0,0 @@
-" File: bibtex.vim
-" Function: BibT
-" Author: Alan G Isaac <aisaac@american.edu>
-" modified by Srinath Avadhanula for latex-suite.
-" License: Vim Charityware license.
-" CVS: $Id: bibtex.vim 997 2006-03-20 09:45:45Z srinathava $
-" Fields:
-" Define what field type each letter denotes {{{
-let s:w_standsfor = 'address'
-let s:a_standsfor = 'author'
-let s:b_standsfor = 'booktitle'
-let s:c_standsfor = 'chapter'
-let s:d_standsfor = 'edition'
-let s:e_standsfor = 'editor'
-let s:h_standsfor = 'howpublished'
-let s:i_standsfor = 'institution'
-let s:k_standsfor = 'isbn'
-let s:j_standsfor = 'journal'
-let s:m_standsfor = 'month'
-let s:n_standsfor = 'number'
-let s:o_standsfor = 'organization'
-let s:p_standsfor = 'pages'
-let s:q_standsfor = 'publisher'
-let s:r_standsfor = 'school'
-let s:s_standsfor = 'series'
-let s:t_standsfor = 'title'
-let s:u_standsfor = 'type'
-let s:v_standsfor = 'volume'
-let s:y_standsfor = 'year'
-let s:z_standsfor = 'note'
-" }}}
-" Define the fields required for the various entry types {{{
-" s:{type}_required defines the required fields
-" s:{type}_optional1 defines common optional fields
-" s:{type}_optional2 defines uncommmon optional fields
-" s:{type}_retval defines the first line of the formatted bib entry.
-let s:key='<+key+>'
-let s:{'article'}_required="atjy"
-let s:{'article'}_optional1="vnpm"
-let s:{'article'}_optional2="z" " z is note
-let s:{'article'}_retval = '@ARTICLE{' . s:key . ','."\n"
-let s:{'book'}_required="aetqy" " requires author *or* editor
-let s:{'book'}_optional1="wd"
-let s:{'book'}_optional2="vnsmz" " w is address, d is edition
-let s:{'book'}_extras="k" " isbn
-let s:{'book'}_retval = '@BOOK{' . s:key . ','."\n"
-let s:{'booklet'}_required="t"
-let s:{'booklet'}_optional1="ahy"
-let s:{'booklet'}_optional2="wmz" " w is address
-let s:{'booklet'}_retval = '@BOOKLET{' . s:key . ','."\n"
-let s:{'inbook'}_required="aetcpqy"
-let s:{'inbook'}_optional1="w" " w is address
-let s:{'inbook'}_optional2="vnsudmz" " d is edition
-let s:{'inbook'}_extras="k" " isbn
-let s:{'inbook'}_retval = '@INBOOK{' . s:key . ','."\n"
-let s:{'incollection'}_required="atbqy" " b is booktitle
-let s:{'incollection'}_optional1="cpw" " w is address, c is chapter
-let s:{'incollection'}_optional2="evnsudmz" " d is edition
-let s:{'incollection'}_extras="k" " isbn
-let s:{'incollection'}_retval = '@INCOLLECTION{' . s:key . ','."\n"
-let s:{'inproceedings'}_required="atby" " b is booktitle
-let s:{'inproceedings'}_optional1="epwoq" " w is address, q is publisher
-let s:{'inproceedings'}_optional2="vnsmz"
-let s:{'inproceedings'}_extras="k" " isbn
-let s:{'inproceedings'}_retval = '@INPROCEEDINGS{' . s:key . ','."\n"
-let s:{'conference'}_required="atby" " b is booktitle
-let s:{'conference'}_optional1="epwoq" " w is address, q is publisher
-let s:{'conference'}_optional2="vnsmz"
-let s:{'conference'}_extras="k" " isbn
-let s:{'conference'}_retval = '@CONFERENCE{' . s:key . ','."\n"
-let s:{'manual'}_required="t"
-let s:{'manual'}_optional1="ow"
-let s:{'manual'}_optional2="admyz" " w is address
-let s:{'manual'}_retval = '@MANUAL{' . s:key . ','."\n"
-let s:{'msthesis'}_required="atry" " r is school
-let s:{'msthesis'}_optional1="w" " w is address
-let s:{'msthesis'}_optional2="umz" " u is type, w is address
-let s:{'msthesis'}_retval = '@MASTERSTHESIS{' . s:key . ','."\n"
-let s:{'misc'}_required=""
-let s:{'misc'}_optional1="ath"
-let s:{'misc'}_optional2="myz"
-let s:{'misc'}_retval = '@MISC{' . s:key . ','."\n"
-let s:{'phdthesis'}_required="atry" " r is school
-let s:{'phdthesis'}_optional1="w" " w is address
-let s:{'phdthesis'}_optional2="umz" " u is type
-let s:{'phdthesis'}_retval = '@PHDTHESIS{' . s:key . ','."\n"
-let s:{'proceedings'}_required="ty"
-let s:{'proceedings'}_optional1="ewo" " w is address
-let s:{'proceedings'}_optional2="vnsmqz" " q is publisher
-let s:{'proceedings'}_retval = '@PROCEEDINGS{' . s:key . ','."\n"
-let s:{'techreport'}_required="atiy"
-let s:{'techreport'}_optional1="unw" " u is type, w is address
-let s:{'techreport'}_optional2="mz"
-let s:{'techreport'}_retval = '@TECHREPORT{' . s:key . ','."\n"
-let s:{'unpublished'}_required="atz"
-let s:{'unpublished'}_optional1="y"
-let s:{'unpublished'}_optional2="m"
-let s:{'unpublished'}_retval = '@UNPUBLISHED{' . s:key . ','."\n"
-" }}}
-if exists('s:done')
- finish
-let s:done = 1
-call IMAP ('BBB', "\<C-r>=BibT('', '', 0)\<CR>", 'bib')
-call IMAP ('BBL', "\<C-r>=BibT('', 'o', 0)\<CR>", 'bib')
-call IMAP ('BBH', "\<C-r>=BibT('', 'O', 0)\<CR>", 'bib')
-call IMAP ('BBX', "\<C-r>=BibT('', 'Ox', 0)\<CR>", 'bib')
-" BibT: function to generate a formatted bibtex entry {{{
-" three sample usages:
-" :call BibT() will request type choice
-" :call BibT("article") preferred, provides most common fields
-" :call BibT("article","ox") more optional fields (o) and extras (x)
-" Input Arguments:
-" type: is one of the types listed above. (this should be a complete name, not
-" the acronym).
-" options: a string containing 0 or more of the letters 'oOx'
-" where
-" o: include a bib entry with first set of options
-" O: include a bib entry with extended options
-" x: incude bib entry with extra options
-" prompt: whether the fields are asked to be filled on the command prompt or
-" whether place-holders are used. when prompt == 1, then comman line
-" questions are used.
-" Returns:
-" a string containing a formatted bib entry
-function BibT(type, options, prompt)
- if a:type != ''
- let choosetype = a:type
- else
- let types =
- \ 'article'."\n".
- \ 'booklet'."\n".
- \ 'book'."\n".
- \ 'conference'."\n".
- \ 'inbook'."\n".
- \ 'incollection'."\n".
- \ 'inproceedings'."\n".
- \ 'manual'."\n".
- \ 'msthesis'."\n".
- \ 'misc'."\n".
- \ 'phdthesis'."\n".
- \ 'proceedings'."\n".
- \ 'techreport'."\n".
- \ 'unpublished'
- let choosetype = Tex_ChooseFromPrompt(
- \ "Choose the type of bibliographic entry: \n" .
- \ Tex_CreatePrompt(types, 3, "\n") .
- \ "\nEnter number or filename :",
- \ types, "\n")
- if choosetype == ''
- let choosetype = 'article'
- endif
- if types !~ '^\|\n'.choosetype.'$\|\n'
- echomsg 'Please choose only one of the given types'
- return
- endif
- endif
- if a:options != ''
- let options = a:options
- else
- let options = ""
- endif
- let fields = ''
- let extras=""
- let retval = ""
- " define fields
- let fields = s:{choosetype}_required
- if options =~ 'o' && exists('s:'.choosetype.'_optional1')
- let fields = fields . s:{choosetype}_optional1
- endif
- if options =~ "O" && exists('s:'.choosetype.'_optional2')
- if options !~ 'o'&& exists('s:'.choosetype.'_optional1')
- let fields = fields . s:{choosetype}_optional1
- endif
- let fields = fields . s:{choosetype}_optional2
- endif
- if options =~ "x" && exists('s:'.choosetype.'_extras')
- let fields = fields . extras
- endif
- if exists('g:Bib_'.choosetype.'_options')
- let fields = fields . g:Bib_{choosetype}_options
- endif
- let retval = s:{choosetype}_retval
- let i = 0
- while i < strlen(fields)
- let field = strpart(fields, i, 1)
- if exists('s:'.field.'_standsfor')
- let field_name = s:{field}_standsfor
- let retval = retval.field_name." = {<++>},\n"
- endif
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
- " If the user wants even more fine-tuning...
- if Tex_GetVarValue('Bib_'.choosetype.'_extrafields') != ''
- let extrafields = Tex_GetVarValue('Bib_'.choosetype.'_extrafields')
- let i = 1
- while 1
- let field_name = Tex_Strntok(extrafields, "\n", i)
- if field_name == ''
- break
- endif
- let retval = retval.field_name." = {<++>},\n"
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
- endif
- let retval = retval.'otherinfo = {<++>}'."\n"
- let retval = retval."}<++>"."\n"
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(retval)
-" }}}
-function! s:Input(prompt, ask) " {{{
- if a:ask == 1
- let retval = input(a:prompt)
- if retval == ''
- return "<++>"
- endif
- else
- return "<++>"
- endif
-" }}}
-" vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/bibtools.py b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/bibtools.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a5366c..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/bibtools.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
-# Author: Srinath Avadhanula
-# This file is distributed as part of the vim-latex project
-# http://vim-latex.sf.net
-import re
-class Bibliography(dict):
- def __init__(self, txt, macros={}):
- """
- txt:
- a string which represents the entire bibtex entry. A typical
- entry is of the form:
- @ARTICLE{ellington:84:part3,
- author = {Ellington, C P},
- title = {The Aerodynamics of Hovering Insect Flight. III. Kinematics},
- journal = {Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences},
- year = {1984},
- volume = {305},
- pages = {41-78},
- number = {1122},
- owner = {Srinath},
- pdf = {C:\srinath\research\papers\Ellington-3-Kinematics.pdf},
- timestamp = {2006.01.02},
- }
- """
- if macros:
- for k, v in macros.iteritems():
- txt = txt.replace(k, '{'+v+'}')
- m = re.match(r'\s*@(\w+){((\S+),)?(.*)}\s*', txt, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL)
- if not m:
- return None
- self['bibtype'] = m.group(1).capitalize()
- self['key'] = m.group(3)
- self['body'] = m.group(4)
- body = self['body']
- self['bodytext'] = ''
- while 1:
- m = re.search(r'(\S+?)\s*=\s*(.)', body)
- if not m:
- break
- field = m.group(1)
- body = body[(m.start(2)+1):]
- if m.group(2) == '{':
- # search for the next closing brace. This is not simply a
- # matter of searching for the next closing brace since
- # braces can be nested. The following code basically goes
- # to the next } which has not already been closed by a
- # following {.
- mniter = re.finditer(r'{|}', body)
- count = 1
- while 1:
- try:
- mn = mniter.next()
- except StopIteration:
- return None
- if mn.group(0) == '{':
- count += 1
- else:
- count -= 1
- if count == 0:
- value = body[:(mn.start(0))]
- break
- elif m.group(2) == '"':
- # search for the next unquoted double-quote. To be more
- # precise, a double quote which is preceded by an even
- # number of double quotes.
- mn = re.search(r'(?!\\)(\\\\)*"', body)
- if not mn:
- return None
- value = body[:(mn.start(0))]
- else:
- # $ always matches. So we do not need to do any
- # error-checking.
- mn = re.search(r',|$', body)
- value = m.group(2) + body[:(mn.start(0))].rstrip()
- self[field] = re.sub(r'\s+', ' ', value)
- body = body[(mn.start(0)+1):]
- self['bodytext'] += (' %s: %s\n' % (field, value))
- if self['bibtype'].lower() == 'string':
- self['macro'] = {field: value}
- self['bodytext'] = self['bodytext'].rstrip()
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- try:
- return dict.__getitem__(self, key)
- except KeyError:
- return ''
- def __str__(self):
- if self['bibtype'].lower() == 'string':
- return 'String: %(macro)s' % self
- elif self['bibtype'].lower() == 'article':
- return ('Article [%(key)s]\n' +
- 'TI "%(title)s"\n' +
- 'AU %(author)s\n' +
- 'IN In %(journal)s, %(year)s') % self
- elif self['bibtype'].lower() == 'conference':
- return ('Conference [%(key)s]\n' +
- 'TI "%(title)s"\n' +
- 'AU %(author)s\n' +
- 'IN In %(booktitle)s, %(year)s') % self
- elif self['bibtype'].lower() == 'mastersthesis':
- return ('Masters [%(key)s]\n' +
- 'TI "%(title)s"\n' +
- 'AU %(author)s\n' +
- 'IN In %(school)s, %(year)s') % self
- elif self['bibtype'].lower() == 'phdthesis':
- return ('PhD [%(key)s]\n' +
- 'TI "%(title)s"\n' +
- 'AU %(author)s\n' +
- 'IN In %(school)s, %(year)s') % self
- elif self['bibtype'].lower() == 'book':
- return ('Book [%(key)s]\n' +
- 'TI "%(title)s"\n' +
- 'AU %(author)s\n' +
- 'IN %(publisher)s, %(year)s') % self
- else:
- s = '%(bibtype)s [%(key)s]\n' % self
- if self['title']:
- s += 'TI "%(title)s"\n' % self
- if self['author']:
- s += 'AU %(author)s\n' % self
- for k, v in self.iteritems():
- if k not in ['title', 'author', 'bibtype', 'key', 'id', 'file', 'body', 'bodytext']:
- s += 'MI %s: %s\n' % (k, v)
- return s.rstrip()
- def satisfies(self, filters):
- for field, regexp in filters:
- if not re.search(regexp, self[field], re.I):
- return False
- return True
-class BibFile:
- def __init__(self, filelist=''):
- self.bibentries = []
- self.filters = []
- self.macros = {}
- self.sortfields = []
- if filelist:
- for f in filelist.splitlines():
- self.addfile(f)
- def addfile(self, file):
- fields = open(file).read().split('@')
- for f in fields:
- if not (f and re.match('string', f, re.I)):
- continue
- b = Bibliography('@' + f)
- self.macros.update(b['macro'])
- for f in fields:
- if not f or re.match('string', f, re.I):
- continue
- b = Bibliography('@' + f, self.macros)
- if b:
- b['file'] = file
- b['id'] = len(self.bibentries)
- self.bibentries += [b]
- def addfilter(self, filterspec):
- self.filters += [filterspec.split()]
- def rmfilters(self):
- self.filters = []
- def __str__(self):
- s = ''
- for b in self.bibentries:
- if b['key'] and b.satisfies(self.filters):
- s += '%s\n\n' % b
- return s
- def addsortfield(self, field):
- self.sortfields += [field]
- def rmsortfields(self):
- self.sortfields = []
- def sort(self):
- def cmpfun(b1, b2):
- for f in self.sortfields:
- c = cmp(b1[f], b2[f])
- if c:
- return c
- return 0
- self.bibentries.sort(cmp=cmpfun)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- import sys
- bf = BibFile(sys.argv[1])
- print bf
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/bibtools.pyc b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/bibtools.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index c79961f..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/bibtools.pyc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/brackets.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/brackets.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 0669ce4..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/brackets.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,145 +0,0 @@
-" ==============================================================================
-" History: This was originally part of auctex.vim by Carl Mueller.
-" Srinath Avadhanula incorporated it into latex-suite with
-" significant modifications.
-" Parts of this file may be copyrighted by others as noted.
-" CVS: $Id: brackets.vim 997 2006-03-20 09:45:45Z srinathava $
-" Description:
-" This ftplugin provides the following maps:
-" . <M-b> encloses the previous character in \mathbf{}
-" . <M-c> is polymorphic as follows:
-" Insert mode:
-" 1. If the previous character is a letter or number, then capitalize it and
-" enclose it in \mathcal{}
-" 2. otherwise insert \cite{}
-" Visual Mode:
-" 1. Enclose selection in \mathcal{}
-" . <M-l> is also polymorphic as follows:
-" If the character before typing <M-l> is one of '([{|<q', then do the
-" following:
-" 1. (<M-l> \left(\right
-" similarly for [, |
-" {<M-l> \left\{\right\}
-" 2. <<M-l> \langle\rangle
-" 3. q<M-l> \lefteqn{}
-" otherwise insert \label{}
-" . <M-i> inserts \item commands at the current cursor location depending on
-" the surrounding environment. For example, inside itemize, it will
-" insert a simple \item, but within a description, it will insert
-" \item[<+label+>] etc.
-" These functions make it extremeley easy to do all the \left \right stuff in
-" latex.
-" ==============================================================================
-" Avoid reinclusion.
-if exists('b:did_brackets')
- finish
-let b:did_brackets = 1
-" define the funtions only once.
-if exists('*Tex_MathBF')
- finish
-" Tex_MathBF: encloses te previous letter/number in \mathbf{} {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_MathBF()
- return "\<Left>\\mathbf{\<Right>}"
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_MathCal: enclose the previous letter/number in \mathcal {{{
-" Description:
-" if the last character is not a letter/number, then insert \cite{}
-function! Tex_MathCal()
- let line = getline(line("."))
- let char = line[col(".")-2]
- if char =~ '[a-zA-Z0-9]'
- return "\<BS>".'\mathcal{'.toupper(char).'}'
- else
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\cite{<++>}<++>')
- endif
-" }}}
-" Tex_LeftRight: maps <M-l> in insert mode. {{{
-" Description:
-" This is a polymorphic function, which maps the behaviour of <M-l> in the
-" following way:
-" If the character before typing <M-l> is one of '([{|<q', then do the
-" following:
-" 1. (<M-l> \left(<++>\right<++>
-" similarly for [, |
-" {<M-l> \left\{<++>\right\}<++>
-" 2. <<M-l> \langle<++>\rangle<++>
-" 3. q<M-l> \lefteqn{<++>}<++>
-" otherwise insert \label{<++>}<++>
-function! Tex_LeftRight()
- let line = getline(line("."))
- let char = line[col(".")-2]
- let previous = line[col(".")-3]
- let matchedbrackets = '()[]{}||'
- if char =~ '(\|\[\|{\||'
- let add = ''
- if char =~ '{'
- let add = "\\"
- endif
- let rhs = matchstr(matchedbrackets, char.'\zs.\ze')
- return "\<BS>".IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\left'.add.char.'<++>\right'.add.rhs.'<++>')
- elseif char == '<'
- return "\<BS>".IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('langle<++>\rangle<++>')
- elseif char == 'q'
- return "\<BS>".IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\lefteqn{<++>}<++>')
- else
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\label{<++>}<++>')
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_PutLeftRight: maps <M-l> in normal mode {{{
-" Description:
-" Put \left...\right in front of the matched brackets.
-function! Tex_PutLeftRight()
- let previous = getline(line("."))[col(".") - 2]
- let char = getline(line("."))[col(".") - 1]
- if previous == '\'
- if char == '{'
- exe "normal ileft\\\<Esc>l%iright\\\<Esc>l%"
- elseif char == '}'
- exe "normal iright\\\<Esc>l%ileft\\\<Esc>l%"
- endif
- elseif char =~ '\[\|('
- exe "normal i\\left\<Esc>l%i\\right\<Esc>l%"
- elseif char =~ '\]\|)'
- exe "normal i\\right\<Esc>l%i\\left\<Esc>l%"
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Provide <plug>'d mapping for easy user customization. {{{
-inoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_MathBF <C-r>=Tex_MathBF()<CR>
-inoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_MathCal <C-r>=Tex_MathCal()<CR>
-inoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_LeftRight <C-r>=Tex_LeftRight()<CR>
-vnoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_MathBF <C-C>`>a}<Esc>`<i\mathbf{<Esc>
-vnoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_MathCal <C-C>`>a}<Esc>`<i\mathcal{<Esc>
-nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_LeftRight :call Tex_PutLeftRight()<CR>
-" }}}
-" Tex_SetBracketingMaps: create mappings for the current buffer {{{
-function! <SID>Tex_SetBracketingMaps()
- call Tex_MakeMap('<M-b>', '<Plug>Tex_MathBF', 'i', '<buffer> <silent>')
- call Tex_MakeMap('<M-c>', '<Plug>Tex_MathCal', 'i', '<buffer> <silent>')
- call Tex_MakeMap('<M-l>', '<Plug>Tex_LeftRight', 'i', '<buffer> <silent>')
- call Tex_MakeMap('<M-b>', '<Plug>Tex_MathBF', 'v', '<buffer> <silent>')
- call Tex_MakeMap('<M-c>', '<Plug>Tex_MathCal', 'v', '<buffer> <silent>')
- call Tex_MakeMap('<M-l>', '<Plug>Tex_LeftRight', 'n', '<buffer> <silent>')
-" }}}
-augroup LatexSuite
- au LatexSuite User LatexSuiteFileType
- \ call Tex_Debug('brackets.vim: Catching LatexSuiteFileType event', 'brak') |
- \ call <SID>Tex_SetBracketingMaps()
-augroup END
-" vim:fdm=marker
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/compiler.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/compiler.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 245f6cd..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/compiler.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,820 +0,0 @@
-" File: compiler.vim
-" Author: Srinath Avadhanula
-" Created: Tue Apr 23 05:00 PM 2002 PST
-" Description: functions for compiling/viewing/searching latex documents
-" CVS: $Id: compiler.vim 997 2006-03-20 09:45:45Z srinathava $
-" Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget: sets the 'target' for the next call to Tex_RunLaTeX() {{{
-function! Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget(type, target)
- call Tex_Debug("+Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget: setting target to [".a:target."] for ".a:type."r", "comp")
- if a:target == ''
- let target = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_DefaultTargetFormat')
- let target = input('Enter the target format for '.a:type.'r: ', target)
- else
- let target = a:target
- endif
- if target == ''
- let target = 'dvi'
- endif
- let targetRule = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_'.a:type.'Rule_'.target)
- if targetRule != ''
- if a:type == 'Compile'
- let &l:makeprg = escape(targetRule, Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_EscapeChars'))
- elseif a:type == 'View'
- let s:viewer = targetRule
- endif
- let s:target = target
- elseif Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_'.a:type.'RuleComplete_'.target) != ''
- let s:target = target
- else
- let curd = getcwd()
- exe 'cd '.expand('%:p:h')
- if !Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseMakefile') || (glob('makefile*') == '' && glob('Makefile*') == '')
- if has('gui_running')
- call confirm(
- \'No '.a:type.' rule defined for target '.target."\n".
- \'Please specify a rule in $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/tex/texrc'."\n".
- \' :help Tex_'.a:type.'Rule_format'."\n".
- \'for more information',
- \"&ok", 1, 'Warning')
- else
- call input(
- \'No '.a:type.' rule defined for target '.target."\n".
- \'Please specify a rule in $VIMRUNTIME/ftplugin/tex/texrc'."\n".
- \' :help Tex_'.a:type.'Rule_format'."\n".
- \'for more information'
- \)
- endif
- else
- echomsg 'Assuming target is for makefile'
- let s:target = target
- endif
- exe 'cd '.curd
- endif
-function! SetTeXTarget(...)
- if a:0 < 1
- let target = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_DefaultTargetFormat')
- let target = input('Enter the target format for compiler and viewer: ', target)
- else
- let target = a:1
- endif
- if target == ''
- let target = 'dvi'
- endif
- call Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget('Compile', target)
- call Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget('View', target)
-com! -nargs=1 TCTarget :call Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget('Compile', <f-args>)
-com! -nargs=1 TVTarget :call Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget('View', <f-args>)
-com! -nargs=? TTarget :call SetTeXTarget(<f-args>)
-" }}}
-" Tex_CompileLatex: compiles the present file. {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_CompileLatex()
- if &ft != 'tex'
- echo "calling Tex_RunLaTeX from a non-tex file"
- return
- end
- " close any preview windows left open.
- pclose!
- let curd = getcwd()
- " Find the main file corresponding to this file. Always cd to the
- " directory containing the file to avoid problems with the directory
- " containing spaces.
- " Latex on linux seems to be unable to handle file names with spaces at
- " all! Therefore for the moment, do not attempt to handle spaces in the
- " file name.
- if exists('b:fragmentFile')
- let mainfname = expand('%:p:t')
- call Tex_CD(expand('%:p:h'))
- else
- let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:t')
- call Tex_CD(Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:h'))
- end
- call Tex_Debug('Tex_CompileLatex: getting mainfname = ['.mainfname.'] from Tex_GetMainFileName', 'comp')
- " if a makefile exists and the user wants to use it, then use that
- " irrespective of whether *.latexmain exists or not. mainfname is still
- " extracted from *.latexmain (if possible) log file name depends on the
- " main file which will be compiled.
- if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseMakefile') && (glob('makefile') != '' || glob('Makefile') != '')
- let _makeprg = &l:makeprg
- call Tex_Debug("Tex_CompileLatex: using the makefile in the current directory", "comp")
- let &l:makeprg = 'make $*'
- if exists('s:target')
- call Tex_Debug('Tex_CompileLatex: execing [make! '.s:target.']', 'comp')
- exec 'make! '.s:target
- else
- call Tex_Debug('Tex_CompileLatex: execing [make!]', 'comp')
- exec 'make!'
- endif
- let &l:makeprg = _makeprg
- else
- " If &makeprg has something like "$*.ps", it means that it wants the
- " file-name without the extension... Therefore remove it.
- if &makeprg =~ '\$\*\.\w\+'
- let mainfname = fnamemodify(mainfname, ':r')
- endif
- call Tex_Debug('Tex_CompileLatex: execing [make! '.mainfname.']', 'comp')
- exec 'make! '.mainfname
- endif
- redraw!
- call Tex_CD(curd)
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_RunLaTeX: compilation function {{{
-" this function runs the latex command on the currently open file. often times
-" the file being currently edited is only a fragment being \input'ed into some
-" master tex file. in this case, make a file called mainfile.latexmain in the
-" directory containig the file. in other words, if the current file is
-" ~/thesis/chapter.tex
-" so that doing "latex chapter.tex" doesnt make sense, then make a file called
-" main.tex.latexmain
-" in the ~/thesis directory. this will then run "latex main.tex" when
-" Tex_RunLaTeX() is called.
-function! Tex_RunLaTeX()
- call Tex_Debug('+Tex_RunLaTeX, b:fragmentFile = '.exists('b:fragmentFile'), 'comp')
- let dir = expand("%:p:h").'/'
- let curd = getcwd()
- call Tex_CD(expand("%:p:h"))
- let initTarget = s:target
- " first get the dependency chain of this format.
- call Tex_Debug("Tex_RunLaTeX: compiling to target [".s:target."]", "comp")
- if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_FormatDependency_'.s:target) != ''
- let dependency = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_FormatDependency_'.s:target)
- if dependency !~ ','.s:target.'$'
- let dependency = dependency.','.s:target
- endif
- else
- let dependency = s:target
- endif
- call Tex_Debug('Tex_RunLaTeX: getting dependency chain = ['.dependency.']', 'comp')
- " now compile to the final target format via each dependency.
- let i = 1
- while Tex_Strntok(dependency, ',', i) != ''
- let s:target = Tex_Strntok(dependency, ',', i)
- call Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget('Compile', s:target)
- call Tex_Debug('Tex_RunLaTeX: setting target to '.s:target, 'comp')
- if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_MultipleCompileFormats') =~ '\<'.s:target.'\>'
- call Tex_Debug("Tex_RunLaTeX: compiling file multiple times via Tex_CompileMultipleTimes", "comp")
- call Tex_CompileMultipleTimes()
- else
- call Tex_Debug("Tex_RunLaTeX: compiling file once via Tex_CompileLatex", "comp")
- call Tex_CompileLatex()
- endif
- let errlist = Tex_GetErrorList()
- call Tex_Debug("Tex_RunLaTeX: errlist = [".errlist."]", "comp")
- " If there are any errors, then break from the rest of the steps
- if errlist =~ '\v(error|warning)'
- call Tex_Debug('Tex_RunLaTeX: There were errors in compiling, breaking chain...', 'comp')
- break
- endif
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
- let s:target = initTarget
- let s:origwinnum = winnr()
- call Tex_SetupErrorWindow()
- call Tex_CD(curd)
- call Tex_Debug("-Tex_RunLaTeX", "comp")
-" }}}
-" Tex_ViewLaTeX: opens viewer {{{
-" Description: opens the DVI viewer for the file being currently edited.
-" Again, if the current file is a \input in a master file, see text above
-" Tex_RunLaTeX() to see how to set this information.
-function! Tex_ViewLaTeX()
- if &ft != 'tex'
- echo "calling Tex_ViewLaTeX from a non-tex file"
- return
- end
- let curd = getcwd()
- " If b:fragmentFile is set, it means this file was compiled as a fragment
- " using Tex_PartCompile, which means that we want to ignore any
- " *.latexmain or makefile's.
- if !exists('b:fragmentFile')
- " cd to the location of the file to avoid having to deal with spaces
- " in the directory name.
- let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:t:r')
- call Tex_CD(Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:h'))
- else
- let mainfname = expand("%:p:t:r")
- call Tex_CD(expand("%:p:h"))
- endif
- if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ViewRuleComplete_'.s:target) != ''
- let execString = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ViewRuleComplete_'.s:target)
- let execString = substitute(execString, '{v:servername}', v:servername, 'g')
- elseif has('win32')
- " unfortunately, yap does not allow the specification of an external
- " editor from the command line. that would have really helped ensure
- " that this particular vim and yap are connected.
- let execString = 'start '.s:viewer.' "$*.'.s:target.'"'
- elseif has('macunix')
- if strlen(s:viewer)
- let s:viewer = '-a '.s:viewer
- endif
- let execString = 'open '.s:viewer.' $*.'.s:target
- else
- " taken from Dimitri Antoniou's tip on vim.sf.net (tip #225).
- " slight change to actually use the current servername instead of
- " hardcoding it as xdvi.
- " Using an option for specifying the editor in the command line
- " because that seems to not work on older bash'es.
- if s:target == 'dvi'
- if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseEditorSettingInDVIViewer') == 1 &&
- \ v:servername != '' &&
- \ (s:viewer == "xdvi" || s:viewer == "xdvik")
- let execString = s:viewer.' -editor "gvim --servername '.v:servername.
- \ ' --remote-silent +\%l \%f" $*.dvi &'
- elseif Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseEditorSettingInDVIViewer') == 1 &&
- \ s:viewer == "kdvi"
- let execString = 'kdvi --unique $*.dvi &'
- else
- let execString = s:viewer.' $*.dvi &'
- endif
- else
- let execString = s:viewer.' $*.'.s:target.' &'
- endif
- end
- let execString = substitute(execString, '\V$*', mainfname, 'g')
- call Tex_Debug("Tex_ViewLaTeX: execString = ".execString, "comp")
- exec 'silent! !'.execString
- if !has('gui_running')
- redraw!
- endif
- call Tex_CD(curd)
-" }}}
-" Tex_ForwardSearchLaTeX: searches for current location in dvi file. {{{
-" Description: if the DVI viewr is compatible, then take the viewer to that
-" position in the dvi file. see docs for Tex_RunLaTeX() to set a
-" master file if this is an \input'ed file.
-" Tip: With YAP on Windows, it is possible to do forward and inverse searches
-" on DVI files. to do forward search, you'll have to compile the file
-" with the --src-specials option. then set the following as the command
-" line in the 'view/options/inverse search' dialog box:
-" gvim --servername LATEX --remote-silent +%l "%f"
-" For inverse search, if you are reading this, then just pressing \ls
-" will work.
-function! Tex_ForwardSearchLaTeX()
- if &ft != 'tex'
- echo "calling Tex_ViewLaTeX from a non-tex file"
- return
- end
- " only know how to do forward search for yap on windows and xdvik (and
- " some newer versions of xdvi) on unices. Therefore forward searching will
- " automatically open the DVI viewer irrespective of what the user chose as
- " the default view format.
- if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ViewRule_dvi') == ''
- return
- endif
- let viewer = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ViewRule_dvi')
- let curd = getcwd()
- let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName(':t')
- let mainfnameRoot = fnamemodify(Tex_GetMainFileName(), ':t:r')
- " cd to the location of the file to avoid problems with directory name
- " containing spaces.
- call Tex_CD(Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:h'))
- " inverse search tips taken from Dimitri Antoniou's tip and Benji Fisher's
- " tips on vim.sf.net (vim.sf.net tip #225)
- if has('win32')
- let execString = 'silent! !start '. viewer.' -s '.line('.').expand('%').' '.mainfnameRoot
- else
- if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseEditorSettingInDVIViewer') == 1 &&
- \ exists('v:servername') &&
- \ (viewer == "xdvi" || viewer == "xdvik")
- let execString = 'silent! !'.viewer.' -name xdvi -sourceposition '.line('.').expand("%").
- \ ' -editor "gvim --servername '.v:servername.' --remote-silent +\%l \%f" '.
- \ mainfnameRoot.'.dvi &'
- elseif Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseEditorSettingInDVIViewer') == 1 && viewer == "kdvi"
- let execString = 'silent! !kdvi --unique file:'.mainfnameRoot.'.dvi\#src:'.line('.').expand("%").' &'
- else
- let execString = 'silent! !'.viewer.' -name xdvi -sourceposition '.line('.').expand("%").' '.mainfnameRoot.'.dvi &'
- endif
- end
- call Tex_Debug("Tex_ForwardSearchLaTeX: execString = ".execString, "comp")
- execute execString
- if !has('gui_running')
- redraw!
- endif
- call Tex_CD(curd)
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Functions for compiling parts of a file.
-" ==============================================================================
-" Tex_PartCompile: compiles selected fragment {{{
-" Description: creates a temporary file from the selected fragment of text
-" prepending the preamble and \end{document} and then asks Tex_RunLaTeX() to
-" compile it.
-function! Tex_PartCompile() range
- call Tex_Debug('+Tex_PartCompile', 'comp')
- " Save position
- let pos = line('.').' | normal! '.virtcol('.').'|'
- " Get a temporary file in the same directory as the file from which
- " fragment is being extracted. This is to enable the use of relative path
- " names in the fragment.
- let tmpfile = Tex_GetTempName(expand('%:p:h'))
- " Remember all the temp files and for each temp file created, remember
- " where the temp file came from.
- let s:Tex_NumTempFiles = (exists('s:Tex_NumTempFiles') ? s:Tex_NumTempFiles + 1 : 1)
- let s:Tex_TempFiles = (exists('s:Tex_TempFiles') ? s:Tex_TempFiles : '')
- \ . tmpfile."\n"
- let s:Tex_TempFile_{s:Tex_NumTempFiles} = tmpfile
- " TODO: For a function Tex_RestoreFragment which restores a temp file to
- " its original location.
- let s:Tex_TempFileOrig_{s:Tex_NumTempFiles} = expand('%:p')
- let s:Tex_TempFileRange_{s:Tex_NumTempFiles} = a:firstline.','.a:lastline
- " Set up an autocmd to clean up the temp files when Vim exits.
- if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_RemoveTempFiles')
- augroup RemoveTmpFiles
- au!
- au VimLeave * :call Tex_RemoveTempFiles()
- augroup END
- endif
- " If mainfile exists open it in tiny window and extract preamble there,
- " otherwise do it from current file
- let mainfile = Tex_GetMainFileName(":p")
- exe 'bot 1 split '.escape(mainfile, ' ')
- exe '1,/\s*\\begin{document}/w '.tmpfile
- wincmd q
- exe a:firstline.','.a:lastline."w! >> ".tmpfile
- " edit the temporary file
- exec 'drop '.tmpfile
- " append the \end{document} line.
- $ put ='\end{document}'
- w
- " set this as a fragment file.
- let b:fragmentFile = 1
- silent! call Tex_RunLaTeX()
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_RemoveTempFiles: cleans up temporary files created during part compilation {{{
-" Description: During part compilation, temporary files containing the
-" visually selected text are created. These files need to be
-" removed when Vim exits to avoid "file leakage".
-function! Tex_RemoveTempFiles()
- if !exists('s:Tex_NumTempFiles') || !Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_RemoveTempFiles')
- return
- endif
- let i = 1
- while i <= s:Tex_NumTempFiles
- let tmpfile = s:Tex_TempFile_{i}
- " Remove the tmp file and all other associated files such as the
- " .log files etc.
- call Tex_DeleteFile(fnamemodify(tmpfile, ':p:r').'.*')
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
-endfunction " }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Compiling a file multiple times to resolve references/citations etc.
-" ==============================================================================
-" Tex_CompileMultipleTimes: The main function {{{
-" Description: compiles a file multiple times to get cross-references right.
-function! Tex_CompileMultipleTimes()
- " Just extract the root without any extension because we want to construct
- " the log file names etc from it.
- let curd = getcwd()
- let mainFileName_root = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:t:r')
- call Tex_CD(Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:h'))
- " First ignore undefined references and the
- " "rerun to get cross-references right" message from
- " the compiler output.
- let origlevel = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_IgnoreLevel')
- let origpats = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_IgnoredWarnings')
- let g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings = g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings."\n"
- \ . 'Reference %.%# undefined'."\n"
- \ . 'Rerun to get cross-references right'
- TCLevel 1000
- let idxFileName = mainFileName_root.'.idx'
- let auxFileName = mainFileName_root.'.aux'
- let runCount = 0
- let needToRerun = 1
- while needToRerun == 1 && runCount < 5
- " assume we need to run only once.
- let needToRerun = 0
- let idxlinesBefore = Tex_CatFile(idxFileName)
- let auxlinesBefore = Tex_GetAuxFile(auxFileName)
- " first run latex.
- echomsg "latex run number : ".(runCount+1)
- call Tex_Debug("Tex_CompileMultipleTimes: latex run number : ".(runCount+1), "comp")
- silent! call Tex_CompileLatex()
- " If there are errors in any latex compilation step, immediately
- " return. For now, do not bother with warnings because those might go
- " away after compiling again or after bibtex is run etc.
- let errlist = Tex_GetErrorList()
- call Tex_Debug("Tex_CompileMultipleTimes: errors = [".errlist."]", "comp")
- if errlist =~ 'error'
- let g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings = origpats
- exec 'TCLevel '.origlevel
- return
- endif
- let idxlinesAfter = Tex_CatFile(idxFileName)
- " If .idx file changed, then run makeindex to generate the new .ind
- " file and remember to rerun latex.
- if runCount == 0 && glob(idxFileName) != '' && idxlinesBefore != idxlinesAfter
- echomsg "Running makeindex..."
- let temp_mp = &mp | let &mp = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_MakeIndexFlavor')
- exec 'silent! make '.mainFileName_root
- let &mp = temp_mp
- let needToRerun = 1
- endif
- " The first time we see if we need to run bibtex and if the .bbl file
- " changes, we will rerun latex.
- if runCount == 0 && Tex_IsPresentInFile('\\bibdata', mainFileName_root.'.aux')
- let bibFileName = mainFileName_root.'.bbl'
- let biblinesBefore = Tex_CatFile(bibFileName)
- echomsg "Running '".Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_BibtexFlavor')."' ..."
- let temp_mp = &mp | let &mp = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_BibtexFlavor')
- exec 'silent! make '.mainFileName_root
- let &mp = temp_mp
- let biblinesAfter = Tex_CatFile(bibFileName)
- " If the .bbl file changed after running bibtex, we need to
- " latex again.
- if biblinesAfter != biblinesBefore
- echomsg 'Need to rerun because bibliography file changed...'
- call Tex_Debug('Tex_CompileMultipleTimes: Need to rerun because bibliography file changed...', 'comp')
- let needToRerun = 1
- endif
- endif
- " check if latex asks us to rerun
- let auxlinesAfter = Tex_GetAuxFile(auxFileName)
- if auxlinesAfter != auxlinesBefore
- echomsg "Need to rerun because the AUX file changed..."
- call Tex_Debug("Tex_CompileMultipleTimes: Need to rerun to get cross-references right...", 'comp')
- let needToRerun = 1
- endif
- let runCount = runCount + 1
- endwhile
- call Tex_Debug("Tex_CompileMultipleTimes: Ran latex ".runCount." time(s)", "comp")
- echomsg "Ran latex ".runCount." time(s)"
- let g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings = origpats
- exec 'TCLevel '.origlevel
- " After all compiler calls are done, reparse the .log file for
- " errors/warnings to handle the situation where the clist might have been
- " emptied because of bibtex/makeindex being run as the last step.
- exec 'silent! cfile '.mainFileName_root.'.log'
- call Tex_CD(curd)
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_GetAuxFile: get the contents of the AUX file {{{
-" Description: get the contents of the AUX file recursively including any
-" @\input'ted AUX files.
-function! Tex_GetAuxFile(auxFile)
- if !filereadable(a:auxFile)
- return ''
- endif
- let auxContents = Tex_CatFile(a:auxFile)
- let pattern = '@\input{\(.\{-}\)}'
- let auxContents = substitute(auxContents, pattern, '\=Tex_GetAuxFile(submatch(1))', 'g')
- return auxContents
-endfunction " }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Helper functions for
-" . viewing the log file in preview mode.
-" . syncing the display between the quickfix window and preview window
-" . going to the correct line _and column_ number from from the quick fix
-" window.
-" ==============================================================================
-" Tex_SetupErrorWindow: sets up the cwindow and preview of the .log file {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_SetupErrorWindow()
- let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName()
- let winnum = winnr()
- " close the quickfix window before trying to open it again, otherwise
- " whether or not we end up in the quickfix window after the :cwindow
- " command is not fixed.
- cclose
- cwindow
- " create log file name from mainfname
- let mfnlog = fnamemodify(mainfname, ":t:r").'.log'
- call Tex_Debug('Tex_SetupErrorWindow: mfnlog = '.mfnlog, 'comp')
- " if we moved to a different window, then it means we had some errors.
- if winnum != winnr()
- if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ShowErrorContext')
- call Tex_UpdatePreviewWindow(mfnlog)
- exe 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> j j:call Tex_UpdatePreviewWindow("'.mfnlog.'")<CR>'
- exe 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> k k:call Tex_UpdatePreviewWindow("'.mfnlog.'")<CR>'
- exe 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <up> <up>:call Tex_UpdatePreviewWindow("'.mfnlog.'")<CR>'
- exe 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <down> <down>:call Tex_UpdatePreviewWindow("'.mfnlog.'")<CR>'
- endif
- exe 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <enter> :call Tex_GotoErrorLocation("'.mfnlog.'")<CR>'
- setlocal nowrap
- " resize the window to just fit in with the number of lines.
- exec ( line('$') < 4 ? line('$') : 4 ).' wincmd _'
- if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_GotoError') == 1
- call Tex_GotoErrorLocation(mfnlog)
- else
- exec s:origwinnum.' wincmd w'
- endif
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_PositionPreviewWindow: positions the preview window correctly. {{{
-" Description:
-" The purpose of this function is to count the number of times an error
-" occurs on the same line. or in other words, if the current line is
-" something like |10 error|, then we want to count the number of
-" lines in the quickfix window before this line which also contain lines
-" like |10 error|.
-function! Tex_PositionPreviewWindow(filename)
- if getline('.') !~ '|\d\+ \(error\|warning\)|'
- if !search('|\d\+ \(error\|warning\)|')
- call Tex_Debug("not finding error pattern anywhere in quickfix window :".bufname(bufnr('%')),
- \ 'comp')
- pclose!
- return
- endif
- endif
- " extract the error pattern (something like 'file.tex|10 error|') on the
- " current line.
- let errpat = matchstr(getline('.'), '^\f*|\d\+ \(error\|warning\)|\ze')
- let errfile = matchstr(getline('.'), '^\f*\ze|\d\+ \(error\|warning\)|')
- " extract the line number from the error pattern.
- let linenum = matchstr(getline('.'), '|\zs\d\+\ze \(error\|warning\)|')
- " if we are on an error, then count the number of lines before this in the
- " quickfix window with an error on the same line.
- if errpat =~ 'error|$'
- " our location in the quick fix window.
- let errline = line('.')
- " goto the beginning of the quickfix window and begin counting the lines
- " which show an error on the same line.
- 0
- let numrep = 0
- while 1
- " if we are on the same kind of error line, then means we have another
- " line containing the same error pattern.
- if getline('.') =~ errpat
- let numrep = numrep + 1
- normal! 0
- endif
- " if we have reached the original location in the quick fix window,
- " then break.
- if line('.') == errline
- break
- else
- " otherwise, search for the next line which contains the same
- " error pattern again. goto the end of the current line so we
- " dont count this line again.
- normal! $
- call search(errpat, 'W')
- endif
- endwhile
- else
- let numrep = 1
- endif
- if getline('.') =~ '|\d\+ warning|'
- let searchpat = escape(matchstr(getline('.'), '|\d\+ warning|\s*\zs.*'), '\ ')
- else
- let searchpat = 'l\.'.linenum
- endif
- " We first need to be in the scope of the correct file in the .log file.
- " This is important for example, when a.tex and b.tex both have errors on
- " line 9 of the file and we want to go to the error of b.tex. Merely
- " searching forward from the beginning of the log file for l.9 will always
- " land us on the error in a.tex.
- if errfile != ''
- exec 'silent! bot pedit +/(\\(\\f\\|\\[\\|\]\\|\\s\\)*'.errfile.'/ '.a:filename
- else
- exec 'bot pedit +0 '.a:filename
- endif
- " Goto the preview window
- " TODO: This is not robust enough. Check that a wincmd j actually takes
- " us to the preview window.
- wincmd j
- " now search forward from this position in the preview window for the
- " numrep^th error of the current line in the quickfix window.
- while numrep > 0
- call search(searchpat, 'W')
- let numrep = numrep - 1
- endwhile
- normal! z.
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_UpdatePreviewWindow: updates the view of the log file {{{
-" Description:
-" This function should be called when focus is in a quickfix window.
-" It opens the log file in a preview window and makes it display that
-" part of the log file which corresponds to the error which the user is
-" currently on in the quickfix window. Control returns to the quickfix
-" window when the function returns.
-function! Tex_UpdatePreviewWindow(filename)
- call Tex_PositionPreviewWindow(a:filename)
- if &previewwindow
- 6 wincmd _
- wincmd p
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_GotoErrorLocation: goes to the correct location of error in the tex file {{{
-" Description:
-" This function should be called when focus is in a quickfix window. This
-" function will first open the preview window of the log file (if it is not
-" already open), position the display of the preview to coincide with the
-" current error under the cursor and then take the user to the file in
-" which this error has occured.
-" The position is both the correct line number and the column number.
-function! Tex_GotoErrorLocation(filename)
- " first use vim's functionality to take us to the location of the error
- " accurate to the line (not column). This lets us go to the correct file
- " without applying any logic.
- exec "normal! \<enter>"
- " If the log file is not found, then going to the correct line number is
- " all we can do.
- if glob(a:filename) == ''
- return
- endif
- let winnum = winnr()
- " then come back to the quickfix window
- wincmd w
- " find out where in the file we had the error.
- let linenum = matchstr(getline('.'), '|\zs\d\+\ze \(warning\|error\)|')
- call Tex_PositionPreviewWindow(a:filename)
- if getline('.') =~ 'l.\d\+'
- let brokenline = matchstr(getline('.'), 'l.'.linenum.' \zs.*\ze')
- " If the line is of the form
- " l.10 ...and then there was some error
- " it means (most probably) that only part of the erroneous line is
- " shown. In this case, finding the length of the broken line is not
- " correct. Instead goto the beginning of the line and search forward
- " for the part which is displayed and then go to its end.
- if brokenline =~ '^\M...'
- let partline = matchstr(brokenline, '^\M...\m\zs.*')
- let normcmd = "0/\\V".escape(partline, "\\")."/e+1\<CR>"
- else
- let column = strlen(brokenline) + 1
- let normcmd = column.'|'
- endif
- elseif getline('.') =~ 'LaTeX Warning: \(Citation\|Reference\) `.*'
- let ref = matchstr(getline('.'), "LaTeX Warning: \\(Citation\\|Reference\\) `\\zs[^']\\+\\ze'")
- let normcmd = '0/'.ref."\<CR>"
- else
- let normcmd = '0'
- endif
- " go back to the window where we came from.
- exec winnum.' wincmd w'
- exec 'silent! '.linenum.' | normal! '.normcmd
- if !Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ShowErrorContext')
- pclose!
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_SetCompilerMaps: sets maps for compiling/viewing/searching {{{
-" Description:
-function! <SID>Tex_SetCompilerMaps()
- if exists('b:Tex_doneCompilerMaps')
- return
- endif
- let s:ml = exists('g:mapleader') ? g:mapleader : "\\"
- nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>Tex_Compile :call Tex_RunLaTeX()<cr>
- vnoremap <buffer> <Plug>Tex_Compile :call Tex_PartCompile()<cr>
- nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>Tex_View :call Tex_ViewLaTeX()<cr>
- nnoremap <buffer> <Plug>Tex_ForwardSearch :call Tex_ForwardSearchLaTeX()<cr>
- call Tex_MakeMap(s:ml."ll", "<Plug>Tex_Compile", 'n', '<buffer>')
- call Tex_MakeMap(s:ml."ll", "<Plug>Tex_Compile", 'v', '<buffer>')
- call Tex_MakeMap(s:ml."lv", "<Plug>Tex_View", 'n', '<buffer>')
- call Tex_MakeMap(s:ml."ls", "<Plug>Tex_ForwardSearch", 'n', '<buffer>')
-" }}}
-augroup LatexSuite
- au LatexSuite User LatexSuiteFileType
- \ call Tex_Debug('compiler.vim: Catching LatexSuiteFileType event', 'comp') |
- \ call <SID>Tex_SetCompilerMaps()
-augroup END
-command! -nargs=0 -range=% TPartCompile :<line1>, <line2> silent! call Tex_PartCompile()
-" Setting b:fragmentFile = 1 makes Tex_CompileLatex consider the present file
-" the _main_ file irrespective of the presence of a .latexmain file.
-command! -nargs=0 TCompileThis let b:fragmentFile = 1
-command! -nargs=0 TCompileMainFile let b:fragmentFile = 0
-" vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/custommacros.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/custommacros.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b1c6bd..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/custommacros.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
-" File: custommacros.vim
-" Author: Mikolaj Machowski
-" Version: 1.0
-" Created: Tue Apr 23 05:00 PM 2002 PST
-" CVS: $Id: custommacros.vim 997 2006-03-20 09:45:45Z srinathava $
-" Description: functions for processing custom macros in the
-" latex-suite/macros directory
-let s:path = expand('<sfile>:p:h')
-" Set path to macros dir dependent on OS {{{
-if has("unix") || has("macunix")
- let s:macrodirpath = $HOME."/.vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/macros/"
-elseif has("win32")
- if exists("$HOME")
- let s:macrodirpath = $HOME."/vimfiles/ftplugin/latex-suite/macros/"
- else
- let s:macrodirpath = $VIM."/vimfiles/ftplugin/latex-suite/macros/"
- endif
-" }}}
-" SetCustomMacrosMenu: sets up the menu for Macros {{{
-function! <SID>SetCustomMacrosMenu()
- let flist = Tex_FindInRtp('', 'macros')
- exe 'amenu '.g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation.'&New :call <SID>NewMacro("FFFromMMMenu")<CR>'
- exe 'amenu '.g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation.'&Redraw :call RedrawMacro()<CR>'
- let i = 1
- while 1
- let fname = Tex_Strntok(flist, ',', i)
- if fname == ''
- break
- endif
- exe "amenu ".g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation."&Delete.&".i.":<tab>".fname." :call <SID>DeleteMacro('".fname."')<CR>"
- exe "amenu ".g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation."&Edit.&".i.":<tab>".fname." :call <SID>EditMacro('".fname."')<CR>"
- exe "imenu ".g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation."&".i.":<tab>".fname." <C-r>=<SID>ReadMacro('".fname."')<CR>"
- exe "nmenu ".g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation."&".i.":<tab>".fname." i<C-r>=<SID>ReadMacro('".fname."')<CR>"
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
-if g:Tex_Menus
- call <SID>SetCustomMacrosMenu()
-" }}}
-" NewMacro: opens new file in macros directory {{{
-function! <SID>NewMacro(...)
- " Allow for calling :TMacroNew without argument or from menu and prompt
- " for name.
- if a:0 > 0
- let newmacroname = a:1
- else
- let newmacroname = input("Name of new macro: ")
- if newmacroname == ''
- return
- endif
- endif
- if newmacroname == "FFFromMMMenu"
- " Check if NewMacro was called from menu and prompt for insert macro
- " name
- let newmacroname = input("Name of new macro: ")
- if newmacroname == ''
- return
- endif
- elseif Tex_FindInRtp(newmacroname, 'macros') != ''
- " If macro with this name already exists, prompt for another name.
- exe "echomsg 'Macro ".newmacroname." already exists. Try another name.'"
- let newmacroname = input("Name of new macro: ")
- if newmacroname == ''
- return
- endif
- endif
- exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(s:macrodirpath.newmacroname)
- setlocal filetype=tex
-" }}}
-" RedrawMacro: refreshes macro menu {{{
-function! RedrawMacro()
- aunmenu TeX-Suite.Macros
- call <SID>SetCustomMacrosMenu()
-" }}}
-" ChooseMacro: choose a macro file {{{
-" " Description:
-function! s:ChooseMacro(ask)
- let filelist = Tex_FindInRtp('', 'macros')
- let filename = Tex_ChooseFromPrompt(
- \ a:ask."\n" .
- \ Tex_CreatePrompt(filelist, 2, ',') .
- \ "\nEnter number or filename :",
- \ filelist, ',')
-" }}}
-" DeleteMacro: deletes macro file {{{
-function! <SID>DeleteMacro(...)
- if a:0 > 0
- let filename = a:1
- else
- let filename = s:ChooseMacro('Choose a macro file for deletion :')
- endif
- if !filereadable(s:macrodirpath.filename)
- " When file is not in local directory decline to remove it.
- call confirm('This file is not in your local directory: '.filename."\n".
- \ 'It will not be deleted.' , '&OK', 1)
- else
- let ch = confirm('Really delete '.filename.' ?', "&Yes\n&No", 2)
- if ch == 1
- call delete(s:macrodirpath.filename)
- endif
- call RedrawMacro()
- endif
-" }}}
-" EditMacro: edits macro file {{{
-function! <SID>EditMacro(...)
- if a:0 > 0
- let filename = a:1
- else
- let filename = s:ChooseMacro('Choose a macro file for insertion:')
- endif
- if filereadable(s:macrodirpath.filename)
- " If file exists in local directory open it.
- exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(s:macrodirpath.filename)
- else
- " But if file doesn't exist in local dir it probably is in user
- " restricted area. Instead opening try to copy it to local dir.
- " Pity VimL doesn't have mkdir() function :)
- let ch = confirm("You are trying to edit file which is probably read-only.\n".
- \ "It will be copied to your local LaTeX-Suite macros directory\n".
- \ "and you will be operating on local copy with suffix -local.\n".
- \ "It will succeed only if ftplugin/latex-suite/macros dir exists.\n".
- \ "Do you agree?", "&Yes\n&No", 1)
- if ch == 1
- " But there is possibility we already created local modification.
- " Check it and offer opening this file.
- if filereadable(s:macrodirpath.filename.'-local')
- let ch = confirm('Local version of '.filename." already exists.\n".
- \ 'Do you want to open it or overwrite with original version?',
- \ "&Open\nOver&write\n&Cancel", 1)
- if ch == 1
- exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(s:macrodirpath.filename.'-local')
- elseif ch == 2
- new
- exe '0read '.Tex_FindInRtp(filename, 'macros')
- " This is possible macro was edited before, wipe it out.
- if bufexists(s:macrodirpath.filename.'-local')
- exe 'bwipe '.s:macrodirpath.filename.'-local'
- endif
- exe 'write! '.s:macrodirpath.filename.'-local'
- else
- return
- endif
- else
- " If file doesn't exist, open new file, read in system macro and
- " save it in local macro dir with suffix -local
- new
- exe '0read '.Tex_FindInRtp(filename, 'macros')
- exe 'write '.s:macrodirpath.filename.'-local'
- endif
- endif
- endif
- setlocal filetype=tex
-" }}}
-" ReadMacro: reads in a macro from a macro file. {{{
-" allowing for placement via placeholders.
-function! <SID>ReadMacro(...)
- if a:0 > 0
- let filename = a:1
- else
- let filelist = Tex_FindInRtp('', 'macros')
- let filename =
- \ Tex_ChooseFromPrompt("Choose a macro file:\n" .
- \ Tex_CreatePrompt(filelist, 2, ',') .
- \ "\nEnter number or name of file :",
- \ filelist, ',')
- endif
- let fname = Tex_FindInRtp(filename, 'macros', ':p')
- let markerString = '<---- Latex Suite End Macro ---->'
- let _a = @a
- let position = line('.').' | normal! '.virtcol('.').'|'
- silent! call append(line('.'), markerString)
- silent! exec "read ".fname
- silent! exec "normal! V/^".markerString."$/-1\<CR>\"ax"
- " This is kind of tricky: At this stage, we are one line after the one we
- " started from with the marker text on it. We need to
- " 1. remove the marker and the line.
- " 2. get focus to the previous line.
- " 3. not remove anything from the previous line.
- silent! exec "normal! $v0k$\"_x"
- call Tex_CleanSearchHistory()
- let @a = substitute(@a, '['."\n\r\t ".']*$', '', '')
- let textWithMovement = IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(@a)
- let @a = _a
- return textWithMovement
-" }}}
-" commands for macros {{{
-com! -nargs=? TMacroNew :call <SID>NewMacro(<f-args>)
-" This macros had to have 2 versions:
-if v:version >= 602
- com! -complete=custom,Tex_CompleteMacroName -nargs=? TMacro
- \ :let s:retVal = <SID>ReadMacro(<f-args>) <bar> normal! i<C-r>=s:retVal<CR>
- com! -complete=custom,Tex_CompleteMacroName -nargs=? TMacroEdit
- \ :call <SID>EditMacro(<f-args>)
- com! -complete=custom,Tex_CompleteMacroName -nargs=? TMacroDelete
- \ :call <SID>DeleteMacro(<f-args>)
- " Tex_CompleteMacroName: for completing names in TMacro... commands {{{
- " Description: get list of macro names with Tex_FindInRtp(), remove full path
- " and return list of names separated with newlines.
- "
- function! Tex_CompleteMacroName(A,P,L)
- " Get name of macros from all runtimepath directories
- let macronames = Tex_FindInRtp('', 'macros')
- " Separate names with \n not ,
- let macronames = substitute(macronames,',','\n','g')
- return macronames
- endfunction
- " }}}
- com! -nargs=? TMacro
- \ :let s:retVal = <SID>ReadMacro(<f-args>) <bar> normal! i<C-r>=s:retVal<CR>
- com! -nargs=? TMacroEdit :call <SID>EditMacro(<f-args>)
- com! -nargs=? TMacroDelete :call <SID>DeleteMacro(<f-args>)
-" }}}
-" vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/diacritics.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/diacritics.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 616d30a..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/diacritics.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +0,0 @@
-" File: diacritics.vim
-" Author: Lubomir Host
-" Created: Tue Apr 23 07:00 PM 2002 PST
-" Description: shortcuts for all diacritics.
-if !g:Tex_Diacritics
- finish
-" \'{a} {{{
-call IMAP ('=a', "\\\'{a}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=b', "\\'{b}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=c', "\\'{c}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=d', "\\'{d}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=e', "\\'{e}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=f', "\\'{f}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=g', "\\'{g}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=h', "\\'{h}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=i', "\\'{\i}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=j', "\\'{j}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=k', "\\'{k}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=l', "\\'{l}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=m', "\\'{m}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=n', "\\'{n}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=o', "\\'{o}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=p', "\\'{p}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=q', "\\'{q}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=r', "\\'{r}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=s', "\\'{s}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=t', "\\'{t}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=u', "\\'{u}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=v', "\\'{v}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=w', "\\'{w}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=x', "\\'{x}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=y', "\\'{y}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=z', "\\'{z}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=A', "\\'{A}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=B', "\\'{B}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=C', "\\'{C}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=D', "\\'{D}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=E', "\\'{E}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=F', "\\'{F}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=G', "\\'{G}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=H', "\\'{H}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=I', "\\'{\I}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=J', "\\'{J}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=K', "\\'{K}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=L', "\\'{L}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=M', "\\'{M}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=N', "\\'{N}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=O', "\\'{O}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=P', "\\'{P}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=Q', "\\'{Q}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=R', "\\'{R}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=S', "\\'{S}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=T', "\\'{T}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=U', "\\'{U}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=V', "\\'{V}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=W', "\\'{W}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=X', "\\'{X}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=Y', "\\'{Y}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('=Z', "\\'{Z}", 'tex')
-" }}}
-" \v{a} {{{
-call IMAP ('+a', "\\v{a}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+b', "\\v{b}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+c', "\\v{c}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+d', "\\v{d}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+e', "\\v{e}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+f', "\\v{f}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+g', "\\v{g}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+h', "\\v{h}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+i', "\\v{\i}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+j', "\\v{j}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+k', "\\v{k}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+l', "\\q l", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+m', "\\v{m}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+n', "\\v{n}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+o', "\\v{o}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+p', "\\v{p}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+q', "\\v{q}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+r', "\\v{r}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+s', "\\v{s}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+t', "\\q t", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+u', "\\v{u}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+v', "\\v{v}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+w', "\\v{w}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+x', "\\v{x}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+y', "\\v{y}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+z', "\\v{z}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+A', "\\v{A}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+B', "\\v{B}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+C', "\\v{C}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+D', "\\v{D}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+E', "\\v{E}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+F', "\\v{F}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+G', "\\v{G}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+H', "\\v{H}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+I', "\\v{\I}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+J', "\\v{J}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+K', "\\v{K}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+L', "\\v{L}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+M', "\\v{M}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+N', "\\v{N}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+O', "\\v{O}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+P', "\\v{P}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+Q', "\\v{Q}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+R', "\\v{R}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+S', "\\v{S}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+T', "\\v{T}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+U', "\\v{U}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+V', "\\v{V}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+W', "\\v{W}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+X', "\\v{X}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+Y', "\\v{Y}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+Z', "\\v{Z}", 'tex')
-" }}}
-call IMAP ('+}', "\\\"{a}", 'tex')
-call IMAP ('+:', "\\^{o}", 'tex')
-" vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/dictionaries/SIunits b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/dictionaries/SIunits
deleted file mode 100644
index d4ac081..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/dictionaries/SIunits
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,289 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/dictionaries/dictionary b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/dictionaries/dictionary
deleted file mode 100644
index 458dc0b..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/dictionaries/dictionary
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,677 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/elementmacros.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/elementmacros.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 8960a0f..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/elementmacros.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,338 +0,0 @@
-" File: elementmacros.vim
-" Author: Mikolaj Machowski
-" Created: Tue Apr 23 06:00 PM 2002 PST
-" Description: macros for dimensions/fonts/counters.
-" and various common commands such ref/label/footnote.
-nmap <silent> <script> <plug> i
-imap <silent> <script> <C-o><plug> <Nop>
-if exists('s:lastElementsLocation') && g:Tex_ElementsMenuLocation == s:lastElementsLocation
- finish
-if exists('s:lastElementsLocation')
- exe 'aunmenu '.s:lastElementsLocation.'Font.'
- exe 'aunmenu '.s:lastElementsLocation.'Dimension.'
- exe 'aunmenu '.s:lastElementsLocation.'Counters.'
- exe 'aunmenu '.s:lastElementsLocation.'Various.'
-let s:lastElementsLocation = g:Tex_ElementsMenuLocation
-let s:fontMenuLoc = g:Tex_ElementsMenuLocation.'Font.'
-let s:dimensionMenuLoc = g:Tex_ElementsMenuLocation.'Dimension.'
-let s:counterMenuLoc = g:Tex_ElementsMenuLocation.'Counters.'
-let s:variousMenuLoc = g:Tex_ElementsMenuLocation.'Various.'
-" ==============================================================================
-" Set up the functions the first time.
-" ==============================================================================
-if !exists('s:definedFuncs') " {{{
- let s:definedFuncs = 1
- " Tex_RemoveElementMenus: remove the elements menu {{{
- "
- function! Tex_RemoveElementMenus()
- exe 'silent! aunmenu '.s:lastElementsLocation.'Font.'
- exe 'silent! aunmenu '.s:lastElementsLocation.'Dimension.'
- exe 'silent! aunmenu '.s:lastElementsLocation.'Counters.'
- exe 'silent! aunmenu '.s:lastElementsLocation.'Various.'
- endfunction
- " }}}
- " Tex_FontFamily: sets up font menus {{{
- "
- function! <SID>Tex_FontFamily(font,fam)
- let vislhs = matchstr(tolower(a:font), '^.\zs.*')
- " avoid redoing imaps and vmaps for every reconfiguration of menus.
- if !exists('s:doneOnce') && g:Tex_FontMaps
- exe "vnoremap <silent> ".g:Tex_Leader.vislhs.
- \" \<C-\\>\<C-N>:call VEnclose('\\text".vislhs."{', '}', '{\\".vislhs.a:fam." ', '}')<CR>"
- exe 'call IMAP ("'.a:font.'", "\\text'.vislhs.'{<++>}<++>", "tex")'
- endif
- " menu entry.
- if g:Tex_Menus && g:Tex_FontMenus
- let location = s:fontMenuLoc.substitute(a:fam, '^.', '\u&', '').'.'.vislhs.a:fam.'<tab>'.a:font.'\ ('.g:Tex_Leader.vislhs.')'
- exe "amenu ".location.
- \" <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\\text".vislhs."{<++>}<++>')<CR>"
- exe "vmenu ".location.
- \" \<C-\\>\<C-N>:call VEnclose('\\text".vislhs."{', '}', '{\\".vislhs.a:fam." ', '}')<CR>"
- endif
- endfunction
- " }}}
- " Tex_FontDiacritics: sets up menus for diacritics. {{{
- "
- function! <SID>Tex_FontDiacritics(name, rhs)
- let location = s:fontMenuLoc.'&Diacritics.'.a:name.'<tab>'
- exe 'amenu '.location.
- \" <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\\".a:rhs."{<++>}<++>')<CR>"
- exe 'vmenu '.location.
- \" \<C-\\>\<C-n>:call VEnclose('\\".a:rhs."{', '}', '', '')<CR>"
- endfunction " }}}
- " Tex_FontSize: sets up size fonts {{{
- "
- function! <SID>Tex_FontSize(name)
- let location = s:fontMenuLoc.'&Size.'.a:name.'<tab>'
- exe 'amenu '.location." <plug>\\".a:name
- exe 'vunmenu '.location
- endfunction " }}}
- " Tex_Fontfont: sets up the 'font' part of font menus {{{
- "
- function! <SID>Tex_Fontfont(desc, lhs)
- let location = s:fontMenuLoc.'&font.'.a:desc.'<tab>'
- exe "amenu ".location." <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('".a:lhs."')<CR>"
- exe "vunmenu ".location
- endfunction " }}}
- " Tex_DimMenus: set up dimension menus {{{
- function! <SID>Tex_DimMenus(submenu, rhs)
- let location = s:dimensionMenuLoc.a:submenu.'.'.a:rhs.'<tab>'
- exe "amenu ".location." <plug>\\".a:rhs
- exe "vunmenu ".location
- endfunction " }}}
- " Tex_CounterMenus: set up counters menus {{{
- function! <SID>Tex_CounterMenus(submenu, rhs)
- let location = s:counterMenuLoc.a:submenu.'.'.a:rhs.'<tab>'
- exe "amenu ".location." <plug>\\".a:rhs
- exe "vunmenu ".location
- endfunction " }}}
- " Tex_VariousMenus: set up various menus {{{
- function! <SID>Tex_VariousMenus(desc, lhs)
- let location = s:variousMenuLoc.a:desc.'<tab>'
- exe "amenu ".location." <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('".a:lhs."')<CR>"
- exe "vunmenu ".location
- endfunction " }}}
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Fonts
-" ==============================================================================
-" series/family/shape {{{
-call <SID>Tex_FontFamily("FBF","series")
-call <SID>Tex_FontFamily("FMD","series")
-call <SID>Tex_FontFamily("FTT","family")
-call <SID>Tex_FontFamily("FSF","family")
-call <SID>Tex_FontFamily("FRM","family")
-call <SID>Tex_FontFamily("FUP","shape")
-call <SID>Tex_FontFamily("FSL","shape")
-call <SID>Tex_FontFamily("FSC","shape")
-call <SID>Tex_FontFamily("FIT","shape")
-" the \emph is special.
-if g:Tex_FontMaps | exe "vnoremap <silent> ".g:Tex_Leader."em \<C-\\>\<C-N>:call VEnclose('\\emph{', '}', '{\\em', '\\/}')<CR>" | endif
-if g:Tex_FontMaps | exe 'call IMAP ("FEM", "\\emph{<++>}<++>", "tex")' | endif
-" }}}
-if g:Tex_Menus && g:Tex_FontMenus
- " {{{ diacritics
- call <SID>Tex_FontDiacritics('Acute', '"')
- call <SID>Tex_FontDiacritics('Breve', 'u')
- call <SID>Tex_FontDiacritics('Circle', 'r')
- call <SID>Tex_FontDiacritics('Circumflex', '^')
- call <SID>Tex_FontDiacritics('Umlaut', '"')
- call <SID>Tex_FontDiacritics('HUmlaut', 'H')
- call <SID>Tex_FontDiacritics('Dot\ over', '.')
- call <SID>Tex_FontDiacritics('Grave', '`')
- call <SID>Tex_FontDiacritics('Hacek', 'v')
- call <SID>Tex_FontDiacritics('Makron', '=')
- call <SID>Tex_FontDiacritics('Tilde', '~')
- call <SID>Tex_FontDiacritics('Underline', 'b')
- call <SID>Tex_FontDiacritics('Cedille', 'c')
- call <SID>Tex_FontDiacritics('Dot\ under', ' ')
- call <SID>Tex_FontDiacritics('Ligature', 't')
- " }}}
- " {{{ Si&ze.
- call <SID>Tex_FontSize('tiny')
- call <SID>Tex_FontSize('scriptsize')
- call <SID>Tex_FontSize('footnotesize')
- call <SID>Tex_FontSize('small')
- call <SID>Tex_FontSize('normalsize')
- call <SID>Tex_FontSize('large')
- call <SID>Tex_FontSize('Large')
- call <SID>Tex_FontSize('LARGE')
- call <SID>Tex_FontSize('huge')
- call <SID>Tex_FontSize('Huge')
- " }}}
- " {{{ &font.
- call s:Tex_Fontfont('fontencoding{}', '\fontencoding{<++>}<++>')
- call s:Tex_Fontfont('fontfamily{qtm}', '\fontfamily{<++>}<++>')
- call s:Tex_Fontfont('fontseries{m\ b\ bx\ sb\ c}', '\fontseries{<++>}<++>')
- call s:Tex_Fontfont('fontshape{n\ it\ sl\ sc\ ui}', '\fontshape{<++>}<++>')
- call s:Tex_Fontfont('fontsize{}{}', '\fontsize{<++>}{<++>}<++>')
- call s:Tex_Fontfont('selectfont', '\selectfont ')
- " }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Dimensions
-" ==============================================================================
-if g:Tex_Menus
- " {{{ Static1
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'arraycolsep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'arrayrulewidth')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'bibindent')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'columnsep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'columnseprule')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'columnwidth')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'doublerulesep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'evensidemargin')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'fboxrule')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'fboxsep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'footheight')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'footnotesep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'footskip')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'headheight')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'headsep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'itemindent')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'labelsep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'labelwidth')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'leftmargin')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'leftmargini')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'leftmarginii')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'leftmarginiii')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'leftmarginiv')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'leftmarginv')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'leftmarginvi')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'linewidth')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'listparindent')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'marginparpush')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'marginparsep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'marginparwidth')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'mathindent')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static1', 'oddsidemargin')
- " }}}
- " {{{ Static2
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static2', 'paperheight')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static2', 'paperwidth')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static2', 'parindent')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static2', 'rightmargin')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static2', 'tabbingsep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static2', 'tabcolsep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static2', 'textheight')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static2', 'textwidth')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static2', 'topmargin')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Static2', 'unitlength')
- " }}}
- " {{{ Dynamic
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Dynamic', 'abovedisplayshortskip')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Dynamic', 'abovedisplayskip')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Dynamic', 'baselineskip')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Dynamic', 'belowdisplayshortskip')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Dynamic', 'belowdisplayskip')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Dynamic', 'dblfloatsep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Dynamic', 'dbltextfloatsep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Dynamic', 'floatsep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Dynamic', 'intextsep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Dynamic', 'itemsep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Dynamic', 'parsep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Dynamic', 'parskip')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Dynamic', 'partopsep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Dynamic', 'textfloatsep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Dynamic', 'topsep')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Dynamic', 'topskip')
- " }}}
- " {{{ Change
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Change', 'setlength')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Change', 'addtolength')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Change', 'settoheight')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Change', 'settowidth')
- call <SID>Tex_DimMenus('Change', 'settolength')
- " }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Counters
-" ==============================================================================
-if g:Tex_Menus
- " Counters {{{
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'bottomnumber')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'chapter')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'dbltopnumber')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'enumi')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'enumii')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'enumiii')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'enumiv')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'equation')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'figure')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'footnote')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'mpfootnote')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'page')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'paragraph')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'part')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'secnumdepth')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'section')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'subparagraph')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'subsection')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'subsubsection')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'table')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'tocdepth')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'topnumber')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Counters', 'totalnumber')
- " }}}
- " theCounters {{{
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'thebottomnumber')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'thechapter')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'thedbltopnumber')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'theenumi')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'theenumii')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'theenumiii')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'theenumiv')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'theequation')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'thefigure')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'thefootnote')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'thempfootnote')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'thepage')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'theparagraph')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'thepart')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'thesecnumdepth')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'thesection')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'thesubparagraph')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'thesubsection')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'thesubsubsection')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'thetable')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'thetocdepth')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'thetopnumber')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('theCounters', 'thetotalnumber')
- " }}}
- " Type {{{
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Type', 'alph')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Type', 'Alph')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Type', 'arabic')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Type', 'roman')
- call <SID>Tex_CounterMenus('Type', 'Roman')
- " }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Various
-" ==============================================================================
-if g:Tex_Menus
- " Various {{{
- call <SID>Tex_VariousMenus('ref{}' , '\ref{<++>}<++>')
- call <SID>Tex_VariousMenus('pageref{}' , '\pageref{<++>}<++>')
- call <SID>Tex_VariousMenus('label{}' , '\label{<++>}<++>')
- call <SID>Tex_VariousMenus('footnote{}' , '\footnote{<++>}<++>')
- call <SID>Tex_VariousMenus('footnotemark{}', '\footnotemark{<++>}<++>')
- call <SID>Tex_VariousMenus('footnotemark{}', '\footnotetext{<++>}<++>')
- call <SID>Tex_VariousMenus('cite{}' , '\cite{<++>}<++>')
- call <SID>Tex_VariousMenus('nocite{}' , '\nocite{<++>}<++>')
- " }}}
-if g:Tex_CatchVisMapErrors
- exe "vnoremap ".g:Tex_Leader." :\<C-u>call ExecMap('".g:Tex_Leader."', 'v')\<CR>"
-" this is for avoiding reinclusion of imaps from next time on.
-let s:doneOnce = 1
-" vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/envmacros.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/envmacros.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 2f41a27..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/envmacros.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1167 +0,0 @@
-" File: envmacros.vim
-" Author: Mikolaj Machowski
-" Created: Tue Apr 23 08:00 PM 2002 PST
-" CVS Header: $Id: envmacros.vim 997 2006-03-20 09:45:45Z srinathava $
-" Description: mappings/menus for environments.
-if !g:Tex_EnvironmentMaps && !g:Tex_EnvironmentMenus
- finish
-exe 'so '.expand('<sfile>:p:h').'/wizardfuncs.vim'
-nmap <silent> <script> <plug> i
-imap <silent> <script> <C-o><plug> <Nop>
-" Define environments for IMAP evaluation " {{{
-let s:figure = "\\begin{figure}[<+htpb+>]\<cr>\\begin{center}\<cr>\\psfig{figure=<+eps file+>}\<cr>\\end{center}\<cr>\\caption{<+caption text+>}\<cr>\\label{fig:<+label+>}\<cr>\\end{figure}<++>"
-let s:figure_graphicx = "\\begin{figure}[<+htpb+>]\<cr>\\begin{center}\<cr>\\includegraphics{<+file+>}\<cr>\\end{center}\<cr>\\caption{<+caption text+>}\<cr>\\label{fig:<+label+>}\<cr>\\end{figure}<++>"
-let s:minipage = "\\begin{minipage}[<+tb+>]{<+width+>}\<cr><++>\<cr>\\end{minipage}<++>"
-let s:picture = "\\begin{picture}(<+width+>, <+height+>)(<+xoff+>,<+yoff+>)\<cr>\\put(<+xoff+>,<+yoff+>){\\framebox(<++>,<++>){<++>}}\<cr>\\end{picture}<++>"
-let s:list = "\\begin{list}{<+label+>}{<+spacing+>}\<cr>\\item <++>\<cr>\\end{list}<++>"
-let s:table = "\\begin{table}\<cr>\\centering\<cr>\\begin{tabular}{<+dimensions+>}\<cr><++>\<cr>\\end{tabular}\<cr>\\caption{<+Caption text+>}\<cr>\\label{tab:<+label+>}\<cr>\\end{table}<++>"
-let s:array = "\\left<++>\<cr>\\begin{array}{<+dimension+>}\<cr><+elements+>\<cr>\\end{array}\<cr>\\right<++>"
-let s:description ="\\begin{description}\<cr>\\item[<+label+>]<++>\<cr>\\end{description}<++>"
-let s:document = "\\documentclass[<+options+>]{<+class+>}\<cr>\<cr>\\begin{document}\<cr><++>\<cr>\\end{document}"
-let s:tabular = "\\begin{tabular}[<+hbtp+>]{<+format+>}\<cr><++>\<cr>\\end{tabular}"
-let s:tabular_star = "\\begin{tabular*}[<+hbtp+>]{<+format+>}\<cr><++>\<cr>\\end{tabular*}"
-let s:frame = "\\begin{frame}{<+title>}\<cr><++>\<cr>\\end{frame}<++>"
-" }}}
-" define environments with special behavior in line wise selection. {{{
-if !exists('s:vis_center_left')
- let s:vis_center_left = '\centerline{'
- let s:vis_center_right = '}'
- let s:vis_verbatim_left = '\verb\|'
- let s:vis_verbatim_right = '\|'
- let s:vis_flushright_left = '{\raggedright '
- let s:vis_flushright_right = '}'
- let s:vis_fushleft_left = '{\raggedleft '
- let s:vis_fushleft_right = '}'
- let s:vis_lrbox_left = '\sbox{'
- let s:vis_lrbox_right = '}'
-" }}}
-" Tex_EnvMacros: sets up maps and menus for environments {{{
-" Description:
-function! <SID>Tex_EnvMacros(lhs, submenu, name)
- let extra = ''
- if a:submenu =~ 'Lists'
- let extra = '\item '
- endif
- let vright = ''
- let vleft = ''
- if exists('s:vis_'.a:name.'_right')
- let vright = s:vis_{a:name}_right
- let vleft = s:vis_{a:name}_left
- endif
- let vrhs = "\<C-\\>\<C-N>:call VEnclose('".vleft."', '".vright."', '\\begin{".a:name."}', '\\end{".a:name."}')\<CR>"
- let location = g:Tex_EnvMenuLocation.a:submenu.a:name.'<tab>'
- if a:lhs != ''
- let vlhs = g:Tex_Leader2.substitute(tolower(a:lhs), '^.', '', '')
- let location = location.a:lhs.'\ ('.vlhs.')'
- if g:Tex_EnvironmentMaps && !exists('s:doneOnce')
- call IMAP(a:lhs, "\<C-r>=Tex_PutEnvironment('".a:name."')\<CR>", 'tex')
- exec 'vnoremap <silent> '.vlhs.' '.vrhs
- endif
- endif
- if g:Tex_Menus && g:Tex_EnvironmentMenus && has("gui_running")
- exe 'amenu '.location.' <plug><C-r>=Tex_DoEnvironment("'.a:name.'")<CR>'
- exe 'vmenu '.location.' '.vrhs
- endif
-" }}}
-" Tex_SpecialMacros: macros with special right hand sides {{{
-" Description:
-function! <SID>Tex_SpecialMacros(lhs, submenu, name, irhs, ...)
- let wiz = 1
- if a:0 > 0 && a:1 == 0
- let wiz = 0
- endif
- let location = g:Tex_EnvMenuLocation.a:submenu.a:name
- let vright = ''
- let vleft = ''
- if exists('s:vis_'.a:name.'_right')
- let vright = s:vis_{a:name}_right
- let vleft = s:vis_{a:name}_left
- endif
- let vrhs = "\<C-\\>\<C-N>:call VEnclose('".vleft."', '".vright."', '\\begin{".a:name."}', '\\end{".a:name."}')\<CR>"
- if a:lhs != ''
- let vlhs = g:Tex_Leader2.substitute(tolower(a:lhs), '^.', '', '')
- let location = location.'<tab>'.a:lhs.'\ ('.vlhs.')'
- if g:Tex_EnvironmentMaps && !exists('s:doneOnce')
- call IMAP(a:lhs, a:irhs, 'tex')
- exec 'vnoremap '.vlhs.' '.vrhs
- endif
- endif
- if g:Tex_Menus && g:Tex_EnvironmentMenus
- if wiz
- exe 'amenu '.location.' <plug><C-r>=Tex_DoEnvironment("'.a:name.'")<CR>'
- else
- exe 'amenu '.location." <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('".a:irhs."')<CR>"
- endif
- exe 'vmenu '.location.' '.vrhs
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_SectionMacros: creates section maps and menus {{{
-" Description:
-function! <SID>Tex_SectionMacros(lhs, name)
- let vlhs = g:Tex_Leader2.substitute(tolower(a:lhs), '^.', '', '')
- let vrhs = "\<C-\\>\<C-N>:call VEnclose('\\".a:name."{', '}', '', '')<CR>"
- if g:Tex_SectionMaps && !exists('s:doneOnce')
- exe 'vnoremap '.vlhs.' '.vrhs
- call IMAP (a:lhs, "\\".a:name.'{<++>}<++>', 'tex')
- endif
- if g:Tex_Menus && g:Tex_SectionMenus
- let location = g:Tex_EnvMenuLocation.'Sections.'.a:name.'<tab>'.a:lhs.'\ ('.vlhs.')'
- let advlocation = g:Tex_EnvMenuLocation.'Sections.Advanced.'.a:name
- let irhs = "\<C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\\".a:name."{<++>}<++>')\<CR>"
- let advirhs = "\<C-r>=Tex_InsSecAdv('".a:name."')\<CR>"
- let advvrhs = "\<C-\\>\<C-N>:call Tex_VisSecAdv('".a:name."')\<CR>"
- exe 'amenu '.advlocation.' <plug>'.advirhs
- exe 'vnoremenu '.advlocation." ".advvrhs
- exe 'amenu '.location.' <plug>'.irhs
- exe 'vnoremenu '.location." ".vrhs
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" NewEnvironments {{{
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', '', 'newenvironment', '\newenvironment{<++>}[<++>][<++>]{<++>}{<++>}<++>', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', '', 'newenvironment*', '\newenvironment*{<++>}[<++>][<++>]{<++>}{<++>}<++>', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', '', 'renewenvironment', '\renewenvironment{<++>}[<++>][<++>]{<++>}{<++>}<++>', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', '', 'renewenvironment*', '\renewenvironment*{<++>}[<++>][<++>]{<++>}{<++>}<++>', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', '', '-sepenv0-', ' :', 0)
-" }}}
-" Environments specific commands {{{
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'Env&Commands.&Lists.', '&item', '\item', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'Env&Commands.&Lists.', 'i&tem[]', '\item[<++>]<++>', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'Env&Commands.&Lists.', '&bibitem{}', '\bibitem{<++>}<++>', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'Env&Commands.&Tabbing.', '\\&=', '\=', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'Env&Commands.&Tabbing.', '\\&>', '\>', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'Env&Commands.&Tabbing.', '&\\\\', '\\', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'Env&Commands.&Tabbing.', '\\&+', '\+', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'Env&Commands.&Tabbing.', '\\&-', '\-', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'Env&Commands.&Tabbing.', "\\\'", "\\\'", 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'Env&Commands.&Tabbing.', '\\&`', '\`', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'Env&Commands.&Tabbing.', '\\&kill', '\kill', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'Env&Commands.&Tabbing.', '&makron\ \\CHAR=', '\<++>=<++>', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'Env&Commands.&Tabbing.', "&aigu\ \\CHAR\'", "\\<++>\'<++>", 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'Env&Commands.&Tabbing.', '&grave\ \\CHAR`', '\<++>`<++>', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'Env&Commands.&Tabbing.', 'p&ushtabs', '\pushtabs', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'Env&Commands.&Tabbing.', 'p&optabs', '\poptabs', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.&Tabular.', '&hline', '\hline', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.&Tabular.', '&cline', '\cline', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.&Tabular.', '&\&', '&', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.&Tabular.', '&\\\\', '\\', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.&Tabular.', '&multicolumn{}{}{}', '\multicolumn{<++>}{<++>}{<++>}<++>', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.Le&tter.', '&makelabels', '\makelabels', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.Le&tter.', '&address', '\address', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.Le&tter.', '&signature', '\signature', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.Le&tter.', '&date', '\date', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.Le&tter.', '-sepenva4-', ' :', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.Le&tter.', '&opening{}', '\opening{<++>}<++>', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.Le&tter.', '&closing{}', '\closing{<++>}<++>', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.Le&tter.', '&ps{}', '\ps{<++>}<++>', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.Le&tter.', 'cc&{}', '\cc{<++>}<++>', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.&Slides.', '&onlyslides{}', '\onlyslides{<++>}<++>', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.&Slides.', '&onlynotes{}', '\onlynotes{<++>}<++>', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.&Slides.', '-sepenva5-', ' :', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.&Slides.', '&invisible', '\invisible', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.&Slides.', '&visible', '\visible', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.&Slides.', '&settime', '\settime', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', 'EnvCommands.&Slides.', '&addtime', '\addtime', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', '', '-sepenv0-', ' :', 0)
-" }}}
-" Lists {{{
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('ELI', '&Lists.', 'list', s:list)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('EDE', '&Lists.', 'description', s:description)
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('EEN', '&Lists.', 'enumerate')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('EIT', '&Lists.', 'itemize')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('ETI', '&Lists.', 'theindex')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('ETL', '&Lists.', 'trivlist')
-" }}}
-" Tables {{{
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('ETE', '&Tables.', 'table', s:table)
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('ETG', '&Tables.', 'tabbing')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('', '&Tables.', 'table*')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('', '&Tables.', 'table2')
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('ETR', '&Tables.', 'tabular', s:tabular)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', '&Tables.', 'tabular*', s:tabular_star)
-" }}}
-" Math {{{
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('EAR', '&Math.', 'array')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('EDM', '&Math.', 'displaymath')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('EEA', '&Math.', 'eqnarray')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('', '&Math.', 'eqnarray*')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('EEQ', '&Math.', 'equation')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('EMA', '&Math.', 'math')
-" }}}
-" Structure {{{
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('EAR', 'Math.', 'array', s:array)
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('EAB', '&Structure.', 'abstract')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('EAP', '&Structure.', 'appendix')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('ECE', '&Structure.', 'center')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('EDO', '&Structure.', 'document')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('EFC', '&Structure.', 'filecontents')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('', '&Structure.', 'filecontents*')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('EFL', '&Structure.', 'flushleft')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('EFR', '&Structure.', 'flushright')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('EQN', '&Structure.', 'quotation')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('EQE', '&Structure.', 'quote')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('ESB', '&Structure.', 'sloppybar')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('ETI', '&Structure.', 'theindex')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('ETP', '&Structure.', 'titlepage')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('EVM', '&Structure.', 'verbatim')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('', '&Structure.', 'verbatim*')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('EVE', '&Structure.', 'verse')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('ETB', '&Structure.', 'thebibliography')
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', '&Structure.', '-sepstruct0-', ':', 0)
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('ENO', '&Structure.', 'note')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('EOV', '&Structure.', 'overlay')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('ESL', '&Structure.', 'slide')
-" }}}
-" Sections {{{
-call s:Tex_SectionMacros('SPA', 'part')
-call s:Tex_SectionMacros('SCH', 'chapter')
-call s:Tex_SectionMacros('SSE', 'section')
-call s:Tex_SectionMacros('SSS', 'subsection')
-call s:Tex_SectionMacros('SS2', 'subsubsection')
-call s:Tex_SectionMacros('SPG', 'paragraph')
-call s:Tex_SectionMacros('SSP', 'subparagraph')
-" }}}
-" Miscellaneous {{{
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('', '', '-sepenv1-', ' :', 0)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('EFI', '', 'figure', "\<C-r>=Tex_PutEnvironment('figure')\<CR>")
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('', '', 'figure*')
-call s:Tex_EnvMacros('ELR', '', 'lrbox')
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('EMP', '', 'minipage', s:minipage)
-call s:Tex_SpecialMacros('EPI', '', 'picture', s:picture)
-" }}}
-if g:Tex_CatchVisMapErrors
- exe 'vnoremap '.g:Tex_Leader2." :\<C-u>call ExecMap('".g:Tex_Leader2."', 'v')\<CR>"
-" ==============================================================================
-" Specialized functions for various environments
-" All these functions are to be used as:
-" inoremap <lhs> <C-r>=Tex_itemize('enumerate')<CR>
-" nnoremap <lhs> i<C-r>=Tex_itemize('enumerate')<CR>
-" and so on...
-" ==============================================================================
-" Tex_itemize: {{{
-function! Tex_itemize(env)
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\begin{'.a:env."}\<cr>\\item <++>\<cr>\\end{".a:env."}<++>")
-" }}}
-" Tex_description: {{{
-function! Tex_description(env)
- if g:Tex_UseMenuWizard == 1
- let itlabel = input('(Optional) Item label? ')
- if itlabel != ''
- let itlabel = '['.itlabel.']'
- endif
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\begin{description}\<cr>\\item".itlabel." <++>\<cr>\\end{description}<++>")
- else
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(s:description)
- endif
-" }}}
-" Tex_figure: {{{
-function! Tex_figure(env)
- if g:Tex_UseMenuWizard == 1
- let flto = input('Float to (htbp)? ')
- let caption = input('Caption? ')
- let center = input('Center ([y]/n)? ')
- let label = input('Label (for use with \ref)? ')
- " additional to AUC Tex since my pics are usually external files
- let pic = input('Name of Pic-File? ')
- if flto != ''
- let flto = '['.flto."]\<cr>"
- else
- let flto = "\<cr>"
- endif
- if pic != ''
- let pic = '\input{'.pic."}\<cr>"
- else
- let pic = "<++>\<cr>"
- endif
- if caption != ''
- let caption = '\caption{'.caption."}\<cr>"
- endif
- if label != ''
- let label = '\label{fig:'.label."}\<cr>"
- endif
- if center == 'y'
- let centr = '\begin{center}' . "\<cr>"
- let centr = centr . pic
- let centr = centr . caption
- let centr = centr . label
- let centr = centr . '\end{center}' . "\<cr>"
- else
- let centr = pic
- let centr = centr . caption
- let centr = centr . label
- endif
- let figure = '\begin{'.a:env.'}'.flto
- let figure = figure . centr
- let figure = figure . '\end{'.a:env.'}'
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(figure)
- else
- if g:Tex_package_detected =~ '\<graphicx\>'
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(s:figure_graphicx)
- else
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(s:figure)
- endif
- endif
-" }}}
-" Tex_table: {{{
-function! Tex_table(env)
- if g:Tex_UseMenuWizard == 1
- let flto = input('Float to (htbp)? ')
- let caption = input('Caption? ')
- let center = input('Center (y/n)? ')
- let label = input('Label? ')
- if flto != ''
- let flto ='['.flto."]\<cr>"
- else
- let flto = ''
- endif
- let ret='\begin{table}'.flto
- if center == 'y'
- let ret=ret."\\begin{center}\<cr>"
- endif
- let foo = '\begin{tabular}'
- let pos = input('(Optional) Position (t b)? ')
- if pos != ''
- let foo = foo.'['.pos.']'
- else
- let foo = foo."\<cr>"
- endif
- let format = input("Format ( l r c p{width} | @{text} )? ")
- if format == ''
- let format = '<++>'
- endif
- let ret = ret.foo.'{'.format."}\<cr><++>\<cr>\\end{tabular}<++>\<cr>"
- if center == 'y'
- let ret=ret."\\end{center}\<cr>"
- endif
- if caption != ''
- let ret=ret.'\caption{'.caption."}\<cr>"
- endif
- if label != ''
- let ret=ret.'\label{tab:'.label."}\<cr>"
- endif
- let ret=ret.'\end{table}<++>'
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(ret)
- else
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(s:table)
- endif
-" }}}
-" Tex_tabular: {{{
-function! Tex_tabular(env)
- if g:Tex_UseMenuWizard == 1
- let pos = input('(Optional) Position (t b)? ')
- let format = input("Format ( l r c p{width} | @{text} )? ")
- if pos != ''
- let pos = '['.pos.']'
- endif
- if format != ''
- let format = '{'.format.'}'
- endif
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\begin{'.a:env.'}'.pos.format."\<cr> \<cr>\\end{".a:env.'}<++>')
- else
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\begin{'.a:env.'}[<+position+>]{<+format+>}'."\<cr><++>\<cr>\\end{".a:env.'}<++>')
- endif
-" }}}
-" Tex_eqnarray: {{{
-function! Tex_eqnarray(env)
- if g:Tex_UseMenuWizard == 1
- if a:env !~ '\*'
- let label = input('Label? ')
- if label != ''
- let arrlabel = '\label{'.label."}\<cr>"
- else
- let arrlabel = ''
- endif
- else
- let arrlabel = ''
- endif
- else
- if a:env !~ '\*'
- let arrlabel = "\\label{<++>}\<cr>"
- else
- let arrlabel = ""
- endif
- endif
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\begin{'.a:env."}\<cr><++>\<cr>".arrlabel."\\end{".a:env."}<++>")
-" }}}
-" Tex_list: {{{
-function! Tex_list(env)
- if g:Tex_UseMenuWizard == 1
- let label = input('Label (for \item)? ')
- if label != ''
- let label = '{'.label.'}'
- let addcmd = input('Additional commands? ')
- if addcmd != ''
- let label = label . '{'.addcmd.'}'
- endif
- else
- let label = ''
- endif
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\begin{list}'.label."\<cr>\\item \<cr>\\end{list}<++>")
- else
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(s:list)
- endif
-" }}}
-" Tex_document: {{{
-function! Tex_document(env)
- if g:Tex_UseMenuWizard == 1
- let dstyle = input('Document style? ')
- let opts = input('(Optional) Options? ')
- let foo = '\documentclass'
- if opts == ''
- let foo = foo.'{'.dstyle.'}'
- else
- let foo = foo.'['.opts.']'.'{'.dstyle.'}'
- endif
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(foo."\<cr>\<cr>\\begin{document}\<cr><++>\<cr>\\end{document}")
- else
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(s:document)
- endif
-" }}}
-" Tex_minipage: {{{
-function! Tex_minipage(env)
- if g:Tex_UseMenuWizard == 1
- let foo = '\begin{minipage}'
- let pos = input('(Optional) Position (t b)? ')
- let width = input('Width? ')
- if pos == ''
- let foo = foo.'{'.width.'}'
- else
- let foo = foo.'['.pos.']{'.width.'}'
- endif
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(foo."\<cr><++>\<cr>\\end{minipage}<++>")
- else
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(s:minipage)
- endif
-" }}}
-" Tex_thebibliography: {{{
-function! Tex_thebibliography(env)
- if g:Tex_UseMenuWizard == 1
- " AUC Tex: "Label for BibItem: 99"
- let indent = input('Indent for BibItem? ')
- let foo = '{'.indent.'}'
- let biblabel = input('(Optional) Bibitem label? ')
- let key = input('Add key? ')
- let bar = '\bibitem'
- if biblabel != ''
- let bar = bar.'['.biblabel.']'
- endif
- let bar = bar.'{'.key.'}'
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\begin{thebibliography}'.foo."\<cr>".bar." \<cr>\\end{thebibliography}<++>\<Up>")
- else
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(
- \ "\\begin{thebibliography}\<CR>".
- \ "\\item[<+biblabel+>]{<+bibkey+>} <++>\<CR>".
- \ "<++>\<CR>".
- \ "\\end{thebibliography}<++>")
- endif
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Contributions / suggestions from Carl Mueller (auctex.vim)
-" ==============================================================================
-" PromptForEnvironment: prompts for an environment {{{
-" Description:
-function! PromptForEnvironment(ask)
- return Tex_ChooseFromPrompt(
- \ a:ask."\n" .
- \ Tex_CreatePrompt(g:Tex_PromptedEnvironments, 2, ",") .
- \ "\nEnter nae or number of environment :",
- \ g:Tex_PromptedEnvironments, ",")
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_DoEnvironment: fast insertion of environments {{{
-" Description:
-" The menus call this function with an argument (the name of the environment
-" to insert). The maps call this without any arguments. In this case, it
-" prompts for an environment to enter if the current line is empty. If
-" called without arguments and there is a word on the current line, then use
-" that as the name of a new environment.
-function! Tex_DoEnvironment(...)
- if a:0 < 1
- let env = matchstr(getline('.'), '^\s*\zs\w*\*\=\ze\s*$')
- " If in current line is more than one word or in visual mode
- " ignore contents of line and prompt for environment
- if env == '' || (exists('s:isvisual') && s:isvisual == 'yes')
- let env = PromptForEnvironment('Choose which environment to insert: ')
- if env != ''
- return Tex_PutEnvironment(env)
- else
- return ''
- endif
- else
- " delete the word on the line into the blackhole register.
- normal! 0"_D
- return Tex_PutEnvironment(env)
- endif
- else
- return Tex_PutEnvironment(a:1)
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_PutEnvironment: calls various specialized functions {{{
-" Description:
-" Based on input argument, it calls various specialized functions.
-function! Tex_PutEnvironment(env)
- if exists("s:isvisual") && s:isvisual == "yes"
- let s:isvisual = 'no'
- if a:env == '\['
- return VEnclose('', '', '\[', '\]')
- elseif a:env == '$$'
- return VEnclose('', '', '$$', '$$')
- endif
- return VEnclose('\begin{'.a:env.'}', '\end{'.a:env.'}', '\begin{'.a:env.'}', '\end{'.a:env.'}')
- else
- " The user can define something like
- " let g:Tex_Env_theorem = "\\begin{theorem}\<CR><++>\<CR>\\end{theorem}"
- " This will effectively over-write the default definition of the
- " theorem environment which uses a \label.
- if exists("b:Tex_Env_{'".a:env."'}")
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(b:Tex_Env_{a:env})
- elseif exists("g:Tex_Env_{'".a:env."'}")
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(g:Tex_Env_{a:env})
- elseif a:env =~ 'equation*\|eqnarray*\|theorem\|lemma\|equation\|eqnarray\|align\*\|align\>\|multline'
- let g:aa = a:env
- return Tex_eqnarray(a:env)
- elseif a:env =~ "enumerate\\|itemize\\|theindex\\|trivlist"
- return Tex_itemize(a:env)
- elseif a:env =~ "table\\|table*"
- return Tex_table(a:env)
- elseif a:env =~ "tabular\\|tabular*\\|array\\|array*"
- return Tex_tabular(a:env)
- elseif exists('*Tex_'.a:env)
- exe 'return Tex_'.a:env.'(a:env)'
- elseif a:env == '$$'
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('$$<++>$$')
- elseif a:env == '\['
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\[\<CR><++>\<CR>\\]<++>")
- else
- " Look in supported packages if exists template for environment
- " given in the line
- if exists('g:Tex_package_supported') && g:Tex_package_supported != ''
- let i = 1
- while Tex_Strntok(g:Tex_package_supported, ',', i) != ''
- let checkpack = Tex_Strntok(g:Tex_package_supported, ',', i)
- if g:TeX_package_{checkpack} =~ 'e..:'.a:env
- if a:env =~ '*'
- " Don't allow * to be treated as wildcard
- let aenv = substitute(a:env, '*', '\\*', '')
- else
- let aenv = a:env
- endif
- let envcommand = matchstr(g:TeX_package_{checkpack}, '\zse..:'.aenv.'[^,]\{-}\ze,')
- return Tex_ProcessPackageCommand(envcommand)
- endif
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
- endif
- " If nothing before us managed to create an environment, then just
- " create a bare-bones environment from the name.
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('\begin{'.a:env."}\<cr><++>\<cr>\\end{".a:env."}<++>")
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Mapping the <F5> key to insert/prompt for an environment/package {{{
-" and <S-F5> to prompt/replace an environment
-" g:Tex_PromptedEnvironments is a variable containing a comma seperated list
-" of environments. This list defines the prompt which latex-suite sets up when
-" the user presses <F5> on an empty line.
-" Leaving this empty is equivalent to disabling the feature.
-if g:Tex_PromptedEnvironments != ''
- let b:DoubleDollars = 0
- " Provide only <plug>s here. main.vim will create the actual maps.
- inoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_FastEnvironmentInsert <C-r>=Tex_FastEnvironmentInsert("no")<cr>
- nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_FastEnvironmentInsert i<C-r>=Tex_FastEnvironmentInsert("no")<cr>
- vnoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_FastEnvironmentInsert <C-\><C-N>:call Tex_FastEnvironmentInsert("yes")<CR>
- inoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_FastEnvironmentChange <C-O>:call Tex_ChangeEnvironments()<CR>
- nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_FastEnvironmentChange :call Tex_ChangeEnvironments()<CR>
- " Tex_FastEnvironmentInsert: maps <F5> to prompt for env and insert it " {{{
- " Description:
- " This function calculates whether we are in the preamble. If we are
- " then inserts a \usepackage line by either reading in a word from the
- " current line or prompting to type in one. If not in the preamble, then
- " inserts a environment template either by reading in a word from the
- " current line or prompting the user to choose one.
- "
- function! Tex_FastEnvironmentInsert(isvisual)
- let start_line = line('.')
- let pos = line('.').' | normal! '.virtcol('.').'|'
- let s:isvisual = a:isvisual
- " decide if we are in the preamble of the document. If we are then
- " insert a package, otherwise insert an environment.
- "
- if search('\\documentclass', 'bW') && search('\\begin{document}')
- " If there is a \documentclass line and a \begin{document} line in
- " the file, then a part of the file is the preamble.
- " search for where the document begins.
- let begin_line = search('\\begin{document}')
- " if the document begins after where we are presently, then we are
- " in the preamble.
- if start_line < begin_line
- " return to our original location and insert a package
- " statement.
- exe pos
- return Tex_package_from_line()
- else
- " we are after the preamble. insert an environment.
- exe pos
- return Tex_DoEnvironment()
- endif
- elseif search('\\documentclass')
- " if there is only a \documentclass but no \begin{document}, then
- " the entire file is a preamble. Put a package.
- exe pos
- return Tex_package_from_line()
- else
- " no \documentclass, put an environment.
- exe pos
- return Tex_DoEnvironment()
- endif
- endfunction
- " }}}
- " Tex_package_from_line: puts a \usepackage line in the current line. " {{{
- " Description:
- "
- function! Tex_package_from_line()
- " Function Tex_PutPackage is defined in packages.vim
- " Ignores <F5> in Visual mode
- if s:isvisual == "yes"
- return 0
- else
- let l = getline(".")
- let pack = matchstr(l, '^\s*\zs.*')
- normal! 0"_D
- return Tex_pack_one(pack)
- endif
- endfunction
- " }}}
- " Tex_ChangeEnvironments: calls Change() to change the environment {{{
- " Description:
- " Finds out which environment the cursor is positioned in and changes
- " that to the chosen new environment. This function knows the changes
- " which need to be made to change one env to another and calls
- " Change() with the info.
- "
- function! Tex_ChangeEnvironments()
- let env_line = searchpair('$$\|\\[\|begin{', '', '$$\|\\]\|end{', "bn")
- if env_line != 0
- if getline(env_line) !~ 'begin{'
- let env_name = '['
- else
- let env_name = matchstr(getline(env_line), 'begin{\zs.\{-}\ze}')
- endif
- endif
- if !exists('env_name')
- echomsg "You are not inside environment"
- return 0
- endif
- exe 'echomsg "You are within a '.env_name.' environment."'
- let change_env = PromptForEnvironment('What do you want to change it to? ')
- if change_env == 'eqnarray'
- call <SID>Change('eqnarray', 1, '', 1)
- elseif change_env == 'eqnarray*'
- call <SID>Change('eqnarray*', 0, '\\nonumber', 0)
- elseif change_env == 'align'
- call <SID>Change('align', 1, '', 1)
- elseif change_env == 'align*'
- call <SID>Change('align*', 0, '\\nonumber', 0)
- elseif change_env == 'equation*'
- call <SID>Change('equation*', 0, '&\|\\lefteqn{\|\\nonumber\|\\\\', 0)
- elseif change_env == ''
- return 0
- else
- call <SID>Change(change_env, 0, '', '')
- return 0
- endif
- endfunction
- " }}}
- " Change: changes the current env to the new env {{{
- " Description:
- " This function needs to know the changes which need to be made while
- " going from an old environment to a new one. This info, it gets from
- " Tex_ChangeEnvironments
- "
- " env : name of the new environment.
- " label : if 1, then insert a \label at the end of the environment.
- " otherwise, delete any \label line found.
- " delete : a pattern which is to be deleted from the original environment.
- " for example, going to a eqnarray* environment means we need to
- " delete \label's.
- " putInNonumber : whether we need to put a \nonumber before the end of the
- " environment.
- function! s:Change(env, label, delete, putInNonumber)
- let start_line = line('.')
- let start_col = virtcol('.')
- if a:env == '['
- if b:DoubleDollars == 0
- let first = '\\['
- let second = '\\]'
- else
- let first = '$$'
- let second = '$$'
- endif
- else
- let first = '\\begin{' . a:env . '}'
- let second = '\\end{' . a:env . '}'
- endif
- if b:DoubleDollars == 0
- let bottom = searchpair('\\\[\|\\begin{','','\\\]\|\\end{','')
- s/\\\]\|\\end{.\{-}}/\=second/
- let top = searchpair('\\\[\|\\begin{','','\\\]\|\\end{','b')
- s/\\\[\|\\begin{.\{-}}/\=first/
- else
- let bottom = search('\$\$\|\\end{')
- s/\$\$\|\\end{.\{-}}/\=second/
- let top = search('\$\$\|\\begin{','b')
- s/\$\$\|\\begin{.\{-}}/\=first/
- end
- if a:delete != ''
- exe 'silent '. top . "," . bottom . 's/' . a:delete . '//e'
- endif
- if a:putInNonumber == 1
- exe top
- call search('\\end\|\\\\')
- if line('.') != bottom
- exe '.+1,' . bottom . 's/\\\\/\\nonumber\\\\/e'
- exe (bottom-1) . 's/\s*$/ \\nonumber/'
- endif
- endif
- if a:label == 1
- exe top
- if search("\\label", "W") > bottom
- exe top
- let local_label = input('Label? ')
- if local_label != ''
- put = '\label{'.local_label.'}'
- endif
- normal $
- endif
- else
- exe 'silent '.top . ',' . bottom . ' g/\\label/delete'
- endif
- if exists('local_label') && local_label != ''
- exe start_line + 1.' | normal! '.start_col.'|'
- else
- exe start_line.' | normal! '.start_col.'|'
- endif
- endfunction " }}}
-" }}}
-" Map <S-F1> through <S-F4> to insert environments {{{
-if g:Tex_HotKeyMappings != ''
- " SetUpHotKeys: maps <F1> through <F4> to insert environments
- " Description:
- function! <SID>SetUpHotKeys()
- let i = 1
- let envname = Tex_Strntok(g:Tex_HotKeyMappings, ',', i)
- while envname != ''
- exec 'inoremap <silent> <buffer> <S-F'.i.'> <C-r>=Tex_PutEnvironment("'.envname.'")<CR>'
- let i = i + 1
- let envname = Tex_Strntok(g:Tex_HotKeyMappings, ',', i)
- endwhile
- endfunction
-" }}}
-" Tex_SetFastEnvironmentMaps: function for setting up the <F5> and <S-F1>-<S-F4> keys {{{
-" Description: This function is made public so it can be called by the
-" SetTeXOptions() function in main.vim
-function! Tex_SetFastEnvironmentMaps()
- if g:Tex_PromptedEnvironments != ''
- call Tex_MakeMap("<F5>", "<Plug>Tex_FastEnvironmentInsert", 'i', '<silent> <buffer>')
- call Tex_MakeMap("<F5>", "<Plug>Tex_FastEnvironmentInsert", 'n', '<silent> <buffer>')
- call Tex_MakeMap("<F5>", "<Plug>Tex_FastEnvironmentInsert", 'v', '<silent> <buffer>')
- call Tex_MakeMap("<S-F5>", "<Plug>Tex_FastEnvironmentChange", 'i', '<silent> <buffer>')
- call Tex_MakeMap("<S-F5>", "<Plug>Tex_FastEnvironmentChange", 'n', '<silent> <buffer>')
- endif
- if g:Tex_HotKeyMappings != ''
- call s:SetUpHotKeys()
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Contributions / Tex_InsertItem() from Johannes Tanzler
-" ==============================================================================
-" Tex_GetCurrentEnv: gets the current environment in which the cursor lies {{{
-" Description: handles cases such as:
-" \begin{itemize}
-" \item first item
-" \item second item
-" \begin{description}
-" \item first desc
-" \item second
-" % Tex_GetCurrentEnv will return "description" when called from here
-" \end{description}
-" \item third item
-" % Tex_GetCurrentEnv will return "itemize" when called from here
-" \end{itemize}
-" % Tex_GetCurrentEnv will return "" when called from here
-" Author: Alan Schmitt
-function! Tex_GetCurrentEnv()
- let pos = line('.').' | normal! '.virtcol('.').'|'
- let i = 0
- while 1
- let env_line = search('^[^%]*\\\%(begin\|end\){', 'bW')
- if env_line == 0
- " we reached the beginning of the file, so we return the empty string
- exe pos
- return ''
- endif
- if match(getline(env_line), '^[^%]*\\begin{') == -1
- " we found a \\end, so we keep searching
- let i = i + 1
- continue
- else
- " we found a \\begin which has not been \\end'ed. we are done.
- if i == 0
- let env = matchstr(getline(env_line), '\\begin{\zs.\{-}\ze}')
- exe pos
- return env
- else
- " this \\begin closes a \\end, continue searching.
- let i = i - 1
- continue
- endif
- endif
- endwhile
-" }}}
-" Tex_InsertItem: insert \item into a list {{{
-" Description: Find last \begin line, extract env name, return to the start
-" position and insert proper \item, depending on env name.
-" Env names are stored in g: variables it can be used by
-" package files.
-TexLet g:Tex_ItemStyle_itemize = '\item '
-TexLet g:Tex_ItemStyle_enumerate = '\item '
-TexLet g:Tex_ItemStyle_theindex = '\item '
-TexLet g:Tex_ItemStyle_thebibliography = '\item[<+biblabel+>]{<+bibkey+>} <++>'
-TexLet g:Tex_ItemStyle_description = '\item[<+label+>] <++>'
-function! Tex_InsertItem()
- " Get current enclosing environment
- let env = Tex_GetCurrentEnv()
- if exists('g:Tex_ItemStyle_'.env)
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(g:Tex_ItemStyle_{env})
- else
- return ''
- endif
-" }}}
-" Tex_SetItemMaps: sets the \item inserting maps for current buffer {{{
-" Description:
-inoremap <script> <silent> <Plug>Tex_InsertItemOnThisLine <Esc>a<C-r>=Tex_InsertItem()<CR>
-inoremap <script> <silent> <Plug>Tex_InsertItemOnNextLine <ESC>o<C-R>=Tex_InsertItem()<CR>
-function! Tex_SetItemMaps()
- if !hasmapto("<Plug>Tex_InsertItem", "i")
- imap <buffer> <M-i> <Plug>Tex_InsertItemOnThisLine
- endif
- if !hasmapto("<Plug>Tex_InsertItemOnNextLine", "i")
- imap <buffer> <C-CR> <Plug>Tex_InsertItemOnNextLine
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Implementation of Fast Environment commands for LaTeX commands
-" ==============================================================================
-" Define certain commonly used command definitions {{{
-TexLet g:Tex_Com_{'newtheorem'} = '\newtheorem{<+name+>}{<+caption+>}[<+within+>]'
-TexLet g:Tex_Com_{'frac'} = '\frac{<+n+>}{<+d+>}<++>'
-" }}}
-" PromptForCommand: prompts for a command {{{
-" Description:
-function! PromptForCommand(ask)
- let common_com_prompt =
- \ Tex_CreatePrompt(g:Tex_PromptedCommands, 2, ',') . "\n" .
- \ "Enter number or command name :"
- let inp = input(a:ask."\n".common_com_prompt)
- if inp =~ '^[0-9]\+$'
- let com = Tex_Strntok(g:Tex_PromptedCommands, ',', inp)
- else
- let com = inp
- endif
- return com
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_DoCommand: fast insertion of commands {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_DoCommand(isvisual)
- " If the current line is empty or if a visual selection has been made,
- " prompt for a new environment.
- if getline('.') == '' || a:isvisual == 'yes'
- let com = PromptForCommand('Choose a command to insert: ')
- if com != ''
- return Tex_PutCommand(com, a:isvisual)
- else
- return ''
- endif
- else
- " We want to find out the word under the cursor without issuing
- " any movement commands.
- let presline = getline('.')
- let c = col('.')
- let wordbef = matchstr(strpart(presline, 0, c-1), '\k\+\*\?$')
- let wordaft = matchstr(strpart(presline, c-1), '^\k\+\*\?')
- let word = wordbef . wordaft
- call Tex_Debug("Tex_DoCommand: wordbef = [".wordbef."], wordaft = [".wordaft."], word = [".word."]", 'env')
- " We use \<Del> instead of \<Bs> because \<Bs> does not work
- " unless bs=2
- if word != ''
- return substitute(wordbef, '.', "\<Left>", 'g')
- \ . substitute(word, '.', "\<Del>", 'g')
- \ . Tex_PutCommand(word, a:isvisual)
- else
- let cmd = PromptForCommand('Choose a command to insert: ')
- if cmd != ''
- return Tex_PutCommand(cmd, a:isvisual)
- else
- return ''
- endif
- endif
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_PutCommand: calls various specialized functions {{{
-" Description:
-" Based on input argument, it calls various specialized functions.
-function! Tex_PutCommand(com, isvisual)
- if a:isvisual == "yes"
- if a:com == '$'
- return VEnclose('$', '$', '$', '$')
- elseif a:com == '\\('
- return VEnclose('\\(', '\\)', '\\(', '\\)')
- else
- return VEnclose("\\".a:com.'{', '}', "\\".a:com.'{', '}')
- endif
- else
- if exists('b:Tex_Com_{"'.a:com.'"}')
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(b:Tex_Com_{a:com})
- elseif exists('g:Tex_Com_{"'.a:com.'"}')
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(g:Tex_Com_{a:com})
- elseif a:com == '$'
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement('$<++>$')
- else
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\".a:com.'{<++>}<++>')
- endif
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Mapping the <F7> key to prompt/insert for command {{{
-" and <S-F7> to prompt/replace command
-" g:Tex_PromptedCommands is a variable containing a comma seperated list
-" of commands.
-" Leaving this empty is equivalent to disabling the feature.
-if g:Tex_PromptedCommands != ''
- let b:DoubleDollars = 0
- inoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_FastCommandInsert <C-r>=Tex_DoCommand('no')<cr>
- nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_FastCommandInsert i<C-r>=Tex_DoCommand('no')<cr>
- vnoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_FastCommandInsert <C-\><C-N>:call Tex_DoCommand('yes')<CR>
- inoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_FastCommandChange <C-O>:call Tex_ChangeCommand('no')<CR>
- nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_FastCommandChange :call Tex_ChangeCommand('no')<CR>
- " Tex_ChangeCommand: calls ChangeCommand() to change the environment {{{
- " Description:
- " Finds out which environment the cursor is positioned in and changes
- " that to the chosen new environment. This function knows the changes
- " which need to be made to change one env to another and calls
- " ChangeCommand() with the info.
- "
- function! Tex_ChangeCommand(isvisual)
- let pos_com = line('.').' | normal! '.virtcol('.').'|'
- let com_line = searchpair('\\\k\{-}{', '', '}', 'b')
- if com_line != 0
- normal l
- let com_name = expand('<cword>')
- endif
- if !exists('com_name')
- echomsg "You are not inside command"
- exe pos_com
- return 0
- endif
- exe 'echomsg "You are within a '.com_name.' command."'
- let change_com = PromptForCommand('Do you want to change it to (number or name)? ')
- if change_com == ''
- exe pos_com
- return 0
- else
- call <SID>ChangeCommand(change_com)
- exe pos_com
- return 0
- endif
- endfunction
- " }}}
- " ChangeCommand: Changes current command according to prompt menu {{{
- " Description:
- "
- function! s:ChangeCommand(newcom)
- exe 'normal! ct{'.a:newcom."\<Esc>"
- endfunction
- " }}}
-" }}}
-" Tex_SetFastCommandMaps: function for setting up the <F7> keys {{{
-" Description: This function is made public so it can be called by the
-" SetTeXOptions() function in main.vim
-function! Tex_SetFastCommandMaps()
- if g:Tex_PromptedCommands != ''
- if !hasmapto('<Plug>Tex_FastCommandInsert', 'i')
- imap <silent> <buffer> <F7> <Plug>Tex_FastCommandInsert
- endif
- if !hasmapto('<Plug>Tex_FastCommandInsert', 'n')
- nmap <silent> <buffer> <F7> <Plug>Tex_FastCommandInsert
- endif
- if !hasmapto('<Plug>Tex_FastCommandChange', 'i')
- imap <silent> <buffer> <S-F7> <Plug>Tex_FastCommandChange
- endif
- if !hasmapto('<Plug>Tex_FastCommandChange', 'n')
- nmap <silent> <buffer> <S-F7> <Plug>Tex_FastCommandChange
- endif
- if !hasmapto('<Plug>Tex_FastCommandInsert', 'v')
- vmap <silent> <buffer> <F7> <Plug>Tex_FastCommandInsert
- endif
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" SetEnvMacrosOptions: sets mappings for buffers {{{
-" " Description:
-function! <SID>SetEnvMacrosOptions()
- if exists('b:doneTexEnvMaps')
- return
- endif
- let b:doneTexEnvMaps = 1
- if g:Tex_PromptedEnvironments != '' || g:Tex_HotKeyMappings != ''
- call Tex_SetFastEnvironmentMaps()
- endif
- if g:Tex_PromptedCommands != ''
- call Tex_SetFastCommandMaps()
- endif
- call Tex_SetItemMaps()
-endfunction " }}}
-" Catch the Filetype event so we set maps for each buffer {{{
-augroup LatexSuite
- au LatexSuite User LatexSuiteFileType
- \ call Tex_Debug('envmacros.vim: Catching LatexSuiteFileType event', 'env') |
- \ call s:SetEnvMacrosOptions()
-augroup END
-" }}}
-" this statement has to be at the end.
-let s:doneOnce = 1
-" vim:fdm=marker:nowrap:noet:ff=unix
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/folding.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/folding.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index dfaa450..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/folding.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,393 +0,0 @@
-" File: folding.vim
-" Author: Srinath Avadhanula
-" modifications/additions by Zhang Linbo
-" CVS: $Id: folding.vim 997 2006-03-20 09:45:45Z srinathava $
-" Created: Tue Apr 23 05:00 PM 2002 PST
-" Description: functions to interact with Syntaxfolds.vim
-nnoremap <unique> <Plug>Tex_RefreshFolds :call MakeTexFolds(1)<cr>
-augroup LatexSuite
- au LatexSuite User LatexSuiteFileType
- \ call Tex_Debug('folding.vim: catching LatexSuiteFileType', 'fold') |
- \ call Tex_SetFoldOptions()
-augroup END
-" Tex_SetFoldOptions: sets maps for every buffer {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_SetFoldOptions()
- if exists('b:doneSetFoldOptions')
- return
- endif
- let b:doneSetFoldOptions = 1
- setlocal foldtext=TexFoldTextFunction()
- if g:Tex_Folding && g:Tex_AutoFolding
- call MakeTexFolds(0)
- endif
- let s:ml = exists('g:mapleader') ? g:mapleader : "\\"
- call Tex_MakeMap(s:ml."rf", "<Plug>Tex_RefreshFolds", 'n', '<silent> <buffer>')
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_FoldSections: creates section folds {{{
-" Author: Zhang Linbo
-" Description:
-" This function takes a comma seperated list of "sections" and creates fold
-" definitions for them. The first item is supposed to be the "shallowest" field
-" and the last is the "deepest". See g:Tex_FoldedSections for the default
-" definition of the lst input argument.
-" **works recursively**
-function! Tex_FoldSections(lst, endpat)
- let i = match(a:lst, ',')
- if i > 0
- let s = strpart(a:lst, 0, i)
- else
- let s = a:lst
- endif
- if s =~ '%%fakesection'
- let s = '^\s*' . s
- else
- let s = '^\s*\\' . s . '\W'
- endif
- let endpat = s . '\|' . a:endpat
- if i > 0
- call Tex_FoldSections(strpart(a:lst,i+1), endpat)
- endif
- let endpat = '^\s*\\appendix\W\|' . endpat
- call AddSyntaxFoldItem(s, endpat, 0, -1)
-" }}}
-" MakeTexFolds: function to create fold items for latex. {{{
-" used in conjunction with MakeSyntaxFolds().
-" see ../plugin/syntaxFolds.vim for documentation
-function! MakeTexFolds(force)
- if exists('g:Tex_Folding') && !g:Tex_Folding
- return
- endif
- if &ft != 'tex'
- return
- end
- " Setup folded items lists g:Tex_Foldedxxxx
- " 1. Use default value if g:Tex_Foldedxxxxxx is not defined
- " 2. prepend default value to g:Tex_Foldedxxxxxx if it starts with ','
- " 3. append default value to g:Tex_Foldedxxxxxx if it ends with ','
- " Folding items which are not caught in any of the standard commands,
- " environments or sections.
- let s = 'item,slide,preamble,<<<'
- if !exists('g:Tex_FoldedMisc')
- let g:Tex_FoldedMisc = s
- elseif g:Tex_FoldedMisc[0] == ','
- let g:Tex_FoldedMisc = s . g:Tex_FoldedMisc
- elseif g:Tex_FoldedMisc =~ ',$'
- let g:Tex_FoldedMisc = g:Tex_FoldedMisc . s
- endif
- " By default do not fold any commands. It looks like trying to fold
- " commands is a difficult problem since commands can be arbitrarily nested
- " and the end patterns are not unique unlike the case of environments.
- " For this to work well, we need a regexp which will match a line only if
- " a command begins on that line but does not end on that line. This
- " requires a regexp which will match unbalanced curly braces and that is
- " apparently not doable with regexps.
- let s = ''
- if !exists('g:Tex_FoldedCommands')
- let g:Tex_FoldedCommands = s
- elseif g:Tex_FoldedCommands[0] == ','
- let g:Tex_FoldedCommands = s . g:Tex_FoldedCommands
- elseif g:Tex_FoldedCommands =~ ',$'
- let g:Tex_FoldedCommands = g:Tex_FoldedCommands . s
- endif
- let s = 'verbatim,comment,eq,gather,align,figure,table,thebibliography,'
- \. 'keywords,abstract,titlepage'
- if !exists('g:Tex_FoldedEnvironments')
- let g:Tex_FoldedEnvironments = s
- elseif g:Tex_FoldedEnvironments[0] == ','
- let g:Tex_FoldedEnvironments = s . g:Tex_FoldedEnvironments
- elseif g:Tex_FoldedEnvironments =~ ',$'
- let g:Tex_FoldedEnvironments = g:Tex_FoldedEnvironments . s
- endif
- if !exists('g:Tex_FoldedSections')
- let g:Tex_FoldedSections = 'part,chapter,section,%%fakesection,'
- \. 'subsection,subsubsection,paragraph'
- endif
- " the order in which these calls are made decides the nestedness. in
- " latex, a table environment will always be embedded in either an item or
- " a section etc. not the other way around. so we first fold up all the
- " tables. and then proceed with the other regions.
- let b:numFoldItems = 0
- " ========================================================================
- " How to add new folding items {{{
- " ========================================================================
- "
- " Each of the following function calls defines a syntax fold region. Each
- " definition consists of a call to the AddSyntaxFoldItem() function.
- "
- " The order in which the folds are defined is important. Juggling the
- " order of the function calls will create havoc with folding. The
- " "deepest" folding item needs to be called first. For example, if
- " the \begin{table} environment is a subset (or lies within) the \section
- " environment, then add the definition for the \table first.
- "
- " The AddSyntaxFoldItem() function takes either 4 or 6 arguments. When it
- " is called with 4 arguments, it is equivalent to calling it with 6
- " arguments with the last two left blank (i.e as empty strings)
- "
- " The explanation for each argument is as follows:
- " startpat: a line matching this pattern defines the beginning of a fold.
- " endpat : a line matching this pattern defines the end of a fold.
- " startoff: this is the offset from the starting line at which folding will
- " actually start
- " endoff : like startoff, but gives the offset of the actual fold end from
- " the line satisfying endpat.
- " startoff and endoff are necessary when the folding region does
- " not have a specific end pattern corresponding to a start
- " pattern. for example in latex,
- " \begin{section}
- " defines the beginning of a section, but its not necessary to
- " have a corresponding
- " \end{section}
- " the section is assumed to end 1 line _before_ another section
- " starts.
- " startskip: a pattern which defines the beginning of a "skipped" region.
- "
- " For example, suppose we define a \itemize fold as follows:
- " startpat = '^\s*\\item',
- " endpat = '^\s*\\item\|^\s*\\end{\(enumerate\|itemize\|description\)}',
- " startoff = 0,
- " endoff = -1
- "
- " This defines a fold which starts with a line beginning with an
- " \item and ending one line before a line beginning with an
- " \item or \end{enumerate} etc.
- "
- " Then, as long as \item's are not nested things are fine.
- " However, once items begin to nest, the fold started by one
- " \item can end because of an \item in an \itemize
- " environment within this \item. i.e, the following can happen:
- "
- " \begin{itemize}
- " \item Some text <------- fold will start here
- " This item will contain a nested item
- " \begin{itemize} <----- fold will end here because next line contains \item...
- " \item Hello
- " \end{itemize} <----- ... instead of here.
- " \item Next item of the parent itemize
- " \end{itemize}
- "
- " Therefore, in order to completely define a folding item which
- " allows nesting, we need to also define a "skip" pattern.
- " startskip and end skip do that.
- " Leave '' when there is no nesting.
- " endskip: the pattern which defines the end of the "skip" pattern for
- " nested folds.
- "
- " Example:
- " 1. A syntax fold region for a latex section is
- " startpat = "\\section{"
- " endpat = "\\section{"
- " startoff = 0
- " endoff = -1
- " startskip = ''
- " endskip = ''
- " Note that the start and end patterns are thus the same and endoff has a
- " negative value to capture the effect of a section ending one line before
- " the next starts.
- " 2. A syntax fold region for the \itemize environment is:
- " startpat = '^\s*\\item',
- " endpat = '^\s*\\item\|^\s*\\end{\(enumerate\|itemize\|description\)}',
- " startoff = 0,
- " endoff = -1,
- " startskip = '^\s*\\begin{\(enumerate\|itemize\|description\)}',
- " endskip = '^\s*\\end{\(enumerate\|itemize\|description\)}'
- " Note the use of startskip and endskip to allow nesting.
- "
- "
- " }}}
- " ========================================================================
- " {{{ comment lines
- if g:Tex_FoldedMisc =~ '\<comments\>'
- call AddSyntaxFoldItem (
- \ '^%\([^%]\|[^f]\|[^a]\|[^k]\|[^e]\)',
- \ '^[^%]',
- \ 0,
- \ -1
- \ )
- endif
- " }}}
- " {{{ items
- if g:Tex_FoldedMisc =~ '\<item\>'
- call AddSyntaxFoldItem (
- \ '^\s*\\item',
- \ '^\s*\\item\|^\s*\\end{\(enumerate\|itemize\|description\)}',
- \ 0,
- \ -1,
- \ '^\s*\\begin{\(enumerate\|itemize\|description\)}',
- \ '^\s*\\end{\(enumerate\|itemize\|description\)}'
- \ )
- endif
- " }}}
- " {{{ title
- if g:Tex_FoldedMisc =~ '\<title\>'
- call AddSyntaxFoldItem (
- \ '^\s*\\title\W',
- \ '^\s*\\maketitle',
- \ 0,
- \ 0
- \ )
- endif
- " }}}
- " Commands and Environments {{{
- " Fold the commands and environments in 2 passes.
- let pass = 0
- while pass < 2
- if pass == 0
- let lst = g:Tex_FoldedCommands
- else
- let lst = g:Tex_FoldedEnvironments
- endif
- while lst != ''
- let i = match(lst, ',')
- if i > 0
- let s = strpart(lst, 0, i)
- let lst = strpart(lst, i+1)
- else
- let s = lst
- let lst = ''
- endif
- if s != ''
- if pass == 0
- " NOTE: This pattern ensures that a command which is
- " terminated on the same line will not start a fold.
- " However, it will also refuse to fold certain commands
- " which have not terminated. eg:
- " \commandname{something \bf{text} and
- " will _not_ start a fold.
- " In other words, the pattern is safe, but not exact.
- call AddSyntaxFoldItem('^\s*\\'.s.'{[^{}]*$','^[^}]*}',0,0)
- else
- call AddSyntaxFoldItem('^\s*\\begin{'.s,'^\s*\\end{'.s,0,0)
- endif
- endif
- endwhile
- let pass = pass + 1
- endwhile
- " }}}
- " Sections {{{
- if g:Tex_FoldedSections != ''
- call Tex_FoldSections(g:Tex_FoldedSections,
- \ '^\s*\\frontmatter\|^\s*\\mainmatter\|^\s*\\backmatter\|'
- \. '^\s*\\begin{thebibliography\|>>>\|^\s*\\endinput\|'
- \. '^\s*\\begin{slide\|^\s*\\end{document')
- endif
- " }}}
- " {{{ slide
- if g:Tex_FoldedMisc =~ '\<slide\>'
- call AddSyntaxFoldItem (
- \ '^\s*\\begin{slide',
- \ '^\s*\\appendix\W\|^\s*\\chapter\W\|^\s*\\end{slide\|^\s*\\end{document',
- \ 0,
- \ 0
- \ )
- endif
- " }}}
- " {{{ preamble
- if g:Tex_FoldedMisc =~ '\<preamble\>'
- call AddSyntaxFoldItem (
- \ '^\s*\\document\(class\|style\).*{',
- \ '^\s*\\begin{document}',
- \ 0,
- \ -1
- \ )
- endif
- " }}}
- " Manually folded regions {{{
- if g:Tex_FoldedMisc =~ '\(^\|,\)<<<\(,\|$\)'
- call AddSyntaxFoldItem (
- \ '<<<',
- \ '>>>',
- \ 0,
- \ 0
- \ )
- endif
- " }}}
- call MakeSyntaxFolds(a:force)
- normal! zv
-" }}}
-" TexFoldTextFunction: create fold text for folds {{{
-function! TexFoldTextFunction()
- let leadingSpace = matchstr(' ', ' \{,'.indent(v:foldstart).'}')
- if getline(v:foldstart) =~ '^\s*\\begin{'
- let header = matchstr(getline(v:foldstart),
- \ '^\s*\\begin{\zs\([:alpha:]*\)[^}]*\ze}')
- let caption = ''
- let label = ''
- let i = v:foldstart
- while i <= v:foldend
- if getline(i) =~ '\\caption'
- " distinguish between
- " \caption{fulldesc} - fulldesc will be displayed
- " \caption[shortdesc]{fulldesc} - shortdesc will be displayed
- if getline(i) =~ '\\caption\['
- let caption = matchstr(getline(i), '\\caption\[\zs[^\]]*')
- let caption = substitute(caption, '\zs\]{.*}[^}]*$', '', '')
- else
- let caption = matchstr(getline(i), '\\caption{\zs.*')
- let caption = substitute(caption, '\zs}[^}]*$', '', '')
- end
- elseif getline(i) =~ '\\label'
- let label = matchstr(getline(i), '\\label{\zs.*')
- let label = substitute(label, '\zs}[^}]*$', '', '')
- end
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
- let ftxto = foldtext()
- " if no caption found, then use the second line.
- if caption == ''
- let caption = getline(v:foldstart + 1)
- end
- let retText = matchstr(ftxto, '^[^:]*').': '.header.
- \ ' ('.label.') : '.caption
- return leadingSpace.retText
- elseif getline(v:foldstart) =~ '^%' && getline(v:foldstart) !~ '^%%fake'
- let ftxto = foldtext()
- return leadingSpace.substitute(ftxto, ':', ': % ', '')
- elseif getline(v:foldstart) =~ '^\s*\\document\(class\|style\).*{'
- let ftxto = leadingSpace.foldtext()
- return substitute(ftxto, ':', ': Preamble: ', '')
- else
- return leadingSpace.foldtext()
- end
-" }}}
-" vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/macros/example b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/macros/example
deleted file mode 100644
index 395311f..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/macros/example
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-% my long complicated macro. This is an example of how to set up a
-% tex-macro for latex-suite. simply type in the lines as you would in
-% latex. Place holders are allowed.
-% NOTE: if you have filetype indentation turned on, then do not do
-% formatting here. the indentation will follow automatically...
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/main.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/main.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 063c6f6..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/main.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1024 +0,0 @@
-" LaTeX filetype
-" Language: LaTeX (ft=tex)
-" Maintainer: Srinath Avadhanula
-" CVS: $Id: main.vim 999 2006-03-21 05:32:37Z srinathava $
-" URL:
-" line continuation used here.
-let s:save_cpo = &cpo
-set cpo&vim
-" avoiding re-inclusion {{{
-" the avoiding re-inclusion statement is not provided here because the files
-" which call this file should in the normal course of events handle the
-" re-inclusion stuff.
-" we definitely dont want to run through the entire file each and every time.
-" only once to define the functions. for successive latex files, just set up
-" the folding and mappings and quit.
-if exists('s:doneFunctionDefinitions') && !exists('b:forceRedoLocalTex')
- call s:SetTeXOptions()
- finish
-let s:doneFunctionDefinitions = 1
-" get the place where this plugin resides for setting cpt and dict options.
-" these lines need to be outside the function.
-let s:path = expand('<sfile>:p:h')
-" set up personal defaults.
-runtime ftplugin/tex/texrc
-" set up global defaults.
-exe "so ".s:path.'/texrc'
-" }}}
-nmap <silent> <script> <plug> i
-imap <silent> <script> <C-o><plug> <Nop>
-" ==============================================================================
-" mappings
-" ==============================================================================
-" {{{
-" calculate the mapleader character.
-let s:ml = exists('g:mapleader') ? g:mapleader : '\'
-if !exists('s:doneMappings')
- let s:doneMappings = 1
- " short forms for latex formatting and math elements. {{{
- " taken from auctex.vim or miktexmacros.vim
- call IMAP ('__', '_{<++>}<++>', "tex")
- call IMAP ('()', '(<++>)<++>', "tex")
- call IMAP ('[]', '[<++>]<++>', "tex")
- call IMAP ('{}', '{<++>}<++>', "tex")
- call IMAP ('^^', '^{<++>}<++>', "tex")
- call IMAP ('$$', '$<++>$<++>', "tex")
- call IMAP ('==', '&=& ', "tex")
- call IMAP ('~~', '&\approx& ', "tex")
- call IMAP ('=~', '\approx', "tex")
- call IMAP ('::', '\dots', "tex")
- call IMAP ('((', '\left( <++> \right)<++>', "tex")
- call IMAP ('[[', '\left[ <++> \right]<++>', "tex")
- call IMAP ('{{', '\left\{ <++> \right\}<++>', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'^', '\hat{<++>}<++>', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'_', '\bar{<++>}<++>', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'6', '\partial', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'8', '\infty', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'/', '\frac{<++>}{<++>}<++>', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'%', '\frac{<++>}{<++>}<++>', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'@', '\circ', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'0', '^\circ', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'=', '\equiv', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader."\\",'\setminus', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'.', '\cdot', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'*', '\times', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'&', '\wedge', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'-', '\bigcap', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'+', '\bigcup', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'M', '\sum_{<++>}^{<++>}<++>', 'tex')
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'S', '\sum_{<++>}^{<++>}<++>', 'tex')
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'(', '\subset', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.')', '\supset', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'<', '\le', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'>', '\ge', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.',', '\nonumber', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'~', '\tilde{<++>}<++>', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.';', '\dot{<++>}<++>', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.':', '\ddot{<++>}<++>', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'2', '\sqrt{<++>}<++>', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'|', '\Big|', "tex")
- call IMAP (g:Tex_Leader.'I', "\\int_{<++>}^{<++>}<++>", 'tex')
- " }}}
- " Greek Letters {{{
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'a', '\alpha', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'b', '\beta', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'c', '\chi', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'d', '\delta', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'e', '\varepsilon', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'f', '\varphi', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'g', '\gamma', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'h', '\eta', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'k', '\kappa', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'l', '\lambda', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'m', '\mu', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'n', '\nu', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'p', '\pi', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'q', '\theta', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'r', '\rho', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'s', '\sigma', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'t', '\tau', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'u', '\upsilon', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'v', '\varsigma', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'w', '\omega', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'w', '\wedge', 'tex') " AUCTEX style
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'x', '\xi', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'y', '\psi', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'z', '\zeta', 'tex')
- " not all capital greek letters exist in LaTeX!
- " reference: http://www.giss.nasa.gov/latex/ltx-405.html
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'D', '\Delta', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'F', '\Phi', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'G', '\Gamma', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'Q', '\Theta', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'L', '\Lambda', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'X', '\Xi', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'Y', '\Psi', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'S', '\Sigma', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'U', '\Upsilon', 'tex')
- call IMAP(g:Tex_Leader.'W', '\Omega', 'tex')
- " }}}
- " ProtectLetters: sets up indentity maps for things like ``a {{{
- " " Description: If we simply do
- " call IMAP('`a', '\alpha', 'tex')
- " then we will never be able to type 'a' after a tex-quotation. Since
- " IMAP() always uses the longest map ending in the letter, this problem
- " can be avoided by creating a fake map for ``a -> ``a.
- " This function sets up fake maps of the following forms:
- " ``[aA] -> ``[aA] (for writing in quotations)
- " \`[aA] -> \`[aA] (for writing diacritics)
- " "`[aA] -> "`[aA] (for writing german quotations)
- " It does this for all printable lower ascii characters just to make sure
- " we dont let anything slip by.
- function! s:ProtectLetters(first, last)
- let i = a:first
- while i <= a:last
- if nr2char(i) =~ '[[:print:]]'
- call IMAP('``'.nr2char(i), '``'.nr2char(i), 'tex')
- call IMAP('\`'.nr2char(i), '\`'.nr2char(i), 'tex')
- call IMAP('"`'.nr2char(i), '"`'.nr2char(i), 'tex')
- endif
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
- endfunction
- call s:ProtectLetters(32, 127)
- " }}}
- " vmaps: enclose selected region in brackets, environments {{{
- " The action changes depending on whether the selection is character-wise
- " or line wise. for example, selecting linewise and pressing \v will
- " result in the region being enclosed in \begin{verbatim}, \end{verbatim},
- " whereas in characterise visual mode, the thingie is enclosed in \verb|
- " and |.
- exec 'vnoremap <silent> '.g:Tex_Leader."( \<C-\\>\<C-N>:call VEnclose('\\left( ', ' \\right)', '\\left(', '\\right)')\<CR>"
- exec 'vnoremap <silent> '.g:Tex_Leader."[ \<C-\\>\<C-N>:call VEnclose('\\left[ ', ' \\right]', '\\left[', '\\right]')\<CR>"
- exec 'vnoremap <silent> '.g:Tex_Leader."{ \<C-\\>\<C-N>:call VEnclose('\\left\\{ ', ' \\right\\}', '\\left\\{', '\\right\\}')\<CR>"
- exec 'vnoremap <silent> '.g:Tex_Leader."$ \<C-\\>\<C-N>:call VEnclose('$', '$', '\\[', '\\]')\<CR>"
- " }}}
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Helper functions for debugging
-" ==============================================================================
-" Tex_Debug: appends the argument into s:debugString {{{
-" Description:
-" Do not want a memory leak! Set this to zero so that latex-suite always
-" starts out in a non-debugging mode.
-if !exists('g:Tex_Debug')
- let g:Tex_Debug = 0
-function! Tex_Debug(str, ...)
- if !g:Tex_Debug
- return
- endif
- if a:0 > 0
- let pattern = a:1
- else
- let pattern = ''
- endif
- if !exists('s:debugString_'.pattern)
- let s:debugString_{pattern} = ''
- endif
- let s:debugString_{pattern} = s:debugString_{pattern}.a:str."\n"
- let s:debugString_ = (exists('s:debugString_') ? s:debugString_ : '')
- \ . pattern.' : '.a:str."\n"
- if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_DebugLog') != ''
- exec 'redir! >> '.Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_DebugLog')
- silent! echo pattern.' : '.a:str
- redir END
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_PrintDebug: prings s:debugString {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_PrintDebug(...)
- if a:0 > 0
- let pattern = a:1
- else
- let pattern = ''
- endif
- if exists('s:debugString_'.pattern)
- echo s:debugString_{pattern}
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_ClearDebug: clears the s:debugString string {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_ClearDebug(...)
- if a:0 > 0
- let pattern = a:1
- else
- let pattern = ''
- endif
- if exists('s:debugString_'.pattern)
- let s:debugString_{pattern} = ''
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_ShowVariableValue: debugging help {{{
-" provides a way to examine script local variables from outside the script.
-" very handy for debugging.
-function! Tex_ShowVariableValue(...)
- let i = 1
- while i <= a:0
- exe 'let arg = a:'.i
- if exists('s:'.arg) ||
- \ exists('*s:'.arg)
- exe 'let val = s:'.arg
- echomsg 's:'.arg.' = '.val
- end
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Helper functions for grepping
-" ==============================================================================
-" Tex_Grep: shorthand for :grep or :vimgrep {{{
-function! Tex_Grep(string, where)
- if v:version >= 700
- exec 'silent! vimgrep! /'.a:string.'/ '.a:where
- else
- exec 'silent! grep! '.Tex_EscapeForGrep(a:string).' '.a:where
- endif
-" }}}
-" Tex_Grepadd: shorthand for :grepadd or :vimgrepadd {{{
-function! Tex_Grepadd(string, where)
- if v:version >= 700
- exec 'silent! vimgrepadd! /'.a:string.'/ '.a:where
- else
- exec "silent! grepadd! ".Tex_EscapeForGrep(a:string).' '.a:where
- endif
-" }}}
-" Tex_EscapeForGrep: escapes back-slashes and doublequotes the correct number of times {{{
-" Description: This command escapes the backslash and double quotes in a
-" search pattern the correct number of times so it can be used in the ``:grep``
-" command. This command is meant to be used as::
-" exec "silent! grep ".Tex_EscapeForGrep(pattern)." file"
-" The input argument to this function should be the string which you want
-" the external command to finally see. For example, to search for a string
-" ``'\bibitem'``, the grep command needs to be passed a string like
-" ``'\\bibitem'``. Examples::
-" Tex_EscapeForGrep('\\bibitem') " correct
-" Tex_EscapeForGrep('\bibitem') " wrong
-" Tex_EscapeForGrep("\\bibitem") " wrong
-" Tex_EscapeForGrep('\<word\>') " correct
-function! Tex_EscapeForGrep(string)
- let retVal = a:string
- " The shell halves the backslashes.
- if &shell =~ 'sh'
- let retVal = escape(retVal, "\\")
- " If shellxquote is set, then the backslashes are halved yet again.
- if &shellxquote == '"'
- let retVal = escape(retVal, "\"\\")
- endif
- endif
- " escape special characters which bash/cmd.exe might interpret
- let retVal = escape(retVal, "<>")
- return retVal
-endfunction " }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Uncategorized helper functions
-" ==============================================================================
-" Tex_Strntok: extract the n^th token from a list {{{
-" example: Strntok('1,23,3', ',', 2) = 23
-fun! Tex_Strntok(s, tok, n)
- return matchstr( a:s.a:tok[0], '\v(\zs([^'.a:tok.']*)\ze['.a:tok.']){'.a:n.'}')
-" }}}
-" Tex_CreatePrompt: creates a prompt string {{{
-" Description:
-" Arguments:
-" promptList: This is a string of the form:
-" 'item1,item2,item3,item4'
-" cols: the number of columns in the resultant prompt
-" sep: the list seperator token
-" Example:
-" Tex_CreatePrompt('item1,item2,item3,item4', 2, ',')
-" returns
-" "(1) item1\t(2)item2\n(3)item3\t(4)item4"
-" This string can be used in the input() function.
-function! Tex_CreatePrompt(promptList, cols, sep)
- let g:listSep = a:sep
- let num_common = GetListCount(a:promptList)
- let i = 1
- let promptStr = ""
- while i <= num_common
- let j = 0
- while j < a:cols && i + j <= num_common
- let com = Tex_Strntok(a:promptList, a:sep, i+j)
- let promptStr = promptStr.'('.(i+j).') '.
- \ com."\t".( strlen(com) < 4 ? "\t" : '' )
- let j = j + 1
- endwhile
- let promptStr = promptStr."\n"
- let i = i + a:cols
- endwhile
- return promptStr
-" }}}
-" Tex_CleanSearchHistory: removes last search item from search history {{{
-" Description: This function needs to be globally visible because its
-" called from outside the script during expansion.
-function! Tex_CleanSearchHistory()
- call histdel("/", -1)
- let @/ = histget("/", -1)
-nmap <silent> <script> <plug>cleanHistory :call Tex_CleanSearchHistory()<CR>
-" }}}
-" Tex_GetVarValue: gets the value of the variable {{{
-" Description:
-" See if a window-local, buffer-local or global variable with the given name
-" exists and if so, returns the corresponding value. If none exist, return
-" an empty string.
-function! Tex_GetVarValue(varname, ...)
- if exists('w:'.a:varname)
- return w:{a:varname}
- elseif exists('b:'.a:varname)
- return b:{a:varname}
- elseif exists('g:'.a:varname)
- return g:{a:varname}
- elseif a:0 > 0
- return a:1
- else
- return ''
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_GetMainFileName: gets the name of the main file being compiled. {{{
-" Description: returns the full path name of the main file.
-" This function checks for the existence of a .latexmain file
-" which might point to the location of a "main" latex file.
-" If .latexmain exists, then return the full path name of the
-" file being pointed to by it.
-" Otherwise, return the full path name of the current buffer.
-" You can supply an optional "modifier" argument to the
-" function, which will optionally modify the file name before
-" returning.
-" NOTE: From version 1.6 onwards, this function always trims
-" away the .latexmain part of the file name before applying the
-" modifier argument.
-function! Tex_GetMainFileName(...)
- if a:0 > 0
- let modifier = a:1
- else
- let modifier = ':p'
- endif
- " If the user wants to use his own way to specify the main file name, then
- " use it straight away.
- if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_MainFileExpression') != ''
- exec 'let retval = '.Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_MainFileExpression')
- return retval
- endif
- let curd = getcwd()
- let dirmodifier = '%:p:h'
- let dirLast = expand(dirmodifier)
- call Tex_CD(dirLast)
- " move up the directory tree until we find a .latexmain file.
- " TODO: Should we be doing this recursion by default, or should there be a
- " setting?
- while glob('*.latexmain') == ''
- let dirmodifier = dirmodifier.':h'
- " break from the loop if we cannot go up any further.
- if expand(dirmodifier) == dirLast
- break
- endif
- let dirLast = expand(dirmodifier)
- call Tex_CD(dirLast)
- endwhile
- let lheadfile = glob('*.latexmain')
- if lheadfile != ''
- " Remove the trailing .latexmain part of the filename... We never want
- " that.
- let lheadfile = fnamemodify(substitute(lheadfile, '\.latexmain$', '', ''), modifier)
- else
- " If we cannot find any main file, just modify the filename of the
- " current buffer.
- let lheadfile = expand('%'.modifier)
- endif
- call Tex_CD(curd)
- " NOTE: The caller of this function needs to escape spaces in the
- " file name as appropriate. The reason its not done here is that
- " escaping spaces is not safe if this file is to be used as part of
- " an external command on certain platforms.
- return lheadfile
-" }}}
-" Tex_ChooseFromPrompt: process a user input to a prompt string {{{
-" " Description:
-function! Tex_ChooseFromPrompt(dialog, list, sep)
- let g:Tex_ASDF = a:dialog
- let inp = input(a:dialog)
- if inp =~ '\d\+'
- return Tex_Strntok(a:list, a:sep, inp)
- else
- return inp
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_ChooseFile: produces a file list and prompts for choice {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_ChooseFile(dialog)
- let files = glob('*')
- if files == ''
- return ''
- endif
- let s:incnum = 0
- echo a:dialog
- let filenames = substitute(files, "\\v(^|\n)", "\\=submatch(0).Tex_IncrementNumber(1).' : '", 'g')
- echo filenames
- let choice = input('Enter Choice : ')
- let g:choice = choice
- if choice == ''
- return ''
- endif
- if choice =~ '^\s*\d\+\s*$'
- let retval = Tex_Strntok(files, "\n", choice)
- else
- let filescomma = substitute(files, "\n", ",", "g")
- let retval = GetListMatchItem(filescomma, choice)
- endif
- if retval == ''
- return ''
- endif
- return retval
-" }}}
-" Tex_IncrementNumber: returns an incremented number each time {{{
-" Description:
-let s:incnum = 0
-function! Tex_IncrementNumber(increm)
- let s:incnum = s:incnum + a:increm
- return s:incnum
-" }}}
-" Tex_ResetIncrementNumber: increments s:incnum to zero {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_ResetIncrementNumber(val)
- let s:incnum = a:val
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_FindInRtp: check if file exists in &rtp {{{
-" Description: Checks if file exists in globpath(&rtp, ...) and cuts off the
-" rest of returned names. This guarantees that sourced file is
-" from $HOME.
-" If an optional argument is given, it specifies how to expand
-" each filename found. For example, '%:p' will return a list of
-" the complete paths to the files. By default returns trailing
-" path-names without extenions.
-" NOTE: This function is very slow when a large number of
-" matches are found because of a while loop which modifies
-" each filename found. Some speedup was acheived by using
-" a tokenizer approach rather than using Tex_Strntok which
-" would have been more obvious.
-function! Tex_FindInRtp(filename, directory, ...)
- " how to expand each filename. ':p:t:r' modifies each filename to its
- " trailing part without extension.
- let expand = (a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : ':p:t:r')
- " The pattern used... An empty filename should be regarded as '*'
- let pattern = (a:filename != '' ? a:filename : '*')
- let filelist = globpath(&rtp, 'ftplugin/latex-suite/'.a:directory.'/'.pattern)."\n"
- if filelist == "\n"
- return ''
- endif
- if a:filename != ''
- return fnamemodify(Tex_Strntok(filelist, "\n", 1), expand)
- endif
- " Now cycle through the files modifying each filename in the desired
- " manner.
- let retfilelist = ''
- let i = 1
- while 1
- " Extract the portion till the next newline. Then shorten the filelist
- " by removing till the newline.
- let nextnewline = stridx(filelist, "\n")
- if nextnewline == -1
- break
- endif
- let filename = strpart(filelist, 0, nextnewline)
- let filelist = strpart(filelist, nextnewline+1)
- " The actual modification.
- if fnamemodify(filename, expand) != ''
- let retfilelist = retfilelist.fnamemodify(filename, expand).","
- endif
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
- return substitute(retfilelist, ',$', '', '')
-" }}}
-" Tex_GetErrorList: returns vim's clist {{{
-" Description: returns the contents of the error list available via the :clist
-" command.
-function! Tex_GetErrorList()
- let _a = @a
- redir @a | silent! clist | redir END
- let errlist = @a
- let @a = _a
- if errlist =~ 'E42: '
- let errlist = ''
- endif
- return errlist
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_GetTempName: get the name of a temporary file in specified directory {{{
-" Description: Unlike vim's native tempname(), this function returns the name
-" of a temporary file in the directory specified. This enables
-" us to create temporary files in a specified directory.
-function! Tex_GetTempName(dirname)
- let prefix = 'latexSuiteTemp'
- let slash = (a:dirname =~ '\\\|/$' ? '' : '/')
- let i = 0
- while filereadable(a:dirname.slash.prefix.i.'.tex') && i < 1000
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
- if filereadable(a:dirname.slash.prefix.i.'.tex')
- echoerr "Temporary file could not be created in ".a:dirname
- return ''
- endif
- return expand(a:dirname.slash.prefix.i.'.tex', ':p')
-" }}}
-" Tex_MakeMap: creates a mapping from lhs to rhs if rhs is not already mapped {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_MakeMap(lhs, rhs, mode, extraargs)
- if !hasmapto(a:rhs, a:mode)
- exec a:mode.'map '.a:extraargs.' '.a:lhs.' '.a:rhs
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_CD: cds to given directory escaping spaces if necessary {{{
-" " Description:
-function! Tex_CD(dirname)
- exec 'cd '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(a:dirname)
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_EscapeSpaces: escapes unescaped spaces from a path name {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_EscapeSpaces(path)
- return substitute(a:path, '[^\\]\(\\\\\)*\zs ', '\\ ', 'g')
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_FindFile: finds a file in the vim's 'path' {{{
-" Description: finds a file in vim's 'path'
-function! Tex_FindFile(fname, path, suffixesadd)
- if exists('*findfile')
- let _suffixesadd = &suffixesadd
- let &suffixesadd = a:suffixesadd
- let retval = findfile(a:fname, a:path)
- let &suffixesadd = _suffixesadd
- else
- " split a new window so we do not screw with the current buffer. We
- " want to use the same filename each time so that multiple scratch
- " buffers are not created.
- let retval = ''
- let _suffixesadd = &suffixesadd
- let _path = &path
- let &suffixesadd = a:suffixesadd
- let &path = a:path
- exec 'silent! find '.a:fname
- if bufname('%') != '__HOPEFULLY_THIS_FILE_DOES_NOT_EXIST__'
- let retval = expand('%:p')
- end
- silent! bdelete!
- let &suffixesadd = _suffixesadd
- let &path = _path
- endif
- return retval
-endfunction " }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Smart key-mappings
-" ==============================================================================
-" TexQuotes: inserts `` or '' instead of " {{{
-if g:Tex_SmartKeyQuote
- " TexQuotes: inserts `` or '' instead of "
- " Taken from texmacro.vim by Benji Fisher <benji@e-math.AMS.org>
- " TODO: Deal with nested quotes.
- " The :imap that calls this function should insert a ", move the cursor to
- " the left of that character, then call this with <C-R>= .
- function! s:TexQuotes()
- let l = line(".")
- let c = col(".")
- let restore_cursor = l . "G" . virtcol(".") . "|"
- normal! H
- let restore_cursor = "normal!" . line(".") . "Gzt" . restore_cursor
- execute restore_cursor
- " In math mode, or when preceded by a \, just move the cursor past the
- " already-inserted " character.
- if synIDattr(synID(l, c, 1), "name") =~ "^texMath"
- \ || (c > 1 && getline(l)[c-2] == '\')
- return "\<Right>"
- endif
- " Find the appropriate open-quote and close-quote strings.
- if exists("b:Tex_SmartQuoteOpen")
- let open = b:Tex_SmartQuoteOpen
- elseif exists("g:Tex_SmartQuoteOpen")
- let open = g:Tex_SmartQuoteOpen
- else
- let open = "``"
- endif
- if exists("b:Tex_SmartQuoteClose")
- let close = b:Tex_SmartQuoteClose
- elseif exists("g:Tex_SmartQuoteClose")
- let close = g:Tex_SmartQuoteClose
- else
- let close = "''"
- endif
- let boundary = '\|'
- " This code seems to be obsolete, since this script variable is never
- " set. The idea is that some languages use ",," as an open- or
- " close-quote string, and we want to avoid confusing ordinary ","
- " with a quote boundary.
- if exists("s:TeX_strictquote")
- if( s:TeX_strictquote == "open" || s:TeX_strictquote == "both" )
- let boundary = '\<' . boundary
- endif
- if( s:TeX_strictquote == "close" || s:TeX_strictquote == "both" )
- let boundary = boundary . '\>'
- endif
- endif
- " Eventually return q; set it to the default value now.
- let q = open
- let pattern =
- \ escape(open, '\~') .
- \ boundary .
- \ escape(close, '\~') .
- \ '\|^$\|"'
- while 1 " Look for preceding quote (open or close), ignoring
- " math mode and '\"' .
- call search(pattern, "bw")
- if synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") !~ "^texMath"
- \ && strpart(getline('.'), col('.')-2, 2) != '\"'
- break
- endif
- endwhile
- " Now, test whether we actually found a _preceding_ quote; if so, is it
- " an open quote?
- if ( line(".") < l || line(".") == l && col(".") < c )
- if strpart(getline("."), col(".")-1) =~ '\V\^' . escape(open, '\')
- if line(".") == l && col(".") + strlen(open) == c
- " Insert "<++>''<++>" instead of just "''".
- let q = IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("<++>".close."<++>")
- else
- let q = close
- endif
- endif
- endif
- " Return to line l, column c:
- execute restore_cursor
- " Start with <Del> to remove the " put in by the :imap .
- return "\<Del>" . q
- endfunction
-" }}}
-" SmartBS: smart backspacing {{{
-if g:Tex_SmartKeyBS
- " SmartBS: smart backspacing
- " SmartBS lets you treat diacritic characters (those \'{a} thingies) as a
- " single character. This is useful for example in the following situation:
- "
- " \v{s}\v{t}astn\'{y} ('happy' in Slovak language :-) )
- " If you will delete this normally (without using smartBS() function), you
- " must press <BS> about 19x. With function smartBS() you must press <BS> only
- " 7x. Strings like "\v{s}", "\'{y}" are considered like one character and are
- " deleted with one <BS>.
- let s:smartBS_pat = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_SmartBSPattern')
- fun! s:SmartBS_pat()
- return s:smartBS_pat
- endfun
- " This function comes from Benji Fisher <benji@e-math.AMS.org>
- " http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/download.php?src_id=409
- " (modified/patched by Lubomir Host 'rajo' <host8 AT keplerDOTfmphDOTuniba.sk>)
- function! s:SmartBS(pat)
- let init = strpart(getline("."), 0, col(".")-1)
- let matchtxt = matchstr(init, a:pat)
- if matchtxt != ''
- let bstxt = substitute(matchtxt, '.', "\<bs>", 'g')
- return bstxt
- else
- return "\<bs>"
- endif
- endfun
-endif " }}}
-" SmartDots: inserts \cdots instead of ... in math mode otherwise \ldots {{{
-" if amsmath package is detected then just use \dots and let amsmath take care
-" of it.
-if g:Tex_SmartKeyDot
- function! <SID>SmartDots()
- if strpart(getline('.'), col('.')-3, 2) == '..' &&
- \ g:Tex_package_detected =~ '\<amsmath\>'
- return "\<bs>\<bs>\\dots"
- elseif synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.')-1,0),"name") =~ '^texMath'
- \&& strpart(getline('.'), col('.')-3, 2) == '..'
- return "\<bs>\<bs>\\cdots"
- elseif strpart(getline('.'), col('.')-3, 2) == '..'
- return "\<bs>\<bs>\\ldots"
- else
- return '.'
- endif
- endfunction
-" }}}
-" source texproject.vim before other files
-exe 'source '.s:path.'/texproject.vim'
-" source all the relevant files.
-exe 'source '.s:path.'/texmenuconf.vim'
-exe 'source '.s:path.'/envmacros.vim'
-exe 'source '.s:path.'/elementmacros.vim'
-" source utf-8 or plain math menus
-if exists("g:Tex_UseUtfMenus") && g:Tex_UseUtfMenus != 0 && has("gui_running")
- exe 'source '.s:path.'/mathmacros-utf.vim'
- exe 'source '.s:path.'/mathmacros.vim'
-exe 'source '.s:path.'/multicompile.vim'
-exe 'source '.s:path.'/compiler.vim'
-exe 'source '.s:path.'/folding.vim'
-exe 'source '.s:path.'/templates.vim'
-exe 'source '.s:path.'/custommacros.vim'
-exe 'source '.s:path.'/bibtex.vim'
-" source advanced math functions
-if g:Tex_AdvancedMath == 1
- exe 'source '.s:path.'/brackets.vim'
- exe 'source '.s:path.'/smartspace.vim'
-if g:Tex_Diacritics != 0
- exe 'source '.s:path.'/diacritics.vim'
-exe 'source '.s:path.'/texviewer.vim'
-exe 'source '.s:path.'/version.vim'
-" ==============================================================================
-" Finally set up the folding, options, mappings and quit.
-" ==============================================================================
-" SetTeXOptions: sets options/mappings for this file. {{{
-function! <SID>SetTeXOptions()
- " Avoid reinclusion.
- if exists('b:doneSetTeXOptions')
- return
- endif
- let b:doneSetTeXOptions = 1
- exe 'setlocal dict^='.s:path.'/dictionaries/dictionary'
- call Tex_Debug('SetTeXOptions: sourcing maps', 'main')
- " smart functions
- if g:Tex_SmartKeyQuote
- inoremap <buffer> <silent> " "<Left><C-R>=<SID>TexQuotes()<CR>
- endif
- if g:Tex_SmartKeyBS
- inoremap <buffer> <silent> <BS> <C-R>=<SID>SmartBS(<SID>SmartBS_pat())<CR>
- endif
- if g:Tex_SmartKeyDot
- inoremap <buffer> <silent> . <C-R>=<SID>SmartDots()<CR>
- endif
- " This line seems to be necessary to source our compiler/tex.vim file.
- " The docs are unclear why this needs to be done even though this file is
- " the first compiler plugin in 'runtimepath'.
- runtime compiler/tex.vim
-augroup LatexSuite
- au LatexSuite User LatexSuiteFileType
- \ call Tex_Debug('main.vim: Catching LatexSuiteFileType event', 'main') |
- \ call <SID>SetTeXOptions()
-augroup END
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Settings for taglist.vim plugin
-" ==============================================================================
-" Sets Tlist_Ctags_Cmd for taglist.vim and regexps for ctags {{{
-if exists("g:Tex_TaglistSupport") && g:Tex_TaglistSupport == 1
- if !exists("g:tlist_tex_settings")
- let g:tlist_tex_settings = 'tex;s:section;c:chapter;l:label;r:ref'
- endif
- if exists("Tlist_Ctags_Cmd")
- let s:tex_ctags = Tlist_Ctags_Cmd
- else
- let s:tex_ctags = 'ctags' " Configurable in texrc?
- endif
- if exists("g:Tex_InternalTagsDefinitions") && g:Tex_InternalTagsDefinitions == 1
- let Tlist_Ctags_Cmd = s:tex_ctags ." --langdef=tex --langmap=tex:.tex.ltx.latex"
- \.' --regex-tex="/\\\\begin{abstract}/Abstract/s,abstract/"'
- \.' --regex-tex="/\\\\part[ \t]*\*?\{[ \t]*([^}]*)\}/\1/s,part/"'
- \.' --regex-tex="/\\\\chapter[ \t]*\*?\{[ \t]*([^}]*)\}/\1/s,chapter/"'
- \.' --regex-tex="/\\\\section[ \t]*\*?\{[ \t]*([^}]*)\}/\1/s,section/"'
- \.' --regex-tex="/\\\\subsection[ \t]*\*?\{[ \t]*([^}]*)\}/+ \1/s,subsection/"'
- \.' --regex-tex="/\\\\subsubsection[ \t]*\*?\{[ \t]*([^}]*)\}/+ \1/s,subsubsection/"'
- \.' --regex-tex="/\\\\paragraph[ \t]*\*?\{[ \t]*([^}]*)\}/+ \1/s,paragraph/"'
- \.' --regex-tex="/\\\\subparagraph[ \t]*\*?\{[ \t]*([^}]*)\}/+ \1/s,subparagraph/"'
- \.' --regex-tex="/\\\\begin{thebibliography}/BIBLIOGRAPHY/s,thebibliography/"'
- \.' --regex-tex="/\\\\tableofcontents/TABLE OF CONTENTS/s,tableofcontents/"'
- \.' --regex-tex="/\\\\frontmatter/FRONTMATTER/s,frontmatter/"'
- \.' --regex-tex="/\\\\mainmatter/MAINMATTER/s,mainmatter/"'
- \.' --regex-tex="/\\\\backmatter/BACKMATTER/s,backmatter/"'
- \.' --regex-tex="/\\\\appendix/APPENDIX/s,appendix/"'
- \.' --regex-tex="/\\\\label[ \t]*\*?\{[ \t]*([^}]*)\}/\1/l,label/"'
- \.' --regex-tex="/\\\\ref[ \t]*\*?\{[ \t]*([^}]*)\}/\1/r,ref/"'
- endif
-" }}}
-" commands to completion
-let g:Tex_completion_explorer = ','
-" Mappings defined in package files will overwrite all other
-exe 'source '.s:path.'/packages.vim'
-" ==============================================================================
-" These functions are used to immitate certain operating system type functions
-" (like reading the contents of a file), which are not available in vim. For
-" example, in Vim, its not possible to read the contents of a file without
-" opening a buffer on it, which means that over time, lots of buffers can open
-" up needlessly.
-" If python is available (and allowed), then these functions utilize python
-" library functions without making calls to external programs.
-" ==============================================================================
-" Tex_GotoTempFile: open a temp file. reuse from next time on {{{
-function! Tex_GotoTempFile()
- if !exists('s:tempFileName')
- let s:tempFileName = tempname()
- endif
- exec 'silent! split '.s:tempFileName
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_IsPresentInFile: finds if a string str, is present in filename {{{
-if has('python') && g:Tex_UsePython
- function! Tex_IsPresentInFile(regexp, filename)
- exec 'python isPresentInFile(r"'.a:regexp.'", r"'.a:filename.'")'
- return retval
- endfunction
- function! Tex_IsPresentInFile(regexp, filename)
- call Tex_GotoTempFile()
- silent! 1,$ d _
- let _report = &report
- let _sc = &sc
- set report=9999999 nosc
- exec 'silent! 0r! '.g:Tex_CatCmd.' '.a:filename
- set nomod
- let &report = _report
- let &sc = _sc
- if search(a:regexp, 'w')
- let retval = 1
- else
- let retval = 0
- endif
- silent! bd
- return retval
- endfunction
-endif " }}}
-" Tex_CatFile: returns the contents of a file in a <NL> seperated string {{{
-if has('*readfile')
- function! Tex_CatFile(filename)
- return join(readfile(filename), "\n")
- endfunction
-elseif has('python') && g:Tex_UsePython
- function! Tex_CatFile(filename)
- " catFile assigns a value to retval
- exec 'python catFile("'.a:filename.'")'
- return retval
- endfunction
- function! Tex_CatFile(filename)
- if glob(a:filename) == ''
- return ''
- endif
- call Tex_GotoTempFile()
- silent! 1,$ d _
- let _report = &report
- let _sc = &sc
- set report=9999999 nosc
- exec 'silent! 0r! '.g:Tex_CatCmd.' '.a:filename
- set nomod
- let _a = @a
- silent! normal! ggVG"ay
- let retval = @a
- let @a = _a
- silent! bd
- let &report = _report
- let &sc = _sc
- return retval
- endfunction
-" }}}
-" Tex_DeleteFile: removes a file if present {{{
-" Description:
-if has('python') && g:Tex_UsePython
- function! Tex_DeleteFile(filename)
- exec 'python deleteFile(r"'.a:filename.'")'
- if exists('retval')
- return retval
- endif
- endfunction
- function! Tex_DeleteFile(filename)
- if filereadable(a:filename)
- exec '! '.g:Tex_RmCmd.' '.a:filename
- endif
- endfunction
-" }}}
-let &cpo = s:save_cpo
-" Define the functions in python if available.
-if !has('python') || !g:Tex_UsePython
- finish
-exec 'pyfile '.expand('<sfile>:p:h').'/pytools.py'
-" vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4:nowrap
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/mathmacros-utf.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/mathmacros-utf.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index f5b5b85..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/mathmacros-utf.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,729 +0,0 @@
-" File: mathmacros.vim
-" Author: Mikolaj Machowski
-" Created: Tue Apr 23 06:00 PM 2002 PST
-" Description: macros for everything mathematical in latex.
-if !(has('gui_running') && g:Tex_MathMenus && g:Tex_Menus)
- finish
-let s:MathMenuName = g:Tex_MenuPrefix.'Ma&th.'
-function! Tex_MathMenuRemove()
- exe 'silent! aunmenu '.s:MathMenuName
-let s:pA = 'amenu <silent> 85 '.s:MathMenuName
-" brackets and dollars {{{
-exe s:pA.'\\&[\ \\] <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\[<++>\\]<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA.'\\&(\ \\) <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\(<++>\\)<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA.'&$\ $ <plug>$$'
-exe s:pA.'-sepmath1- :'
-" }}}
-" MATH arrows {{{
-let s:pA1 = s:pA."&Arrows."
-exe s:pA1.'Leftarrow<Tab>⇠<plug>\Leftarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'leftarrow<Tab>↠<plug>\leftarrow'
-exe s:pA1.'longleftarrow<Tab>↠<plug>\longleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'Longleftarrow<Tab>⇠<plug>\Longleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'rightarrow<Tab>→ <plug>\rightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'longrightarrow<Tab>→ <plug>\longrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'Rightarrow<Tab>⇒ <plug>\Rightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'Longrightarrow<Tab>⇒ <plug>\Longrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'leftrightarrow<Tab>⇆ <plug>\leftrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'longleftrightarrow<Tab>↔ <plug>\longleftrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'Leftrightarrow<Tab>⇔ <plug>\Leftrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'Longleftrightarrow<Tab>⇔ <plug>\Longleftrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'uparrow<Tab>↑ <plug>\uparrow '
-exe s:pA1.'Uparrow<Tab>⇑ <plug>\Uparrow '
-exe s:pA1.'downarrow<Tab>↓ <plug>\downarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'Downarrow<Tab>⇓ <plug>\Downarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'updownarrow<Tab>↕ <plug>\updownarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'Updownarrow<Tab>⇕ <plug>\Updownarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'nearrow<Tab>↗ <plug>\nearrow '
-exe s:pA1.'searrow<Tab>↘ <plug>\searrow '
-exe s:pA1.'swarrow<Tab>↙ <plug>\swarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'nwarrow<Tab>↖ <plug>\nwarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'mapsto<Tab>↦ <plug>\mapsto '
-exe s:pA1.'leadsto<Tab>↠<plug>\leadsto '
-exe s:pA1.'longmapsto<Tab>⇖ <plug>\longmapsto '
-exe s:pA1.'hookleftarrow<Tab>↩ <plug>\hookleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'hookrightarrow<Tab>↪ <plug>\hookrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'leftharpoonup<Tab>↼ <plug>\leftharpoonup '
-exe s:pA1.'leftharpoondown<Tab>↽ <plug>\leftharpoondown '
-exe s:pA1.'rightharpoonup<Tab>⇀ <plug>\rightharpoonup '
-exe s:pA1.'rightharpoondown<Tab>⇠<plug>\rightharpoondown '
-exe s:pA1.'rightleftharpoons<Tab>⇌ <plug>\rightleftharpoons '
-exe s:pA1.'overleftarrow<Tab> <plug>\overleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'overrightarrow<Tab> <plug>\overrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'overleftrightarrow<Tab> <plug>\overleftrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'underleftarrow<Tab> <plug>\underleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'underrightarrow<Tab> <plug>\underrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'underleftrightarrow<Tab> <plug>\underleftrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'xleftarrow<Tab> <plug>\xleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'xrightarrow<Tab> <plug>\xrightarrow '
-" }}}
-" MATH Arrows2 {{{
-let s:pA1a = s:pA."Arrows2."
-exe s:pA1a.'dashleftarrow<Tab>⇠ <plug>\dashleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1a.'leftleftarrows<Tab>⇇ <plug>\leftleftarrows '
-exe s:pA1a.'leftrightarrows<Tab>⇆ <plug>\leftrightarrows '
-exe s:pA1a.'Lleftarrow<Tab>⇚ <plug>\Lleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1a.'twoheadleftarrow<Tab>↞ <plug>\twoheadleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1a.'leftarrowtail<Tab>↢ <plug>\leftarrowtail '
-exe s:pA1a.'leftrightharpoons<Tab>⇋ <plug>\leftrightharpoons '
-exe s:pA1a.'Lsh<Tab>↰ <plug>\Lsh '
-exe s:pA1a.'looparrowleft<Tab>↫ <plug>\looparrowleft '
-exe s:pA1a.'curvearrowleft<Tab>↶ <plug>\curvearrowleft '
-exe s:pA1a.'circlearrowleft<Tab>↺ <plug>\circlearrowleft '
-exe s:pA1a.'dashrightarrow<Tab>⇢ <plug>\dashrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1a.'rightrightarrows<Tab>⇉ <plug>\rightrightarrows '
-exe s:pA1a.'rightleftarrows<Tab>⇄ <plug>\rightleftarrows '
-exe s:pA1a.'Rrightarrow<Tab>⇛ <plug>\Rrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1a.'twoheadrightarrow<Tab>↠ <plug>\twoheadrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1a.'rightarrowtail<Tab>↣ <plug>\rightarrowtail '
-exe s:pA1a.'rightleftharpoons<Tab>⇌ <plug>\rightleftharpoons '
-exe s:pA1a.'Rsh<Tab>↱ <plug>\Rsh '
-exe s:pA1a.'looparrowright<Tab>↬ <plug>\looparrowright '
-exe s:pA1a.'curvearrowright<Tab>↷ <plug>\curvearrowright '
-exe s:pA1a.'circlearrowright<Tab>↻ <plug>\circlearrowright '
-exe s:pA1a.'multimap<Tab>⊸ <plug>\multimap '
-exe s:pA1a.'upuparrows<Tab>⇈ <plug>\upuparrows '
-exe s:pA1a.'downdownarrows<Tab>⇊ <plug>\downdownarrows '
-exe s:pA1a.'upharpoonleft<Tab>↿ <plug>\upharpoonleft '
-exe s:pA1a.'upharpoonright<Tab>↾ <plug>\upharpoonright '
-exe s:pA1a.'downharpoonleft<Tab>⇃ <plug>\downharpoonleft '
-exe s:pA1a.'downharpoonright<Tab>⇂ <plug>\downharpoonright '
-exe s:pA1a.'rightsquigarrow<Tab>⇠<plug>\rightsquigarrow '
-exe s:pA1a.'leftrightsquigarrow<Tab>↭ <plug>\leftrightsquigarrow '
-" }}}
-" MATH nArrows {{{
-let s:pA1b = s:pA."&nArrows."
-exe s:pA1b.'nleftarrow<Tab>↚ <plug>\nleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1b.'nLeftarrow<Tab>⇠<plug>\nLeftarrow '
-exe s:pA1b.'nleftrightarrow<Tab>↮ <plug>\nleftrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1b.'nLeftrightarrow<Tab>⇎ <plug>\nleftrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1b.'nrightarrow<Tab>↛ <plug>\nrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1b.'nRightarrow<Tab>⇠<plug>\nRightarrow '
-" }}}
-" MATH Fonts {{{
-let s:pA2a = s:pA."&MathFonts."
-" exe s:pA2a.'mathbf{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\mathbf{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA2a.'mathrm{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\mathrm{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA2a.'mathsf{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\mathsf{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA2a.'mathtt{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\mathtt{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA2a.'mathit{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\mathit{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA2a.'mathfrak{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\mathfrak{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA2a.'mathcal{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\mathcal{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA2a.'mathscr{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\mathscr{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA2a.'mathbb{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\mathbb{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-" }}}
-" Greek Letters small {{{
-let s:pA2 = s:pA."&Greek.&Small."
-exe s:pA2.'alpha<Tab>`a\ \ α <plug>\alpha '
-exe s:pA2.'beta<Tab>`b\ \ β <plug>\beta '
-exe s:pA2.'gamma<Tab>`g\ \ γ <plug>\gamma '
-exe s:pA2.'delta<Tab>`d\ \ δ <plug>\delta '
-exe s:pA2.'epsilon<Tab>∊ <plug>\epsilon '
-exe s:pA2.'varepsilon<Tab>`e\ \ ε <plug>\varepsilon '
-exe s:pA2.'zeta<Tab>`z\ \ ζ <plug>\zeta '
-exe s:pA2.'eta<Tab>`h\ \ η <plug>\eta '
-exe s:pA2.'theta<Tab>`q\ \ θ <plug>\theta '
-exe s:pA2.'vartheta<Tab>Ï‘ <plug>\vartheta '
-exe s:pA2.'iota<Tab>`i\ \ ι <plug>\iota '
-exe s:pA2.'kappa<Tab>`k\ \ κ <plug>\kappa '
-exe s:pA2.'lambda<Tab>`l\ \ λ <plug>\lambda '
-exe s:pA2.'mu<Tab>`m\ \ μ <plug>\mu '
-exe s:pA2.'nu<Tab>`n\ \ ν <plug>\nu '
-exe s:pA2.'xi<Tab>`x\ \ ξ <plug>\xi '
-exe s:pA2.'pi<Tab>`p\ \ π <plug>\pi '
-exe s:pA2.'varpi<Tab>Ï– <plug>\varpi '
-exe s:pA2.'rho<Tab>`r\ \ Ï <plug>\rho '
-exe s:pA2.'varrho<Tab>ϱ <plug>\varrho '
-exe s:pA2.'sigma<Tab>`s\ \ σ <plug>\sigma '
-exe s:pA2.'varsigma<Tab>`v\ \ Ï‚ <plug>\varsigma '
-exe s:pA2.'tau<Tab>`t\ \ Ï„ <plug>\tau '
-exe s:pA2.'upsilon<Tab>`u\ \ Ï… <plug>\upsilon '
-exe s:pA2.'phi<Tab>φ <plug>\phi '
-exe s:pA2.'varphi<Tab>`f\ \ Ï• <plug>\varphi '
-exe s:pA2.'chi<Tab>`c\ \ χ <plug>\chi '
-exe s:pA2.'psi<Tab>`y\ \ ψ <plug>\psi '
-exe s:pA2.'omega<Tab>`w\ \ ω <plug>\omega '
-" }}}
-" Greek Letters big {{{
-let s:pA3 = s:pA.'&Greek.&Big.'
-exe s:pA3.'Alpha<Tab>`A\ \ A <plug>\Alpha '
-exe s:pA3.'Beta<Tab>`B\ \ B <plug>\Beta '
-exe s:pA3.'Gamma<Tab>`G\ \ Γ <plug>\Gamma '
-exe s:pA3.'Delta<Tab>`D\ \ Δ <plug>\Delta '
-exe s:pA3.'Epsilon<Tab>`E\ \ E <plug>\Epsilon '
-exe s:pA3.'Zeta<Tab>`Z\ \ Z <plug>\mathrm{Z} '
-exe s:pA3.'Eta<Tab>`H\ \ H <plug>\Eta '
-exe s:pA3.'Theta<Tab>Θ <plug>\Theta '
-exe s:pA3.'Iota<Tab>I <plug>\mathrm{I} '
-exe s:pA3.'Kappa<Tab>`K\ \ K <plug>\Kappa '
-exe s:pA3.'Lambda<Tab>`L\ \ Λ <plug>\Lambda '
-exe s:pA3.'Mu<Tab>`M\ \ M <plug>\Mu '
-exe s:pA3.'Nu<Tab>`N\ \ N <plug>\Nu '
-exe s:pA3.'Xi<Tab>`X\ \ Ξ <plug>\Xi '
-exe s:pA3.'Pi<Tab>`P\ \ Π <plug>\Pi '
-exe s:pA3.'Rho<Tab>`R\ \ P <plug>\Rho '
-exe s:pA3.'Sigma<Tab>`S\ \ Σ <plug>\Sigma '
-exe s:pA3.'Tau<Tab>`T\ \ T <plug>\Tau '
-exe s:pA3.'Upsilon<Tab>`U\ \ Y <plug>\Upsilon '
-exe s:pA3.'Phi<Tab>Φ <plug>\Phi '
-exe s:pA3.'Chi<Tab>`C\ \ X <plug>\Chi '
-exe s:pA3.'Psi<Tab>`Y\ \ Ψ <plug>\Psi '
-exe s:pA3.'Omega<Tab>`W\ \ Ω <plug>\Omega '
-" }}}
-" BinaryRel1 {{{
-let s:pA4 = s:pA."&BinaryRel1."
-exe s:pA4.'ll<Tab>≪ <plug>\ll '
-exe s:pA4.'lll<Tab>⋘ <plug>\lll '
-exe s:pA4.'leqslant<Tab>≤ <plug>\leqslant '
-exe s:pA4.'leq<Tab>≤ <plug>\leq '
-exe s:pA4.'leqq<Tab>≦ <plug>\leqq '
-exe s:pA4.'eqslantless<Tab>⋜ <plug>\eqslantless '
-exe s:pA4.'lessdot<Tab>â‹– <plug>\lessdot '
-exe s:pA4.'prec<Tab>≺ <plug>\prec '
-exe s:pA4.'preceq<Tab>≼ <plug>\preceq '
-exe s:pA4.'preccurlyeq<Tab>≼ <plug>\preccurlyeq '
-exe s:pA4.'curlyeqprec<Tab>â‹ž <plug>\curlyeqprec '
-exe s:pA4.'lesssim<Tab>≲ <plug>\lesssim '
-exe s:pA4.'lessapprox<Tab> <plug>\lessapprox '
-exe s:pA4.'precsim<Tab>≾ <plug>\precsim '
-exe s:pA4.'precapprox<Tab> <plug>\precapprox '
-exe s:pA4.'in<Tab>∈ <plug>\in '
-exe s:pA4.'subset<Tab>`(\ \ ⊂ <plug>\subset '
-exe s:pA4.'Subset<Tab>`)\ \ â‹ <plug>\Subset '
-exe s:pA4.'subseteq<Tab>⊆ <plug>\subseteq '
-exe s:pA4.'subseteqq<Tab> <plug>\subseteqq '
-exe s:pA4.'sqsubset<Tab>⊠<plug>\sqsubset '
-exe s:pA4.'sqsubseteq<Tab>⊑ <plug>\sqsubseteq '
-exe s:pA4.'smile<Tab>⌣ <plug>\smile '
-exe s:pA4.'smallsmile<Tab>⌣ <plug>\smallsmile '
-exe s:pA4.'parallel<Tab>∥ <plug>\parallel '
-exe s:pA4.'shortparallel<Tab>∥ <plug>\shortparallel '
-exe s:pA4.'dashv<Tab>⊣ <plug>\dashv '
-exe s:pA4.'vdash<Tab>⊢ <plug>\vdash '
-exe s:pA4.'vDash<Tab>⊨ <plug>\vDash '
-exe s:pA4.'models<Tab>⊨ <plug>\models '
-exe s:pA4.'therefore<Tab>∴ <plug>\therefore '
-exe s:pA4.'backepsilon<Tab>∠<plug>\backepsilon '
-" }}}
-" nBinaryRel1 {{{
-let s:pA4a = s:pA."&nBinaryRel1."
-exe s:pA4a.'nless<Tab>≮ <plug>\nless '
-exe s:pA4a.'nleqslant<Tab>≰ <plug>\nleqslant '
-exe s:pA4a.'nleq<Tab> <plug>\nleq '
-exe s:pA4a.'lneq<Tab> <plug>\lneq '
-exe s:pA4a.'nleqq<Tab> <plug>\nleqq '
-exe s:pA4a.'lneqq<Tab>≨ <plug>\lneqq '
-exe s:pA4a.'lvertneqq<Tab> <plug>\lvertneqq '
-exe s:pA4a.'nprec<Tab>⊀ <plug>\nprec '
-exe s:pA4a.'npreceq<Tab>â‹  <plug>\npreceq '
-exe s:pA4a.'precneqq<Tab> <plug>\precneqq '
-exe s:pA4a.'lnsim<Tab>⋦ <plug>\lnsim '
-exe s:pA4a.'lnapprox<Tab> <plug>\lnapprox '
-exe s:pA4a.'precnsim<Tab>⋨ <plug>\precnsim '
-exe s:pA4a.'precnapprox<Tab> <plug>\precnapprox '
-exe s:pA4a.'notin<Tab>∉ <plug>\notin '
-exe s:pA4a.'nsubseteq<Tab>⊈ <plug>\nsubseteq '
-exe s:pA4a.'varsubsetneq<Tab> <plug>\varsubsetneq '
-exe s:pA4a.'subsetneq<Tab>⊊ <plug>\subsetneq '
-exe s:pA4a.'nsubseteqq<Tab> <plug>\nsubseteqq '
-exe s:pA4a.'varsubsetneqq<Tab> <plug>\varsubsetneqq '
-exe s:pA4a.'subsetneqq<Tab>⊈ <plug>\subsetneqq '
-exe s:pA4a.'nparallel<Tab>∦ <plug>\nparallel '
-exe s:pA4a.'nshortparallel<Tab> <plug>\nshortparallel '
-exe s:pA4a.'nvdash<Tab>⊬ <plug>\nvdash '
-exe s:pA4a.'nvDash<Tab>⊭ <plug>\nvDash '
-" }}}
-" BinaryRel2 {{{
-let s:pA5 = s:pA."&BinaryRel2."
-exe s:pA5.'gg<Tab>≫ <plug>\gg '
-exe s:pA5.'ggg<Tab>â‹™ <plug>\ggg '
-exe s:pA5.'gggtr<Tab>â‹™ <plug>\gggtr '
-exe s:pA5.'geqslant<Tab> <plug>\geqslant '
-exe s:pA5.'geq<Tab>≥ <plug>\geq '
-exe s:pA5.'geqq<Tab>≧ <plug>\geqq '
-exe s:pA5.'eqslantgtr<Tab> <plug>\eqslantgtr '
-exe s:pA5.'gtrdot<Tab>â‹— <plug>\gtrdot '
-exe s:pA5.'succ<Tab>≻ <plug>\succ '
-exe s:pA5.'succeq<Tab>≽ <plug>\succeq '
-exe s:pA5.'succcurlyeq<Tab>≽ <plug>\succcurlyeq '
-exe s:pA5.'curlyeqsucc<Tab>â‹Ÿ <plug>\curlyeqsucc '
-exe s:pA5.'gtrsim<Tab>≳ <plug>\gtrsim '
-exe s:pA5.'gtrapprox<Tab> <plug>\gtrapprox '
-exe s:pA5.'succsim<Tab>≿ <plug>\succsim '
-exe s:pA5.'succapprox<Tab> <plug>\succapprox '
-exe s:pA5.'ni<Tab>∋ <plug>\ni '
-exe s:pA5.'owns<Tab> <plug>\owns '
-exe s:pA5.'supset<Tab>⊃ <plug>\supset '
-exe s:pA5.'Supset<Tab>â‹‘ <plug>\Supset '
-exe s:pA5.'supseteq<Tab>⊇ <plug>\supseteq '
-exe s:pA5.'supseteqq<Tab> <plug>\supseteqq '
-exe s:pA5.'sqsupset<Tab>⊠<plug>\sqsupset '
-exe s:pA5.'sqsupseteq<Tab>⊒ <plug>\sqsupseteq '
-exe s:pA5.'frown<Tab>⌢ <plug>\frown '
-exe s:pA5.'smallfrown<Tab>⌢ <plug>\smallfrown '
-exe s:pA5.'mid<Tab>∣ <plug>\mid '
-exe s:pA5.'shortmid<Tab> <plug>\shortmid '
-exe s:pA5.'between<Tab>≬ <plug>\between '
-exe s:pA5.'Vdash<Tab>⊩ <plug>\Vdash '
-exe s:pA5.'bowtie<Tab>⋈ <plug>\bowtie '
-exe s:pA5.'Join<Tab>⋈ <plug>\Join '
-exe s:pA5.'pitchfork<Tab>â‹” <plug>\pitchfork '
-" }}}
-" {{{ nBinaryRel2
-let s:pA5a = s:pA."n&BinaryRel2." "TODO: dorobiæ logarytmy
-exe s:pA5a.'ngtr<Tab>≯ <plug>\ngtr '
-exe s:pA5a.'ngeqslant<Tab>≱ <plug>\ngeqslant '
-exe s:pA5a.'ngeq<Tab> <plug>\ngeq '
-exe s:pA5a.'gneq<Tab> <plug>\gneq '
-exe s:pA5a.'ngeqq<Tab> <plug>\ngeqq '
-exe s:pA5a.'gneqq<Tab>≩ <plug>\gneqq '
-exe s:pA5a.'nsucc<Tab>⊠<plug>\nsucc '
-exe s:pA5a.'nsucceq<Tab>â‹¡ <plug>\nsucceq '
-exe s:pA5a.'succneqq<Tab> <plug>\succneqq '
-exe s:pA5a.'gnsim<Tab>⋧ <plug>\gnsim '
-exe s:pA5a.'gnapprox<Tab> <plug>\gnapprox '
-exe s:pA5a.'succnsim<Tab>â‹© <plug>\succnsim '
-exe s:pA5a.'succnapprox<Tab> <plug>\succnapprox '
-exe s:pA5a.'nsupseteq<Tab>⊉ <plug>\nsupseteq '
-exe s:pA5a.'varsupsetneq<Tab> <plug>\varsupsetneq '
-exe s:pA5a.'supsetneq<Tab>⊋ <plug>\supsetneq '
-exe s:pA5a.'nsupseteqq<Tab> <plug>\nsupseteqq '
-exe s:pA5a.'varsupsetneqq<Tab> <plug>\varsupsetneqq '
-exe s:pA5a.'supsetneqq<Tab> <plug>\supsetneqq '
-exe s:pA5a.'nmid<Tab>∤ <plug>\nmid '
-exe s:pA5a.'nshortmid<Tab> <plug>\nshortmid '
-exe s:pA5a.'nVdash<Tab>⊮ <plug>\nVdash '
-" }}}
-" {{{ BinaryRel3
-let s:pA6 = s:pA."&BinaryRel3."
-exe s:pA6.'doteq<Tab>≠<plug>\doteq '
-exe s:pA6.'circeq<Tab>≗ <plug>\circeq '
-exe s:pA6.'eqcirc<Tab>≖ <plug>\eqcirc '
-exe s:pA6.'risingdotseq<Tab>≓ <plug>\risingdotseq '
-exe s:pA6.'doteqdot<Tab>≑ <plug>\doteqdot '
-exe s:pA6.'Doteq<Tab>≑ <plug>\Doteq '
-exe s:pA6.'fallingdotseq<Tab>≒ <plug>\fallingdotseq '
-exe s:pA6.'triangleq<Tab>≜ <plug>\triangleq '
-exe s:pA6.'bumpeq<Tab>≠<plug>\bumpeq '
-exe s:pA6.'Bumpeq<Tab>≎ <plug>\Bumpeq '
-exe s:pA6.'equiv<Tab>`=\ \ ≡ <plug>\equiv '
-exe s:pA6.'sim<Tab>∼ <plug>\sim '
-exe s:pA6.'thicksim<Tab>∼ <plug>\thicksim '
-exe s:pA6.'backsim<Tab>∽ <plug>\backsim '
-exe s:pA6.'simeq<Tab>≃ <plug>\simeq '
-exe s:pA6.'backsimeq<Tab>â‹ <plug>\backsimeq '
-exe s:pA6.'cong<Tab>≅ <plug>\cong '
-exe s:pA6.'approx<tab>=~\ \ ≈ <plug>\approx '
-exe s:pA6.'thickapprox<Tab>≈ <plug>\thickapprox '
-exe s:pA6.'approxeq<Tab>≊ <plug>\approxeq '
-exe s:pA6.'blacktriangleleft<Tab>â—€ <plug>\blacktriangleleft '
-exe s:pA6.'vartriangleleft<Tab>⊲ <plug>\vartriangleleft '
-exe s:pA6.'trianglelefteq<Tab>⊴ <plug>\trianglelefteq '
-exe s:pA6.'blacktriangleright<Tab>â–¶ <plug>\blacktriangleright '
-exe s:pA6.'vartriangleright<Tab>⊳ <plug>\vartriangleright '
-exe s:pA6.'trianglerighteq<Tab>⊵ <plug>\trianglerighteq '
-exe s:pA6.'perp<Tab>⊥ <plug>\perp '
-exe s:pA6.'asymp<Tab>≠<plug>\asymp '
-exe s:pA6.'Vvdash<Tab>⊪ <plug>\Vvdash '
-exe s:pA6.'propto<Tab>∠<plug>\propto '
-exe s:pA6.'varpropto<Tab>∠<plug>\varpropto '
-exe s:pA6.'because<Tab>∵ <plug>\because '
-" }}}
-" {{{ nBinaryRel3
-let s:pA6a = s:pA."&nBinaryRel3."
-exe s:pA6a.'neq<Tab>≠ <plug>\neq '
-exe s:pA6a.'nsim<Tab>≠<plug>\nsim '
-exe s:pA6a.'ncong<Tab>≆ <plug>\ncong '
-exe s:pA6a.'ntriangleleft<Tab>⋪ <plug>\ntriangleleft '
-exe s:pA6a.'ntrianglelefteq<Tab>⋬ <plug>\ntrianglelefteq '
-exe s:pA6a.'ntriangleright<Tab>â‹« <plug>\ntriangleright '
-exe s:pA6a.'ntrianglerighteq<Tab>â‹­ <plug>\ntrianglerighteq '
-" }}}
-" {{{ BinaryRel4
-let s:pA7 = s:pA."&BinaryRel4."
-exe s:pA7.'lessgtr<Tab>≶ <plug>\lessgtr '
-exe s:pA7.'gtrless<Tab>≷ <plug>\gtrless '
-exe s:pA7.'lesseqgtr<Tab>â‹š <plug>\lesseqgtr '
-exe s:pA7.'gtreqless<Tab>â‹› <plug>\gtreqless '
-exe s:pA7.'lesseqqgtr<Tab> <plug>\lesseqqgtr '
-exe s:pA7.'gtreqqless<Tab> <plug>\gtreqqless '
-" }}}
-" {{{ BigOp
-let s:pA8a = s:pA."&BigOp."
-exe s:pA8a.'limits<Tab> <plug>\limits'
-exe s:pA8a.'nolimits<Tab> <plug>\nolimits'
-exe s:pA8a.'displaylimits<Tab> <plug>\displaylimits'
-exe s:pA8a.'-seplimits- :'
-exe s:pA8a.'bigcap<Tab>`-\ \ â‹‚ <plug>\bigcap'
-exe s:pA8a.'bigcup<Tab>`+\ \ ⋃ <plug>\bigcup'
-exe s:pA8a.'bigodot<Tab>⊙ <plug>\bigodot'
-exe s:pA8a.'bigoplus<Tab>⊕ <plug>\bigoplus'
-exe s:pA8a.'bigotimes<Tab>⊗ <plug>\bigotimes'
-exe s:pA8a.'bigsqcup<Tab>⊔ <plug>\bigsqcup'
-exe s:pA8a.'biguplus<Tab>⊎ <plug>\biguplus'
-exe s:pA8a.'bigvee<Tab>â‹ <plug>\bigvee'
-exe s:pA8a.'bigwedge<Tab>â‹€ <plug>\bigwedge'
-exe s:pA8a.'coprod<Tab>∠<plug>\coprod'
-exe s:pA8a.'int<Tab>∫ <plug>\int'
-exe s:pA8a.'iint<Tab>∬ <plug>\int'
-exe s:pA8a.'iiint<Tab>∭ <plug>\int'
-exe s:pA8a.'oint<Tab>∮ <plug>\oint'
-exe s:pA8a.'prod<Tab>∠<plug>\prod'
-exe s:pA8a.'sum<Tab>∑ <plug>\sum'
-" }}}
-" {{{ BinaryOp
-let s:pA8 = s:pA."&BinaryOp."
-exe s:pA8.'pm<Tab>± <plug>\pm '
-exe s:pA8.'mp<Tab>∓ <plug>\mp '
-exe s:pA8.'dotplus<Tab>∔ <plug>\dotplus '
-exe s:pA8.'cdot<Tab>`.\ \ â‹… <plug>\cdot '
-exe s:pA8.'centerdot<Tab>â‹… <plug>\centerdot '
-exe s:pA8.'times<Tab>`*\ \ × <plug>\times '
-exe s:pA8.'ltimes<Tab>⋉ <plug>\ltimes '
-exe s:pA8.'rtimes<Tab>â‹Š <plug>\rtimes '
-exe s:pA8.'leftthreetimes<Tab>â‹‹ <plug>\leftthreetimes '
-exe s:pA8.'rightthreetimes<Tab>⋌ <plug>\rightthreetimes '
-exe s:pA8.'div<Tab>÷ <plug>\div '
-exe s:pA8.'divideontimes<Tab>⋇ <plug>\divideontimes '
-exe s:pA8.'bmod<Tab> <plug>\bmod '
-exe s:pA8.'ast<Tab>∗ <plug>\ast '
-exe s:pA8.'star<Tab>⋆ <plug>\star '
-exe s:pA8.'setminus<Tab>`\\\ \ ∖ <plug>\setminus '
-exe s:pA8.'smallsetminus<Tab>∖ <plug>\smallsetminus '
-exe s:pA8.'diamond<Tab>â‹„ <plug>\diamond '
-exe s:pA8.'wr<Tab>≀ <plug>\wr '
-exe s:pA8.'intercal<Tab>⊺ <plug>\intercal '
-exe s:pA8.'circ<Tab>`@\ \ ∘ <plug>\circ '
-exe s:pA8.'bigcirc<Tab>â—‹ <plug>\bigcirc '
-exe s:pA8.'bullet<Tab>∙ <plug>\bullet '
-exe s:pA8.'cap<Tab>∩ <plug>\cap '
-exe s:pA8.'Cap<Tab>â‹’ <plug>\Cap '
-exe s:pA8.'cup<Tab>∪ <plug>\cup '
-exe s:pA8.'Cup<Tab>â‹“ <plug>\Cup '
-exe s:pA8.'sqcap<Tab>⊓ <plug>\sqcap '
-exe s:pA8.'sqcup<Tab>⊔ <plug>\sqcup'
-exe s:pA8.'amalg<Tab> <plug>\amalg '
-exe s:pA8.'uplus<Tab>⊎ <plug>\uplus '
-exe s:pA8.'triangleleft<Tab>â— <plug>\triangleleft '
-exe s:pA8.'triangleright<Tab>â–· <plug>\triangleright '
-exe s:pA8.'bigtriangleup<Tab>â–³ <plug>\bigtriangleup '
-exe s:pA8.'bigtriangledown<Tab>â–½ <plug>\bigtriangledown '
-exe s:pA8.'vee<Tab>∨ <plug>\vee '
-exe s:pA8.'veebar<Tab>⊻ <plug>\veebar '
-exe s:pA8.'curlyvee<Tab>â‹Ž <plug>\curlyvee '
-exe s:pA8.'wedge<Tab>`&\ \ ∧ <plug>\wedge '
-exe s:pA8.'barwedge<Tab>⊼ <plug>\barwedge '
-exe s:pA8.'doublebarwedge<Tab>⌆ <plug>\doublebarwedge '
-exe s:pA8.'curlywedge<Tab>â‹ <plug>\curlywedge '
-exe s:pA8.'oplus<Tab>⊕ <plug>\oplus '
-exe s:pA8.'ominus<Tab>⊖ <plug>\ominus '
-exe s:pA8.'otimes<Tab>⊗ <plug>\otimes '
-exe s:pA8.'oslash<Tab>⊘ <plug>\oslash '
-exe s:pA8.'boxplus<Tab>⊞ <plug>\boxplus '
-exe s:pA8.'boxminus<Tab>⊟ <plug>\boxminus '
-exe s:pA8.'boxtimes<Tab>⊠ <plug>\boxtimes '
-exe s:pA8.'boxdot<Tab>⊡ <plug>\boxdot '
-exe s:pA8.'odot<Tab>⊙ <plug>\odot '
-exe s:pA8.'circledast<Tab>⊛ <plug>\circledast '
-exe s:pA8.'circleddash<Tab>⊠<plug>\circleddash '
-exe s:pA8.'circledcirc<Tab>⊚ <plug>\circledcirc '
-exe s:pA8.'dagger<Tab>† <plug>\dagger '
-exe s:pA8.'ddagger<Tab>‡ <plug>\ddagger '
-exe s:pA8.'lhd<Tab>⊲ <plug>\lhd '
-exe s:pA8.'unlhd<Tab>⊴ <plug>\unlhd '
-exe s:pA8.'rhd<Tab>⊳ <plug>\rhd '
-exe s:pA8.'unrhd<Tab>⊵ <plug>\unrhd '
-" }}}
-" {{{ Other1
-let s:pA9 = s:pA."&Other1."
-" exe s:pA9.'hat<Tab>â <plug>\hat '
-exe s:pA9.'check<Tab>ÇŽ <plug>\check '
-exe s:pA9.'grave<Tab>à <plug>\grave '
-exe s:pA9.'acute<Tab>á <plug>\acute '
-exe s:pA9.'dot<Tab>ȧ <plug>\dot '
-exe s:pA9.'ddot<Tab>ä <plug>\ddot '
-exe s:pA9.'tilde<Tab>`,\ \ ã <plug>\tilde '
-exe s:pA9.'breve<Tab>ă <plug>\breve '
-exe s:pA9.'bar<Tab>Ä <plug>\bar '
-exe s:pA9.'vec<Tab>a⃗ <plug>\vec '
-exe s:pA9.'aleph<Tab>× <plug>\aleph '
-exe s:pA9.'hbar<Tab>â„ <plug>\hbar '
-exe s:pA9.'imath<Tab> <plug>\imath '
-exe s:pA9.'jmath<Tab> <plug>\jmath '
-exe s:pA9.'ell<Tab>â„“ <plug>\ell '
-exe s:pA9.'wp<Tab>℘ <plug>\wp '
-exe s:pA9.'Re<Tab>ℜ <plug>\Re '
-exe s:pA9.'Im<Tab>â„‘ <plug>\Im '
-exe s:pA9.'partial<Tab>∂ <plug>\partial '
-exe s:pA9.'infty<Tab>`8\ \ ∞ <plug>\infty '
-exe s:pA9.'prime<Tab>′ <plug>\prime '
-exe s:pA9.'emptyset<Tab>∅ <plug>\emptyset '
-exe s:pA9.'nabla<Tab>∇ <plug>\nabla '
-exe s:pA9.'surd<Tab>√ <plug>\surd '
-exe s:pA9.'top<Tab>⊤ <plug>\top '
-exe s:pA9.'bot<Tab>⊥ <plug>\bot '
-exe s:pA9.'angle<Tab>∠ <plug>\angle '
-exe s:pA9.'triangle<Tab>â–³ <plug>\triangle '
-exe s:pA9.'backslash<Tab>\\ <plug>\backslash '
-exe s:pA9.'forall<Tab>∀ <plug>\forall '
-exe s:pA9.'exists<Tab>∃ <plug>\exists '
-exe s:pA9.'neg<Tab>¬ <plug>\neg '
-exe s:pA9.'flat<Tab>â™­ <plug>\flat '
-exe s:pA9.'natural<Tab>â™® <plug>\natural '
-exe s:pA9.'sharp<Tab>♯ <plug>\sharp '
-exe s:pA9.'clubsuit<Tab>♣ <plug>\clubsuit '
-exe s:pA9.'diamondsuit<Tab>♢ <plug>\diamondsuit '
-exe s:pA9.'heartsuit<Tab>♡ <plug>\heartsuit '
-exe s:pA9.'spadesuit<Tab>â™  <plug>\spadesuit '
-exe s:pA9.'S<Tab>§ <plug>\S '
-exe s:pA9.'P<Tab>¶ <plug>\P'
-" }}}
-" {{{ MathCreating
-let s:pA10 = s:pA."&MathCreating."
-exe s:pA10.'not<Tab> <plug>\not'
-exe s:pA10.'mkern<Tab> <plug>\mkern'
-exe s:pA10.'mathbin<Tab> <plug>\mathbin'
-exe s:pA10.'mathrel<Tab> <plug>\mathrel'
-exe s:pA10.'stackrel<Tab> <plug>\stackrel'
-exe s:pA10.'mathord<Tab> <plug>\mathord'
-" }}}
-" {{{ Styles
-let s:pA11 = s:pA."&Styles."
-exe s:pA11.'displaystyle<Tab> <plug>\displaystyle'
-exe s:pA11.'textstyle<Tab> <plug>\textstyle'
-exe s:pA11.'scritpstyle<Tab> <plug>\scritpstyle'
-exe s:pA11.'scriptscriptstyle<Tab> <plug>\scriptscriptstyle'
-" }}}
-" {{{ MathDiacritics
-let s:pA12 = s:pA."&MathDiacritics."
-exe s:pA12.'acute{}<Tab>á <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\acute{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'bar{}<Tab>`_\ \ Ä <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\bar{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'breve{}<Tab>ă <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\breve{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'check{}<Tab>ÇŽ <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\check{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'ddot{}<Tab>`:\ \ ä <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\ddot{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'dot{}<Tab>`;\ \ ȧ <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\dot{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'grave{}<Tab>à <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\grave{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-" exe s:pA12.'hat{}<Tab>`^\ \ â <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\hat{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'tilde{}<tab>`~\ \ ã <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\tilde{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'vec{}<Tab>a⃗ <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\vec{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'widehat{}<Tab> <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\widehat{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'widetilde{}<Tab> <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\widetilde{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'imath<Tab> <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\imath")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'jmath<Tab> <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\jmath")<cr>'
-" }}}
-" {{{ OverlineAndCo
-let s:pA13 = s:pA."&OverlineAndCo."
-exe s:pA13.'overline{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\overline{}")<cr>'
-exe s:pA13.'underline{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\underline{}")<cr>'
-exe s:pA13.'overrightarrow{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\overrightarrow{}")<cr>'
-exe s:pA13.'overleftarrow{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\overleftarrow{}")<cr>'
-exe s:pA13.'overbrace{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\overbrace{}")<cr>'
-exe s:pA13.'underbrace{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\underbrace{}")<cr>'
-" }}}
-" {{{ Symbols1
-let s:pA14a = s:pA."&Symbols1."
-exe s:pA14a.'forall<Tab>∀ <plug>\forall '
-exe s:pA14a.'exists<Tab>∃ <plug>\exists '
-exe s:pA14a.'nexists<Tab>∄ <plug>\nexists '
-exe s:pA14a.'neg<Tab>¬ <plug>\neg '
-exe s:pA14a.'top<Tab>⊤ <plug>\top '
-exe s:pA14a.'bot<Tab>⊥ <plug>\bot '
-exe s:pA14a.'emptyset<Tab>∅ <plug>\emptyset '
-exe s:pA14a.'varnothing<Tab>⌀ <plug>\varnothing '
-exe s:pA14a.'infty<Tab>∞ <plug>\infty '
-exe s:pA14a.'aleph<Tab>× <plug>\aleph '
-exe s:pA14a.'beth<Tab>ב <plug>\beth '
-exe s:pA14a.'gimel<Tab>×’ <plug>\gimel '
-exe s:pA14a.'daleth<Tab>ד <plug>\daleth '
-exe s:pA14a.'hbar<Tab> <plug>\hbar '
-exe s:pA14a.'hslash<Tab>â„ <plug>\hslash '
-exe s:pA14a.'diagup<Tab>â„ <plug>\diagup '
-exe s:pA14a.'vert<Tab>\| <plug>\vert '
-exe s:pA14a.'Vert<Tab>∥ <plug>\Vert '
-exe s:pA14a.'backslash<Tab>\\ <plug>\backslash '
-exe s:pA14a.'diagdown<Tab> <plug>\diagdown '
-exe s:pA14a.'Bbbk<Tab>ᵕ <plug>\Bbbk '
-exe s:pA14a.'P<Tab>¶ <plug>\P '
-exe s:pA14a.'S<Tab>§ <plug>\S '
-" }}}
-" {{{ Symbols2
-let s:pA14b = s:pA."&Symbols2."
-exe s:pA14b.'# <plug>\# '
-exe s:pA14b.'% <plug>\% '
-exe s:pA14b.'_<Tab> <plug>\_ '
-exe s:pA14b.'$ <plug>\$ '
-exe s:pA14b.'& <plug>\& '
-exe s:pA14b.'imath<Tab> <plug>\imath '
-exe s:pA14b.'jmath<Tab> <plug>\jmath '
-exe s:pA14b.'ell<Tab>â„“ <plug>\ell '
-exe s:pA14b.'wp<Tab>℘ <plug>\wp '
-exe s:pA14b.'Re<Tab>ℜ <plug>\Re '
-exe s:pA14b.'Im<Tab>â„‘ <plug>\Im '
-exe s:pA14b.'prime<Tab>′ <plug>\prime '
-exe s:pA14b.'backprime<Tab>‵ <plug>\backprime '
-exe s:pA14b.'nabla<Tab>∇ <plug>\nabla '
-exe s:pA14b.'surd<Tab>√ <plug>\surd '
-exe s:pA14b.'flat<Tab>â™­ <plug>\flat '
-exe s:pA14b.'sharp<Tab>♯ <plug>\sharp '
-exe s:pA14b.'natural<Tab>â™® <plug>\natural '
-exe s:pA14b.'eth<Tab>ð <plug>\eth '
-exe s:pA14b.'bigstar<Tab>★ <plug>\bigstar '
-exe s:pA14b.'circledS<Tab>Ⓢ <plug>\circledS '
-exe s:pA14b.'Finv<Tab>Ⅎ <plug>\Finv '
-exe s:pA14b.'dag<Tab>† <plug>\dag '
-exe s:pA14b.'ddag<Tab>‡ <plug>\ddag '
-" }}}
-" {{{ Symbols3
-let s:pA14c = s:pA."&Symbols3."
-exe s:pA14c.'angle<Tab>∠ <plug>\angle '
-exe s:pA14c.'measuredangle<Tab>∡ <plug>\measuredangle '
-exe s:pA14c.'sphericalangle<Tab>∢ <plug>\sphericalangle '
-exe s:pA14c.'spadesuit<Tab>â™  <plug>\spadesuit '
-exe s:pA14c.'heartsuit<Tab>♡ <plug>\heartsuit '
-exe s:pA14c.'diamondsuit<Tab>♢ <plug>\diamondsuit '
-exe s:pA14c.'clubsuit<Tab>♣ <plug>\clubsuit '
-exe s:pA14c.'lozenge<Tab>â—Š <plug>\lozenge '
-exe s:pA14c.'blacklozenge<Tab>â—† <plug>\blacklozenge '
-exe s:pA14c.'Diamond<Tab>â—‡ <plug>\Diamond '
-exe s:pA14c.'triangle<Tab>â–³ <plug>\triangle '
-exe s:pA14c.'vartriangle<Tab>â–³ <plug>\vartriangle '
-exe s:pA14c.'blacktriangle<Tab>â–² <plug>\blacktriangle '
-exe s:pA14c.'triangledown<Tab>â–½ <plug>\triangledown '
-exe s:pA14c.'blacktriangledown<Tab>â–¼ <plug>\blacktriangledown '
-exe s:pA14c.'Box<Tab>â–¡ <plug>\Box '
-exe s:pA14c.'square<Tab>â–¡ <plug>\square '
-exe s:pA14c.'blacksquare<Tab>â–  <plug>\blacksquare '
-exe s:pA14c.'complement<Tab>∠<plug>\complement '
-exe s:pA14c.'mho<Tab>℧ <plug>\mho '
-exe s:pA14c.'Game<Tab>â… <plug>\Game '
-exe s:pA14c.'partial<Tab>`6\ \ ∂ <plug>\partial '
-exe s:pA14c.'smallint<Tab>∫ <plug>\smallint '
-" }}}
-" {{{ Logic
-let s:pA15 = s:pA."&Logic."
-exe s:pA15.'lnot<Tab>¬ <plug>\lnot '
-exe s:pA15.'lor<Tab>∨ <plug>\lor '
-exe s:pA15.'land<Tab>∧ <plug>\land '
-" }}}
-" {{{ Limits1
-let s:pA16 = s:pA."&Limits1."
-exe s:pA16.'left<Tab>( <plug>\left'
-exe s:pA16.'right<Tab>) <plug>\right'
-exe s:pA16.'-sepbigl- :'
-exe s:pA16.'bigl<Tab> <plug>\bigl'
-exe s:pA16.'Bigl<Tab> <plug>\Bigl'
-exe s:pA16.'biggl<Tab> <plug>\biggl'
-exe s:pA16.'Biggl<Tab> <plug>\Biggl'
-exe s:pA16.'-sepbigr- :'
-exe s:pA16.'bigr<Tab> <plug>\bigr'
-exe s:pA16.'Bigr<Tab> <plug>\Bigr'
-exe s:pA16.'biggr<Tab> <plug>\biggr'
-exe s:pA16.'Biggr<Tab> <plug>\Biggr'
-exe s:pA16.'-sepbig- :'
-exe s:pA16.'big<Tab> <plug>\big'
-exe s:pA16.'bigm<Tab> <plug>\bigm'
-exe s:pA16.'-sepfloor- :'
-exe s:pA16.'lfloor<Tab>⌊ <plug>\lfloor '
-exe s:pA16.'lceil<Tab>⌈ <plug>\lceil '
-exe s:pA16.'rfloor<Tab>⌋ <plug>\rfloor '
-exe s:pA16.'rceil<Tab>⌉ <plug>\rceil '
-exe s:pA16.'-sepangle- :'
-exe s:pA16.'langle<Tab>〈 <plug>\langle '
-exe s:pA16.'rangle<Tab>〉 <plug>\rangle '
-" }}}
-" {{{ Limits2
-let s:pA16a = s:pA."&Limits2."
-exe s:pA16a.'ulcorner<Tab>⌜ <plug>\ulcorner '
-exe s:pA16a.'urcorner<Tab>⌠<plug>\urcorner '
-exe s:pA16a.'llcorner<Tab>⌞ <plug>\llcorner '
-exe s:pA16a.'rlcorner<Tab>⌟ <plug>\rlcorner '
-exe s:pA16a.'-sepcorner- :'
-exe s:pA16a.'vert<Tab>\| <plug>\vert '
-exe s:pA16a.'Vert<Tab>∥ <plug>\Vert '
-exe s:pA16a.'lvert<Tab> <plug>\lvert '
-exe s:pA16a.'lVert<Tab> <plug>\lVert '
-exe s:pA16a.'rvert<Tab> <plug>\rvert '
-exe s:pA16a.'rVert<Tab> <plug>\rVert '
-exe s:pA16a.'uparrow<Tab>↑ <plug>\uparrow '
-exe s:pA16a.'Uparrow<Tab>⇑ <plug>\Uparrow '
-exe s:pA16a.'downarrow<Tab>↓ <plug>\downarrow '
-exe s:pA16a.'Downarrow<Tab>⇓ <plug>\Downarrow '
-exe s:pA16a.'updownarrow<Tab>↕ <plug>\updownarrow '
-exe s:pA16a.'Updownarrow<Tab>⇕ <plug>\Updownarrow '
-exe s:pA16a.'lgroup<Tab> <plug>\lgroup '
-exe s:pA16a.'rgroup<Tab> <plug>\rgroup '
-exe s:pA16a.'lmoustache<Tab>∫ <plug>\lmoustache '
-exe s:pA16a.'rmoustache<Tab> <plug>\rmoustache '
-exe s:pA16a.'arrowvert<Tab> <plug>\arrowvert '
-exe s:pA16a.'Arrowvert<Tab> <plug>\Arrowvert '
-exe s:pA16a.'bracevert<Tab> <plug>\bracevert '
-" }}}
-" {{{ Log-likes
-let s:pA17 = s:pA."Lo&g-likes."
-exe s:pA17.'arccos<Tab> <plug>\arccos '
-exe s:pA17.'arcsin<Tab> <plug>\arcsin '
-exe s:pA17.'arctan<Tab> <plug>\arctan '
-exe s:pA17.'arg<Tab> <plug>\arg '
-exe s:pA17.'cos<Tab> <plug>\cos '
-exe s:pA17.'cosh<Tab> <plug>\cosh '
-exe s:pA17.'cot<Tab> <plug>\cot '
-exe s:pA17.'coth<Tab> <plug>\coth '
-exe s:pA17.'csc<Tab> <plug>\csc '
-exe s:pA17.'deg<Tab> <plug>\deg '
-exe s:pA17.'det<Tab> <plug>\det '
-exe s:pA17.'dim<Tab> <plug>\dim '
-exe s:pA17.'exp<Tab> <plug>\exp '
-exe s:pA17.'gcd<Tab> <plug>\gcd '
-exe s:pA17.'hom<Tab> <plug>\hom '
-exe s:pA17.'inf<Tab> <plug>\inf '
-exe s:pA17.'injlim<Tab> <plug>\injlim '
-exe s:pA17.'ker<Tab> <plug>\ker '
-exe s:pA17.'lg<Tab> <plug>\lg '
-exe s:pA17.'lim<Tab> <plug>\lim '
-exe s:pA17.'liminf<Tab> <plug>\liminf '
-exe s:pA17.'limsup<Tab> <plug>\limsup '
-exe s:pA17.'ln<Tab> <plug>\ln '
-exe s:pA17.'log<Tab> <plug>\log '
-exe s:pA17.'max<Tab> <plug>\max '
-exe s:pA17.'min<Tab> <plug>\min '
-exe s:pA17.'Pr<Tab> <plug>\Pr '
-exe s:pA17.'projlim<Tab> <plug>\projlim '
-exe s:pA17.'sec<Tab> <plug>\sec '
-exe s:pA17.'sin<Tab> <plug>\sin '
-exe s:pA17.'sinh<Tab> <plug>\sinh '
-exe s:pA17.'sup<Tab> <plug>\sup '
-exe s:pA17.'tan<Tab> <plug>\tan '
-exe s:pA17.'tanh<Tab> <plug>\tanh '
-exe s:pA17.'varlimsup<Tab> <plug>\varlimsup '
-exe s:pA17.'varliminf<Tab> <plug>\varliminf '
-exe s:pA17.'varinjlim<Tab> <plug>\varinjlim '
-exe s:pA17.'varprojlim<Tab> <plug>\varprojlim '
-" }}}
-" {{{ MathSpacing
-let s:pA18 = s:pA."MathSpacing."
-exe s:pA18.', <plug>\, '
-exe s:pA18.': <plug>\: '
-exe s:pA18.'; <plug>\; '
-exe s:pA18.'[space] <plug>\ '
-exe s:pA18.'quad<Tab> <plug>\quad '
-exe s:pA18.'qquad<Tab> <plug>\qquad '
-exe s:pA18.'! <plug>\! '
-exe s:pA18.'thinspace<Tab> <plug>\thinspace '
-exe s:pA18.'medspace<Tab> <plug>\medspace '
-exe s:pA18.'thickspace<Tab> <plug>\thickspace '
-exe s:pA18.'negthinspace<Tab> <plug>\negthinspace '
-exe s:pA18.'negmedspace<Tab> <plug>\negmedspace '
-exe s:pA18.'negthickspace<Tab> <plug>\negthickspace '
-" 1}}}
-" vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4:fenc=utf-8
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/mathmacros.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/mathmacros.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index f160db5..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/mathmacros.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,730 +0,0 @@
-" File: mathmacros.vim
-" Author: Mikolaj Machowski
-" Created: Tue Apr 23 06:00 PM 2002 PST
-" Description: macros for everything mathematical in latex.
-if !(has('gui_running') && g:Tex_MathMenus && g:Tex_Menus)
- finish
-let s:MathMenuName = g:Tex_MenuPrefix.'&Math.'
-function! Tex_MathMenuRemove()
- exe 'silent! aunmenu '.s:MathMenuName
-let s:pA = 'amenu <silent> '.g:Tex_NextMenuLocation.' '.s:MathMenuName
-let g:Tex_NextMenuLocation = g:Tex_NextMenuLocation + 1
-" brackets and dollars {{{
-exe s:pA.'\\&[\ \\] <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\[<++>\\]<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA.'\\&(\ \\) <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\(<++>\\)<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA.'&$\ $ <plug>$$'
-exe s:pA.'-sepmath1- :'
-" }}}
-" MATH arrows {{{
-let s:pA1 = s:pA."&Arrows."
-exe s:pA1.'Leftarrow <plug>\leftarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'leftarrow <plug>\leftarrow'
-exe s:pA1.'longleftarrow <plug>\longleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'Leftarrow <plug>\Leftarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'Longleftarrow <plug>\Longleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'rightarrow <plug>\rightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'longrightarrow <plug>\longrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'Rightarrow <plug>\Rightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'Longrightarrow <plug>\Longrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'leftrightarrow <plug>\leftrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'longleftrightarrow <plug>\longleftrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'Leftrightarrow <plug>\Leftrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'Longleftrightarrow <plug>\Longleftrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'uparrow <plug>\uparrow '
-exe s:pA1.'Uparrow <plug>\Uparrow '
-exe s:pA1.'downarrow <plug>\downarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'Downarrow <plug>\Downarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'updownarrow <plug>\updownarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'Updownarrow <plug>\Updownarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'nearrow <plug>\nearrow '
-exe s:pA1.'searrow <plug>\searrow '
-exe s:pA1.'swarrow <plug>\swarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'nwarrow <plug>\nwarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'mapsto <plug>\mapsto '
-exe s:pA1.'leadsto <plug>\leadsto '
-exe s:pA1.'longmapsto <plug>\longmapsto '
-exe s:pA1.'hookleftarrow <plug>\hookleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'hookrightarrow <plug>\hookrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'leftharpoonup <plug>\leftharpoonup '
-exe s:pA1.'leftharpoondown <plug>\leftharpoondown '
-exe s:pA1.'rightharpoonup <plug>\rightharpoonup '
-exe s:pA1.'rightharpoondown <plug>\rightharpoondown '
-exe s:pA1.'rightleftharpoons <plug>\rightleftharpoons '
-exe s:pA1.'overleftarrow <plug>\overleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'overrightarrow <plug>\overrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'overleftrightarrow <plug>\overleftrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'underleftarrow <plug>\underleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'underrightarrow <plug>\underrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'underleftrightarrow <plug>\underleftrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'xleftarrow <plug>\xleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1.'xrightarrow <plug>\xrightarrow '
-" }}}
-" MATH nArrows {{{
-let s:pA1a = s:pA."&nArrows."
-exe s:pA1a.'nleftarrow <plug>\nleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1a.'nLeftarrow <plug>\nLeftarrow '
-exe s:pA1a.'nleftrightarrow <plug>\nleftrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1a.'nrightarrow <plug>\nrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1a.'nRightarrow <plug>\nRightarrow '
-" }}}
-" MATH Arrows2 {{{
-let s:pA1a = s:pA."Arrows2."
-exe s:pA1a.'dashleftarrow <plug>\dashleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1a.'leftleftarrows <plug>\leftleftarrows '
-exe s:pA1a.'leftrightarrows <plug>\leftrightarrows '
-exe s:pA1a.'Lleftarrow <plug>\Lleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1a.'twoheadleftarrow <plug>\twoheadleftarrow '
-exe s:pA1a.'leftarrowtail <plug>\leftarrowtail '
-exe s:pA1a.'leftrightharpoons <plug>\leftrightharpoons '
-exe s:pA1a.'Lsh <plug>\Lsh '
-exe s:pA1a.'looparrowleft <plug>\looparrowleft '
-exe s:pA1a.'curvearrowleft <plug>\curvearrowleft '
-exe s:pA1a.'circlearrowleft <plug>\circlearrowleft '
-exe s:pA1a.'dashrightarrow <plug>\dashrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1a.'rightrightarrows <plug>\rightrightarrows '
-exe s:pA1a.'rightleftarrows <plug>\rightleftarrows '
-exe s:pA1a.'Rrightarrow <plug>\Rrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1a.'twoheadrightarrow <plug>\twoheadrightarrow '
-exe s:pA1a.'rightarrowtail <plug>\rightarrowtail '
-exe s:pA1a.'rightleftharpoons <plug>\rightleftharpoons '
-exe s:pA1a.'Rsh <plug>\Rsh '
-exe s:pA1a.'looparrowright <plug>\looparrowright '
-exe s:pA1a.'curvearrowright <plug>\curvearrowright '
-exe s:pA1a.'circlearrowright <plug>\circlearrowright '
-exe s:pA1a.'multimap <plug>\multimap '
-exe s:pA1a.'upuparrows <plug>\upuparrows '
-exe s:pA1a.'downdownarrows <plug>\downdownarrows '
-exe s:pA1a.'upharpoonleft <plug>\upharpoonleft '
-exe s:pA1a.'upharpoonright <plug>\upharpoonright '
-exe s:pA1a.'downharpoonleft <plug>\downharpoonleft '
-exe s:pA1a.'downharpoonright <plug>\downharpoonright '
-exe s:pA1a.'rightsquigarrow <plug>\rightsquigarrow '
-exe s:pA1a.'leftrightsquigarrow <plug>\leftrightsquigarrow '
-" }}}
-" MATH Fonts {{{
-let s:pA2a = s:pA."&MathFonts."
-" exe s:pA2a.'mathbf{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\mathbf{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA2a.'mathrm{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\mathrm{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA2a.'mathsf{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\mathsf{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA2a.'mathtt{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\mathtt{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA2a.'mathit{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\mathit{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA2a.'mathfrak{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\mathfrak{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA2a.'mathcal{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\mathcal{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA2a.'mathscr{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\mathscr{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA2a.'mathbb{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\mathbb{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-" }}}
-" Greek Letters small {{{
-let s:pA2 = s:pA."&Greek.&Small."
-exe s:pA2.'alpha<Tab>`a <plug>\alpha '
-exe s:pA2.'beta<Tab>`b <plug>\beta '
-exe s:pA2.'gamma<Tab>`g <plug>\gamma '
-exe s:pA2.'delta<Tab>`d <plug>\delta '
-exe s:pA2.'epsilon <plug>\epsilon '
-exe s:pA2.'varepsilon<Tab>`e <plug>\varepsilon '
-exe s:pA2.'zeta<Tab>`z <plug>\zeta '
-exe s:pA2.'eta<Tab>`h <plug>\eta '
-exe s:pA2.'theta<Tab>`q <plug>\theta '
-exe s:pA2.'vartheta <plug>\vartheta '
-exe s:pA2.'iota<Tab>`i <plug>\iota '
-exe s:pA2.'kappa<Tab>`k <plug>\kappa '
-exe s:pA2.'lambda<Tab>`l <plug>\lambda '
-exe s:pA2.'mu<Tab>`m <plug>\mu '
-exe s:pA2.'nu<Tab>`n <plug>\nu '
-exe s:pA2.'xi<Tab>`x <plug>\xi '
-exe s:pA2.'pi<Tab>`p <plug>\pi '
-exe s:pA2.'varpi <plug>\varpi '
-exe s:pA2.'rho<Tab>`r <plug>\rho '
-exe s:pA2.'varrho <plug>\varrho '
-exe s:pA2.'sigma<Tab>`s <plug>\sigma '
-exe s:pA2.'varsigma<Tab>`v <plug>\varsigma '
-exe s:pA2.'tau<Tab>`t <plug>\tau '
-exe s:pA2.'upsilon<Tab>`u <plug>\upsilon '
-exe s:pA2.'phi <plug>\phi '
-exe s:pA2.'varphi<Tab>`f <plug>\varphi '
-exe s:pA2.'chi<Tab>`c <plug>\chi '
-exe s:pA2.'psi<Tab>`y <plug>\psi '
-exe s:pA2.'omega<Tab>`w <plug>\omega '
-" }}}
-" Greek Letters big {{{
-let s:pA3 = s:pA.'&Greek.&Big.'
-exe s:pA3.'Alpha<Tab>`A <plug>\Alpha '
-exe s:pA3.'Beta<Tab>`B <plug>\Beta '
-exe s:pA3.'Gamma<Tab>`G <plug>\Gamma '
-exe s:pA3.'Delta<Tab>`D <plug>\Delta '
-exe s:pA3.'Epsilon<Tab>`E <plug>\Epsilon '
-exe s:pA3.'Zeta<Tab>`Z <plug>\mathrm{Z} '
-exe s:pA3.'Eta<Tab>`H <plug>\Eta '
-exe s:pA3.'Theta <plug>\Theta '
-exe s:pA3.'Iota <plug>\mathrm{I} '
-exe s:pA3.'Kappa<Tab>`K <plug>\Kappa '
-exe s:pA3.'Lambda<Tab>`L <plug>\Lambda '
-exe s:pA3.'Mu<Tab>`M <plug>\Mu '
-exe s:pA3.'Nu<Tab>`N <plug>\Nu '
-exe s:pA3.'Xi<Tab>`X <plug>\Xi '
-exe s:pA3.'Pi<Tab>`P <plug>\Pi '
-exe s:pA3.'Rho<Tab>`R <plug>\Rho '
-exe s:pA3.'Sigma<Tab>`S <plug>\Sigma '
-exe s:pA3.'Tau<Tab>`T <plug>\Tau '
-exe s:pA3.'Upsilon<Tab>`U <plug>\Upsilon '
-exe s:pA3.'Phi <plug>\Phi '
-exe s:pA3.'Chi<Tab>`C <plug>\Chi '
-exe s:pA3.'Psi<Tab>`Y <plug>\Psi '
-exe s:pA3.'Omega<Tab>`W <plug>\Omega '
-" }}}
-" BinaryRel1 {{{
-let s:pA4 = s:pA."&BinaryRel1."
-exe s:pA4.'ll <plug>\ll '
-exe s:pA4.'lll <plug>\lll '
-exe s:pA4.'leqslant <plug>\leqslant '
-exe s:pA4.'leq <plug>\leq '
-exe s:pA4.'leqq <plug>\leqq '
-exe s:pA4.'eqslantless <plug>\eqslantless '
-exe s:pA4.'lessdot <plug>\lessdot '
-exe s:pA4.'prec <plug>\prec '
-exe s:pA4.'preceq <plug>\preceq '
-exe s:pA4.'preccurlyeq <plug>\preccurlyeq '
-exe s:pA4.'curlyeqprec <plug>\curlyeqprec '
-exe s:pA4.'lesssim <plug>\lesssim '
-exe s:pA4.'lessapprox <plug>\lessapprox '
-exe s:pA4.'precsim <plug>\precsim '
-exe s:pA4.'precapprox <plug>\precapprox '
-exe s:pA4.'in <plug>\in '
-exe s:pA4.'subset<Tab>`( <plug>\subset '
-exe s:pA4.'Subset<Tab>`) <plug>\Subset '
-exe s:pA4.'subseteq <plug>\subseteq '
-exe s:pA4.'subseteqq <plug>\subseteqq '
-exe s:pA4.'sqsubset <plug>\sqsubset '
-exe s:pA4.'sqsubseteq <plug>\sqsubseteq '
-exe s:pA4.'smile <plug>\smile '
-exe s:pA4.'smallsmile <plug>\smallsmile '
-exe s:pA4.'parallel <plug>\parallel '
-exe s:pA4.'shortparallel <plug>\shortparallel '
-exe s:pA4.'dashv <plug>\dashv '
-exe s:pA4.'vdash <plug>\vdash '
-exe s:pA4.'vDash <plug>\vDash '
-exe s:pA4.'models <plug>\models '
-exe s:pA4.'therefore <plug>\therefore '
-exe s:pA4.'backepsilon <plug>\backepsilon '
-" }}}
-" nBinaryRel1 {{{
-let s:pA4a = s:pA."&nBinaryRel1."
-exe s:pA4a.'nless <plug>\nless '
-exe s:pA4a.'nleqslant <plug>\nleqslant '
-exe s:pA4a.'nleq <plug>\nleq '
-exe s:pA4a.'lneq <plug>\lneq '
-exe s:pA4a.'nleqq <plug>\nleqq '
-exe s:pA4a.'lneqq <plug>\lneqq '
-exe s:pA4a.'lvertneqq <plug>\lvertneqq '
-exe s:pA4a.'nprec <plug>\nprec '
-exe s:pA4a.'npreceq <plug>\npreceq '
-exe s:pA4a.'precneqq <plug>\precneqq '
-exe s:pA4a.'lnsim <plug>\lnsim '
-exe s:pA4a.'lnapprox <plug>\lnapprox '
-exe s:pA4a.'precnsim <plug>\precnsim '
-exe s:pA4a.'precnapprox <plug>\precnapprox '
-exe s:pA4a.'notin <plug>\notin '
-exe s:pA4a.'nsubseteq <plug>\nsubseteq '
-exe s:pA4a.'varsubsetneq <plug>\varsubsetneq '
-exe s:pA4a.'subsetneq <plug>\subsetneq '
-exe s:pA4a.'nsubseteqq <plug>\nsubseteqq '
-exe s:pA4a.'varsubsetneqq <plug>\varsubsetneqq '
-exe s:pA4a.'subsetneqq <plug>\subsetneqq '
-exe s:pA4a.'nparallel <plug>\nparallel '
-exe s:pA4a.'nshortparallel <plug>\nshortparallel '
-exe s:pA4a.'nvdash <plug>\nvdash '
-exe s:pA4a.'nvDash <plug>\nvDash '
-" }}}
-" BinaryRel2 {{{
-let s:pA5 = s:pA."&BinaryRel2."
-exe s:pA5.'gg <plug>\gg '
-exe s:pA5.'ggg <plug>\ggg '
-exe s:pA5.'gggtr <plug>\gggtr '
-exe s:pA5.'geqslant <plug>\geqslant '
-exe s:pA5.'geq <plug>\geq '
-exe s:pA5.'geqq <plug>\geqq '
-exe s:pA5.'eqslantgtr <plug>\eqslantgtr '
-exe s:pA5.'gtrdot <plug>\gtrdot '
-exe s:pA5.'succ <plug>\succ '
-exe s:pA5.'succeq <plug>\succeq '
-exe s:pA5.'succcurlyeq <plug>\succcurlyeq '
-exe s:pA5.'curlyeqsucc <plug>\curlyeqsucc '
-exe s:pA5.'gtrsim <plug>\gtrsim '
-exe s:pA5.'gtrapprox <plug>\gtrapprox '
-exe s:pA5.'succsim <plug>\succsim '
-exe s:pA5.'succapprox <plug>\succapprox '
-exe s:pA5.'ni <plug>\ni '
-exe s:pA5.'owns <plug>\owns '
-exe s:pA5.'supset <plug>\supset '
-exe s:pA5.'Supset <plug>\Supset '
-exe s:pA5.'supseteq <plug>\supseteq '
-exe s:pA5.'supseteqq <plug>\supseteqq '
-exe s:pA5.'sqsupset <plug>\sqsupset '
-exe s:pA5.'sqsupseteq <plug>\sqsupseteq '
-exe s:pA5.'frown <plug>\frown '
-exe s:pA5.'smallfrown <plug>\smallfrown '
-exe s:pA5.'mid <plug>\mid '
-exe s:pA5.'shortmid <plug>\shortmid '
-exe s:pA5.'between <plug>\between '
-exe s:pA5.'Vdash <plug>\Vdash '
-exe s:pA5.'bowtie <plug>\bowtie '
-exe s:pA5.'Join <plug>\Join '
-exe s:pA5.'pitchfork <plug>\pitchfork '
-" }}}
-" {{{ nBinaryRel2
-let s:pA5a = s:pA."n&BinaryRel2." "TODO: dorobiæ logarytmy
-exe s:pA5a.'ngtr <plug>\ngtr '
-exe s:pA5a.'ngeqslant <plug>\ngeqslant '
-exe s:pA5a.'ngeq <plug>\ngeq '
-exe s:pA5a.'gneq <plug>\gneq '
-exe s:pA5a.'ngeqq <plug>\ngeqq '
-exe s:pA5a.'gneqq <plug>\gneqq '
-exe s:pA5a.'nsucc <plug>\nsucc '
-exe s:pA5a.'nsucceq <plug>\nsucceq '
-exe s:pA5a.'succneqq <plug>\succneqq '
-exe s:pA5a.'gnsim <plug>\gnsim '
-exe s:pA5a.'gnapprox <plug>\gnapprox '
-exe s:pA5a.'succnsim <plug>\succnsim '
-exe s:pA5a.'succnapprox <plug>\succnapprox '
-exe s:pA5a.'nsupseteq <plug>\nsupseteq '
-exe s:pA5a.'varsupsetneq <plug>\varsupsetneq '
-exe s:pA5a.'supsetneq <plug>\supsetneq '
-exe s:pA5a.'nsupseteqq <plug>\nsupseteqq '
-exe s:pA5a.'varsupsetneqq <plug>\varsupsetneqq '
-exe s:pA5a.'supsetneqq <plug>\supsetneqq '
-exe s:pA5a.'nmid <plug>\nmid '
-exe s:pA5a.'nshortmid <plug>\nshortmid '
-exe s:pA5a.'nVdash <plug>\nVdash '
-" }}}
-" {{{ BinaryRel3
-let s:pA6 = s:pA."&BinaryRel3."
-exe s:pA6.'doteq <plug>\doteq '
-exe s:pA6.'circeq <plug>\circeq '
-exe s:pA6.'eqcirc <plug>\eqcirc '
-exe s:pA6.'risingdotseq <plug>\risingdotseq '
-exe s:pA6.'doteqdot <plug>\doteqdot '
-exe s:pA6.'Doteq <plug>\Doteq '
-exe s:pA6.'fallingdotseq <plug>\fallingdotseq '
-exe s:pA6.'triangleq <plug>\triangleq '
-exe s:pA6.'bumpeq <plug>\bumpeq '
-exe s:pA6.'Bumpeq <plug>\Bumpeq '
-exe s:pA6.'equiv<Tab>`= <plug>\equiv '
-exe s:pA6.'sim <plug>\sim '
-exe s:pA6.'thicksim <plug>\thicksim '
-exe s:pA6.'backsim <plug>\backsim '
-exe s:pA6.'simeq <plug>\simeq '
-exe s:pA6.'backsimeq <plug>\backsimeq '
-exe s:pA6.'cong <plug>\cong '
-exe s:pA6.'approx<tab>=~ <plug>\approx '
-exe s:pA6.'thickapprox <plug>\thickapprox '
-exe s:pA6.'approxeq <plug>\approxeq '
-exe s:pA6.'blacktriangleleft <plug>\blacktriangleleft '
-exe s:pA6.'vartriangleleft <plug>\vartriangleleft '
-exe s:pA6.'trianglelefteq <plug>\trianglelefteq '
-exe s:pA6.'blacktriangleright <plug>\blacktriangleright '
-exe s:pA6.'vartriangleright <plug>\vartriangleright '
-exe s:pA6.'trianglerighteq <plug>\trianglerighteq '
-exe s:pA6.'perp <plug>\perp '
-exe s:pA6.'asymp <plug>\asymp '
-exe s:pA6.'Vvdash <plug>\Vvdash '
-exe s:pA6.'propto <plug>\propto '
-exe s:pA6.'varpropto <plug>\varpropto '
-exe s:pA6.'because <plug>\because '
-" }}}
-" {{{ nBinaryRel3
-let s:pA6a = s:pA."&nBinaryRel3."
-exe s:pA6a.'neq <plug>\neq '
-exe s:pA6a.'nsim <plug>\nsim '
-exe s:pA6a.'ncong <plug>\ncong '
-exe s:pA6a.'ntriangleleft <plug>\ntriangleleft '
-exe s:pA6a.'ntrianglelefteq <plug>\ntrianglelefteq '
-exe s:pA6a.'ntriangleright <plug>\ntriangleright '
-exe s:pA6a.'ntrianglerighteq <plug>\ntrianglerighteq '
-" }}}
-" {{{ BinaryRel4
-let s:pA7 = s:pA."&BinaryRel4."
-exe s:pA7.'lessgtr <plug>\lessgtr '
-exe s:pA7.'gtrless <plug>\gtrless '
-exe s:pA7.'lesseqgtr <plug>\lesseqgtr '
-exe s:pA7.'gtreqless <plug>\gtreqless '
-exe s:pA7.'lesseqqgtr <plug>\lesseqqgtr '
-exe s:pA7.'gtreqqless <plug>\gtreqqless '
-" }}}
-" {{{ BigOp
-let s:pA8a = s:pA."&BigOp."
-exe s:pA8a.'limits <plug>\limits'
-exe s:pA8a.'nolimits <plug>\nolimits'
-exe s:pA8a.'displaylimits <plug>\displaylimits'
-exe s:pA8a.'-seplimits- :'
-exe s:pA8a.'bigcap<Tab>`- <plug>\bigcap'
-exe s:pA8a.'bigcup<Tab>`+ <plug>\bigcup'
-exe s:pA8a.'bigodot <plug>\bigodot'
-exe s:pA8a.'bigoplus <plug>\bigoplus'
-exe s:pA8a.'bigotimes <plug>\bigotimes'
-exe s:pA8a.'bigsqcup <plug>\bigsqcup'
-exe s:pA8a.'biguplus <plug>\biguplus'
-exe s:pA8a.'bigvee <plug>\bigvee'
-exe s:pA8a.'bigwedge <plug>\bigwedge'
-exe s:pA8a.'coprod <plug>\coprod'
-exe s:pA8a.'int <plug>\int'
-exe s:pA8a.'oint <plug>\oint'
-exe s:pA8a.'prod <plug>\prod'
-exe s:pA8a.'sum <plug>\sum'
-" }}}
-" {{{ BinaryOp
-let s:pA8 = s:pA."&BinaryOp."
-exe s:pA8.'pm <plug>\pm '
-exe s:pA8.'mp <plug>\mp '
-exe s:pA8.'dotplus <plug>\dotplus '
-exe s:pA8.'cdot<Tab>`. <plug>\cdot '
-exe s:pA8.'centerdot <plug>\centerdot '
-exe s:pA8.'times<Tab>`* <plug>\times '
-exe s:pA8.'ltimes <plug>\ltimes '
-exe s:pA8.'rtimes <plug>\rtimes '
-exe s:pA8.'leftthreetimes <plug>\leftthreetimes '
-exe s:pA8.'rightthreetimes <plug>\rightthreetimes '
-exe s:pA8.'div <plug>\div '
-exe s:pA8.'divideontimes <plug>\divideontimes '
-exe s:pA8.'bmod <plug>\bmod '
-exe s:pA8.'ast <plug>\ast '
-exe s:pA8.'star <plug>\star '
-exe s:pA8.'setminus<Tab>`\\ <plug>\setminus '
-exe s:pA8.'smallsetminus <plug>\smallsetminus '
-exe s:pA8.'diamond <plug>\diamond '
-exe s:pA8.'wr <plug>\wr '
-exe s:pA8.'intercal <plug>\intercal '
-exe s:pA8.'circ<Tab>`@ <plug>\circ '
-exe s:pA8.'bigcirc <plug>\bigcirc '
-exe s:pA8.'bullet <plug>\bullet '
-exe s:pA8.'cap <plug>\cap '
-exe s:pA8.'Cap <plug>\Cap '
-exe s:pA8.'cup <plug>\cup '
-exe s:pA8.'Cup <plug>\Cup '
-exe s:pA8.'sqcap <plug>\sqcap '
-exe s:pA8.'sqcup <plug>\sqcup'
-exe s:pA8.'amalg <plug>\amalg '
-exe s:pA8.'uplus <plug>\uplus '
-exe s:pA8.'triangleleft <plug>\triangleleft '
-exe s:pA8.'triangleright <plug>\triangleright '
-exe s:pA8.'bigtriangleup <plug>\bigtriangleup '
-exe s:pA8.'bigtriangledown <plug>\bigtriangledown '
-exe s:pA8.'vee <plug>\vee '
-exe s:pA8.'veebar <plug>\veebar '
-exe s:pA8.'curlyvee <plug>\curlyvee '
-exe s:pA8.'wedge<Tab>`& <plug>\wedge '
-exe s:pA8.'barwedge <plug>\barwedge '
-exe s:pA8.'doublebarwedge <plug>\doublebarwedge '
-exe s:pA8.'curlywedge <plug>\curlywedge '
-exe s:pA8.'oplus <plug>\oplus '
-exe s:pA8.'ominus <plug>\ominus '
-exe s:pA8.'otimes <plug>\otimes '
-exe s:pA8.'oslash <plug>\oslash '
-exe s:pA8.'boxplus <plug>\boxplus '
-exe s:pA8.'boxminus <plug>\boxminus '
-exe s:pA8.'boxtimes <plug>\boxtimes '
-exe s:pA8.'boxdot <plug>\boxdot '
-exe s:pA8.'odot <plug>\odot '
-exe s:pA8.'circledast <plug>\circledast '
-exe s:pA8.'circleddash <plug>\circleddash '
-exe s:pA8.'circledcirc <plug>\circledcirc '
-exe s:pA8.'dagger <plug>\dagger '
-exe s:pA8.'ddagger <plug>\ddagger '
-exe s:pA8.'lhd <plug>\lhd '
-exe s:pA8.'unlhd <plug>\unlhd '
-exe s:pA8.'rhd <plug>\rhd '
-exe s:pA8.'unrhd <plug>\unrhd '
-" }}}
-" {{{ Other1
-let s:pA9 = s:pA."&Other1."
-exe s:pA9.'hat <plug>\hat '
-exe s:pA9.'check <plug>\check '
-exe s:pA9.'grave <plug>\grave '
-exe s:pA9.'acute <plug>\acute '
-exe s:pA9.'dot <plug>\dot '
-exe s:pA9.'ddot <plug>\ddot '
-exe s:pA9.'tilde<Tab>`, <plug>\tilde '
-exe s:pA9.'breve <plug>\breve '
-exe s:pA9.'bar <plug>\bar '
-exe s:pA9.'vec <plug>\vec '
-exe s:pA9.'aleph <plug>\aleph '
-exe s:pA9.'hbar <plug>\hbar '
-exe s:pA9.'imath <plug>\imath '
-exe s:pA9.'jmath <plug>\jmath '
-exe s:pA9.'ell <plug>\ell '
-exe s:pA9.'wp <plug>\wp '
-exe s:pA9.'Re <plug>\Re '
-exe s:pA9.'Im <plug>\Im '
-exe s:pA9.'partial <plug>\partial '
-exe s:pA9.'infty<Tab>`8 <plug>\infty '
-exe s:pA9.'prime <plug>\prime '
-exe s:pA9.'emptyset <plug>\emptyset '
-exe s:pA9.'nabla <plug>\nabla '
-exe s:pA9.'surd <plug>\surd '
-exe s:pA9.'top <plug>\top '
-exe s:pA9.'bot <plug>\bot '
-exe s:pA9.'angle <plug>\angle '
-exe s:pA9.'triangle <plug>\triangle '
-exe s:pA9.'backslash <plug>\backslash '
-exe s:pA9.'forall <plug>\forall '
-exe s:pA9.'exists <plug>\exists '
-exe s:pA9.'neg <plug>\neg '
-exe s:pA9.'flat <plug>\flat '
-exe s:pA9.'natural <plug>\natural '
-exe s:pA9.'sharp <plug>\sharp '
-exe s:pA9.'clubsuit <plug>\clubsuit '
-exe s:pA9.'diamondsuit <plug>\diamondsuit '
-exe s:pA9.'heartsuit <plug>\heartsuit '
-exe s:pA9.'spadesuit <plug>\spadesuit '
-exe s:pA9.'S <plug>\S '
-exe s:pA9.'P <plug>\P'
-" }}}
-" {{{ MathCreating
-let s:pA10 = s:pA."&MathCreating."
-exe s:pA10.'not <plug>\not'
-exe s:pA10.'mkern <plug>\mkern'
-exe s:pA10.'mathbin <plug>\mathbin'
-exe s:pA10.'mathrel <plug>\mathrel'
-exe s:pA10.'stackrel <plug>\stackrel'
-exe s:pA10.'mathord <plug>\mathord'
-" }}}
-" {{{ Styles
-let s:pA11 = s:pA."&Styles."
-exe s:pA11.'displaystyle <plug>\displaystyle'
-exe s:pA11.'textstyle <plug>\textstyle'
-exe s:pA11.'scritpstyle <plug>\scritpstyle'
-exe s:pA11.'scriptscriptstyle <plug>\scriptscriptstyle'
-" }}}
-" {{{ MathDiacritics
-let s:pA12 = s:pA."&MathDiacritics."
-exe s:pA12.'acute{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\acute{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'bar{}<Tab>`_ <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\bar{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'breve{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\breve{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'check{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\check{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'ddot{}<Tab>`: <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\ddot{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'dot{}<Tab>`; <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\dot{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'grave{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\grave{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'hat{}<Tab>`^ <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\hat{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'tilde{}<tab>`~ <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\tilde{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'vec{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\vec{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'widehat{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\widehat{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'widetilde{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\widetilde{<++>}<++>")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'imath <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\imath")<cr>'
-exe s:pA12.'jmath <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\jmath")<cr>'
-" }}}
-" {{{ OverlineAndCo
-let s:pA13 = s:pA."&OverlineAndCo."
-exe s:pA13.'overline{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\overline{}")<cr>'
-exe s:pA13.'underline{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\underline{}")<cr>'
-exe s:pA13.'overrightarrow{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\overrightarrow{}")<cr>'
-exe s:pA13.'overleftarrow{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\overleftarrow{}")<cr>'
-exe s:pA13.'overbrace{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\overbrace{}")<cr>'
-exe s:pA13.'underbrace{} <plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("\\underbrace{}")<cr>'
-" }}}
-" {{{ Symbols1
-let s:pA14a = s:pA."&Symbols1."
-exe s:pA14a.'forall <plug>\forall '
-exe s:pA14a.'exists <plug>\exists '
-exe s:pA14a.'nexists <plug>\nexists '
-exe s:pA14a.'neg <plug>\neg '
-exe s:pA14a.'top <plug>\top '
-exe s:pA14a.'bot <plug>\bot '
-exe s:pA14a.'emptyset <plug>\emptyset '
-exe s:pA14a.'varnothing <plug>\varnothing '
-exe s:pA14a.'infty <plug>\infty '
-exe s:pA14a.'aleph <plug>\aleph '
-exe s:pA14a.'beth <plug>\beth '
-exe s:pA14a.'gimel <plug>\gimel '
-exe s:pA14a.'daleth <plug>\daleth '
-exe s:pA14a.'hbar <plug>\hbar '
-exe s:pA14a.'hslash <plug>\hslash '
-exe s:pA14a.'diagup <plug>\diagup '
-exe s:pA14a.'vert <plug>\vert '
-exe s:pA14a.'Vert <plug>\Vert '
-exe s:pA14a.'backslash <plug>\backslash '
-exe s:pA14a.'diagdown <plug>\diagdown '
-exe s:pA14a.'Bbbk <plug>\Bbbk '
-exe s:pA14a.'P <plug>\P '
-exe s:pA14a.'S <plug>\S '
-" }}}
-" {{{ Symbols2
-let s:pA14b = s:pA."&Symbols2."
-exe s:pA14b.'# <plug>\# '
-exe s:pA14b.'% <plug>\% '
-exe s:pA14b.'_ <plug>\_ '
-exe s:pA14b.'$ <plug>\$ '
-exe s:pA14b.'& <plug>\& '
-exe s:pA14b.'imath <plug>\imath '
-exe s:pA14b.'jmath <plug>\jmath '
-exe s:pA14b.'ell <plug>\ell '
-exe s:pA14b.'wp <plug>\wp '
-exe s:pA14b.'Re <plug>\Re '
-exe s:pA14b.'Im <plug>\Im '
-exe s:pA14b.'prime <plug>\prime '
-exe s:pA14b.'backprime <plug>\backprime '
-exe s:pA14b.'nabla <plug>\nabla '
-exe s:pA14b.'surd <plug>\surd '
-exe s:pA14b.'flat <plug>\flat '
-exe s:pA14b.'sharp <plug>\sharp '
-exe s:pA14b.'natural <plug>\natural '
-exe s:pA14b.'eth <plug>\eth '
-exe s:pA14b.'bigstar <plug>\bigstar '
-exe s:pA14b.'circledS <plug>\circledS '
-exe s:pA14b.'Finv <plug>\Finv '
-exe s:pA14b.'dag <plug>\dag '
-exe s:pA14b.'ddag <plug>\ddag '
-" }}}
-" {{{ Symbols3
-let s:pA14c = s:pA."&Symbols3."
-exe s:pA14c.'angle <plug>\angle '
-exe s:pA14c.'measuredangle <plug>\measuredangle '
-exe s:pA14c.'sphericalangle <plug>\sphericalangle '
-exe s:pA14c.'spadesuit <plug>\spadesuit '
-exe s:pA14c.'heartsuit <plug>\heartsuit '
-exe s:pA14c.'diamondsuit <plug>\diamondsuit '
-exe s:pA14c.'clubsuit <plug>\clubsuit '
-exe s:pA14c.'lozenge <plug>\lozenge '
-exe s:pA14c.'blacklozenge <plug>\blacklozenge '
-exe s:pA14c.'Diamond <plug>\Diamond '
-exe s:pA14c.'triangle <plug>\triangle '
-exe s:pA14c.'vartriangle <plug>\vartriangle '
-exe s:pA14c.'blacktriangle <plug>\blacktriangle '
-exe s:pA14c.'triangledown <plug>\triangledown '
-exe s:pA14c.'blacktriangledown <plug>\blacktriangledown '
-exe s:pA14c.'Box <plug>\Box '
-exe s:pA14c.'square <plug>\square '
-exe s:pA14c.'blacksquare <plug>\blacksquare '
-exe s:pA14c.'complement <plug>\complement '
-exe s:pA14c.'mho <plug>\mho '
-exe s:pA14c.'Game <plug>\Game '
-exe s:pA14c.'partial<Tab>`6 <plug>\partial '
-exe s:pA14c.'smallint <plug>\smallint '
-" }}}
-" {{{ Logic
-let s:pA15 = s:pA."&Logic."
-exe s:pA15.'lnot <plug>\lnot '
-exe s:pA15.'lor <plug>\lor '
-exe s:pA15.'land <plug>\land '
-" }}}
-" {{{ Limits1
-let s:pA16 = s:pA."&Limits1."
-exe s:pA16.'left <plug>\left'
-exe s:pA16.'right <plug>\right'
-exe s:pA16.'-sepbigl- :'
-exe s:pA16.'bigl <plug>\bigl'
-exe s:pA16.'Bigl <plug>\Bigl'
-exe s:pA16.'biggl <plug>\biggl'
-exe s:pA16.'Biggl <plug>\Biggl'
-exe s:pA16.'-sepbigr- :'
-exe s:pA16.'bigr <plug>\bigr'
-exe s:pA16.'Bigr <plug>\Bigr'
-exe s:pA16.'biggr <plug>\biggr'
-exe s:pA16.'Biggr <plug>\Biggr'
-exe s:pA16.'-sepbig- :'
-exe s:pA16.'big <plug>\big'
-exe s:pA16.'bigm <plug>\bigm'
-exe s:pA16.'-sepfloor- :'
-exe s:pA16.'lfloor <plug>\lfloor '
-exe s:pA16.'lceil <plug>\lceil '
-exe s:pA16.'rfloor <plug>\rfloor '
-exe s:pA16.'rceil <plug>\rceil '
-exe s:pA16.'-sepangle- :'
-exe s:pA16.'langle <plug>\langle '
-exe s:pA16.'rangle <plug>\rangle '
-" }}}
-" {{{ Limits2
-let s:pA16a = s:pA."&Limits2."
-exe s:pA16a.'ulcorner <plug>\ulcorner '
-exe s:pA16a.'urcorner <plug>\urcorner '
-exe s:pA16a.'llcorner <plug>\llcorner '
-exe s:pA16a.'rlcorner <plug>\rlcorner '
-exe s:pA16a.'-sepcorner- :'
-exe s:pA16a.'vert <plug>\vert '
-exe s:pA16a.'Vert <plug>\Vert '
-exe s:pA16a.'lvert <plug>\lvert '
-exe s:pA16a.'lVert <plug>\lVert '
-exe s:pA16a.'rvert <plug>\rvert '
-exe s:pA16a.'rVert <plug>\rVert '
-exe s:pA16a.'uparrow <plug>\uparrow '
-exe s:pA16a.'Uparrow <plug>\Uparrow '
-exe s:pA16a.'downarrow <plug>\downarrow '
-exe s:pA16a.'Downarrow <plug>\Downarrow '
-exe s:pA16a.'updownarrow <plug>\updownarrow '
-exe s:pA16a.'Updownarrow <plug>\Updownarrow '
-exe s:pA16a.'lgroup <plug>\lgroup '
-exe s:pA16a.'rgroup <plug>\rgroup '
-exe s:pA16a.'lmoustache <plug>\lmoustache '
-exe s:pA16a.'rmoustache <plug>\rmoustache '
-exe s:pA16a.'arrowvert <plug>\arrowvert '
-exe s:pA16a.'Arrowvert <plug>\Arrowvert '
-exe s:pA16a.'bracevert <plug>\bracevert '
-" }}}
-" {{{ Log-likes
-let s:pA17 = s:pA."Lo&g-likes."
-exe s:pA17.'arccos <plug>\arccos '
-exe s:pA17.'arcsin <plug>\arcsin '
-exe s:pA17.'arctan <plug>\arctan '
-exe s:pA17.'arg <plug>\arg '
-exe s:pA17.'cos <plug>\cos '
-exe s:pA17.'cosh <plug>\cosh '
-exe s:pA17.'cot <plug>\cot '
-exe s:pA17.'coth <plug>\coth '
-exe s:pA17.'csc <plug>\csc '
-exe s:pA17.'deg <plug>\deg '
-exe s:pA17.'det <plug>\det '
-exe s:pA17.'dim <plug>\dim '
-exe s:pA17.'exp <plug>\exp '
-exe s:pA17.'gcd <plug>\gcd '
-exe s:pA17.'hom <plug>\hom '
-exe s:pA17.'inf <plug>\inf '
-exe s:pA17.'injlim <plug>\injlim '
-exe s:pA17.'ker <plug>\ker '
-exe s:pA17.'lg <plug>\lg '
-exe s:pA17.'lim <plug>\lim '
-exe s:pA17.'liminf <plug>\liminf '
-exe s:pA17.'limsup <plug>\limsup '
-exe s:pA17.'ln <plug>\ln '
-exe s:pA17.'log <plug>\log '
-exe s:pA17.'max <plug>\max '
-exe s:pA17.'min <plug>\min '
-exe s:pA17.'Pr <plug>\Pr '
-exe s:pA17.'projlim <plug>\projlim '
-exe s:pA17.'sec <plug>\sec '
-exe s:pA17.'sin <plug>\sin '
-exe s:pA17.'sinh <plug>\sinh '
-exe s:pA17.'sup <plug>\sup '
-exe s:pA17.'tan <plug>\tan '
-exe s:pA17.'tanh <plug>\tanh '
-exe s:pA17.'varlimsup <plug>\varlimsup '
-exe s:pA17.'varliminf <plug>\varliminf '
-exe s:pA17.'varinjlim <plug>\varinjlim '
-exe s:pA17.'varprojlim <plug>\varprojlim '
-" }}}
-" {{{ MathSpacing
-let s:pA18 = s:pA."MathSpacing."
-exe s:pA18.', <plug>\, '
-exe s:pA18.': <plug>\: '
-exe s:pA18.'; <plug>\; '
-exe s:pA18.'[space] <plug>\ '
-exe s:pA18.'quad <plug>\quad '
-exe s:pA18.'qquad <plug>\qquad '
-exe s:pA18.'! <plug>\! '
-exe s:pA18.'thinspace <plug>\thinspace '
-exe s:pA18.'medspace <plug>\medspace '
-exe s:pA18.'thickspace <plug>\thickspace '
-exe s:pA18.'negthinspace <plug>\negthinspace '
-exe s:pA18.'negmedspace <plug>\negmedspace '
-exe s:pA18.'negthickspace <plug>\negthickspace '
-" 1}}}
-" vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/multicompile.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/multicompile.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index f5598cc..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/multicompile.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-" ============================================================================
-" File: multicompile.vim
-" Author: Srinath Avadhanula
-" Created: Sat Jul 05 03:00 PM 2003
-" Description: compile a .tex file multiple times to get cross references
-" right.
-" License: Vim Charityware License
-" Part of vim-latexSuite: http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net
-" CVS: $Id: multicompile.vim 997 2006-03-20 09:45:45Z srinathava $
-" ============================================================================
-" The contents of this file have been moved to compiler.vim, the file which
-" contains all functions relevant to compiling and viewing.
-" This file is kept empty on purpose so that it will over-write previous
-" versions of multicompile.vim, therby preventing conflicts.
-" vim:fdm=marker:nowrap:noet:ff=unix:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/outline.py b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/outline.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 7bb6896..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/outline.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-# Part of Latex-Suite
-# Copyright: Srinath Avadhanula
-# Description:
-# This file implements a simple outline creation for latex documents.
-import re
-import os
-import sys
-import StringIO
-# getFileContents {{{
-def getFileContents(argin, ext=''):
- if type(argin) is str:
- fname = argin + ext
- else:
- fname = argin.group(3) + ext
- # This longish thing is to make sure that all files are converted into
- # \n seperated lines.
- contents = '\n'.join(open(fname).read().splitlines())
- # TODO what are all the ways in which a tex file can include another?
- pat = re.compile(r'^\\(@?)(include|input){(.*?)}', re.M)
- contents = re.sub(pat, lambda input: getFileContents(input, ext), contents)
- return ('%%==== FILENAME: %s' % fname) + '\n' + contents
-# }}}
-# stripComments {{{
-def stripComments(contents):
- # remove all comments except those of the form
- # %%==== FILENAME: <filename.tex>
- uncomm = [re.sub('%(?!==== FILENAME: ).*', '', line) for line in contents.splitlines()]
- # also remove all only-whitespace lines.
- nonempty = [line for line in uncomm if line.strip()]
- return nonempty
-# }}}
-# addFileNameAndNumber {{{
-def addFileNameAndNumber(lines):
- filename = ''
- retval = ''
- for line in lines:
- if re.match('%==== FILENAME: ', line):
- filename = line.split('%==== FILENAME: ')[1]
- else:
- retval += '<%s>%s\n' % (filename, line)
- return retval
-# }}}
-# getSectionLabels_Root {{{
-def getSectionLabels_Root(lineinfo, section_prefix, label_prefix):
- prev_txt = ''
- inside_env = 0
- prev_env = ''
- outstr = StringIO.StringIO('')
- pres_depth = len(section_prefix)
- #print '+getSectionLabels_Root: lineinfo = [%s]' % lineinfo
- for line in lineinfo.splitlines():
- if not line:
- continue
- # throw away leading white-space
- m = re.search('<(.*?)>(.*)', line)
- fname = m.group(1)
- line = m.group(2).lstrip()
- # we found a label!
- m = re.search(r'\\label{(%s.*?)}' % label_prefix, line)
- if m:
- # add the current line (except the \label command) to the text
- # which will be displayed below this label
- prev_txt += re.search(r'(^.*?)\\label{', line).group(1)
- # for the figure environment however, just display the caption.
- # instead of everything since the \begin command.
- if prev_env == 'figure':
- cm = re.search(r'\caption(\[.*?\]\s*)?{(.*?)}', prev_txt)
- if cm:
- prev_txt = cm.group(2)
- # print a nice formatted text entry like so
- #
- # > eqn:label
- # : e^{i\pi} + 1 = 0
- #
- # Use the current "section depth" for the leading indentation.
- print >>outstr, '>%s%s\t\t<%s>' % (' '*(2*pres_depth+2),
- m.group(1), fname)
- print >>outstr, ':%s%s' % (' '*(2*pres_depth+4), prev_txt)
- prev_txt = ''
- # If we just encoutered the start or end of an environment or a
- # label, then do not remember this line.
- # NOTE: This assumes that there is no equation text on the same
- # line as the \begin or \end command. The text on the same line as
- # the \label was already handled.
- if re.search(r'\\begin{(equation|eqnarray|align|figure)', line):
- prev_txt = ''
- prev_env = re.search(r'\\begin{(.*?)}', line).group(1)
- inside_env = 1
- elif re.search(r'\\label', line):
- prev_txt = ''
- elif re.search(r'\\end{(equation|eqnarray|align|figure)', line):
- inside_env = 0
- prev_env = ''
- else:
- # If we are inside an environment, then the text displayed with
- # the label is the complete text within the environment,
- # otherwise its just the previous line.
- if inside_env:
- prev_txt += line
- else:
- prev_txt = line
- return outstr.getvalue()
-# }}}
-# getSectionLabels {{{
-def getSectionLabels(lineinfo,
- sectypes=['chapter', 'section', 'subsection', 'subsubsection'],
- section_prefix='', label_prefix=''):
- if not sectypes:
- return getSectionLabels_Root(lineinfo, section_prefix, label_prefix)
- ##print 'sectypes[0] = %s, section_prefix = [%s], lineinfo = [%s]' % (
- ## sectypes[0], section_prefix, lineinfo)
- sections = re.split(r'(<.*?>\\%s{.*})' % sectypes[0], lineinfo)
- # there will 1+2n sections, the first containing the "preamble" and the
- # others containing the child sections as paris of [section_name,
- # section_text]
- rettext = getSectionLabels(sections[0], sectypes[1:], section_prefix, label_prefix)
- for i in range(1,len(sections),2):
- sec_num = (i+1)/2
- section_name = re.search(r'\\%s{(.*?)}' % sectypes[0], sections[i]).group(1)
- section_label_text = getSectionLabels(sections[i] + sections[i+1], sectypes[1:],
- section_prefix+('%d.' % sec_num), label_prefix)
- if section_label_text:
- sec_heading = 2*' '*len(section_prefix) + section_prefix
- sec_heading += '%d. %s' % (sec_num, section_name)
- sec_heading += '<<<%d\n' % (len(section_prefix)/2+1)
- rettext += sec_heading + section_label_text
- return rettext
-# }}}
-# main {{{
-def main(fname, label_prefix):
- [head, tail] = os.path.split(fname)
- if head:
- os.chdir(head)
- [root, ext] = os.path.splitext(tail)
- contents = getFileContents(root, ext)
- nonempty = stripComments(contents)
- lineinfo = addFileNameAndNumber(nonempty)
- return getSectionLabels(lineinfo, label_prefix=label_prefix)
-# }}}
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- if len(sys.argv) > 2:
- prefix = sys.argv[2]
- else:
- prefix = ''
- print main(sys.argv[1], prefix)
-# vim: fdm=marker
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/outline.pyc b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/outline.pyc
deleted file mode 100644
index 8049cdc..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/outline.pyc
+++ /dev/null
Binary files differ
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index c3bf2b1..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,669 +0,0 @@
-" File: packages.vim
-" Author: Mikolaj Machowski
-" Created: Tue Apr 23 06:00 PM 2002 PST
-" CVS: $Id: packages.vim 997 2006-03-20 09:45:45Z srinathava $
-" Description: handling packages from within vim
-" avoid reinclusion.
-if !g:Tex_PackagesMenu || exists('s:doneOnce')
- finish
-let s:doneOnce = 1
-let s:path = expand("<sfile>:p:h")
-let s:menu_div = 20
-com! -nargs=0 TPackageUpdate :silent! call Tex_pack_updateall(1)
-com! -nargs=0 TPackageUpdateAll :silent! call Tex_pack_updateall(1)
-" Custom command-line completion of Tcommands is very useful but this feature
-" is available only in Vim 6.2 and above. Check number of version and choose
-" proper command and function.
-if v:version >= 602
- com! -complete=custom,Tex_CompletePackageName -nargs=* TPackage let s:retVal = Tex_pack_one(<f-args>) <bar> normal! i<C-r>=s:retVal<CR>
- " Tex_CompletePackageName: for completing names in TPackage command {{{
- " Description: get list of package names with globpath(), remove full path
- " and return list of names separated with newlines.
- "
- function! Tex_CompletePackageName(A,P,L)
- " Get name of packages from all runtimepath directories
- let packnames = Tex_FindInRtp('', 'packages')
- let packnames = substitute(packnames, '^,', '', 'e')
- " Separate names with \n not ,
- let packnames = substitute(packnames,',','\n','g')
- return packnames
- endfunction
- " }}}
- com! -nargs=* TPackage let s:retVal = Tex_pack_one(<f-args>) <bar> normal! i<C-r>=s:retVal<CR>
-imap <silent> <plug> <Nop>
-nmap <silent> <plug> i
-let g:Tex_package_supported = ''
-let g:Tex_package_detected = ''
-" Remember the defaults because we want g:Tex_PromptedEnvironments to contain
-" in addition to the default, \newenvironments, and the \newenvironments might
-" change...
-let g:Tex_PromptedEnvironmentsDefault = g:Tex_PromptedEnvironments
-let g:Tex_PromptedCommandsDefault = g:Tex_PromptedCommands
-" Tex_pack_check: creates the package menu and adds to 'dict' setting. {{{
-function! Tex_pack_check(package)
- " Use Tex_FindInRtp() function to get first name from packages list in all
- " rtp directories conforming with latex-suite directories hierarchy
- " Store names in variables to process functions only once.
- let packname = Tex_FindInRtp(a:package, 'packages')
- if packname != ''
- exe 'runtime! ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/' . a:package
- if has("gui_running")
- call Tex_pack(a:package)
- endif
- if g:Tex_package_supported !~ a:package
- let g:Tex_package_supported = g:Tex_package_supported.','.a:package
- endif
- endif
- " Return full list of dictionaries (separated with ,) for package in &rtp
- call Tex_Debug("Tex_pack_check: searching for ".a:package." in dictionaries/ in &rtp", "pack")
- let dictname = Tex_FindInRtp(a:package, 'dictionaries', ':p')
- if dictname != ''
- exe 'setlocal dict^=' . dictname
- call Tex_Debug('Tex_pack_check: setlocal dict^=' . dictname, 'pack')
- if g:Tex_package_supported !~ a:package
- let g:Tex_package_supported = g:Tex_package_supported.','.a:package
- endif
- endif
- if g:Tex_package_detected !~ '\<'.a:package.'\>'
- let g:Tex_package_detected = g:Tex_package_detected.','.a:package
- endif
- let g:Tex_package_detected = substitute(g:Tex_package_detected, '^,', '', '')
- let g:Tex_package_supported = substitute(g:Tex_package_supported, '^,', '', '')
-" }}}
-" Tex_pack_uncheck: removes package from menu and 'dict' settings. {{{
-function! Tex_pack_uncheck(package)
- if has("gui_running") && Tex_FindInRtp(a:package, 'packages') != ''
- exe 'silent! aunmenu '.g:Tex_PackagesMenuLocation.'-sep'.a:package.'-'
- exe 'silent! aunmenu '.g:Tex_PackagesMenuLocation.a:package.'\ Options'
- exe 'silent! aunmenu '.g:Tex_PackagesMenuLocation.a:package.'\ Commands'
- endif
- if Tex_FindInRtp(a:package, 'dictionaries') != ''
- exe 'setlocal dict-='.Tex_FindInRtp(a:package, 'dictionaries')
- endif
-" }}}
-" Tex_pack_updateall: updates the TeX-Packages menu {{{
-" Description:
-" This function first calls Tex_pack_all to scan for \usepackage's etc if
-" necessary. After that, it 'supports' and 'unsupports' packages as needed
-" in such a way as to not repeat work.
-function! Tex_pack_updateall(force)
- call Tex_Debug('+Tex_pack_updateall', 'pack')
- " Find out which file we need to scan.
- let fname = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p')
- " If this is the same as last time, don't repeat.
- if !a:force && exists('s:lastScannedFile') &&
- \ s:lastScannedFile == fname
- return
- endif
- " Remember which file we scanned for next time.
- let s:lastScannedFile = fname
- " Remember which packages we detected last time.
- if exists('g:Tex_package_detected')
- let oldpackages = g:Tex_package_detected
- else
- let oldpackages = ''
- endif
- " This sets up a global variable of all detected packages.
- let g:Tex_package_detected = ''
- " reset the environments and commands.
- let g:Tex_PromptedEnvironments = g:Tex_PromptedEnvironmentsDefault
- let g:Tex_PromptedCommands = g:Tex_PromptedCommandsDefault
- if expand('%:p') != fname
- call Tex_Debug(':Tex_pack_updateall: sview '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(fname), 'pack')
- exe 'sview '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(fname)
- else
- call Tex_Debug(':Tex_pack_updateall: split', 'pack')
- split
- endif
- call Tex_ScanForPackages()
- q
- call Tex_Debug(':Tex_pack_updateall: detected ['.g:Tex_package_detected.'] in first run', 'pack')
- " Now for each package find out if this is a custom package and if so,
- " scan that as well. We will use the ':find' command in vim to let vim
- " search through the file paths for us.
- "
- " NOTE: This while loop will also take into account packages included
- " within packages to any level of recursion as long as
- " g:Tex_package_detected is always padded with new package names
- " from the end.
- "
- " First set the &path setting to the user's TEXINPUTS setting.
- let _path = &path
- let _suffixesadd = &suffixesadd
- let &path = '.,'.g:Tex_TEXINPUTS
- let &suffixesadd = '.sty,.tex'
- let scannedPackages = ''
- let i = 1
- let packname = Tex_Strntok(g:Tex_package_detected, ',', i)
- while packname != ''
- call Tex_Debug(':Tex_pack_updateall: scanning package '.packname, 'pack')
- " Scan this package only if we have not scanned it before in this
- " run.
- if scannedPackages =~ '\<'.packname.'\>'
- let i = i + 1
- call Tex_Debug(':Tex_pack_updateall: '.packname.' already scanned', 'pack')
- let packname = Tex_Strntok(g:Tex_package_detected, ',', i)
- continue
- endif
- " Split this window in two. The packages/files being found will open
- " in this new window and we also need not bother with files being
- " modified etc.
- split
- call Tex_Debug(':Tex_pack_updateall: silent! find '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(packname).'.sty', 'pack')
- let thisbufnum = bufnr('%')
- exec 'silent! find '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(packname).'.sty'
- call Tex_Debug(':Tex_pack_updateall: present file = '.bufname('%'), 'pack')
- " If this file was not found, assume that it means its not a
- " custom package and mark it "scanned".
- " A package is not found if we stay in the same buffer as before and
- " its not the one where we want to go.
- if bufnr('%') == thisbufnum && bufnr('%') != bufnr(packname.'.sty')
- let scannedPackages = scannedPackages.','.packname
- q
- call Tex_Debug(':Tex_pack_updateall: '.packname.' not found anywhere', 'pack')
- let i = i + 1
- let packname = Tex_Strntok(g:Tex_package_detected, ',', i)
- continue
- endif
- " otherwise we are presently editing a custom package, scan it for
- " more \usepackage lines from the first line to the last.
- let packpath = expand('%:p')
- let &complete = &complete.'s'.packpath
- call Tex_Debug(':Tex_pack_updateall: found custom package '.packpath, 'pack')
- call Tex_ScanForPackages(line('$'), line('$'))
- call Tex_Debug(':Tex_pack_updateall: After scanning, g:Tex_package_detected = '.g:Tex_package_detected, 'pack')
- let scannedPackages = scannedPackages.','.packname
- " Do not use bwipe, but that leads to excessive buffer number
- " consumption. Besides, its intuitive for a custom package to remain
- " on the buffer list.
- q
- let i = i + 1
- let packname = Tex_Strntok(g:Tex_package_detected, ',', i)
- endwhile
- let &path = _path
- let &suffixesadd = _suffixesadd
- " Now only support packages we didn't last time.
- " First remove packages which were used last time but are no longer used.
- let i = 1
- let oldPackName = Tex_Strntok(oldpackages, ',', i)
- while oldPackName != ''
- if g:Tex_package_detected !~ oldPackName
- call Tex_pack_uncheck(oldPackName)
- endif
- let i = i + 1
- let oldPackName = Tex_Strntok(oldpackages, ',', i)
- endwhile
- " Then support packages which are used this time but weren't used last
- " time.
- let i = 1
- let newPackName = Tex_Strntok(g:Tex_package_detected, ',', i)
- while newPackName != ''
- if oldpackages !~ newPackName
- call Tex_pack_one(newPackName)
- endif
- let i = i + 1
- let newPackName = Tex_Strntok(g:Tex_package_detected, ',', i)
- endwhile
- " Throw an event that we are done scanning packages. Some packages might
- " use this to change behavior based on which options have been used etc.
- call Tex_Debug(":Tex_pack_updateall: throwing LatexSuiteScannedPackages event", "pack")
- silent! do LatexSuite User LatexSuiteScannedPackages
- call Tex_Debug("-Tex_pack_updateall", "pack")
-" }}}
-" Tex_pack_one: supports each package in the argument list.{{{
-" Description:
-" If no arguments are supplied, then the user is asked to choose from the
-" packages found in the packages/ directory
-function! Tex_pack_one(...)
- if a:0 == 0 || (a:0 > 0 && a:1 == '')
- let packlist = Tex_FindInRtp('', 'packages')
- let packname = Tex_ChooseFromPrompt(
- \ "Choose a package: \n" .
- \ Tex_CreatePrompt(packlist, '3', ',') .
- \ "\nEnter number or filename :",
- \ packlist, ',')
- if packname != ''
- return Tex_pack_one(packname)
- else
- return ''
- endif
- else
- " Support the packages supplied. This function can be called with
- " multiple arguments in which case, support each of them in turn.
- let retVal = ''
- let omega = 1
- while omega <= a:0
- let packname = a:{omega}
- if Tex_FindInRtp(packname, 'packages') != ''
- call Tex_pack_check(packname)
- if exists('g:TeX_package_option_'.packname)
- \ && g:TeX_package_option_{packname} != ''
- let retVal = retVal.'\usepackage[<++>]{'.packname.'}<++>'
- else
- let retVal = retVal.'\usepackage{'.packname.'}'."\<CR>"
- endif
- else
- let retVal = retVal.'\usepackage{'.packname.'}'."\<CR>"
- endif
- let omega = omega + 1
- endwhile
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(substitute(retVal, "\<CR>$", '', ''), '<+', '+>')
- endif
-" }}}
-" Tex_ScanForPackages: scans the current file for \usepackage{} lines {{{
-" and if supported, loads the options and commands found in the
-" corresponding package file. Also scans for \newenvironment and
-" \newcommand lines and adds names to g:Tex_Prompted variables, they can be
-" easy available through <F5> and <F7> shortcuts
-function! Tex_ScanForPackages(...)
- call Tex_Debug("+Tex_ScanForPackages", "pack")
- let pos = line('.').' | normal! '.virtcol('.').'|'
- " For package files without \begin and \end{document}, we might be told to
- " search from beginning to end.
- if a:0 < 2
- 0
- let beginline = search('\\begin{document}', 'W')
- let endline = search('\\end{document}', 'W')
- 0
- else
- let beginline = a:1
- let endline = a:2
- endif
- call Tex_Debug(":Tex_ScanForPackages: Begining scans in [".bufname('%')."], beginline = ".beginline, "pack")
- " Scan the file. First open up all the folds, because the command
- " /somepattern
- " issued in a closed fold _always_ goes to the first match.
- let erm = v:errmsg
- silent! normal! ggVGzO
- let v:errmsg = erm
- call Tex_Debug(":Tex_ScanForPackages: beginning scan for \\usepackage lines", "pack")
- " The wrap trick enables us to match \usepackage on the first line as
- " well.
- let wrap = 'w'
- while search('^\s*\\usepackage\_.\{-}{\_.\+}', wrap)
- let wrap = 'W'
- if line('.') > beginline
- break
- endif
- let saveA = @a
- " If there are options, then find those.
- if getline('.') =~ '\\usepackage\[.\{-}\]'
- let options = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\usepackage\[\zs.\{-}\ze\]')
- elseif getline('.') =~ '\\usepackage\['
- " Entering here means that the user has split the \usepackage
- " across newlines. Therefore, use yank.
- exec "normal! /{\<CR>\"ayi}"
- let options = @a
- else
- let options = ''
- endif
- " The following statement puts the stuff between the { }'s of a
- " \usepackage{stuff,foo} into @a. Do not use matchstr() and the like
- " because we can have things split across lines and such.
- exec "normal! /{\<CR>\"ay/}\<CR>"
- " now remove all whitespace from @a. We need to remove \n and \r
- " because we can encounter stuff like
- " \usepackage{pack1,
- " newpackonanotherline}
- let @a = substitute(@a, "[ \t\n\r]", '', 'g')
- " Now we have something like pack1,pack2,pack3 with possibly commas
- " and stuff before the first package and after the last package name.
- " Remove those.
- let @a = substitute(@a, '\(^\W*\|\W*$\)', '', 'g')
- " This gets us a string like 'pack1,pack2,pack3'
- " TODO: This will contain duplicates if the user has duplicates.
- " Should we bother taking care of this?
- let g:Tex_package_detected = g:Tex_package_detected.','.@a
- " For each package found, form a global variable of the form
- " g:Tex_{packagename}_options
- " which contains a list of the options.
- let j = 1
- while Tex_Strntok(@a, ',', j) != ''
- let g:Tex_{Tex_Strntok(@a, ',', j)}_options = options
- let j = j + 1
- endwhile
- " Finally convert @a into something like '"pack1","pack2"'
- let @a = substitute(@a, '^\|$', '"', 'g')
- let @a = substitute(@a, ',', '","', 'g')
- call Tex_Debug(":Tex_ScanForPackages: found package(s) [".@a."] on line ".line('.'), "pack")
- " restore @a
- let @a = saveA
- endwhile
- call Tex_Debug(":Tex_ScanForPackages: End scan \\usepackage, detected packages = ".g:Tex_package_detected, "pack")
- " TODO: This needs to be changed. In the future, we might have
- " functionality to remember the fold-state before opening up all the folds
- " and then re-creating them. Use mkview.vim.
- let erm = v:errmsg
- silent! normal! ggVGzC
- let v:errmsg = erm
- " Because creating list of detected packages gives string
- " ',pack1,pack2,pack3' remove leading ,
- let g:Tex_package_detected = substitute(g:Tex_package_detected, '^,', '', '')
- call Tex_Debug(":Tex_ScanForPackages: Beginning scan for \\newcommand's", "pack")
- " Scans whole file (up to \end{document}) for \newcommand and adds this
- " commands to g:Tex_PromptedCommands variable, it is easily available
- " through <F7>
- 0
- while search('^\s*\\newcommand\*\?{.\{-}}', 'W')
- if line('.') > endline
- break
- endif
- let newcommand = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\newcommand\*\?{\\\zs.\{-}\ze}')
- let g:Tex_PromptedCommands = g:Tex_PromptedCommands . ',' . newcommand
- endwhile
- " Scans whole file (up to \end{document}) for \newenvironment and adds this
- " environments to g:Tex_PromptedEnvironments variable, it is easily available
- " through <F5>
- 0
- call Tex_Debug(":Tex_ScanForPackages: Beginning scan for \\newenvironment's", 'pack')
- while search('^\s*\\newenvironment\*\?{.\{-}}', 'W')
- call Tex_Debug('found newenvironment on '.line('.'), 'pack')
- if line('.') > endline
- break
- endif
- let newenvironment = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\newenvironment\*\?{\zs.\{-}\ze}')
- let g:Tex_PromptedEnvironments = g:Tex_PromptedEnvironments . ',' . newenvironment
- endwhile
- exe pos
- " first make a random search so that we push at least one item onto the
- " search history. Since vim puts only one item in the history per function
- " call, this way we make sure that one and only item is put into the
- " search history.
- normal! /^<CR>
- " now delete it...
- call histdel('/', -1)
- call Tex_Debug("-Tex_ScanForPackages", "pack")
-" }}}
-" Tex_pack_supp_menu: sets up a menu for package files {{{
-" found in the packages directory groups the packages thus found into groups
-" of 20...
-function! Tex_pack_supp_menu()
- let suplist = Tex_FindInRtp('', 'packages')
- call Tex_MakeSubmenu(suplist, g:Tex_PackagesMenuLocation.'Supported.',
- \ '<plug><C-r>=Tex_pack_one("', '")<CR>')
-" }}}
-" Tex_pack: loads the options (and commands) for the given package {{{
-function! Tex_pack(pack)
- if exists('g:TeX_package_'.a:pack)
- let optionList = g:TeX_package_option_{a:pack}.','
- let commandList = g:TeX_package_{a:pack}.','
- " Don't create separator if in package file are only Vim commands.
- " Rare but possible.
- if !(commandList == ',' && optionList == ',')
- exec 'amenu '.g:Tex_PackagesMenuLocation.'-sep'.a:pack.'- <Nop>'
- endif
- if optionList != ''
- let mainMenuName = g:Tex_PackagesMenuLocation.a:pack.'\ Options.'
- call s:GroupPackageMenuItems(optionList, mainMenuName,
- \ '<plug><C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement("', ',")<CR>')
- endif
- if commandList != ''
- let mainMenuName = g:Tex_PackagesMenuLocation.a:pack.'\ Commands.'
- call s:GroupPackageMenuItems(commandList, mainMenuName,
- \ '<plug><C-r>=Tex_ProcessPackageCommand("', '")<CR>',
- \ '<SID>FilterPackageMenuLHS')
- endif
- endif
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Menu Functions
-" Creating menu items for the all the package files found in the packages/
-" directory as well as creating menus for each supported package found in the
-" preamble.
-" ==============================================================================
-" Tex_MakeSubmenu: makes a submenu given a list of items {{{
-" Description:
-" This function takes a comma seperated list of menu items and creates a
-" 'grouped' menu. i.e, it groups the items into s:menu_div items each and
-" puts them in submenus of the given mainMenu.
-" Each menu item is linked to the HandlerFunc.
-" If an additional argument is supplied, then it is used to filter each of
-" the menu items to generate better names for the menu display.
-function! Tex_MakeSubmenu(menuList, mainMenuName,
- \ handlerFuncLHS, handlerFuncRHS, ...)
- let extractFunction = (a:0 > 0 ? a:1 : '' )
- let menuList = substitute(a:menuList, '[^,]$', ',', '')
- let doneMenuSubmenu = 0
- while menuList != ''
- " Extract upto s:menu_div menus at once.
- let menuBunch = matchstr(menuList, '\v(.{-},){,'.s:menu_div.'}')
- " The remaining menus go into the list.
- let menuList = strpart(menuList, strlen(menuBunch))
- let submenu = ''
- " If there is something remaining, then we got s:menu_div items.
- " therefore put these menu items into a submenu.
- if strlen(menuList) || doneMenuSubmenu
- exec 'let firstMenu = '.extractFunction."(matchstr(menuBunch, '\\v^.{-}\\ze,'))"
- exec 'let lastMenu = '.extractFunction."(matchstr(menuBunch, '\\v[^,]{-}\\ze,$'))"
- let submenu = firstMenu.'\ \-\ '.lastMenu.'.'
- let doneMenuSubmenu = 1
- endif
- " Now for each menu create a menu under the submenu
- let i = 1
- let menuName = Tex_Strntok(menuBunch, ',', i)
- while menuName != ''
- exec 'let menuItem = '.extractFunction.'(menuName)'
- execute 'amenu '.a:mainMenuName.submenu.menuItem
- \ ' '.a:handlerFuncLHS.menuName.a:handlerFuncRHS
- let i = i + 1
- let menuName = Tex_Strntok(menuBunch, ',', i)
- endwhile
- endwhile
-" }}}
-" GroupPackageMenuItems: uses the sbr: to split menus into groups {{{
-" Description:
-" This function first splits up the menuList into groups based on the
-" special sbr: tag and then calls Tex_MakeSubmenu
-function! <SID>GroupPackageMenuItems(menuList, menuName,
- \ handlerFuncLHS, handlerFuncRHS,...)
- if a:0 > 0
- let extractFunction = a:1
- else
- let extractFunction = ''
- endif
- let menuList = a:menuList
- while matchstr(menuList, 'sbr:') != ''
- let groupName = matchstr(menuList, '\v^sbr:\zs.{-}\ze,')
- let menuList = strpart(menuList, strlen('sbr:'.groupName.','))
- if matchstr(menuList, 'sbr:') != ''
- let menuGroup = matchstr(menuList, '\v^.{-},\zesbr:')
- else
- let menuGroup = menuList
- endif
- call Tex_MakeSubmenu(menuGroup, a:menuName.groupName.'.',
- \ a:handlerFuncLHS, a:handlerFuncRHS, extractFunction)
- let menuList = strpart(menuList, strlen(menuGroup))
- endwhile
- call Tex_MakeSubmenu(menuList, a:menuName,
- \ a:handlerFuncLHS, a:handlerFuncRHS, extractFunction)
-endfunction " }}}
-" Definition of what to do for various package commands {{{
-let s:CommandSpec_bra = '\<+replace+>{<++>}<++>'
-let s:CommandSpec_brs = '\<+replace+><++>'
-let s:CommandSpec_brd = '\<+replace+>{<++>}{<++>}<++>'
-let s:CommandSpec_env = '\begin{<+replace+>}'."\<CR><++>\<CR>".'\end{<+replace+>}<++>'
-let s:CommandSpec_ens = '\begin{<+replace+>}<+extra+>'."\<CR><++>\<CR>".'\end{<+replace+>}<++>'
-let s:CommandSpec_eno = '\begin[<++>]{<+replace+>}'."\<CR><++>\<CR>".'\end{<+replace+>}'
-let s:CommandSpec_nor = '\<+replace+>'
-let s:CommandSpec_noo = '\<+replace+>[<++>]'
-let s:CommandSpec_nob = '\<+replace+>[<++>]{<++>}{<++>}<++>'
-let s:CommandSpec_spe = '<+replace+>'
-let s:CommandSpec_ = '\<+replace+>'
-let s:MenuLHS_bra = '\\&<+replace+>{}'
-let s:MenuLHS_brs = '\\&<+replace+>{}'
-let s:MenuLHS_brd = '\\&<+replace+>{}{}'
-let s:MenuLHS_env = '&<+replace+>\ (E)'
-let s:MenuLHS_ens = '&<+replace+>\ (E)'
-let s:MenuLHS_eno = '&<+replace+>\ (E)'
-let s:MenuLHS_nor = '\\&<+replace+>'
-let s:MenuLHS_noo = '\\&<+replace+>[]'
-let s:MenuLHS_nob = '\\&<+replace+>[]{}{}'
-let s:MenuLHS_spe = '&<+replace+>'
-let s:MenuLHS_sep = '-sep<+replace+>-'
-let s:MenuLHS_ = '\\&<+replace+>'
-" }}}
-" Tex_ProcessPackageCommand: processes a command from the package menu {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_ProcessPackageCommand(command)
- if a:command =~ ':'
- let commandType = matchstr(a:command, '^\w\+\ze:')
- let commandName = matchstr(a:command, '^\w\+:\zs[^:]\+\ze:\?')
- let extrapart = strpart(a:command, strlen(commandType.':'.commandName.':'))
- else
- let commandType = ''
- let commandName = a:command
- let extrapart = ''
- endif
- let command = s:CommandSpec_{commandType}
- let command = substitute(command, '<+replace+>', commandName, 'g')
- let command = substitute(command, '<+extra+>', extrapart, 'g')
- return IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(command)
-" }}}
-" FilterPackageMenuLHS: filters the command description to provide a better menu item {{{
-" Description:
-function! <SID>FilterPackageMenuLHS(command)
- let commandType = matchstr(a:command, '^\w\+\ze:')
- if commandType != ''
- let commandName = strpart(a:command, strlen(commandType.':'))
- else
- let commandName = a:command
- endif
- return substitute(s:MenuLHS_{commandType}, '<+replace+>', commandName, 'g')
-endfunction " }}}
-if g:Tex_Menus
- exe 'amenu '.g:Tex_PackagesMenuLocation.'&UpdatePackage :call Tex_pack(expand("<cword>"))<cr>'
- exe 'amenu '.g:Tex_PackagesMenuLocation.'&UpdateAll :call Tex_pack_updateall(1)<cr>'
- call Tex_pack_supp_menu()
-augroup LatexSuite
- au LatexSuite User LatexSuiteFileType
- \ call Tex_Debug('packages.vim: Catching LatexSuiteFileType event', 'pack') |
- \ call Tex_pack_updateall(0)
-augroup END
-" vim:fdm=marker:ts=4:sw=4:noet:ff=unix
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/SIunits b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/SIunits
deleted file mode 100644
index ba110fa..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/SIunits
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,315 +0,0 @@
-if exists("SIunits_package_file")
- finish
-let SIunits_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_SIunits =
-let g:TeX_package_option_SIunits =
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/accents b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/accents
deleted file mode 100644
index 706d95e..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/accents
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-if exists("accents_package_file")
- finish
-let accents_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_accents =
-\ 'nonscript,'
-let g:TeX_package_accents =
-\ 'bra:grave,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/acromake b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/acromake
deleted file mode 100644
index 2130f61..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/acromake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-if exists("acromake_package_file")
- finish
-let acromake_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_acromake = ''
-let g:TeX_package_acromake = 'brs:acromake{<++>}{<++>}{<++>}'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/afterpage b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/afterpage
deleted file mode 100644
index 5087321..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/afterpage
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-if exists("afterpage_package_file")
- finish
-let afterpage_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_afterpage = ''
-let g:TeX_package_afterpage = 'bra:afterpage'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/alltt b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/alltt
deleted file mode 100644
index c30b684..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/alltt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-if exists("alltt_package_file")
- finish
-let alltt_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_alltt = ''
-let g:TeX_package_alltt = 'env:alltt'
-syn region texZone start="\\begin{alltt}" end="\\end{alltt}\|%stopzone\>" fold
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/amsmath b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/amsmath
deleted file mode 100644
index fd7dcda..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/amsmath
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
-if exists("amsmath_package_file")
- finish
-let amsmath_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_amsmath =
-\ 'centertags,'
-let g:TeX_package_amsmath =
-\ 'sbr:Environments,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/amsthm b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/amsthm
deleted file mode 100644
index 6bae018..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/amsthm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-if exists("amsthm_package_file")
- finish
-let amsthm_package_file = 1
-let TeX_package_option_amsthm = ''
-let TeX_package_amsthm =
-\ 'env:proof,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/amsxtra b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/amsxtra
deleted file mode 100644
index 3875cc3..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/amsxtra
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-if exists("amsxtra_package_file")
- finish
-let amsxtra_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_amsxtra = ''
-let g:TeX_package_amsxtra =
-\ 'nor:sphat,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/arabic b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/arabic
deleted file mode 100644
index 46f8314..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/arabic
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-if exists("arabic_package_file")
- finish
-let arabic_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_arabic = ''
-let g:TeX_package_arabic = 'bra:arabicnumeral'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/array b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/array
deleted file mode 100644
index 99f3dbc..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/array
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-if exists("array_package_file")
- finish
-let array_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_array = ''
-let g:TeX_package_array =
-\ 'brs:newcolumntype{<+type+>}[<+no+>]{<+preamble+>},'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/babel b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/babel
deleted file mode 100644
index cdb76ec..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/babel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-if exists("babel_package_file")
- finish
-let babel_package_file = 1
-" This package sets some language specific options.
-" Since it needs to find out which options the user used with the babel
-" package, it needs to wait till latex-suite is done scanning packages. It
-" then catches the LatexSuiteScannedPackages event which
-" Tex_pack_updateall() throws at which time g:Tex_pack_detected and
-" g:Tex_babel_options contain the necessary information.
-let g:TeX_package_option_babel =
-\ 'afrikaans,'
-let g:TeX_package_babel =
-\ 'bra:selectlanguage,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
-if exists('s:doneOnce')
- finish
-let s:doneOnce = 1
-augroup LatexSuite
- au LatexSuite User LatexSuiteScannedPackages
- \ call Tex_Debug('babel: catching LatexSuiteScannedPackages event') |
- \ call s:SetQuotes()
-augroup END
-let s:path = expand('<sfile>:p:h')
-" SetQuotes: sets quotes for various languages {{{
-" Description:
-function! <SID>SetQuotes()
- if g:Tex_package_detected =~ '\<babel\>'
- if g:Tex_babel_options =~ '\<german\>'
- exec 'so '.s:path.'/german'
- elseif g:Tex_babel_options =~ '\<ngerman\>'
- exec 'so '.s:path.'/ngerman'
- endif
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/bar b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/bar
deleted file mode 100644
index 0087b95..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/bar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-if exists("bar_package_file")
- finish
-let bar_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_bar = ''
-let g:TeX_package_bar =
-\ 'env:barenv,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/bm b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/bm
deleted file mode 100644
index 1cd5109..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/bm
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-if exists("bm_package_file")
- finish
-let bm_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_bm = ''
-let g:TeX_package_bm = 'bra:bm'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/bophook b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/bophook
deleted file mode 100644
index 16ca8b0..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/bophook
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-if exists("bophook_package_file")
- finish
-let bophook_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_bophook = ''
-let g:TeX_package_bophook =
-\ 'bra:AtBeginPage,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/boxedminipage b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/boxedminipage
deleted file mode 100644
index 0917352..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/boxedminipage
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-if exists("boxedminipage_package_file")
- finish
-let boxedminipage_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_boxedminipage = ''
-let g:TeX_package_boxedminipage = 'ens:boxedminipage:[<+pos+>]{<+size+>}'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/caption2 b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/caption2
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e16031..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/caption2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-if exists("caption2_package_file")
- finish
-let caption2_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_caption2 =
-\ 'scriptsize,'
-let g:TeX_package_caption2 =
-\ 'bra:captionsize,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/cases b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/cases
deleted file mode 100644
index a2deafe..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/cases
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-if exists("cases_package_file")
- finish
-let cases_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_cases = ''
-let g:TeX_package_cases =
-\ 'ens:numcases:{<+label+>},'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/ccaption b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/ccaption
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ec3f2f..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/ccaption
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-if exists("ccaption_package_file")
- finish
-let ccaption_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_ccaption = ''
-let g:TeX_package_ccaption =
-\ 'bra:contcaption,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/changebar b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/changebar
deleted file mode 100644
index e5002cf..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/changebar
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-if exists("changebar_package_file")
- finish
-let changebar_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_changebar =
-\ 'DVItoLN03,'
-let g:TeX_package_changebar =
-\ 'ens:changebar:[<+thickness+>],'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/chapterbib b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/chapterbib
deleted file mode 100644
index 331e901..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/chapterbib
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-if exists("chapterbib_package_file")
- finish
-let chapterbib_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_chapterbib =
-\ 'sectionbib,'
-let g:TeX_package_chapterbib =
-\ 'env:cbunit,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/cite b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/cite
deleted file mode 100644
index aa43e5b..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/cite
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-if exists("cite_package_file")
- finish
-let cite_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_cite =
-\ 'verbose,'
-let g:TeX_package_cite =
-\ 'bra:cite,'
-syn region texRefZone matchgroup=texStatement start="\\citen\([tp]\*\=\)\={" keepend end="}\|%stopzone\>" contains=texComment,texDelimiter
-syn region texRefZone matchgroup=texStatement start="\\citenum\([tp]\*\=\)\={" keepend end="}\|%stopzone\>" contains=texComment,texDelimiter
-syn region texRefZone matchgroup=texStatement start="\\citeonline\([tp]\*\=\)\={" keepend end="}\|%stopzone\>" contains=texComment,texDelimiter
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/color b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/color
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f3aeac..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/color
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-if exists("color_package_file")
- finish
-let color_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_color =
-\ 'monochrome,'
-let g:TeX_package_color =
-\ 'brs:definecolor{<++>}{<++>}{<++>},'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/comma b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/comma
deleted file mode 100644
index 5ec8d70..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/comma
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-if exists("comma_package_file")
- finish
-let comma_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_comma = ''
-let g:TeX_package_comma =
-\ 'bra:commaform,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/deleq b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/deleq
deleted file mode 100644
index 58426d2..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/deleq
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
-if exists("deleq_package_file")
- finish
-let deleq_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_deleq = ''
-let g:TeX_package_deleq =
-if !exists("tex_no_math")
- syn region texMathZoneA start="\\begin\s*{\s*deqn\*\s*}" end="\\end\s*{\s*deqn\*\s*}" keepend fold contains=@texMathZoneGroup
- syn region texMathZoneB start="\\begin\s*{\s*ddeqn\*\s*}" end="\\end\s*{\s*ddeqn\*\s*}" keepend fold contains=@texMathZoneGroup
- syn region texMathZoneC start="\\begin\s*{\s*deqarr\s*}" end="\\end\s*{\s*deqarr\s*}" keepend fold contains=@texMathZoneGroup
- syn region texMathZoneD start="\\begin\s*{\s*ddeqar\s*}" end="\\end\s*{\s*ddeqar\s*}" keepend fold contains=@texMathZoneGroup
- syn region texMathZoneE start="\\begin\s*{\s*deqrarr\*\s*}" end="\\end\s*{\s*deqrarr\*\s*}" keepend fold contains=@texMathZoneGroup
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/drftcite b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/drftcite
deleted file mode 100644
index 8c30447..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/drftcite
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-if exists("drftcite_package_file")
- finish
-let drftcite_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_drftcite =
-\ 'verbose,'
-let g:TeX_package_drftcite =
-\ 'bra:cite,'
-syn region texRefZone matchgroup=texStatement start="\\citen\([tp]\*\=\)\={" keepend end="}\|%stopzone\>" contains=texComment,texDelimiter
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/dropping b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/dropping
deleted file mode 100644
index bcfc11f..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/dropping
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-if exists("dropping_package_file")
- finish
-let dropping_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_dropping = ''
-let g:TeX_package_dropping =
-\ 'brs:bigdrop{<+indent+>}{<+big+>}{<+font+>}{<+text+>},'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/enumerate b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/enumerate
deleted file mode 100644
index 40c3f7c..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/enumerate
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-if exists("enumerate_package_file")
- finish
-let enumerate_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_enumerate = ''
-let g:TeX_package_enumerate = 'ens:enumerate:[<+prefix+>]'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/eqlist b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/eqlist
deleted file mode 100644
index e1e249e..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/eqlist
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-if exists("eqlist_package_file")
- finish
-let eqlist_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_eqlist = ''
-let g:TeX_package_eqlist =
-\ 'env:eqlist,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/eqparbox b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/eqparbox
deleted file mode 100644
index a05061b..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/eqparbox
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-if exists("eqparbox_package_file")
- finish
-let eqparbox_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_eqparbox = ''
-let g:TeX_package_eqparbox =
-\ 'brs:eqparbox[<+pos+>][<+height+>][<+inner-pos+>]{<+tag+>}{<+text+>},'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/everyshi b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/everyshi
deleted file mode 100644
index e42a3d5..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/everyshi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-if exists("everyshi_package_file")
- finish
-let everyshi_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_everyshi = ''
-let g:TeX_package_everyshi = 'bra:EveryShipOut'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/exmpl b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/exmpl
deleted file mode 100644
index e9e37fc..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/exmpl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-if exists("exmpl_package_file")
- finish
-let exmpl_package_file = 1
-" Author: Mikolaj Machowski
-" Date: 10.04.2002
-" Example plugin for packages in latexSuite
-" This variable creates Options submenu in package menu. Even when no options are
-" given for this package it HAS to exist in form
-" let TeX_package_option_exmpl = ""
-" Options and commands are delimited with comma ,
-let g:TeX_package_option_exmpl = "OpcjaA=,OpcjaB,OpcjaC"
-" Most command should have some definition before. Package menu system can
-" recognize type of command and behave in good manner:
-" env: (environment) creates simple environment template
-" \begin{command}
-" x <- cursor here
-" \end{command}
-" bra: (brackets) useful when inserting brackets commands
-" \command{x}<<>> <- cursor at x, and placeholders as in other menu entries
-" nor: (normal) nor: and pla: are `highlighted' in menu with `''
-" \command<Space>
-" pla: (plain)
-" command<Space>
-" spe: (special)
-" command <-literal insertion of command, in future here should go
-" commands with special characters
-" sep: (separator) creates separator. Good for aesthetics and usability :)
-" Command can be also given with no prefix:. The result is
-" \command (as in nor: but without <Space>)
-let g:TeX_package_exmpl = "env:AEnvFirst,env:aEnvSec,env:BThi,"
- \ . "sep:a,env:zzzz,"
- \ . "bra:aBraFirst,bra:bBraSec,bra:cBraThi,"
- \ . "sep:b,"
- \ . "nor:aNorPri,nor:bNorSec,nor:cNorTer,"
- \ . "sep:c,"
- \ . "pla:aPla1,pla:bPla2,pla:cPla3,"
- \ . "sep:d,"
- \ . "spe:aSpe1,spe:bSpe2,spe:cSpe3,"
- \ . "sep:e,"
- \ . "aNo1,bNo2,cNo3"
-" vim:ft=vim
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/flafter b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/flafter
deleted file mode 100644
index 8859397..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/flafter
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-if exists("flafter_package_file")
- finish
-let flafter_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_flafter = ''
-let g:TeX_package_flafter = 'noo:suppressfloats,noo:suppress'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/float b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/float
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c1cf46..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/float
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-if exists("float_package_file")
- finish
-let float_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_float = ''
-let g:TeX_package_float =
-\ 'bra:floatstyle,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/floatflt b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/floatflt
deleted file mode 100644
index 4902d89..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/floatflt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-if exists("floatflt_package_file")
- finish
-let floatflt_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_floatflt = 'rflt,lflt,vflt'
-let g:TeX_package_floatflt =
-\ 'ens:floatingfigure:[<+loc+>]{<+spec+>},'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/fn2end b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/fn2end
deleted file mode 100644
index aac4184..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/fn2end
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-if exists("fn2end_package_file")
- finish
-let fn2end_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_fn2end = ''
-let g:TeX_package_fn2end = 'makeendnotes,theendnotes'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/footmisc b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/footmisc
deleted file mode 100644
index 04723f6..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/footmisc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-if exists("footmisc_package_file")
- finish
-let footmisc_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_footmisc =
-\ 'bottom,'
-let g:TeX_package_footmisc = ''
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/geometry b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/geometry
deleted file mode 100644
index 667a289..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/geometry
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
-if exists("geometry_package_file")
- finish
-let geometry_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_geometry =
-\ 'sbr:Boolean,'
-let g:TeX_package_geometry =
-\ 'bra:geometry'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/german b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/german
deleted file mode 100644
index 9aa7519..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/german
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-if exists("german_package_file")
- finish
-let german_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_german = ''
-let g:TeX_package_option_german = ''
-" For now just define the smart quotes.
-let b:Tex_SmartQuoteOpen = '"`'
-let b:Tex_SmartQuoteClose = "\"'"
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/graphicx b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/graphicx
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aa7571..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/graphicx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
-if exists("graphicx_package_file")
- finish
-let graphicx_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_graphicx =
-\ 'sbr:Drivers,'
-let g:TeX_package_graphicx =
-\ 'sbr:Includegraphics,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/graphpap b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/graphpap
deleted file mode 100644
index ebbd268..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/graphpap
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-if exists("graphpap_package_file")
- finish
-let graphpap_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_graphpap = ''
-let g:TeX_package_graphpap = 'brs:graphpaper[<+step+>](<+x1,y1+>)(<+x2,y2+>)'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/harpoon b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/harpoon
deleted file mode 100644
index 994801d..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/harpoon
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-if exists("harpoon_package_file")
- finish
-let harpoon_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_harpoon = ''
-let g:TeX_package_harpoon =
-\ 'bra:overleftharp,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/hhline b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/hhline
deleted file mode 100644
index a024c19..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/hhline
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-if exists("hhline_package_file")
- finish
-let hhline_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_hhline = ''
-let g:TeX_package_hhline =
-\ 'bra:hhline,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/histogram b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/histogram
deleted file mode 100644
index b18fc07..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/histogram
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-if exists("histogram_package_file")
- finish
-let histogram_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_histogram = ''
-let g:TeX_package_histogram =
-\ 'histogram,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/hyperref b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/hyperref
deleted file mode 100644
index a82aac3..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/hyperref
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,167 +0,0 @@
-if exists("hyperref_package_file")
- finish
-let hyperref_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_hyperref =
-\ '4=,'
-let g:TeX_package_hyperref =
-\ 'sbr:Preamble,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/ifthen b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/ifthen
deleted file mode 100644
index 82dbe69..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/ifthen
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-if exists("ifthen_package_file")
- finish
-let ifthen_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_ifthen = ''
-let g:TeX_package_ifthen =
-\ 'brs:ifthenelse{<++>}{<++>}{<++>},'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/inputenc b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/inputenc
deleted file mode 100644
index 73abe9a..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/inputenc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-if exists("inputenc_package_file")
- finish
-let inputenc_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_inputenc =
-\ 'ascii,'
-let g:TeX_package_inputenc =
-\ 'bra:inputencoding'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/letterspace b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/letterspace
deleted file mode 100644
index 9a53eaa..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/letterspace
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-if exists("letterspace_package_file")
- finish
-let letterspace_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_letterspace = ''
-let g:TeX_package_letterspace = 'nor:letterspace'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/lineno b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/lineno
deleted file mode 100644
index 4567602..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/lineno
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +0,0 @@
-if exists("lineno_package_file")
- finish
-let lineno_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_lineno =
-\ 'left,'
-let g:TeX_package_lineno =
-\ 'sbr:Environments,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/longtable b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/longtable
deleted file mode 100644
index 6644862..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/longtable
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,35 +0,0 @@
-if exists("longtable_package_file")
- finish
-let longtable_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_longtable =
-\ 'errorshow,'
-let g:TeX_package_longtable =
-\ 'sbr:Commands,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ts=4:sw=4:noet:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/lscape b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/lscape
deleted file mode 100644
index 33976ea..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/lscape
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-if exists("lscape_package_file")
- finish
-let lscape_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_lscape = ''
-let g:TeX_package_lscape = 'env:landscape'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/manyfoot b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/manyfoot
deleted file mode 100644
index 7cab55f..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/manyfoot
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-if exists("manyfoot_package_file")
- finish
-let manyfoot_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_manyfoot = 'para'
-let g:TeX_package_manyfoot =
-\ 'bra:newfootnote,bra:newfootnote[para],'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/moreverb b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/moreverb
deleted file mode 100644
index 8614e3b..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/moreverb
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-if exists("moreverb_package_file")
- finish
-let moreverb_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_moreverb = ''
-let g:TeX_package_moreverb =
-\ 'ens:verbatimwrite:{<++>},'
-let g:Tex_completion_explorer = g:Tex_completion_explorer.'verbatimtabinput,'
-syn region texZone start="\\begin{verbatimwrite}" end="\\end{verbatimwrite}\|%stopzone\>" fold
-syn region texZone start="\\begin{verbatimtab}" end="\\end{verbatimtab}\|%stopzone\>" fold
-syn region texZone start="\\begin{boxedverbatim}" end="\\end{boxedverbatim}\|%stopzone\>" fold
-syn region texZone start="\\begin{listing}" end="\\end{listing}\|%stopzone\>" fold
-syn region texZone start="\\begin{listing*}" end="\\end{listing*}\|%stopzone\>" fold
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/multibox b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/multibox
deleted file mode 100644
index 00bccb2..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/multibox
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-if exists("multibox_package_file")
- finish
-let multibox_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_multibox = ''
-let g:TeX_package_multibox = 'multimake,multiframe'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/multicol b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/multicol
deleted file mode 100644
index ca93189..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/multicol
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-if exists("multicol_package_file")
- finish
-let multicol_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_multicol = ''
-let g:TeX_package_multicol =
-\ 'ens:multicols:{<+cols+>}[<+text+>][<+sep+>],'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/newalg b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/newalg
deleted file mode 100644
index 1480bb6..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/newalg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-if exists("newalg_package_file")
- finish
-let newalg_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_newalg = ''
-let g:TeX_package_newalg =
-\ 'ens:algorithm:{<+name+>}{<++>},'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/ngerman b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/ngerman
deleted file mode 100644
index 534ac30..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/ngerman
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-if exists("ngerman_package_file")
- finish
-let ngerman_package_file = 1
-" For now just define the smart quotes.
-let b:Tex_SmartQuoteOpen = '"`'
-let b:Tex_SmartQuoteClose = "\"'"
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/numprint b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/numprint
deleted file mode 100644
index 4eab5a2..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/numprint
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-if exists("numprint_package_file")
- finish
-let numprint_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_numprint = ''
-let g:TeX_package_numprint =
-\ 'bra:numprint,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/oldstyle b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/oldstyle
deleted file mode 100644
index 72b2774..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/oldstyle
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-if exists("oldstyle_package_file")
- finish
-let oldstyle_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_oldstyle = ''
-let g:TeX_package_oldstyle =
-\ 'bra:textos,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/outliner b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/outliner
deleted file mode 100644
index ca64322..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/outliner
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-if exists("outliner_package_file")
- finish
-let outliner_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_outliner = ''
-let g:TeX_package_outliner =
-\ 'env:Outline,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/overcite b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/overcite
deleted file mode 100644
index 25bc17d..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/overcite
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-if exists("overcite_package_file")
- finish
-let overcite_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_overcite =
-\ 'verbose,'
-let g:TeX_package_overcite =
-\ 'bra:cite,'
-syn region texRefZone matchgroup=texStatement start="\\citen\([tp]\*\=\)\={" keepend end="}\|%stopzone\>" contains=texComment,texDelimiter
-syn region texRefZone matchgroup=texStatement start="\\citenum\([tp]\*\=\)\={" keepend end="}\|%stopzone\>" contains=texComment,texDelimiter
-syn region texRefZone matchgroup=texStatement start="\\citeonline\([tp]\*\=\)\={" keepend end="}\|%stopzone\>" contains=texComment,texDelimiter
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/parallel b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/parallel
deleted file mode 100644
index 19dfe8e..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/parallel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-if exists("parallel_package_file")
- finish
-let parallel_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_parallel = ''
-let g:TeX_package_parallel =
-\ 'env:Parallel,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/plain b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/plain
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a3d092..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/plain
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-if exists("plain_package_file")
- finish
-let plain_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_plain = ''
-let g:TeX_package_plain = 'env:plain'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/plates b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/plates
deleted file mode 100644
index e22817e..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/plates
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
-if exists("plates_package_file")
- finish
-let plates_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_plates = 'figures,onefloatperpage,memoir'
-let g:TeX_package_plates =
-\ 'env:plate,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/polski b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/polski
deleted file mode 100644
index e2c4efe..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/polski
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-" Author: Mikolaj Machowski <mikmach@wp.pl>
-" (c) Copyright by Mikolaj Machowski 2002-2003
-" License: Vim Charityware
-" Version: 1.6
-" Plik jest w kodowaniu iso-8859-2. Je¶li chcesz go uzywac w MS-Windows musisz
-" go przekonwertowac na cp-1250.
-" Plik ten jest czê¶ci± vim-latexSuite, ale:
-" Nie u¿ywaj±cy vim-latexSuite (http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net) mog± wyci±æ
-" oznaczon± czê¶æ. Reszta mo¿e byæ kopiowana jako osobny plik pod warunkiem
-" niezmieniania tej notki i informacji o prawach autorskich.
-" This file is in iso-8859-2 encoding. If you want to use it in MS-Windows you
-" have to convert it to cp-1250.
-" This file is part of vim-latexSuite but:
-" Those who do not use vim-latexSuite (http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net) can
-" cut off marked part. Rest of the file can be copied as separate file under
-" condition of leaving this notice and information about copyrights unchanged.
-if exists("acromake_package_file")
- finish
-let acromake_package_file = 1
-" --------8<-------------
-" Czesc odpowiedzialna za menu
-let g:TeX_package_option_polski =
-let g:TeX_package_polski =
-" To wymaga calego pakietu vim-latexSuite - zakomentuj lub wytnij je¶li nie
-" u¿ywasz (albo go ¶ci±gnij z http://vim-latex.sf.net)
-function! TPackagePolskiTylda()
- call IMAP (" ---", "~---", "tex")
-call TPackagePolskiTylda()
-" --------8<-------------
-" Polskie znaki cudzyslowow
-TexLet g:Tex_SmartQuoteOpen = ",,"
-TexLet g:Tex_SmartQuoteClose = "''"
-" Zmodyfikowana i rozwinieta funkcja Andrzeja Ostruszki
-" Z dodatkiem od Benjiego Fishera (sprawdzanie sk³adni)
-" Spacja
-inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Space> <C-R>=<SID>Tex_polish_space()<CR>
-inoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR> <C-R>=<SID>Tex_polish_space()<CR><BS><CR>
-" Wymuszenie tyldy
-inoremap <buffer> <silent> <S-Space> ~
-" Wymuszenie zwyklej spacji
-inoremap <buffer> <silent> <C-Space> <Space>
-" Latwe przelaczanie sie miedzy magiczna spacja a zwykla
-inoremap <buffer> <silent> <F8> <C-R>=<SID>TogglePolishSpace()<CR>
-function! s:TogglePolishSpace()
- if !exists("b:polishspace")
- iunmap <buffer> <Space>
- iunmap <buffer> <CR>
- let b:polishspace = 1
- return ''
- else
- inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Space> <C-R>=<SID>Tex_polish_space()<CR>
- inoremap <buffer> <silent> <CR> <C-R>=<SID>Tex_polish_space()<CR><BS><CR>
- unlet b:polishspace
- return ''
- endif
-function! s:Tex_polish_space()
- "Nic magicznego w matematyce
- if synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.')-1,0),"name") =~ '^texMath\|^texZone\^texRefZone'
- return ' '
- else
- let s:col = col('.')
- let s:linelength = strlen(getline('.')) + 1
- " Wstaw tylde po spojnikach
- if strpart(getline('.'), col('.') - 3, 2) =~? '^[[:space:]~(\[{]\?[aiouwz]$'
- return '~'
- " Wstaw tylde po inicjalach - konkretnie po pojedynczych wielkich
- " literach i kropce. Obs³uguje poprawnie wiekszosc sytuacji.
- elseif strpart(getline('.'), col('.') - 4, 3) =~? '^[[:space:]~(\[{]\?\u\.$'
- return '~'
- " Wstaw tylde po tytulach, skrotach bibliograficznych, podpisach
- elseif strpart(getline('.'), col('.') - 9, 8) =~? '\(\s\|^\|\~\)\(str\.\|ryc\.\|rys\.\|tab\.\|art\.\|vol\.\|nr\|tabl\.\|rozdz\.\|ss\.\|s\.\|t\.\|z\.\|sir\|prof\.\|hab\.\|red\.\|min\.\|gen\.\|kpt\.\|przew\.\|p³k\|mjr\|mgr\|bp\|ks\.\|o\+\.\|¶w\.\|dr\)$'
- return '~'
- " Wstaw tylde miedzy rokiem, wiekiem, a odpowiednim skrotem
- elseif strpart(getline('.'), col('.') - 8, 7) =~? '[0-9IVXLCM]\s\+\(r\|w\)\.[^a-z±æê³ñ󶿼]\{-}$'
- s/[0-9IVXLCM]\zs\s\+\ze\(w\|r\)\.[^a-z±æê³ñ󶿼]\{-}\%#/\~/ei
- exe 'normal '.s:col.'|'
- if s:col == s:linelength
- startinsert!
- else
- startinsert
- endif
- return ' '
- " Wstaw tylde miedzy liczba a miara, itd.
- elseif strpart(getline('.'), col('.') - 10, 9) =~? '\(\d\|mln\|mld\|tys\.\)\s\+\(z³\|gr\|ha\|t\|mies\|godz\|min\|sek\|cm\|km\|mln\|mld\|tys\.\)[^a-z±æê³ñ󶿼]\{-}$'
- s/\(\d\|mln\|mld\|tys\.\)\zs\s\+\ze\(z³\|gr\|ha\|m\|t\|mies\|godz\|min\|sek\|cm\|km\|mln\|mld\|tys\.\)[^a-z±æê³ñ󶿼]\{-}\%#/\~/ei
- exe 'normal '.s:col.'|'
- if s:col == s:linelength
- startinsert!
- else
- startinsert
- endif
- return ' '
- " Rozwin myslnik w zbitkach w '\dywiz ':
- " bialo-czerwony -> bialo\dywiz czerwony
- elseif strpart(getline('.'), col('.') - 20, 19) =~? '[a-z±æê³ñ󶿼]-[a-z±æê³ñ󶿼]\{-}[^a-z±æê³ñ󶿼]\{-}$'
- s/[a-z±æê³ñ󶿼]\zs-\ze[a-z±æê³ñ󶿼]\{-}[^a-z±æê³ñ󶿼]\{-}\%#/\\dywiz /ei
- let colb = s:col + 6
- exe 'normal '.colb.'|'
- if s:col == s:linelength
- startinsert!
- else
- startinsert
- endif
- return ' '
- " Rozwin '--' miedzy liczbami w '\ppauza ':
- " 39--45 -> 39\ppauza 45
- elseif strpart(getline('.'), col('.') - 10, 9) =~? '[0-9IVXLCM]--[0-9IVXLCM]\{-}[^0-9IVXLCM]\{-}$'
- s/[0-9IVXLCM]\zs--\ze[0-9IVXLCM]\{-}[^0-9IVXLCM]\{-}\%#/\\ppauza /ei
- let colb = s:col + 6
- exe 'normal '.colb.'|'
- if s:col == s:linelength
- startinsert!
- else
- startinsert
- endif
- return ' '
- endif
- " Tu koncz komentowanie ostatniej sekcji
- endif
- return " "
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/psgo b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/psgo
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ef852c..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/psgo
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
-if exists("psgo_package_file")
- finish
-let psgo_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_psgo = ''
-let g:TeX_package_psgo =
-\ 'env:psgogoard,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/schedule b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/schedule
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d58f6d..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/schedule
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-if exists("schedule_package_file")
- finish
-let schedule_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_schedule = ''
-let g:TeX_package_schedule =
-\ 'ens:schedule:[<+title+>],'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/textfit b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/textfit
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d52785..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/textfit
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-if exists("textfit_package_file")
- finish
-let textfit_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_textfit = ''
-let g:TeX_package_textfit =
-\ 'brd:scaletowidth,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/times b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/times
deleted file mode 100644
index 499a13b..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/times
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-if exists("times_package_file")
- finish
-let times_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_times = ''
-let g:TeX_package_times = ''
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/tipa b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/tipa
deleted file mode 100644
index c89cc5d..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/tipa
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,364 +0,0 @@
-if exists("tipa_package_file")
- finish
-let tipa_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_tipa =
-\ 'T1,'
-let g:TeX_package_tipa =
-\ 'sbr:Common,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/ulem b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/ulem
deleted file mode 100644
index 9257713..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/ulem
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-if exists("ulem_package_file")
- finish
-let ulem_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_ulem =
-\ 'normalem,'
-let g:TeX_package_ulem =
-\ 'bra:uwave,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/url b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/url
deleted file mode 100644
index 642148a..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/url
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-if exists("url_package_file")
- finish
-let url_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_url =
-\ 'hyphens,'
-let g:TeX_package_url =
-\ 'bra:urlstyle,'
-" TODO uncomment if you figure out
-" 1. how to get this syn command to work every time instead of only the
-" first time this file is sourced.
-" syn region texZone start="\\url{" end="}\|%stopzone\>"
-" syn region texZone start="\\path{" end="}\|%stopzone\>"
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/verbatim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/verbatim
deleted file mode 100644
index f2137ff..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/verbatim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-if exists("verbatim_package_file")
- finish
-let verbatim_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_verbatim = ''
-let g:TeX_package_verbatim =
-\ 'env:comment,'
-syn region texZone start="\\begin{comment}" end="\\end{comment}\|%stopzone\>" fold
-syn region texZone start="\\begin{verbatim}" end="\\end{verbatim}\|%stopzone\>" fold
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/version b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/version
deleted file mode 100644
index 4de9da8..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/version
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-if exists("version_package_file")
- finish
-let version_package_file = 1
-let g:TeX_package_option_version = ''
-let g:TeX_package_version =
-\ 'bra:includeversion,'
-" vim:ft=vim:ff=unix:
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/projecttemplate.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/projecttemplate.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 1ab4be0..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/projecttemplate.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-" Project name
-" let g:projName = ''
-" Project files
-" let g:projFiles = ''
-" Vim settings/maps/abbrs specific for this project
-" Modeline for this file
-" vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4:ft=vim
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/pytools.py b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/pytools.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 1934e23..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/pytools.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-import string, vim, re, os, glob
-# catFile: assigns a local variable retval to the contents of a file {{{
-def catFile(filename):
- try:
- file = open(filename)
- lines = ''.join(file.readlines())
- file.close()
- except:
- lines = ''
- # escape double quotes and backslashes before quoting the string so
- # everything passes throught.
- vim.command("""let retval = "%s" """ % re.sub(r'"|\\', r'\\\g<0>', lines))
- return lines
-# }}}
-# isPresentInFile: check if regexp is present in the file {{{
-def isPresentInFile(regexp, filename):
- try:
- fp = open(filename)
- fcontents = string.join(fp.readlines(), '')
- fp.close()
- if re.search(regexp, fcontents):
- vim.command('let retval = 1')
- return 1
- else:
- vim.command('let retval = 0')
- return None
- except:
- vim.command('let retval = 0')
- return None
-# }}}
-# deleteFile: deletes a file if present {{{
-# If the file does not exist, check if its a filepattern rather than a
-# filename. If its a pattern, then deletes all files matching the
-# pattern.
-def deleteFile(filepattern):
- if os.path.exists(filepattern):
- try:
- os.remove(filepattern)
- except:
- vim.command('let retval = -1')
- else:
- if glob.glob(filepattern):
- for filename in glob.glob(filepattern):
- os.remove(filename)
- else:
- vim.command('let retval = -1')
-# }}}
-# vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4:nowrap
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/smartspace.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/smartspace.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 07526d8..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/smartspace.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-" File: smartspace.vim
-" Author: Carl Muller
-" Created: Fri Dec 06 12:00 AM 2002 PST
-" Description:
-" Maps the <space> key in insert mode so that mathematical formulaes are
-" always kept on the same line. i.e, $$'s dont get broken across multiple
-" lines.
-" Avoid reinclusion or if the user doesn't want us.
-if exists('b:done_smartspace')
- \ || (exists('g:Tex_SmartKeySpace') && !g:Tex_SmartKeySpace)
- finish
-let b:done_smartspace = 1
-" Smart space relies on taking over vim's insertion of carriage returns in
-" order to keep $$'s on the same line. The only way to get vim not to break
-" lines is to set tw=0.
-" NOTE: setting tw != 0 will break smartspace
-" the user's 'tw' setting is still respected in the insert mode.
-" However, normal mode actions which rely on 'tw' such as gqap will be
-" broken because of the faulty 'tw' setting.
-let b:tw = &l:tw
-setlocal tw=0
-inoremap <buffer> <silent> <Space> <Space><Esc>:call <SID>TexFill(b:tw)<CR>a
-" Do not redefine the function.
-if exists('*s:TexFill')
- finish
-" TexFormatLine: format line retaining $$'s on the same line. {{{
-function! s:TexFill(width)
- if a:width != 0 && col(".") > a:width
- " For future use, record the current line and the number of the current column
- let current_line = getline(".")
- let current_column = col(".")
- exe "normal! a##\<Esc>"
- call <SID>TexFormatLine(a:width,current_line,current_column)
- exe "normal! ?##\<CR>2s\<Esc>"
- " Remove ## from the search history.
- call histdel("/", -1)|let @/=histget("/", -1)
- endif
-" }}}
-function! s:TexFormatLine(width, current_line, current_column) " {{{
- " get the first non-blank character.
- let first = matchstr(getline('.'), '\S')
- normal! $
- let length = col('.')
- let go = 1
- while length > a:width+2 && go
- let between = 0
- let string = strpart(getline('.'), 0, a:width)
- " Count the dollar signs
- let number_of_dollars = 0
- let evendollars = 1
- let counter = 0
- while counter <= a:width-1
- " Pay attention to '$$'.
- if string[counter] == '$' && string[counter-1] != '$'
- let evendollars = 1 - evendollars
- let number_of_dollars = number_of_dollars + 1
- endif
- let counter = counter + 1
- endwhile
- " Get ready to split the line.
- exe 'normal! ' . (a:width + 1) . '|'
- if evendollars
- " Then you are not between dollars.
- exe "normal! ?\\$\\+\\| \<CR>W"
- else
- " Then you are between dollars.
- normal! F$
- if col(".") == 1 || getline('.')[col(".")-1] != "$"
- let go = 0
- endif
- endif
- if first == '$' && number_of_dollars == 1
- let go = 0
- else
- exe "normal! i\<CR>\<Esc>$"
- " get the first non-blank character.
- let first = matchstr(getline('.'), '\S')
- endif
- let length = col(".")
- endwhile
- if go == 0 && strpart(a:current_line, 0, a:current_column) =~ '.*\$.*\$.*'
- exe "normal! ^f$a\<CR>\<Esc>"
- call <SID>TexFormatLine(a:width, a:current_line, a:current_column)
- endif
-" }}}
-" vim:fdm=marker:ts=4:sw=4:noet
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index e28e429..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,149 +0,0 @@
-" File: templates.vim
-" Author: Gergely Kontra
-" (minor modifications by Srinath Avadhanula)
-" (plus other modifications by Mikolaj Machowski)
-" Version: 1.0
-" Created: Tue Apr 23 05:00 PM 2002 PST
-" CVS: $Id: templates.vim 1002 2006-03-23 04:02:21Z srinathava $
-" Description: functions for handling templates in latex-suite/templates
-" directory.
-let s:path = expand("<sfile>:p:h")
-" SetTemplateMenu: sets up the menu for templates {{{
-function! <SID>SetTemplateMenu()
- let flist = Tex_FindInRtp('', 'templates')
- let i = 1
- while 1
- let fname = Tex_Strntok(flist, ',', i)
- if fname == ''
- break
- endif
- exe "amenu ".g:Tex_TemplatesMenuLocation."&".i.":<Tab>".fname." ".
- \":call <SID>ReadTemplate('".fname."')<CR>"
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
-if g:Tex_Menus
- call <SID>SetTemplateMenu()
-" }}}
-" ReadTemplate: reads in the template file from the template directory. {{{
-function! <SID>ReadTemplate(...)
- if a:0 > 0
- let filename = a:1
- else
- let filelist = Tex_FindInRtp('', 'templates')
- let filename =
- \ Tex_ChooseFromPrompt("Choose a template file:\n" .
- \ Tex_CreatePrompt(filelist, 2, ',') .
- \ "\nEnter number or name of file :",
- \ filelist, ',')
- endif
- let fname = Tex_FindInRtp(filename.'.tex', 'templates', ':p')
- call Tex_Debug("0read ".fname, 'templates')
- silent! exe "0read ".fname
- " The first line of the file contains the specifications of what the
- " placeholder characters and the other special characters are.
- let pattern = '\v(\S+)\t(\S+)\t(\S+)\t(\S+)'
- let s:phsTemp = substitute(getline(1), pattern, '\1', '')
- let s:pheTemp = substitute(getline(1), pattern, '\2', '')
- let s:exeTemp = substitute(getline(1), pattern, '\3', '')
- let s:comTemp = substitute(getline(1), pattern, '\4', '')
- 0 d_
- call s:ProcessTemplate()
- call Tex_pack_updateall(1)
- " Do not handle the placeholders here. Let IMAP_PutTextWithMovement do it
- " because it handles UTF-8 character substitutions etc. Therefore delete
- " the text into @a and paste it using IMAP_PutTextWithMovement().
- let _a = @a
- normal! ggVG"ax
- let _fo = &fo
- " Since IMAP_PutTextWithMovement simulates the key-presses, leading
- " indendatation can get duplicated in strange ways if ``fo`` is non-empty.
- " NOTE: the indentexpr thingie is still respected with an empty fo so that
- " environments etc are properly indented.
- set fo=
- call Tex_Debug("normal! i\<C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(@a, '".s:phsTemp."', '".s:pheTemp."')\<CR>", 'templates')
- exec "normal! i\<C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(@a, '".s:phsTemp."', '".s:pheTemp."')\<CR>"
- let &fo = _fo
- let @a = _a
- call Tex_Debug('phs = '.s:phsTemp.', phe = '.s:pheTemp.', exe = '.s:exeTemp.', com = '.s:comTemp, 'templates')
-" }}}
-" ProcessTemplate: processes the special characters in template file. {{{
-" This implementation follows from Gergely Kontra's
-" mu-template.vim
-" http://vim.sourceforge.net/scripts/script.php?script_id=222
-function! <SID>ProcessTemplate()
- if exists('s:phsTemp') && s:phsTemp != ''
- exec 'silent! %s/^'.s:comTemp.'\(\_.\{-}\)'.s:comTemp.'$/\=<SID>Compute(submatch(1))/ge'
- exec 'silent! %s/'.s:exeTemp.'\(.\{-}\)'.s:exeTemp.'/\=<SID>Exec(submatch(1))/ge'
- exec 'silent! g/'.s:comTemp.s:comTemp.'/d'
- " A function only puts one item into the search history...
- call Tex_CleanSearchHistory()
- endif
-function! <SID>Exec(what)
- exec 'return '.a:what
-" Back-Door to trojans !!!
-function! <SID>Compute(what)
- exe a:what
- if exists('s:comTemp')
- return s:comTemp.s:comTemp
- else
- return ''
- endif
-" }}}
-" Command definitions {{{
-if v:version >= 602
- com! -complete=custom,Tex_CompleteTemplateName -nargs=? TTemplate :call <SID>ReadTemplate(<f-args>)
- \| :startinsert
- " Tex_CompleteTemplateName: for completing names in TTemplate command {{{
- " Description: get list of template names with Tex_FindInRtp(), remove full path
- " and return list of names separated with newlines.
- "
- function! Tex_CompleteTemplateName(A,P,L)
- " Get name of macros from all runtimepath directories
- let tmplnames = Tex_FindInRtp('', 'templates')
- " Separate names with \n not ,
- let tmplnames = substitute(tmplnames,',','\n','g')
- return tmplnames
- endfunction
- " }}}
- com! -nargs=? TTemplate :call <SID>ReadTemplate(<f-args>)
- \| :startinsert
-" }}}
-" vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/IEEEtran.tex b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/IEEEtran.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 104f9b2..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/IEEEtran.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-<+ +> !comp! !exe!
-%% Based on <bare_jrnl.tex> in the ieee package available from CTAN,
-%% I have changed the options so that most useful ones are clubbed together,
-%% Have a look at <bare_jrnl.tex> to understand the function of each package.
-%% This code is offered as-is - no warranty - user assumes all risk.
-%% Free to use, distribute and modify.
-% *** Authors should verify (and, if needed, correct) their LaTeX system ***
-% *** with the testflow diagnostic prior to trusting their LaTeX platform ***
-% *** with production work. IEEE's font choices can trigger bugs that do ***
-% *** not appear when using other class files. ***
-% Testflow can be obtained at:
-% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/supported/IEEEtran/testflow
-% File: !comp!expand("%:p:t")!comp!
-% Created: !comp!strftime("%a %b %d %I:00 %p %Y ").substitute(strftime('%Z'), '\<\(\w\)\(\w*\)\>\(\W\|$\)', '\1', 'g')!comp!
-% Last Change: !comp!strftime("%a %b %d %I:00 %p %Y ").substitute(strftime('%Z'), '\<\(\w\)\(\w*\)\>\(\W\|$\)', '\1', 'g')!comp!
-\usepackage{cite, graphicx, subfigure, amsmath}
-% *** Do not adjust lengths that control margins, column widths, etc. ***
-% *** Do not use packages that alter fonts (such as pslatex). ***
-% There should be no need to do such things with IEEEtran.cls V1.6 and later.
-% correct bad hyphenation here
-\hyphenation{<+op-tical net-works semi-conduc-tor+>}
-% paper title
-\title{<+Skeleton of IEEEtran.cls for Journals in VIM-Latex+>}
-% author names and IEEE memberships
-% note positions of commas and nonbreaking spaces ( ~ ) LaTeX will not break
-% a structure at a ~ so this keeps an author's name from being broken across
-% two lines.
-% use \thanks{} to gain access to the first footnote area
-% a separate \thanks must be used for each paragraph as LaTeX2e's \thanks
-% was not built to handle multiple paragraphs
-\author{<+Sumit Bhardwaj+>~\IEEEmembership{<+Student~Member,~IEEE,+>}
-<+and~Jane~Doe,+>~\IEEEmembership{<+Life~Fellow,~IEEE+>}}% <-this % stops a space
-\thanks{<+Manuscript received January 20, 2002; revised August 13, 2002.
-This work was supported by the IEEE.+>}% <-this % stops a space
-\thanks{<+S. Bhardwaj is with the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.+>}
-% The paper headers
-\markboth{<+Journal of VIM-\LaTeX\ Class Files,~Vol.~1, No.~8,~August~2002+>}{
-<+Bhardwaj \MakeLowercase{\textit{et al.}+>}: <+Skeleton of IEEEtran.cls for Journals in VIM-Latex+>}
-% The only time the second header will appear is for the odd numbered pages
-% after the title page when using the twoside option.
-% If you want to put a publisher's ID mark on the page
-% (can leave text blank if you just want to see how the
-% text height on the first page will be reduced by IEEE)
-%\pubid{0000--0000/00\$00.00~\copyright~2002 IEEE}
-% use only for invited papers
-%\specialpapernotice{(Invited Paper)}
-% make the title area
-<+The abstract goes here.+>
-<+IEEEtran, journal, \LaTeX, paper, template, VIM, VIM-\LaTeX+>.
-\PARstart{<+T+>}{<+his+>} <+demo file is intended to serve as a ``starter file"
-for IEEE journal papers produced under \LaTeX\ using IEEEtran.cls version
-1.6 and later.+>
-% You must have at least 2 lines in the paragraph with the drop letter
-% (should never be an issue)
-<+May all your publication endeavors be successful.+>
-% needed in second column of first page if using \pubid
-% trigger a \newpage just before the given reference
-% number - used to balance the columns on the last page
-% adjust value as needed - may need to be readjusted if
-% the document is modified later
-% The "triggered" command can be changed if desired:
-% references section
-H.~Kopka and P.~W. Daly, \emph{A Guide to {\LaTeX}}, 3rd~ed.\hskip 1em plus
-0.5em minus 0.4em\relax Harlow, England: Addison-Wesley, 1999.
-% biography section
-\begin{biography}{Sumit Bhardwaj}
-Biography text here.
-% if you will not have a photo
-\begin{biographynophoto}{John Doe}
-Biography text here.
-% insert where needed to balance the two columns on the last page
-\begin{biographynophoto}{Jane Doe}
-Biography text here.
-% You can push biographies down or up by placing
-% a \vfill before or after them. The appropriate
-% use of \vfill depends on what kind of text is
-% on the last page and whether or not the columns
-% are being equalized.
-% Can be used to pull up biographies so that the bottom of the last one
-% is flush with the other column.
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/article.tex b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/article.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index ea7e1d1..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/article.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<+ +> !comp! !exe!
-% File: !comp!expand("%:p:t")!comp!
-% Created: !comp!strftime("%a %b %d %I:00 %p %Y ").substitute(strftime('%Z'), '\<\(\w\)\(\w*\)\>\(\W\|$\)', '\1', 'g')!comp!
-% Last Change: !comp!strftime("%a %b %d %I:00 %p %Y ").substitute(strftime('%Z'), '\<\(\w\)\(\w*\)\>\(\W\|$\)', '\1', 'g')!comp!
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/report.tex b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/report.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 479c7b3..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/report.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<+ +> !comp! !exe!
-% File: !comp!expand("%")!comp!
-% Created: !comp!strftime("%a %b %d %I:00 %p %Y ").substitute(strftime('%Z'), '\<\(\w\)\(\w*\)\>\(\W\|$\)', '\1', 'g')!comp!
-% Last Change: !comp!strftime("%a %b %d %I:00 %p %Y ").substitute(strftime('%Z'), '\<\(\w\)\(\w*\)\>\(\W\|$\)', '\1', 'g')!comp!
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/report_two_column.tex b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/report_two_column.tex
deleted file mode 100644
index 15bd95e..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/templates/report_two_column.tex
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-<+ +> !comp! !exe!
-% File: !comp!expand("%:p:t")!comp!
-% Created: !comp!strftime("%a %b %d %I:00 %p %Y ").substitute(strftime('%Z'), '\<\(\w\)\(\w*\)\>\(\W\|$\)', '\1', 'g')!comp!
-% Last Change: !comp!strftime("%a %b %d %I:00 %p %Y ").substitute(strftime('%Z'), '\<\(\w\)\(\w*\)\>\(\W\|$\)', '\1', 'g')!comp!
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texmenuconf.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texmenuconf.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 405e46a..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texmenuconf.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-" File: texmenuconf.vim
-" Author: Srinath Avadhanula
-" Copyright: Vim charityware license. :help license
-" Description:
-" CVS: $Id: texmenuconf.vim 997 2006-03-20 09:45:45Z srinathava $
-" Paths, crucial for functions
-let s:path = expand("<sfile>:p:h")
-let s:up_path = expand("<sfile>:p:h:h")
-let s:mainmenuname = g:Tex_MenuPrefix.'S&uite.'
-let s:mapleader = exists('mapleader') ? mapleader : "\\"
-" This glboal variable is incremented each time a top-level latex-suite menu
-" is created. We should always use this variable for setting the locations of
-" newly created top-level menus.
-let g:Tex_NextMenuLocation = g:Tex_MainMenuLocation
-" The templates and macros menus are always nested within the main latex-suit
-" menu.
-let g:Tex_TemplatesMenuLocation = g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.20 '.s:mainmenuname.'&Templates.'
-let g:Tex_MacrosMenuLocation = g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.20 '.s:mainmenuname.'&Macros.'
-" The packages menu can either be a child of the main menu or be a top-level
-" menu by itself.
-if g:Tex_NestPackagesMenu
- let g:Tex_PackagesMenuLocation = (g:Tex_MainMenuLocation).'.10 '.s:mainmenuname.'&Packages.'
- let g:Tex_PackagesMenuLocation = (g:Tex_NextMenuLocation).'.10 '.g:Tex_MenuPrefix.'Packages.'
- let g:Tex_NextMenuLocation = g:Tex_NextMenuLocation + 1
-" Environments are always a top-level menu.
-let g:Tex_EnvMenuLocation = (g:Tex_NextMenuLocation).'.20 '.g:Tex_MenuPrefix.'E&nvironments.'
-let g:Tex_NextMenuLocation = g:Tex_NextMenuLocation + 1
-" Elements are always a top-level menu.
-" If we choose to nest elements, then the top-level &TeX-Elements menu
-" contains <Fonts / Counters / Dimensions>
-" otherwise, the Fonts, Counters and Dimensions menus become top-level menus.
-if g:Tex_NestElementMenus
- let g:Tex_ElementsMenuLocation = (g:Tex_NextMenuLocation).'.20 '.g:Tex_MenuPrefix.'E&lements.'
- let g:Tex_ElementsMenuLocation = (g:Tex_NextMenuLocation).'.20 '.g:Tex_MenuPrefix
-let g:Tex_NextMenuLocation = g:Tex_NextMenuLocation + 1
-" Set up the compiler/viewer menus. {{{
-if has('gui_running') && g:Tex_Menus
- exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.25 '. s:mainmenuname.'-sepsuite0- :'
- " menus for compiling / viewing etc.
- exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.30 '.s:mainmenuname.'&Compile<tab>'.s:mapleader.'ll'.
- \' :silent! call Tex_RunLaTeX()<CR>'
- exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.40 '.s:mainmenuname.'&View<tab>'.s:mapleader.'lv'.
- \' :silent! call Tex_ViewLaTeX()<CR>'
- exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.50 '.s:mainmenuname.'&Search<tab>'.s:mapleader.'ls'.
- \' :silent! call ForwardSearchLaTeX()<CR>'
- exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.60 '.s:mainmenuname.'&Target\ Format<tab>:TTarget'.
- \' :call SetTeXTarget()<CR>'
- exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.70 '.s:mainmenuname.'&Compiler\ Target<tab>:TCTarget'.
- \' :call Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget("Compile", "")<CR>'
- exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.80 '.s:mainmenuname.'&Viewer\ Target<tab>:TVTarget'.
- \' :call Tex_SetTeXCompilerTarget("View", "")<CR>'
- exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.90 '.s:mainmenuname.'Set\ &Ignore\ Level<tab>:TCLevel'.
- \' :TCLevel<CR>'
- exec 'imenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.100 '.s:mainmenuname.'C&omplete\ Ref/Cite'.
- \' <Plug>Tex_Completion'
- exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.110 '.s:mainmenuname.'-sepsuite1- :'
- " refreshing folds
- if g:Tex_Folding
- exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.120 '.s:mainmenuname.'&Refresh\ Folds<tab>'.s:mapleader.'rf'.
- \' :call MakeTexFolds(1)<CR>'
- exec 'anoremenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.130 '.s:mainmenuname.'-sepsuite2- :'
- endif
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" MenuConf: configure the menus as compact/extended, with/without math
-" ==============================================================================
-function! Tex_MenuConfigure(type, action) " {{{
- let menuloc = s:mainmenuname.'Configure\ Menu.'
- if a:type == 'math'
- if a:action == 1
- let g:Tex_MathMenus = 1
- exe 'so '.s:path.'/mathmacros.vim'
- exe 'amenu disable '.menuloc.'Add\ Math\ Menu'
- exe 'amenu enable '.menuloc.'Remove\ Math\ Menu'
- elseif a:action == 0
- call Tex_MathMenuRemove()
- exe 'amenu enable '.menuloc.'Add\ Math\ Menu'
- exe 'amenu disable '.menuloc.'Remove\ Math\ Menu'
- endif
- elseif a:type == 'elements'
- if a:action == 'expand'
- let g:Tex_ElementsMenuLocation = '80.20 '.g:Tex_MenuPrefix
- exe 'amenu disable '.menuloc.'Expand\ Elements'
- exe 'amenu enable '.menuloc.'Compress\ Elements'
- elseif a:action == 'nest'
- let g:Tex_ElementsMenuLocation = '80.20 '.g:Tex_MenuPrefix.'Elements.'
- exe 'amenu enable '.menuloc.'Expand\ Elements'
- exe 'amenu disable '.menuloc.'Compress\ Elements'
- endif
- exe 'source '.s:path.'/elementmacros.vim'
- elseif a:type == 'packages'
- if a:action == 1
- let g:Tex_PackagesMenu = 1
- exe 'so '.s:path.'/packages.vim'
- exe 'amenu disable '.menuloc.'Load\ Packages\ Menu'
- endif
- endif
-" }}}
-" configuration menu.
-if g:Tex_Menus
- exe 'amenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.900 '.s:mainmenuname.'Configure\ Menu.Add\ Math\ Menu :call Tex_MenuConfigure("math", 1)<cr>'
- exe 'amenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.900 '.s:mainmenuname.'Configure\ Menu.Remove\ Math\ Menu :call Tex_MenuConfigure("math", 0)<cr>'
- exe 'amenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.900 '.s:mainmenuname.'Configure\ Menu.Expand\ Elements :call Tex_MenuConfigure("elements", "expand")<cr>'
- exe 'amenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.900 '.s:mainmenuname.'Configure\ Menu.Compress\ Elements :call Tex_MenuConfigure("elements", "nest")<cr>'
- exe 'amenu '.g:Tex_MainMenuLocation.'.900 '.s:mainmenuname.'Configure\ Menu.Load\ Packages\ Menu :call Tex_MenuConfigure("packages", 1)<cr>'
-" vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texproject.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texproject.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index bed9ed3..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texproject.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-" File: texproject.vim
-" Author: Mikolaj Machowski
-" Version: 1.0
-" Created: Wen Apr 16 05:00 PM 2003
-" Description: Handling tex projects.
-let s:path = expand("<sfile>:p:h")
-command! -nargs=0 TProjectEdit :call <SID>Tex_ProjectEdit()
-" Tex_ProjectEdit: Edit project file " {{{
-" Description: If project file exists (*.latexmain) open it in window created
-" with ':split', if no create ':new' window and read there
-" project template
-function! s:Tex_ProjectEdit()
- let file = expand("%:p")
- let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName()
- if glob(mainfname.'.latexmain') != ''
- exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(mainfname.'.latexmain')
- else
- echohl WarningMsg
- echomsg "Master file not found."
- echomsg " :help latex-master-file"
- echomsg "for more information"
- echohl None
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_ProjectLoad: loads the .latexmain file {{{
-" Description: If a *.latexmain file exists, then sources it
-function! Tex_ProjectLoad()
- let curd = getcwd()
- call Tex_CD(expand('%:p:h'))
- if glob(Tex_GetMainFileName(':p').'.latexmain') != ''
- call Tex_Debug("Tex_ProjectLoad: sourcing [".Tex_GetMainFileName().".latexmain]", "proj")
- exec 'source '.Tex_GetMainFileName().'.latexmain'
- endif
- call Tex_CD(curd)
-endfunction " }}}
-augroup LatexSuite
- au LatexSuite User LatexSuiteFileType
- \ call Tex_Debug("texproject.vim: catching LatexSuiteFileType event", "proj") |
- \ call Tex_ProjectLoad()
-augroup END
-" vim:fdm=marker:ff=unix:noet:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texrc b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texrc
deleted file mode 100644
index 79068a8..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texrc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,738 +0,0 @@
-" vim:ft=vim:ts=4:sw=4:noet:fdm=marker:commentstring=\"\ %s:ff=unix
-" File: texrc.vim
-" Author: Srinath Avadhanula
-" Created: Mon Apr 01 11:00 AM 2002 PST
-" CVS: $Id: texrc 998 2006-03-20 09:52:12Z srinathava $
-" Description: This file contains resource configuration information for the
-" latex-suite package.
-" NOTE: Do NOT be edit this file directly:
-" this file will be over-written each time you install a new copy
-" of latex-suite.
-" You can do one of the following:
-" 1. Copy this file into $VIMFILES/ftplugin/tex/texrc
-" and edit the values in that file.
-" $VIMFILES is ~/.vim for UNIX systems and ~/vimfiles for
-" WINDOWS systems.
-" 2. Just set values of each setting individually in your
-" $VIMFILES/ftplugin/tex.vim file. (See above for what
-" $VIMFILES is). You will need to use :let instead of :TexLet
-" in this case.
-" NOTE: This file is best viewed with Vim-6.0+ with folding turned on.
-" CVS: $Id: texrc 998 2006-03-20 09:52:12Z srinathava $
-" ==============================================================================
-" SafeLet: checks for value before giving default value {{{
-" Description: The function takes in a single argument and splits it into 2
-" parts, the first being the first <CWORD> found. this is taken
-" as a variable name and the next part is assigned to it
-" depending on whether the variable already exists or not.
-" handles the case where the next part is quoted or not.
-" All these calls work:
-" TexLet g:varname = 1
-" TexLet g:varname = '1'
-" TexLet g:varname = 'foo bar'
-" TexLet g:varname = "foo\nbar"
-" TexLet g:varname = foo bar
-function! <SID>SafeLet(arg)
- let name = matchstr(a:arg, '^\s*\zs\(\S\+\)\ze\s*=')
- let value = matchstr(a:arg, '=\s*\zs.*\ze')
- let value = substitute(value, '\s*$', '', '')
- if !exists(name)
- if value =~ "^'\\|^\""
- exec "let ".name." = ".value
- else
- exe "let ".name." = value"
- endif
- endif
-com! -nargs=+ TexLet :call <SID>SafeLet(<q-args>)
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" ==============================================================================
-" General settings {{{
-TexLet g:Tex_UsePython = 1
-" the system command which pulls in a file.
-if &shell =~ 'sh'
- TexLet g:Tex_CatCmd = 'cat'
- TexLet g:Tex_RmCmd = 'rm'
- TexLet g:Tex_CatCmd = 'type'
- TexLet g:Tex_RmCmd = 'del'
-" whether to turn on debugging
-TexLet g:Tex_Debug = 0
-" If non empty, all the debugging information will be written to a file of
-" this name.
-TexLet g:Tex_DebugLog = ''
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Rules: specifications of programs for compiling and viewing {{{
-" By default, when you compile a tex file using \ll, then you will be
-" generating a .dvi file. Change this line if you want to set another default.
-" NOTE: Make sure that a target for this format exists in the 'Compiler rules'
-" section below and is set up properly for your system.
-if has('macunix')
- TexLet g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat = 'pdf'
- TexLet g:Tex_DefaultTargetFormat = 'dvi'
-" A comma seperated list of formats which need multiple compilations to be
-" correctly compiled.
-TexLet g:Tex_MultipleCompileFormats = 'dvi'
-" Uncomment this line if you compile ps files via dvi files.
-" TexLet g:Tex_FormatDependency_ps = 'dvi,ps'
-" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Compiler rules {{{
-" This is the first thing you should customize. It is set up for most common
-" values, but if use some other compiler, then you will want to change this.
-" As CompileFlags value you'd perhaps like to use, e.g., '-src-specials',
-" but it is known that it can sometimes give different results in the output,
-" so use it with care.
-TexLet g:Tex_CompileRule_dvi = 'latex -interaction=nonstopmode $*'
-TexLet g:Tex_EscapeChars = '{}\'
-TexLet g:Tex_CompileRule_ps = 'dvips -Ppdf -o $*.ps $*.dvi'
-" ways to generate pdf files. there are soo many...
-" NOTE: pdflatex generates the same output as latex. therefore quickfix is
-" possible.
-TexLet g:Tex_CompileRule_pdf = 'pdflatex -interaction=nonstopmode $*'
-" TexLet g:Tex_CompileRule_pdf = 'ps2pdf $*.ps'
-" TexLet g:Tex_CompileRule_pdf = 'dvipdfm $*.dvi'
-" TexLet g:Tex_CompileRule_pdf = 'dvipdf $*.dvi'
-TexLet g:Tex_CompileRule_html = 'latex2html $*.tex'
-TexLet g:Tex_CompileRule_bib = g:Tex_BibtexFlavor . ' $*'
-" Set Tex_UseMakefile to 0 if you want to ignore the presence of a Makefile
-" when deciding how to compile
-TexLet g:Tex_UseMakefile = 1
-" }}}
-" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-" Viewer rules {{{
-" these programs are for viewing other formats.
-" NOTE: latex-suite will automatically append file.<format> to these functions
-" when calling them. The viewer therefore cannot accept arguments after
-" the filename.
-" NOTE: Windows users:
-" Set your $PATH variable to include the full path to these programs.
-if has('win32')
- TexLet g:Tex_ViewRule_ps = 'gsview32'
- TexLet g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf = 'AcroRd32'
- TexLet g:Tex_ViewRule_dvi = 'yap -1'
-elseif has('macunix')
- " Let the system pick. If you want, you can override the choice here.
- TexLet g:Tex_ViewRule_ps = ''
- TexLet g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf = ''
- " TexLet g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf = 'Acrobat\ Reader\ 5.1'
- TexLet g:Tex_ViewRule_dvi = ''
- TexLet g:Tex_ViewRule_ps = 'ghostview'
- TexLet g:Tex_ViewRule_pdf = 'xpdf'
- TexLet g:Tex_ViewRule_dvi = 'xdvi'
- " the option below specifies an editor for the dvi viewer while starting
- " up the dvi viewer according to Dimitri Antoniou's tip on vim.sf.net (tip
- " #225)
- TexLet g:Tex_UseEditorSettingInDVIViewer = 0
-" Tex_ViewRuleComplete_{format}
-" If a variable like this is specified, then it takes precedence over the
-" variable with the same suffix defined above. i.e, Tex_ViewRuleComplete_dvi
-" takes precedence over Tex_ViewRule_dvi.
-" If only Tex_ViewRule_{format} is specified, then latex-suite constructs the
-" actual system command which calls that program automatically. For example,
-" if you specify Tex_ViewRule_dvi = 'kdvi', then latex-suite will issue the
-" command
-" !kdvi --unique file.dvi &
-" However, if your viewer program accepts the file to be viewed in a way which
-" doesn't fit with the way latex-suite constructs the system command, then
-" specify it using this variable. You can use the same format here which
-" 'makeprg' accepts. So $* can be used in place of the main file name.
-" IMPORTANT: Make sure you make the process go into the background otherwise
-" vim will wait for the viewer to terminate before letting you edit
-" the file again.
-" Example:
-" Suppose you have a latex->html converter which converts a file say foo.tex
-" to a file foo/index.html. Then you would use:
-" let g:Tex_ViewRuleComplete_html = 'MozillaFirebird $*/index.html &'
-" Doing something like this would not be possible using Tex_ViewRule_html
-TexLet g:Tex_ViewRuleComplete_dvi = ''
-" }}}
-" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Compiler: latex-suite comes with a customizable compiler plugin. {{{
-" :help latex-compiling for a detailed description of these options.
-" this is the list of patterns which will be ignored from the compiler output.
-" This is a handy way of specifying which warnings/errors to ignore. This is a
-" list of patterns seperated by '¡'
-TexLet g:Tex_IgnoredWarnings =
- \'Underfull'."\n".
- \'Overfull'."\n".
- \'specifier changed to'."\n".
- \'You have requested'."\n".
- \'Missing number, treated as zero.'."\n".
- \'There were undefined references'."\n".
- \'Citation %.%# undefined'
-" the 'ignore level' of the 'efm'. A value of 4 says that the first 4 kinds of
-" warnings in the list above will be ignored. Use the command TCLevel to set a
-" level dynamically.
-TexLet g:Tex_IgnoreLevel = 7
-" NOTE: The values of g:Tex_Flavor and g:Tex_CompilerFlags are provided as a
-" way to make compiler/tex.vim standalone. i.e independent of the rest
-" of latex-suite. These variables are NOT used if you have already
-" defined g:Tex_CompileRule_dvi above.
-" specifies the current latex flavor.
-TexLet g:Tex_Flavor = 'latex'
-" specifies the BibTeX flavor and if necessary options. If you use $* in this
-" setting, it will be replaced by the *root* of the main file name, i.e, if
-" the main file is "thesis.tex", $* will be "thesis".
-TexLet g:Tex_BibtexFlavor = 'bibtex'
-" specifies the MakeIndedx flavor and if necessary options. $* will be
-" replaced by the *root* of the main file name. See above.
-TexLet g:Tex_MakeIndexFlavor = 'makeindex $*.idx'
-" By default the program described by g:Tex_Flavor above is called with the
-" flags '--src-specials --interaction=nonstopmode'. If your particular version
-" of latex does not accept these arguments, you will need to set this variable
-" to the appropriate value.
-" NOTE: leave commented for using the default flags.
-" TODO: Is it necessary (or even desirable) to use 2 variables to specify a
-" flavor and flags seperately? --SA
-" TexLet g:Tex_CompilerFlags = ''
-" If disabled (set to 0) LaTeX-Suite doesn't go immediately to warnings or
-" errors after compilation
-TexLet g:Tex_GotoError = 1
-" If set to 1, then latex-suite shows the context of the error in a preview
-" window beneath the window showing the actual errors.
-TexLet g:Tex_ShowErrorContext = 1
-" Remove temp files created during part compilations when vim exits.
-TexLet g:Tex_RemoveTempFiles = 1
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Project: how to deal with multi file projects via latex-suite {{{
-" Use a valid vim expression here if you want to customize the way latex-suite
-" searches for a master file from within another file.
-TexLet g:Tex_MainFileExpression = ''
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Macros: latex-suite comes with a large number of macros to speed up typing {{{
-" latex.
-" Place Holder Options: {{{
-" (See |placeholders| for a description of what place-holders are).
-" these options are actually used by imaps.vim, therefore the prefix is Imap_
-" and not Tex_. See |placeholders| for a description of how to use
-" place-holders. You can either completely disable placeholders (not
-" recommended) and/or you can change the place holder characters.
-TexLet g:Imap_UsePlaceHolders = 1
-TexLet g:Imap_PlaceHolderStart = '<+'
-TexLet g:Imap_PlaceHolderEnd = '+>'
-" This option when set to 1 makes <C-J> in insert mode delete
-" non-descriptive (empty) placeholders and enters insert mode.
-" NOTE: This option _has_ to be set in the .vimrc. Setting this in a filetype
-" plugin file such as ftplugin/tex.vim will not have any affect.
-TexLet g:Imap_DeleteEmptyPlaceHolders = 0
-" When set to 1, in visual mode, <C-J> takes you to the next placeholder
-" without deleting the current placeholder.
-" NOTE: This option _has_ to be set in the .vimrc. Setting this in a filetype
-" plugin file such as ftplugin/tex.vim will not have any affect.
-TexLet g:Imap_StickyPlaceHolders = 1
-" }}}
-" Menu Wizard Option: {{{
-" If the following variable is set to 1, then when an enviroment is chosen
-" from the menu then for selected environments, latex-suite asks a series of
-" questions on the command line and inserts a template with the corresponding
-" fields already filled in.
-" Setting this to zero will insert a template with |placeholders| marking off
-" the places where fields need to be filled.
-TexLet g:Tex_UseMenuWizard = 0
-" }}}
-" Visual Mode Mapping Correction: {{{
-" With so many visual maps, its helpful to have a way of catching typing
-" errors made in visual mode. What this does is to prompt you to correct your
-" visual mode mapping if you start out with g:Tex_Leader and then type some
-" illegal keys.
-" It basically maps just the g:Tex_Leader character to a function
-TexLet g:Tex_CatchVisMapErrors = 1
-" }}}
-" Diacritics: {{{
-" whether or not you want to use diacritics
-" (diacritics speed up typing some languages. the way they are set up in
-" latex-suite is
-" =char> = \'{<char>}
-" +char> = \v{<char>}
-" +} = \"a
-" :o = \^o
-" Default: 0
-TexLet g:Tex_Diacritics = 0
-" }}}
-" Leader Options: {{{
-" The mappings in latex-suite are by default prefixed with the back-tick
-" character. For example, `/ inserts \frac{<++>}{<++>}<++> etc. You can change the
-" prefix with the following setting.
-" ',', '/', '`' are preferred values. '' or '\' will lead to a _lot_ of
-" trouble.
-" g:Tex_Leader is also used for visual mode mappings for fonts.
-TexLet g:Tex_Leader = '`'
-" In order to avoid ambiguity between the large number of visual mode macros
-" provided, the visual mode macros for environments and sections start with a
-" character different from '`'.
-TexLet g:Tex_Leader2 = ','
-" }}}
-" Environment Macros: {{{
-" These mappings insert LaTeX "environments" such as
-" \begin{center}
-" <++>
-" \end{center}<++>
-" with the cursor left at the first place-holder.
-" (See |placeholders| for what these are.)
-" Mnemonic:
-" 1. All environment mappings begin with 'E'
-" 2. The next two capital letters are (for the common environments) the
-" first 2 letters of the environment name converted into upper case. For
-" example, for the center environment above, use ECE. There are a few
-" necessary exceptions such as:
-" equation --> EEQ
-" eqnarray --> EEA
-" Please see texmaps.vim for the complete list.
-" Along with the insert mode mappings, a set of visual mode mappings is
-" provided which encloses the visually selected region in an environment.
-" These maps are related to the corresponding insert mode mappings by the
-" following rule:
-" EFI --> ,fi
-" and so on. i.e, the leading E becomes '`' and the next 2 letters are small
-" case. Some of the visual mode mappings are sensetive to whether you choose
-" line-wise or character wise. For example, if you choose a word and press
-" `ve, then you get \verb|word|, whereas if you press `ve on a line-wise
-" selection, you get:
-" \begin{verbatim}
-" line
-" \end{verbatim}
-" these 2 options give finer control on which aspect of the macros you want
-" to enable.
-TexLet g:Tex_EnvironmentMaps = 1
-TexLet g:Tex_EnvironmentMenus = 1
-" }}}
-" Font Macros: {{{
-" These mappings insert font descriptions such as:
-" \textsf{<++>}<++>
-" again with the cursor at the first place-holder.
-" Mnemonic:
-" 1. first letter is always F (F for font)
-" 2. next 2 letters are the 2 letters describing the font.
-" Example: the above mapping is triggered by FSF.
-" Just like environment mappings, you can visually select an area and press
-" `sf to have it enclosed in:
-" \textsf{word}
-" or
-" {\sffamily
-" line
-" }
-" depending on character-wise or line-wise selection.
-TexLet g:Tex_FontMaps = 1
-TexLet g:Tex_FontMenus = 1
-" }}}
-" Section Macros: {{{
-" Inserts LaTeX sections:
-" \section
-" etc. Just as in the case of environments and fonts, can be enclosed with a
-" visual selection. The enclosing is not sensetive to character or line-wise
-" selection.
-" NOTE: In visual mode, you are supposed to select the name of the section
-" etc, not the whole section.
-" In the following case, select just the first line, not lines 1-3.
-" 1 section name
-" 2 some lines in this section
-" 3 and some more lines
-" Mnemonic: (make your own!)
-" SPA for part
-" SCH for chapter
-" SSE for section
-" SSS for subsection
-" SS2 for subsubsection
-" SPG for paragraph
-" SSP for subparagraph
-TexLet g:Tex_SectionMaps = 1
-TexLet g:Tex_SectionMenus = 1
-" }}}
-" Auctex Style Mappings: {{{
-" Auctex.vim has heavily inspired various portions of latex-suite providing
-" various new ways of conviniently inserting environments.
-" If you press <F5> in the insert mode while on an empty line, latex-suite
-" prompts you with a list of environments you might want to insert. You can
-" either choose one from the list or type in a new environment name.
-" The variable below (which is a comma seperated list of environment names)
-" decides the prompt which latex-suite generates.
-" You can place as many items as you want here. If the environment name is a
-" standard latex environment such as table or figure, then latex-suite will
-" insert a template with additional fields, if not, just a bare bones
-" \begin{env}
-" <++>
-" \end{env}
-" is inserted.
-" \[ and $$ are also recognized.
-" NOTE: Setting this variable to the empty string is a way of leaving the
-" <F5> key unmapped
-TexLet g:Tex_PromptedEnvironments =
- \ 'eqnarray*,eqnarray,equation,equation*,\[,$$,align,align*'
-" Another quick way of inserting environments is to press one of the shifted
-" function keys from <F1> through <F4>.
-" Each environment in the following list is mapped to a corresponding shifted
-" function key.
-" NOTE: Setting this variable to the empty string is a way of leaving all the
-" shifted function keys untouched by latex-suite.
-" NOTE: Only the first 4 items of the list are used. The rest will be silently
-" ignored.
-" The number of items in this list decides how many shifted function keys are
-" mapped.
-TexLet g:Tex_HotKeyMappings =
- \ 'eqnarray*,eqnarray,bmatrix'
-" Similar to above mechanisms works <F7> key. It prompts for command with list
-" of commands from g:Tex_PromptedCommands. There are not HotKeys for commands.
-" It works for commands of style \com{}. Changing of current command is done
-" with <S-F7>
-TexLet g:Tex_PromptedCommands =
- \ 'footnote,cite,pageref,label'
-" }}}
-" Smart Key Mappings: {{{
-" Latex-suite shites with a number of 'smart' maps, where the behavior of
-" standard keys is modified in a way which makes editing tex files easy.
-" Pressing <BS> in insert mode checks to see whether we are just after
-" something like \'{a} and if so, deletes all of it. i.e, diacritics are
-" treated as single characters for backspacing.
-" Setting this to zero will leave the <BS> key unmapped.
-" Default: 1
-TexLet g:Tex_SmartKeyBS = 1
-" The pattern used to detect whether the previous characters comprise a
-" diacritic character. This default pattern detects the standard LaTeX
-" diacritics
-TexLet g:Tex_SmartBSPattern =
- \ '\(' .
- \ "\\\\[\"^'=v]{\\S}" . '\|' .
- \ "\\\\[\"^'=]\\S" . '\|' .
- \ '\\v \S' . '\|' .
- \ "\\\\[\"^'=v]{\\\\[iI]}" . '\|' .
- \ '\\v \\[iI]' . '\|' .
- \ '\\q \S' . '\|' .
- \ '\\-' .
- \ '\)' . "$"
-" Pressing " (english double quote) will insert `` or '' by making an
-" intelligent guess about whether we intended to open or close a quote.
-" Default: 1
-TexLet g:Tex_SmartKeyQuote = 1
-" Users of other languages might want to change the quote characters to suit
-" their locale. These global values will be ignored if there are buffer-local
-" versions, which may be set in the language-specific package files, such as
-" ftplugin/latex-suite/packages/german
-TexLet g:Tex_SmartQuoteOpen = "``"
-TexLet g:Tex_SmartQuoteClose = "''"
-" Latex-suite maps the <space> key in such a way that $ characters are not
-" broken across lines.
-" NOTE: Setting this to 1 has the side-effect of making the 'tw' setting be 0.
-" Default:
-TexLet g:Tex_SmartKeySpace = 0
-" Pressing ... (3 dots) results in \ldots outside math mode and \cdots in math
-" mode.
-" TODO: Make it more intelligent within math mode. For example
-" $1+...+3$ should expand to $1+\cdots+n$, whereas $1,...,n$ should expand
-" to $1,\ldots,n$. The amsmath package actually provides a command \dots
-" which does this. Maybe use that if amsmath is detected?
-" Default: 1
-TexLet g:Tex_SmartKeyDot = 1
-" }}}
-" Advanced Math: {{{
-" These mappings allow for fast inserting of math constructions
-" brackets, better handling of space in math mode, unfortunately
-" they use <M-> mappings which conflicts with some encodings. This is easy way
-" of turning them off.
-" <M-b> encloses the previous character in \mathbf{}
-" <M-c> is polymorphic as follows:
-" Insert mode:
-" 1. If the previous character is a letter or number, then capitalize it and
-" enclose it in \mathcal{}
-" 2. otherwise insert \cite{}
-" Visual Mode:
-" 1. Enclose selection in \mathcal{}
-" <M-l> is also polymorphic as follows:
-" If the character before typing <M-l> is one of '([{|<q', then do the
-" following:
-" 1. (<M-l> \left(\right
-" similarly for [, |
-" {<M-l> \left\{\right\}
-" 2. <<M-l> \langle\rangle
-" 3. q<M-l> \lefteqn{}
-" otherwise insert \label{}
-" <M-i> inserts \item commands at the current cursor location depending on
-" the surrounding environment. For example, inside itemize, it will
-" insert a simple \item, but within a description, it will insert
-" \item[<+label+>] etc.
-" Default: 1
-TexLet g:Tex_AdvancedMath = 1
-" }}}
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" TeX Completion: {{{
-" Options for controlling the window sizes of the completion windows {{{
-" The height of the window which contains the \label's (when completing a
-" \ref) or bibtex entries (when completing a \cite). This option is used in
-" the newer methods of completing \ref's and \cite's.
-TexLet g:Tex_OutlineWindowHeight = 15
-" Options for preview window for ref/cite completion. The next two options
-" are used only when g:Tex_UseOutlineCompletion = 0 or
-" g:Tex_UseCiteCompletionVer2 = 0, i.e, when we use a classic method of
-" completing \refs and \cites.
-" Height of cwindow
-TexLet g:Tex_ViewerCwindowHeight = 5
-" Height of preview window
-TexLet g:Tex_ViewerPreviewHeight = 10
-" Options for explorer completion.
-" Height of explorer window
-TexLet g:Tex_ExplorerHeight = 10
-" Directory for images. Read |latex-completion-explorer| before changing
-TexLet g:Tex_ImageDir = ''
-" }}}
-" Options for completing a \ref {{{
-" Whether to use the "outline mode" for displaying the \label's while doing
-" \ref completion. In this mode, each label is displayed within the
-" document element it resides in. The entire thing is folded to ease
-" navigation. Should be easier/faster than the classical mode.
-TexLet g:Tex_UseOutlineCompletion = 1
-" This option should be set via the .latexmain file. It should be a newline
-" seperated list of files which make up all the "source" files in the
-" current project. This enables latex-suite to skip the more complicated
-" algorithm of finding the source files by recursively searching for
-" \input'ed files from the |latex-master-file|.
-" Only used when g:Tex_UseOutlineCompletion = 0.
-TexLet g:Tex_ProjectSourceFiles = ''
-" Whether latex-suite simply searches for \\label's in all the .tex file
-" found in the current directory or whether it will use a more complex
-" algorithm. This is used only g:Tex_UseOutlineCompletion = 0 and
-" g:Tex_ProjectSourceFiles = ''.
-" See
-" :help Tex_UseSimpleLabelSearch
-" for more information
-TexLet g:Tex_UseSimpleLabelSearch = 0
-" }}}
-" Options for completing a \cite'ation {{{
-" If set to 1, then the newer way of presenting the bibtex entries is used.
-" Instead of a |cwindow| showing just the keys and a synced |preview|
-" window beneath, show a single window containing a nicely formatted list
-" of bibtex entries. This should be faster and easier to use than the
-" classic mode
-TexLet g:Tex_UseCiteCompletionVer2 = 1
-" This is a string which is displayed to the user when he wants to sort or
-" filter the bibtex entries. This string also serves to define acronyms for
-" the various fields of a bibtex entry.
-TexLet g:Tex_BibFieldPrompt =
- \ "Field acronyms: (`:let g:Tex_EchoBibFields = 0` to avoid this message)\n" .
- \ " [t] title [a] author [b] booktitle \n" .
- \ " [j] journal [y] year [p] bibtype \n" .
- \ " (you can also enter the complete field name) \n"
-" Whether or not to display the string above to aid the user in choosing
-" the field to filter/sort with.
-TexLet g:Tex_EchoBibFields = 1
-" A setting of this form defines the letter 'a' as standing for the field
-" 'author'. Thus when the user types
-" a ellington
-" when asked to enter a filter, it is equivalent to the user specifying the
-" filter
-" author ellington
-" TexLet g:Tex_BibAcronym_a = 'author'
-" Whether or not to use Jabref to complete citations
-" See
-" :help latex-suite-jabref
-" for more infomration
-TexLet g:Tex_UseJabref = 0
-" whether or not searches for \cite's are cached.
-TexLet g:Tex_RememberCiteSearch = 0
-" Paths to the bibliography files and custom packages.
-TexLet g:Tex_BIBINPUTS = ''
-TexLet g:Tex_TEXINPUTS = ''
-" }}}
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Menus: set the kinds of menus which you would like to see. {{{
-" Setting this variable to zero will immediately disable _all_ menus.
-" for finer control set this to 1 and then play with the other options.
-" Default: 1
-TexLet g:Tex_Menus = 1
-" The location of the main menu
-TexLet g:Tex_MainMenuLocation = 80
-" Math contains a large number of tex math elemets such as arrows,
-" mathematical fonts (\mathrm), mathematical diacritics (\dot), binary
-" relational operators etc. This menu compromises about 75% of the menus.
-" Default: 1
-TexLet g:Tex_MathMenus = 1
-" The following options control the "compactness" of the menus.
-" Setting this option to 1 makes the Font, Counter and Dimensioning menus to
-" be collected together into a single 'Tex-Elements' menu. Setting this to 0
-" creates seperate menus for each of them.
-" Default: 1
-TexLet g:Tex_NestElementMenus = 1
-" Sometimes when you are using a lot of packages with lots of options etc,
-" then a lot of time might be spent at startup loading the menus.
-" Setting the following variable to 0 will stop autoloading the packages menu.
-" You can still goto TeX-Suite.Configure Menu and load this after startup.
-" Default: 1
-TexLet g:Tex_PackagesMenu = 1
-" The following option will create the packages option within the TeX-Suite
-" menu.
-" Default: 1
-TexLet g:Tex_NestPackagesMenu = 1
-" This is the prefix added to the menu names created by latex suite. Add a
-" dot to the following option to nest the menus under the menu name before the
-" dot.
-" NOTE: With a '.' as the last character of the following setting, every
-" single menu created by latex suite will be nested under the same menu.
-" Default: 'TeX-'
-TexLet g:Tex_MenuPrefix = 'TeX-'
-" Use utf-8 menus. There is plenty of math symbols in LaTeX. It is hard to
-" remember them. You can display them with utf-8. Your system/GUI interface
-" have to support utf-8. This addition is necessary for resetting 'encoding'.
-TexLet g:Tex_UseUtfMenus = 0
-if g:Tex_UseUtfMenus != 0 && has("gui_running")
- set encoding=utf-8
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Folding: latex-suite comes with 'fake' syntax folding. {{{
-" specifies whether the MakeTeXFolds() function will be defined. If this is
-" set to zero, then esentially you have disabled all of latex-suite's folding
-" functions. no maps for refreshing folds will be set up etc.
-" NOTE: However, the function TexFoldTextFunction() is still avaiable
-" and 'foldexpr' is set to point to it. This is so you can continue
-" using another folding scheme but still use the fold text function.
-TexLet g:Tex_Folding = 1
-" specifies whether a latex file is automatically folded up when opened.
-" Setting this to zero means that a file is not folded up as soon as its
-" opened.
-" NOTE: the MakeTeXFolds() function will still be available (unless disabled
-" by g:Tex_Folding), so you can do <F6> or \rf to refresh/create folds.
-TexLet g:Tex_AutoFolding = 1
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Taglist: Support for taglist.vim {{{
-" LaTeX-Suite offers now support for taglist.vim, the most popular Vim
-" interface for ctags. You should use ctags version >= 5.0 and taglist >= 3.0.
-TexLet g:Tex_TaglistSupport = 1
-" This option turns on definition of tags for LaTeX.
-" NOTE: In taglist window you may see duplicate entries for the same tag. It
-" means some definitions are repeated somewhere else. You can turn off
-" internal definitions or remove external (read ctags description
-" where).
-TexLet g:Tex_InternalTagsDefinitions = 1
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texviewer.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texviewer.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 4dc8861..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/texviewer.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1052 +0,0 @@
-" ============================================================================
-" File: texviewer.vim
-" Author: Mikolaj Machowski
-" Created: Sun Jan 26 06:00 PM 2003
-" Description: make a viewer for various purposes: \cite{, \ref{
-" License: Vim Charityware License
-" Part of vim-latexSuite: http://vim-latex.sourceforge.net
-" CVS: $Id: texviewer.vim 1004 2006-03-25 08:40:15Z srinathava $
-" ============================================================================
-" Tex_SetTexViewerMaps: sets maps for this ftplugin {{{
-function! Tex_SetTexViewerMaps()
- inoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_Completion <Esc>:call Tex_Complete("default","text")<CR>
- if !hasmapto('<Plug>Tex_Completion', 'i')
- if has('gui_running')
- imap <buffer> <silent> <F9> <Plug>Tex_Completion
- else
- imap <buffer> <F9> <Plug>Tex_Completion
- endif
- endif
-augroup LatexSuite
- au LatexSuite User LatexSuiteFileType
- \ call Tex_Debug('texviewer.vim: Catching LatexSuiteFileType event', 'view') |
- \ call Tex_SetTexViewerMaps()
-augroup END
-command -nargs=1 TLook call Tex_Complete(<q-args>, 'tex')
-command -nargs=1 TLookAll call Tex_Complete(<q-args>, 'all')
-command -nargs=1 TLookBib call Tex_Complete(<q-args>, 'bib')
-" }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Main completion function
-" ==============================================================================
-" Tex_Complete: main function {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_Complete(what, where)
- " Get info about current window and position of cursor in file
- let s:winnum = winnr()
- " Change to the directory of the file being edited before running all the
- " :grep commands. We will change back to the original directory after we
- " finish with the grep.
- let s:origdir = getcwd()
- cd %:p:h
- let s:pos = line('.').' | normal! '.virtcol('.').'|'
- unlet! s:type
- unlet! s:typeoption
- if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_WriteBeforeCompletion') == 1
- wall
- endif
- if a:where == "text"
- " What to do after <F9> depending on context
- let s:curfile = expand("%:p")
- let s:curline = strpart(getline('.'), 0, col('.'))
- let s:prefix = matchstr(s:curline, '.*{\zs.\{-}\(}\|$\)')
- " a command is of the type
- " \psfig[option=value]{figure=}
- " Thus
- " s:curline = '\psfig[option=value]{figure='
- " (with possibly some junk before \psfig)
- " from which we need to extract
- " s:type = 'psfig'
- " s:typeoption = '[option=value]'
- let pattern = '.*\\\(\w\{-}\)\(\[.\{-}\]\)\?{\(\S\+\)\?$'
- if s:curline =~ pattern
- let s:type = substitute(s:curline, pattern, '\1', 'e')
- let s:typeoption = substitute(s:curline, pattern, '\2', 'e')
- call Tex_Debug('Tex_Complete: s:type = '.s:type.', typeoption = '.s:typeoption, 'view')
- endif
- if exists("s:type") && s:type =~ 'ref'
- if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseOutlineCompletion') == 1
- call Tex_Debug("Tex_Complete: using outline search method", "view")
- call Tex_StartOutlineCompletion()
- elseif Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseSimpleLabelSearch') == 1
- call Tex_Debug("Tex_Complete: searching for \\labels in all .tex files in the present directory", "view")
- call Tex_Debug("Tex_Complete: silent! grep! ".Tex_EscapeForGrep('\\label{'.s:prefix)." *.tex", 'view')
- call Tex_Grep('\\label{'.s:prefix, '*.tex')
- call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow()
- elseif Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ProjectSourceFiles') != ''
- call Tex_Debug('Tex_Complete: searching for \\labels in all Tex_ProjectSourceFiles', 'view')
- call Tex_CD(Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:h'))
- call Tex_Grep('\\label{'.s:prefix, Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_ProjectSourceFiles'))
- call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow()
- else
- call Tex_Debug("Tex_Complete: calling Tex_GrepHelper", "view")
- silent! grep! ____HIGHLY_IMPROBABLE___ %
- call Tex_GrepHelper(s:prefix, 'label')
- call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow()
- endif
- redraw!
- elseif exists("s:type") && s:type =~ 'cite'
- let s:prefix = matchstr(s:prefix, '\([^,]\+,\)*\zs\([^,]\+\)\ze$')
- call Tex_Debug(":Tex_Complete: using s:prefix = ".s:prefix, "view")
- if has('python') && Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UsePython')
- \ && Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseCiteCompletionVer2') == 1
- call Tex_CD(s:origdir)
- silent! call Tex_StartCiteCompletion()
- elseif Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UseJabref') == 1
- call Tex_CD(s:origdir)
- let g:Remote_WaitingForCite = 1
- let citation = input('Enter citation from jabref (<enter> to leave blank): ')
- let g:Remote_WaitingForCite = 0
- call Tex_CompleteWord(citation)
- else
- " grep! nothing %
- " does _not_ clear the search history contrary to what the
- " help-docs say. This was expected. So use something improbable.
- " TODO: Is there a way to clear the search-history w/o making a
- " useless, inefficient search?
- silent! grep! ____HIGHLY_IMPROBABLE___ %
- if g:Tex_RememberCiteSearch && exists('s:citeSearchHistory')
- call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow(s:citeSearchHistory)
- else
- call Tex_GrepHelper(s:prefix, 'bib')
- redraw!
- call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow()
- endif
- if g:Tex_RememberCiteSearch && &ft == 'qf'
- let _a = @a
- silent! normal! ggVG"ay
- let s:citeSearchHistory = @a
- let @a = _a
- endif
- endif
- elseif exists("s:type") && (s:type =~ 'includegraphics' || s:type == 'psfig')
- call Tex_SetupFileCompletion(
- \ '',
- \ '^\.\\|\.tex$\\|\.bib$\\|\.bbl$\\|\.zip$\\|\.gz$',
- \ 'noext')
- elseif exists("s:type") && s:type == 'bibliography'
- call Tex_SetupFileCompletion(
- \ '\.b..$',
- \ '',
- \ 'noext')
- elseif exists("s:type") && s:type =~ 'include\(only\)\='
- call Tex_SetupFileCompletion(
- \ '\.t..$',
- \ '',
- \ 'noext')
- elseif exists("s:type") && s:type == 'input'
- call Tex_SetupFileCompletion(
- \ '',
- \ '',
- \ 'ext')
- elseif exists('s:type') && exists("g:Tex_completion_".s:type)
- call <SID>Tex_CompleteRefCiteCustom('plugin_'.s:type)
- else
- let s:word = expand('<cword>')
- if s:word == ''
- if col('.') == strlen(getline('.'))
- startinsert!
- return
- else
- normal! l
- startinsert
- return
- endif
- endif
- call Tex_Debug("silent! grep! ".Tex_EscapeForGrep('\<'.s:word.'\>')." *.tex", 'view')
- call Tex_Grep('\<'.s:word.'\>', '*.tex')
- call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow()
- endif
- elseif a:where == 'tex'
- " Process :TLook command
- call Tex_Grep(a:what, "*.tex")
- call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow()
- elseif a:where == 'bib'
- " Process :TLookBib command
- call Tex_Grep(a:what, "*.bib")
- call Tex_Grepadd(a:what, "*.bbl")
- call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow()
- elseif a:where == 'all'
- " Process :TLookAll command
- call Tex_Grep(a:what, "*")
- call <SID>Tex_SetupCWindow()
- endif
-" }}}
-" Tex_CompleteWord: inserts a word at the chosen location {{{
-" Description: This function is meant to be called when the user press
-" ``<enter>`` in one of the [Error List] windows which shows the list of
-" matches. completeword is the rest of the word which needs to be inserted.
-function! Tex_CompleteWord(completeword)
- exe s:pos
- " Complete word, check if add closing }
- exe 'normal! a'.a:completeword."\<Esc>"
- if getline('.')[col('.')-1] !~ '{' && getline('.')[col('.')] !~ '}'
- exe "normal! a}\<Esc>"
- endif
- " Return to Insert mode
- if col('.') == strlen(getline('.'))
- startinsert!
- else
- normal! l
- startinsert
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" File name completion helper functons
-" ==============================================================================
-" Tex_SetupFileCompletion: {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_SetupFileCompletion(accept, reject, ext)
- call FB_SetVar('FB_AllowRegexp', a:accept)
- call FB_SetVar('FB_RejectRegexp', a:reject)
- call FB_SetVar('FB_CallBackFunction', 'Tex_CompleteFileName')
- call FB_SetVar('FB_CallBackFunctionArgs', '"'.a:ext.'"')
- call FB_OpenFileBrowser('.')
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_CompleteFileName: {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_CompleteFileName(filename, ext)
- call Tex_Debug('+Tex_CompleteFileName: getting filename '.a:filename, 'view')
- if a:ext == 'noext'
- let completeword = fnamemodify(a:filename, ':r')
- endif
- let completeword = Tex_RelPath(completeword, Tex_GetMainFileName(':p:h'))
- call Tex_Debug(":Tex_CompleteFileName: completing with ".completeword, "view")
- call Tex_CompleteWord(completeword)
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_Common: common part of strings {{{
-function! s:Tex_Common(path1, path2)
- " Assume the caller handles 'ignorecase'
- if a:path1 == a:path2
- return a:path1
- endif
- let n = 0
- while a:path1[n] == a:path2[n]
- let n = n+1
- endwhile
- return strpart(a:path1, 0, n)
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_NormalizePath: {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_NormalizePath(path)
- let retpath = a:path
- if has("win32") || has("win16") || has("dos32") || has("dos16")
- let retpath = substitute(retpath, '\\', '/', 'ge')
- endif
- if isdirectory(retpath) && retpath !~ '/$'
- let retpath = retpath.'/'
- endif
- return retpath
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_RelPath: ultimate file name {{{
-function! Tex_RelPath(explfilename,texfilename)
- let path1 = Tex_NormalizePath(a:explfilename)
- let path2 = Tex_NormalizePath(a:texfilename)
- let n = matchend(<SID>Tex_Common(path1, path2), '.*/')
- let path1 = strpart(path1, n)
- let path2 = strpart(path2, n)
- if path2 !~ '/'
- let subrelpath = ''
- else
- let subrelpath = substitute(path2, '[^/]\{-}/', '../', 'ge')
- let subrelpath = substitute(subrelpath, '[^/]*$', '', 'ge')
- endif
- let relpath = subrelpath.path1
- return escape(Tex_NormalizePath(relpath), ' ')
-endfunction " }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Helper functions for dealing with the 'quickfix' and 'preview' windows.
-" ==============================================================================
-" Tex_SetupCWindow: set maps and local settings for cwindow {{{
-" Description: Set local maps jkJKq<cr> for cwindow. Also size and basic
-" settings
-function! s:Tex_SetupCWindow(...)
- call Tex_Debug('+Tex_SetupCWindow', 'view')
- cclose
- exe 'copen '. g:Tex_ViewerCwindowHeight
- " If called with an argument, it means we want to re-use some search
- " history from last time. Therefore, just paste it here and proceed.
- if a:0 == 1
- set modifiable
- % d _
- silent! 0put!=a:1
- $ d _
- endif
- setlocal nonumber
- setlocal nowrap
- let s:scrollOffVal = &scrolloff
- call <SID>Tex_SyncPreviewWindow()
- " If everything went well, then we should be situated in the quickfix
- " window. If there were problems, (no matches etc), then we will not be.
- " Therefore return.
- if &ft != 'qf'
- call Tex_Debug('not in quickfix window, quitting', 'view')
- return
- endif
- nnoremap <buffer> <silent> j j:call <SID>Tex_SyncPreviewWindow()<CR>
- nnoremap <buffer> <silent> k k:call <SID>Tex_SyncPreviewWindow()<CR>
- nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <up> <up>:call <SID>Tex_SyncPreviewWindow()<CR>
- nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <down> <down>:call <SID>Tex_SyncPreviewWindow()<CR>
- " Change behaviour of <cr> only for 'ref' and 'cite' context.
- if exists("s:type") && s:type =~ 'ref\|cite'
- exec 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <cr> '
- \ .':set scrolloff='.s:scrollOffVal.'<CR>'
- \ .':cd '.s:origdir.'<CR>'
- \ .':silent! call <SID>Tex_CompleteRefCiteCustom("'.s:type.'")<CR>'
- else
- " In other contexts jump to place described in cwindow and close small
- " windows
- exec 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> <cr> '
- \ .':set scrolloff='.s:scrollOffVal.'<CR>'
- \ .':cd '.s:origdir.'<CR>'
- \ .':call <SID>Tex_GoToLocation()<cr>'
- endif
- " Scroll the preview window while in the quickfix window
- nnoremap <buffer> <silent> J :wincmd j<cr><c-e>:wincmd k<cr>
- nnoremap <buffer> <silent> K :wincmd j<cr><c-y>:wincmd k<cr>
- " Exit the quickfix window without doing anything.
- exe 'nnoremap <buffer> <silent> q '
- \ .':set scrolloff='.s:scrollOffVal.'<CR>'
- \ .':cd '.s:origdir.'<CR>'
- \ .':call Tex_CloseSmallWindows()<CR>'
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_CompleteRefCiteCustom: complete/insert name for current item {{{
-" Description: handle completion of items depending on current context
-function! s:Tex_CompleteRefCiteCustom(type)
- if a:type =~ 'cite'
- if getline('.') =~ '\\bibitem{'
- let bibkey = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\bibitem{\zs.\{-}\ze}')
- else
- let bibkey = matchstr(getline('.'), '{\zs.\{-}\ze\(,\|$\)')
- endif
- let completeword = strpart(bibkey, strlen(s:prefix))
- elseif a:type =~ 'ref'
- let label = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\label{\zs.\{-}\ze}')
- let completeword = strpart(label, strlen(s:prefix))
- elseif a:type =~ '^plugin_'
- let type = substitute(a:type, '^plugin_', '', '')
- let completeword = <SID>Tex_DoCompletion(type)
- endif
- call Tex_CloseSmallWindows()
- call Tex_Debug(":Tex_CompleteRefCiteCustom: completing with ".completeword, "view")
- call Tex_CompleteWord(completeword)
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_SyncPreviewWindow: synchronize quickfix and preview window {{{
-" Description: Usually quickfix engine takes care about most of these things
-" but we discard it for better control of events.
-function! s:Tex_SyncPreviewWindow()
- call Tex_Debug('+Tex_SyncPreviewWindow', 'view')
- let viewfile = matchstr(getline('.'), '^\f*\ze|\d')
- let viewline = matchstr(getline('.'), '|\zs\d\+\ze')
- " Hilight current line in cwindow
- " Normally hightlighting is done with quickfix engine but we use something
- " different and have to do it separately
- syntax clear
- runtime syntax/qf.vim
- exe 'syn match vTodo /\%'. line('.') .'l.*/'
- hi link vTodo Todo
- " Close preview window and open it again in new place
- pclose
- exe 'silent! bot pedit +'.viewline.' '.viewfile
- " Vanilla 6.1 has bug. This additional setting of cwindow height prevents
- " resizing of this window
- exe g:Tex_ViewerCwindowHeight.' wincmd _'
- " Handle situation if there is no item beginning with s:prefix.
- " Unfortunately, because we know it late we have to close everything and
- " return as in complete process
- if v:errmsg =~ 'E32\>'
- exe s:winnum.' wincmd w'
- pclose!
- cclose
- if exists("s:prefix")
- echomsg 'No bibkey, label or word beginning with "'.s:prefix.'"'
- endif
- if col('.') == strlen(getline('.'))
- startinsert!
- else
- normal! l
- startinsert
- endif
- let v:errmsg = ''
- call Tex_Debug('Tex_SyncPreviewWindow: got error E32, no matches found, quitting', 'view')
- return 0
- endif
- " Move to preview window. Really is it under cwindow?
- wincmd j
- " Settings of preview window
- exe g:Tex_ViewerPreviewHeight.' wincmd _'
- setlocal nofoldenable
- if exists('s:type') && s:type =~ 'cite'
- " In cite context place bibkey at the top of preview window.
- setlocal scrolloff=0
- normal! zt
- else
- " In other contexts in the middle. Highlight this line?
- setlocal scrolloff=100
- normal! z.
- endif
- " Return to cwindow
- wincmd p
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_CloseSmallWindows: {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_CloseSmallWindows()
- exe s:winnum.' wincmd w'
- pclose!
- cclose
- exe s:pos
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_GoToLocation: Go to chosen location {{{
-" Description: Get number of current line and go to this number
-function! s:Tex_GoToLocation()
- pclose!
- let errmsg = v:errmsg
- let v:errmsg = ''
- exe 'silent! cc ' . line('.')
- " If the current buffer is modified, then split
- if v:errmsg =~ '^E37:'
- split
- exe 'silent! cc ' . line('.')
- endif
- cclose
- let v:errmsg = errmsg
-endfunction " }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Functions for finding \\label's or \\bibitem's in the main file.
-" ==============================================================================
-" Tex_GrepHelper: grep main filename for \\bibitem's or \\label's {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_GrepHelper(prefix, what)
- let _path = &path
- let _suffixesadd = &suffixesadd
- let _hidden = &hidden
- let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p')
- " If we are already editing the file, then use :split without any
- " arguments so it works even if the file is modified.
- " FIXME: If mainfname is being presently edited in another window and
- " is 'modified', then the second split statement will not work.
- " We will need to travel to that window and back.
- if mainfname == expand('%:p')
- split
- else
- exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(mainfname)
- endif
- let pos = line('.').'| normal! '.virtcol('.').'|'
- if a:what =~ 'bib'
- call Tex_ScanFileForCite(a:prefix)
- else
- call Tex_ScanFileForLabels(a:prefix)
- endif
- exec pos
- q
- let &path = _path
- let &suffixesadd = _suffixesadd
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_ScanFileForCite: search for \bibitem's in .bib or .bbl or tex files {{{
-" Description:
-" Search for bibliographic entries in the presently edited file in the
-" following manner:
-" 1. First see if the file has a \bibliography command.
-" If YES:
-" 1. If a .bib file corresponding to the \bibliography command can be
-" found, then search for '@.*'.a:prefix inside it.
-" 2. Otherwise, if a .bbl file corresponding to the \bibliography command
-" can be found, then search for '\bibitem'.a:prefix inside it.
-" 2. Next see if the file has a \thebibliography environment
-" If YES:
-" 1. Search for '\bibitem'.a:prefix in this file.
-" If neither a \bibliography or \begin{thebibliography} are found, then repeat
-" steps 1 and 2 for every file \input'ed into this file. Abort any searching
-" as soon as the first \bibliography or \begin{thebibliography} is found.
-function! Tex_ScanFileForCite(prefix)
- call Tex_Debug('+Tex_ScanFileForCite: searching for bibkeys in '.bufname('%').' (buffer #'.bufnr('%').')', 'view')
- let presBufNum = bufnr('%')
- let foundCiteFile = 0
- " First find out if this file has a \bibliography command in it. If so,
- " assume that this is the only file in the project which defines a
- " bibliography.
- if search('\\\(no\)\?bibliography{', 'w')
- call Tex_Debug('Tex_ScanFileForCite: found bibliography command in '.bufname('%'), 'view')
- " convey that we have found a bibliography command. we do not need to
- " proceed any further.
- let foundCiteFile = 1
- " extract the bibliography filenames from the command.
- let bibnames = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\\(no\)\?bibliography{\zs.\{-}\ze}')
- let bibnames = substitute(bibnames, '\s', '', 'g')
- call Tex_Debug('trying to search through ['.bibnames.']', 'view')
- let &path = '.,'.g:Tex_BIBINPUTS
- let i = 1
- while 1
- let bibname = Tex_Strntok(bibnames, ',', i)
- if bibname == ''
- break
- endif
- " first try to find if a .bib file exists. If so do not search in
- " the corresponding .bbl file. (because the .bbl file will most
- " probly be generated automatically from the .bib file with
- " bibtex).
- let fname = Tex_FindFile(bibname, '.,'.g:Tex_BIBINPUTS, '.bib')
- if fname != ''
- call Tex_Debug('finding .bib file ['.bufname('%').']', 'view')
- exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(fname)
- call Tex_Grepadd('@.*{'.a:prefix, "%")
- q
- else
- let fname = Tex_FindFile(bibname, '.,'.g:Tex_BIBINPUTS, '.bbl')
- if fname != ''
- exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(fname)
- call Tex_Debug('finding .bbl file ['.bufname('.').']', 'view')
- call Tex_Grepadd('\\bibitem{'.a:prefix, "%")
- q
- endif
- endif
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
- if foundCiteFile
- return 1
- endif
- endif
- " If we have a thebibliography environment, then again assume that this is
- " the only file which defines the bib-keys. Aand convey this information
- " upwards by returning 1.
- if search('^\s*\\begin{thebibliography}', 'w')
- call Tex_Debug('got a thebibliography environment in '.bufname('%'), 'view')
- let foundCiteFile = 1
- split
- lcd %:p:h
- call Tex_Debug("silent! grepadd! ".Tex_EscapeForGrep('\\bibitem{'.a:prefix)." %", 'view')
- call Tex_Grepadd('\\bibitem{'.a:prefix, "%")
- q
- return 1
- endif
- " If we have not found any \bibliography or \thebibliography environment
- " in this file, search for these environments in all the files which this
- " file includes.
- exec 0
- let wrap = 'w'
- while search('^\s*\\\(input\|include\)', wrap)
- let wrap = 'W'
- let filename = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\\(input\|include\){\zs.\{-}\ze}')
- let foundfile = Tex_FindFile(filename, '.,'.g:Tex_TEXINPUTS, '.tex')
- if foundfile != ''
- exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(foundfile)
- call Tex_Debug('scanning recursively in ['.foundfile.']', 'view')
- let foundCiteFile = Tex_ScanFileForCite(a:prefix)
- q
- endif
- if foundCiteFile
- return 1
- endif
- endwhile
- return 0
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_ScanFileForLabels: greps present file and included files for \\label's {{{
-" Description:
-" Grep the presently edited file for \\label's. If the present file \include's
-" or \input's other files, then recursively scan those as well, i.e we support
-" arbitrary levels of \input'ed-ness.
-function! Tex_ScanFileForLabels(prefix)
- call Tex_Debug("+Tex_ScanFileForLabels: grepping in file [".bufname('%')."]", "view")
- lcd %:p:h
- call Tex_Grepadd('\\label{'.a:prefix, "%")
- " Then recursively grep for all \include'd or \input'ed files.
- exec 0
- let wrap = 'w'
- while search('^\s*\\\(input\|include\)', wrap)
- let wrap = 'W'
- let filename = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\\(input\|include\){\zs.\{-}\ze}')
- let foundfile = Tex_FindFile(filename, '.,'.Tex_TEXINPUTS, '.tex')
- if foundfile != ''
- exec 'split '.Tex_EscapeSpaces(foundfile)
- call Tex_Debug('Tex_ScanFileForLabels: scanning recursively in ['.foundfile.']', 'view')
- call Tex_ScanFileForLabels(a:prefix)
- q
- endif
- endwhile
-endfunction " }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Functions for custom command completion
-" ==============================================================================
-" Tex_completion_{var}: similar variables can be set in package files {{{
-let g:Tex_completion_bibliographystyle = 'abbr,alpha,plain,unsrt'
-let g:Tex_completion_addtocontents = 'lof}{,lot}{,toc}{'
-let g:Tex_completion_addcontentsline = 'lof}{figure}{,lot}{table}{,toc}{chapter}{,toc}{part}{,'.
- \ 'toc}{section}{,toc}{subsection}{,toc}{paragraph}{,'.
- \ 'toc}{subparagraph}{'
-" }}}
-" Tex_PromptForCompletion: prompts for a completion {{{
-" Description:
-function! s:Tex_PromptForCompletion(texcommand,ask)
- let common_completion_prompt =
- \ Tex_CreatePrompt(g:Tex_completion_{a:texcommand}, 2, ',') . "\n" .
- \ 'Enter number or completion: '
- let inp = input(a:ask."\n".common_completion_prompt)
- if inp =~ '^[0-9]\+$'
- let completion = Tex_Strntok(g:Tex_completion_{a:texcommand}, ',', inp)
- else
- let completion = inp
- endif
- return completion
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_DoCompletion: fast insertion of completion {{{
-" Description:
-function! s:Tex_DoCompletion(texcommand)
- let completion = <SID>Tex_PromptForCompletion(a:texcommand, 'Choose a completion to insert: ')
- if completion != ''
- return completion
- else
- return ''
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Functions for presenting an outlined version for completion
-" ==============================================================================
-" Tex_StartOutlineCompletion: sets up an outline window {{{
-" get the place where this plugin resides for setting cpt and dict options.
-" these lines need to be outside the function.
-let s:path = expand('<sfile>:p:h')
-if has('python') && Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UsePython')
- python import sys, re
- exec "python sys.path += [r'". s:path . "']"
- python import outline
-function! Tex_StartOutlineCompletion()
- let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p')
- " open the buffer
- let _report = &report
- let _cmdheight=&cmdheight
- let _lazyredraw = &lazyredraw
- set report=1000
- set cmdheight=1
- set lazyredraw
- bot split __OUTLINE__
- exec Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_OutlineWindowHeight', 15).' wincmd _'
- setlocal modifiable
- setlocal noswapfile
- setlocal buftype=nowrite
- setlocal bufhidden=delete
- setlocal nowrap
- setlocal foldmethod=marker
- setlocal foldmarker=<<<,>>>
- " delete everything in it to the blackhole
- % d _
- if has('python') && Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UsePython')
- exec 'python retval = outline.main('
- \. 'r"' . fnamemodify(mainfname, ':p') . '", '
- \. 'r"' . s:prefix . '")'
- " transfer variable from python to a local variable.
- python vim.command("""let retval = "%s" """ % re.sub(r'"|\\', r'\\\g<0>', retval))
- 0put!=retval
- else
- exec '0r!'.s:path.'/outline.py '.mainfname.' '.s:prefix
- endif
- 0
- call Tex_SetupOutlineSyntax()
- exec 'nnoremap <buffer> <cr> '
- \ .':cd '.s:origdir.'<CR>'
- \ .':call Tex_FinishOutlineCompletion()<CR>'
- exec 'nnoremap <buffer> q '
- \ .':cd '.s:origdir.'<CR>'
- \ .':close<CR>'
- " once the buffer is initialized, go back to the original settings.
- setlocal nomodifiable
- setlocal nomodified
- let &report = _report
- let &cmdheight = _cmdheight
- let &lazyredraw = _lazyredraw
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_SetupOutlineSyntax: sets up the syntax items for the outline {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_SetupOutlineSyntax()
- syn match outlineFileName "<\f\+>$" contained
- syn match foldMarkers "<<<\d$" contained
- syn match firstSemiColon '^:' contained
- syn match firstAngle '^>' contained
- syn match sectionNames '\(\d\.\)\+ .*' contains=foldMarkers
- syn match previousLine '^:.*' contains=firstSemiColon
- syn match labelLine '^>.*' contains=firstAngle,outlineFileName
- hi def link outlineFileName Ignore
- hi def link foldMarkers Ignore
- hi def link firstSemiColon Ignore
- hi def link firstAngle Ignore
- hi def link sectionNames Type
- hi def link previousLine Special
- hi def link labelLine Comment
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_FinishOutlineCompletion: inserts the reference back in the text {{{
-function! Tex_FinishOutlineCompletion()
- if getline('.') !~ '^[>:]'
- return
- endif
- if getline('.') =~ '^>'
- let ref_complete = matchstr(getline('.'), '^>\s\+\zs\S\+\ze')
- elseif getline('.') =~ '^:'
- let ref_complete = matchstr(getline(line('.')-1), '^>\s\+\zs\S\+\ze')
- endif
- let ref_remaining = strpart(ref_complete, strlen(s:prefix))
- close
- call Tex_CompleteWord(ref_remaining)
-endfunction " }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Functions for presenting a nicer list of bibtex entries
-" ==============================================================================
-" Tex_FindBibFiles: finds all .bib files used by the main file {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_FindBibFiles()
- let mainfname = Tex_GetMainFileName(':p')
- wincmd n
- exec 'silent! e '.mainfname
- if search('\\\(no\)\?bibliography{', 'w')
- call Tex_Debug('Tex_FindBibFiles: found bibliography command in '.bufname('%'), 'view')
- " extract the bibliography filenames from the command.
- let bibnames = matchstr(getline('.'), '\\\(no\)\?bibliography{\zs.\{-}\ze}')
- let bibnames = substitute(bibnames, '\s', '', 'g')
- call Tex_Debug(':Tex_FindBibFiles: trying to search through ['.bibnames.']', 'view')
- let bibfiles = ''
- let i = 1
- while 1
- let bibname = Tex_Strntok(bibnames, ',', i)
- if bibname == ''
- break
- endif
- let fname = Tex_FindFile(bibname, '.,'.g:Tex_BIBINPUTS, '.bib')
- if fname != ''
- let bibfiles = bibfiles.fname."\n"
- endif
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
- call Tex_Debug(":Tex_FindBibFiles: returning [".bibfiles."]", "view")
- q
- return bibfiles
- else
- q
- return ''
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_StartBibtexOutline: sets up an outline window {{{
-" get the place where this plugin resides for setting cpt and dict options.
-" these lines need to be outside the function.
-if has('python') && Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_UsePython')
- python import sys, re
- exec "python sys.path += [r'". s:path . "']"
- python import bibtools
-function! Tex_StartCiteCompletion()
- let bibfiles = Tex_FindBibFiles()
- if bibfiles !~ '\S'
- echohl WarningMsg
- echomsg 'No bibfiles found! Sorry'
- echohl None
- return
- endif
- bot split __OUTLINE__
- exec Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_OutlineWindowHeight', 15).' wincmd _'
- exec 'python Tex_BibFile = bibtools.BibFile("""'.bibfiles.'""")'
- exec 'python Tex_BibFile.addfilter("key ^'.s:prefix.'")'
- call Tex_DisplayBibList()
- nnoremap <Plug>Tex_JumpToNextBibEntry :call search('^\S.*\]$', 'W')<CR>:call Tex_EchoBibShortcuts()<CR>z.
- nnoremap <Plug>Tex_JumpToPrevBibEntry :call search('^\S.*\]$', 'bW')<CR>:call Tex_EchoBibShortcuts()<CR>z.
- nnoremap <Plug>Tex_FilterBibEntries :call Tex_HandleBibShortcuts('filter')<CR>
- nnoremap <Plug>Tex_RemoveBibFilters :call Tex_HandleBibShortcuts('remove_filters')<CR>
- nnoremap <Plug>Tex_SortBibEntries :call Tex_HandleBibShortcuts('sort')<CR>
- nnoremap <Plug>Tex_CompleteCiteEntry :call Tex_CompleteCiteEntry()<CR>
- nmap <buffer> <silent> n <Plug>Tex_JumpToNextBibEntry
- nmap <buffer> <silent> p <Plug>Tex_JumpToPrevBibEntry
- nmap <buffer> <silent> f <Plug>Tex_FilterBibEntries
- nmap <buffer> <silent> s <Plug>Tex_SortBibEntries
- nmap <buffer> <silent> a <Plug>Tex_RemoveBibFilters
- nmap <buffer> <silent> q :close<CR>
- nmap <buffer> <silent> <CR> <Plug>Tex_CompleteCiteEntry
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_DisplayBibList: displays the list of bibtex entries {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_DisplayBibList()
- " open the buffer
- let _report = &report
- let _cmdheight=&cmdheight
- let _lazyredraw = &lazyredraw
- set report=1000
- set cmdheight=1
- set lazyredraw
- setlocal modifiable
- setlocal noswapfile
- setlocal buftype=nowrite
- setlocal bufhidden=delete
- setlocal nowrap
- setlocal foldmethod=marker
- setlocal foldmarker=<<<,>>>
- " delete everything in it to the blackhole
- % d _
- exec 'python Tex_CurBuf = vim.current.buffer'
- exec 'python Tex_CurBuf[:] = str(Tex_BibFile).splitlines()'
- call Tex_SetupBibSyntax()
- 0
- call Tex_EchoBibShortcuts()
- " once the buffer is initialized, go back to the original settings.
- setlocal nomodifiable
- setlocal nomodified
- let &report = _report
- let &cmdheight = _cmdheight
- let &lazyredraw = _lazyredraw
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_EchoBibShortcuts: echos all the shortcuts in the status line {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_EchoBibShortcuts()
- echomsg '(a) all (f) filter (s) sort (n) next (p) previous (q) quit (<CR>) choose'
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_SetupBibSyntax: sets up the syntax items for the outline {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_SetupBibSyntax()
- syn match BibTitleHeader "^TI" contained
- syn match BibAuthorHeader "^AU" contained
- syn match BibLocationHeader "^IN" contained
- syn match BibMiscHeader "^MI" contained
- syn match BibKeyLine '^\S.*\]$' contains=BibKey
- syn match BibTitle "^TI .*" contains=BibTitleHeader
- syn match BibAuthor "^AU .*" contains=BibAuthorHeader
- syn match BibLocation "^IN .*" contains=BibLocationHeader
- syn match BibMisc "^MI .*" contains=BibMiscHeader
- hi def link BibTitleHeader Ignore
- hi def link BibAuthorHeader Ignore
- hi def link BibLocationHeader Ignore
- hi def link BibMiscHeader Ignore
- hi def link BibKeyLine Visual
- hi def link BibTitle Type
- hi def link BibAuthor Special
- hi def link BibLocation Comment
- hi def link BibMisc Comment
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_HandleBibShortcuts: handles user keypresses {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_HandleBibShortcuts(command)
- if a:command == 'filter' || a:command == 'sort'
- let fieldprompt =
- \ "Field acronyms: (`:let g:Tex_EchoBibFields = 0` to avoid this message)\n" .
- \ " [t] title [a] author [b] booktitle \n" .
- \ " [j] journal [y] year [p] bibtype \n" .
- \ " (you can also enter the complete field name) \n"
- let fieldprompt = Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_BibFieldPrompt', fieldprompt)
- if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_EchoBibFields', 1) == 1
- echo fieldprompt
- endif
- let inp = input('Enter '.a:command.' criterion [field<space>value]: ')
- if inp !~ '\v^\S+\s+\S.*'
- echohl WarningMsg
- echomsg 'Invalid filter specification. Use "field<space>value"'
- echohl None
- return
- endif
- if inp != ''
- " If the field is specified as a single character, then replace
- " it with the corresponding 'full form'.
- if inp =~ '^[a-z]\>'
- if Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_BibAcronym_'.inp[0]) != ''
- let inp = substitute(inp, '.', Tex_GetVarValue('Tex_BibAcronym_'.inp[0]), '')
- elseif fieldprompt =~ '\['.inp[0].'\]'
- let full = matchstr(fieldprompt, '\['.inp[0].'\] \zs\w\+\ze')
- let inp = substitute(inp, '.', full, '')
- endif
- endif
- call Tex_Debug(":Tex_HandleBibShortcuts: using inp = [".inp."]", "view")
- if a:command == 'filter'
- exec 'python Tex_BibFile.addfilter("'.inp.'")'
- elseif a:command == 'sort'
- exec "python Tex_BibFile.addsortfield(\"".inp."\")"
- exec 'python Tex_BibFile.sort()'
- endif
- silent! call Tex_DisplayBibList()
- endif
- elseif a:command == 'remove_filters'
- exec 'python Tex_BibFile.rmfilters()'
- exec 'python Tex_BibFile.addfilter("key ^'.s:prefix.'")'
- call Tex_DisplayBibList()
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" Tex_CompleteCiteEntry: completes cite entry {{{
-" Description:
-function! Tex_CompleteCiteEntry()
- normal! 0
- call search('\[\S\+\]$', 'W')
- if getline('.') !~ '\[\S\+\]$'
- call search('\[\S\+\]$', 'bW')
- endif
- if getline('.') !~ '\[\S\+\]$'
- return
- endif
- let ref = matchstr(getline('.'), '\[\zs\S\+\ze\]$')
- close
- call Tex_Debug(":Tex_CompleteCiteEntry: completing with ".ref, "view")
- call Tex_CompleteWord(strpart(ref, strlen(s:prefix)))
-endfunction " }}}
-com! -nargs=0 TClearCiteHist unlet! s:citeSearchHistory
-" vim:fdm=marker:nowrap:noet:ff=unix:ts=4:sw=4
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/version.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/version.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 41089cf..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/version.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-" Tex_Version: returns a string which gives the current version number of latex-suite
-" Description:
-" Each time a bug fix/addition is done in any source file in latex-suite,
-" not just this file, the number below has to be incremented by the author.
-" This will ensure that there is a single 'global' version number for all of
-" latex-suite.
-" If a change is done in the doc/ directory, i.e an addition/change in the
-" documentation, then this number should NOT be incremented.
-" Latex-suite will follow a 3-tier system of versioning just as Vim. A
-" version number will be of the form:
-" X.Y.ZZ
-" 'X' will only be incremented for a major over-haul or feature addition.
-" 'Y' will be incremented for significant changes which do not qualify
-" as major.
-" 'ZZ' will be incremented for bug-fixes and very trivial additions such
-" as adding an option etc. Once ZZ reaches 50, then Y will be
-" incremented and ZZ will be reset to 01. Each time we have a
-" version number of the form X.Y.01, then we'll make a release on
-" vim.sf.net and also create a cvs tag at that point. We'll try to
-" "stabilize" that version by releasing a few pre-releases and then
-" keep that as a stable point.
-function! Tex_Version()
- return "Latex-Suite: version 1.8.13"
-com! -nargs=0 TVersion echo Tex_Version()
diff --git a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/wizardfuncs.vim b/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/wizardfuncs.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 113271c..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/ftplugin/latex-suite/wizardfuncs.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-" File: wizardfuncs.vim
-" Author: Mikolaj Machowski <mikmach@wp.pl>
-" Description:
-" Installation:
-" History: pluginized by Srinath Avadhanula
-if exists('s:doneOnce')
- finish
-let s:doneOnce = 1
-let s:mapleader = exists('mapleader') ? mapleader : "\\"
-" ==============================================================================
-" Specialized functions for handling sections from command line
-" ==============================================================================
-com! -nargs=? TSection call Tex_section(<f-args>)
-com! -nargs=? TSectionAdvanced call Tex_section_adv(<f-args>)
-" Tex_VisSecAdv: handles visual selection for sections {{{
-function! Tex_VisSecAdv(section)
- let shorttitle = input("Short title? ")
- let toc = input("Include in table of contents [y]/n ? ")
- let sstructure = "\\".a:section
- if ( toc == "" || toc == "y" )
- let toc = ""
- else
- let toc = "*"
- endif
- if shorttitle != ""
- let shorttitle = '['.shorttitle.']'
- endif
- exe "normal `>a}\<cr>\<esc>`<i".sstructure.toc.shorttitle."{"
-" }}}
-" Tex_InsSecAdv: section wizard in insert mode {{{
-function! Tex_InsSecAdv(structure)
- let ttitle = input("Title? ")
- let shorttitle = input("Short title? ")
- let toc = input("Include in table of contents [y]/n ? ")
- "Structure
- let sstructure = "\\".a:structure
- "TOC
- if ( toc == "" || toc == "y" )
- let toc = ""
- else
- let toc = "*"
- endif
- "Shorttitle
- if shorttitle != ""
- let shorttitle = '['.shorttitle.']'
- endif
- "Title
- let ttitle = '{'.ttitle.'}'
- "Happy end?
- return sstructure.toc.shorttitle.ttitle
-" }}}
-function! Tex_section(...) "{{{
- silent let pos = line('.').' | normal! '.virtcol('.').'|'
- silent let last_section_value = s:Tex_section_detection()
- if a:0 == 0
- silent let last_section_name = s:Tex_section_name(last_section_value)
- silent call s:Tex_section_call(last_section_name)
- elseif a:1 =~ "[+=\-]"
- silent let sec_arg = a:1
- silent let curr_section_value = s:Tex_section_curr_rel_value(sec_arg, last_section_value)
- silent let curr_section_name = s:Tex_section_name(curr_section_value)
- silent call s:Tex_section_call(curr_section_name)
- elseif a:1 == "?"
- echo s:last_section_line
- else
- silent let curr_section_value = s:Tex_section_curr_value(a:1)
- silent let curr_section_name = s:Tex_section_name(curr_section_value)
- silent call s:Tex_section_call(curr_section_name)
- endif
- silent exe pos
-endfunction "}}}
-function! Tex_section_adv(...) "{{{
- let pos = line('.').' | normal! '.virtcol('.').'|'
- silent let last_section_value = s:Tex_section_detection()
- if a:0 == 0
- silent let last_section_name = s:Tex_section_name(last_section_value)
- let section = Tex_InsSecAdv(last_section_name)
- elseif a:1 =~ "[+=\-]"
- silent let sec_arg = a:1
- silent let curr_section_value = s:Tex_section_curr_rel_value(sec_arg, last_section_value)
- silent let curr_section_name = s:Tex_section_name(curr_section_value)
- let section = Tex_InsSecAdv(curr_section_name)
- else
- silent let curr_section_value = s:Tex_section_curr_value(a:1)
- silent let curr_section_name = s:Tex_section_name(curr_section_value)
- silent call s:Tex_section_call(curr_section_name)
- let section = Tex_InsSecAdv(curr_section_name)
- endif
- exe "normal i".section
- exe pos
-endfunction "}}}
-function! s:Tex_section_detection() "{{{
- let pos = line('.').' | normal! '.virtcol('.').'|'
- let last_section1 = search("\\\\\subparagraph\\|\\\\paragraph\\|\\\\subsubsection\\|\\\\subsection\\|\\\\section\\|\\\\chapter\\|\\\part\)", "b")
- exe pos
- let last_section2 = search("\\\\\part\\|\\\\chapter\\|\\\\section\\|\\\\subsection\\|\\\\subsubsection\\|\\\\paragraph\\|\\\subparagraph\)", "b")
- if last_section1 > last_section2
- let last_section = last_section1
- else
- let last_section = last_section2
- endif
- if last_section != 0
- exe last_section
- if getline(".") =~ "\\\\part"
- let last_section_value = 0
- elseif getline(".") =~ "\\\\chapter"
- let last_section_value = 1
- elseif getline(".") =~ "\\\\section"
- let last_section_value = 2
- elseif getline(".") =~ "\\\\subsection"
- let last_section_value = 3
- elseif getline(".") =~ "\\\\subsubsection"
- let last_section_value = 4
- elseif getline(".") =~ "\\\\paragraph"
- let last_section_value = 5
- elseif getline(".") =~ "\\\\subparagraph"
- let last_section_value = 6
- endif
- let s:last_section_line = getline(".")
- else
- let last_section_value = 0
- endif
- exe pos
- return last_section_value
-endfunction "}}}
-function! s:Tex_section_curr_value(sec_arg) "{{{
- if a:sec_arg == "pa" || a:sec_arg == "0" || a:sec_arg == "part"
- let curr_section_value = 0
- elseif a:sec_arg == "ch" || a:sec_arg == "1" || a:sec_arg == "chapter"
- let curr_section_value = 1
- elseif a:sec_arg == "se" || a:sec_arg == "2" || a:sec_arg == "section"
- let curr_section_value = 2
- elseif a:sec_arg == "ss" || a:sec_arg == "3" || a:sec_arg == "subsection"
- let curr_section_value = 3
- elseif a:sec_arg == "s2" || a:sec_arg == "4" || a:sec_arg == "subsubsection"
- let curr_section_value = 4
- elseif a:sec_arg == "pr" || a:sec_arg == "5" || a:sec_arg == "paragraph"
- let curr_section_value = 5
- elseif a:sec_arg == "sp" || a:sec_arg == "6" || a:sec_arg == "subparagraph"
- let curr_section_value = 6
- endif
- return curr_section_value
-endfunction "}}}
-function! s:Tex_section_curr_rel_value(sec_arg, last_section_value) "{{{
- let last_section_value = a:last_section_value
- if a:sec_arg == "+" || a:sec_arg == "+1"
- let curr_section_value = last_section_value + 1
- elseif a:sec_arg == "++" || a:sec_arg == "+2"
- let curr_section_value = last_section_value + 2
- elseif a:sec_arg == "-" || a:sec_arg == "-1"
- let curr_section_value = last_section_value - 1
- elseif a:sec_arg == "--" || a:sec_arg == "-2"
- let curr_section_value = last_section_value - 2
- elseif a:sec_arg == "="
- let curr_section_value = last_section_value
- else
- exe "let curr_section_value = last_section_value".a:sec_arg
- endif
- if curr_section_value < 0
- let curr_section_value = 0
- elseif curr_section_value > 6
- let curr_section_value = 6
- endif
- return curr_section_value
-endfunction "}}}
-function! s:Tex_section_name(section_value) "{{{
- if a:section_value == 0
- let section_name = "part"
- elseif a:section_value == 1
- let section_name = "chapter"
- elseif a:section_value == 2
- let section_name = "section"
- elseif a:section_value == 3
- let section_name = "subsection"
- elseif a:section_value == 4
- let section_name = "subsubsection"
- elseif a:section_value == 5
- let section_name = "paragraph"
- elseif a:section_value == 6
- let section_name = "subparagraph"
- endif
- return section_name
-endfunction "}}}
-function! s:Tex_section_call(section_name) "{{{
- exe "normal! i\\".a:section_name."{<++>}<++>\<Esc>0\<C-j>"
-" let ret_section = "\\".a:section_name."{<++>}<++>"
-" exe "normal! i\<C-r>=IMAP_PutTextWithMovement(ret_section)\<CR>"
-" normal f}i
-endfunction "}}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Add looking help into latexhelp.txt
-" ==============================================================================
-inoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_Help <C-o>:call <SID>TexHelp()<CR>
-nnoremap <silent> <Plug>Tex_Help :call <SID>TexHelp()<CR>
-command! -nargs=0 THelp call <SID>TexHelp()
-call Tex_MakeMap('<F1>', '<Plug>Tex_Help', 'i', '')
-call Tex_MakeMap('<F1>', '<Plug>Tex_Help', 'n', '')
-" TexHelp: Cursor being on LaTeX item check if exists help tag about it " {{{
-function! s:TexHelp()
- let syntax_item = synIDattr(synID(line('.'),col('.')-1,0),"name")
- if syntax_item =~ '^tex'
- setlocal isk+=\
- let curword = expand('<cword>')
- setlocal isk-=\
- let v:errmsg = ''
- if curword =~ "^\\" || syntax_item == 'texSectionName'
- exe 'silent! help '.curword
- if v:errmsg =~ '^E149:'
- echohl ErrorMsg
- exe "echomsg 'Sorry, no help for LaTeX: ".curword."'"
- echohl None
- let v:errmsg = ''
- endif
- else
- help
- endif
- else
- help
- endif
-endfunction " }}}
-" ==============================================================================
-" Tables of shortcuts
-" ==============================================================================
-command! -nargs=? Tshortcuts call Tex_shortcuts(<f-args>)<CR>
-" Tex_shortcuts: Show shortcuts in terminal after : command {{{
-function! Tex_shortcuts(...)
- if a:0 == 0
- let shorts = input(" Allowed arguments are:"
- \."\n g General"
- \."\n e Environments"
- \."\n f Fonts"
- \."\n s Sections"
- \."\n m Math"
- \."\n a All"
- \."\n Enter your choice (<Enter> quits) : ")
- call Tex_shortcuts(shorts)
- elseif a:1 == 'g'
- echo g:generalshortcuts
- elseif a:1 == 'e'
- echo g:environmentshortcuts
- elseif a:1 == 'f'
- echo g:fontshortcuts
- elseif a:1 == 's'
- echo g:sectionshortcuts
- elseif a:1 == 'm'
- echo g:mathshortcuts
- elseif a:1 == 'a'
- echo g:generalshortcuts
- echo g:environmentshortcuts
- echo g:fontshortcuts
- echo g:sectionshortcuts
- echo g:mathshortcuts
- endif
-" }}}
-" General shortcuts {{{
-let g:generalshortcuts = ''
-\."\n General shortcuts"
-\."\n <mapleader> is a value of <Leader>"
-\."\n ".s:mapleader.'ll compile whole document'
-\."\n ".s:mapleader.'lv view compiled document'
-\."\n ".s:mapleader.'ls forward searching (if possible)'
-\."\n ".s:mapleader.'rf refresh folds'
-" }}}
-" Environment shortcuts {{{
-let g:environmentshortcuts = ''
-\."\n Environment shortcuts"
-\."\n <mapleader> is a value of g:Tex_Leader2"
-\."\n I v&V I v&V"
-\."\n ELI ".g:Tex_Leader2."li list EQN ".g:Tex_Leader2."qn quotation"
-\."\n EDE ".g:Tex_Leader2."de description ESB ".g:Tex_Leader2."sb sloppybar"
-\."\n EEN ".g:Tex_Leader2."en enumerate ETI ".g:Tex_Leader2."ti theindex"
-\."\n EIT ".g:Tex_Leader2."it itemize ETP ".g:Tex_Leader2."tp titlepage"
-\."\n ETI ".g:Tex_Leader2."ti theindex EVM ".g:Tex_Leader2."vm verbatim"
-\."\n ETL ".g:Tex_Leader2."tl trivlist EVE ".g:Tex_Leader2."ve verse"
-\."\n ETE ".g:Tex_Leader2."te table ETB ".g:Tex_Leader2."tb thebibliography"
-\."\n ETG ".g:Tex_Leader2."tg tabbing ENO ".g:Tex_Leader2."no note"
-\."\n ETR ".g:Tex_Leader2."tr tabular EOV ".g:Tex_Leader2."ov overlay"
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-" }}}
-" Math shortcuts {{{
-let g:mathshortcuts = ''
-\."\n Math shortcuts - Insert mode"
-\."\n `a \\alpha `b \\beta"
-\."\n `g \\gamma `d \\delta"
-\."\n `e \\varepsilon `z \\zeta"
-\."\n `h \\eta `q \\theta"
-\."\n `i \\iota `k \\kappa"
-\."\n `l \\lambda `m \\mu"
-\."\n `n \\nu `x \\xi"
-\."\n `p \\pi `r \\rho"
-\."\n `s \\sigma `v \\varsigma"
-\."\n `t \\tau `u \\upsilon"
-\."\n `f \\varphi `c \\chi"
-\."\n `y \\psi `w \\omega"
-\."\n `A \\Alpha `B \\Beta"
-\."\n `G \\Gamma `D \\Delta"
-\."\n `E \\Epsilon `Z \\mathrm{Z}"
-\."\n `H \\Eta `K \\Kappa"
-\."\n `L \\Lambda `M \\Mu"
-\."\n `N \\Nu `X \\Xi"
-\."\n `P \\Pi `R \\Rho"
-\."\n `S \\Sigma `T \\Tau"
-\."\n `U \\Upsilon `C \\Chi"
-\."\n `Y \\Psi `W \\Omega"
-\."\n `( \\subset `) \\Subset"
-\."\n `= \\equiv =~ \\approx"
-\."\n `- \\bigcap `+ \\bigcup"
-\."\n `. \\cdot `* \\times"
-\."\n `\\ \\setminus `@ \\circ"
-\."\n `& \\wedge `, \\nonumber"
-\."\n `8 \\infty `_ \\bar{}"
-\."\n `: \\ddot{} `; \\dot{}"
-\."\n `^ \\hat{} `~ \\tilde{}"
-\."\n `6 \\partial"
-" }}}
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