path: root/dot_vim/plugin/SyntaxFolds.vim
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authorRyan Kavanagh <rak@rak.ac>2021-12-14 11:42:41 -0500
committerRyan Kavanagh <rak@rak.ac>2021-12-14 11:42:41 -0500
commitfd2001cd614dfa0d55ec820b7c358a1795d3ea27 (patch)
tree932b5f91ad3c70f9cfa4455a0ccfb27a7b259bf1 /dot_vim/plugin/SyntaxFolds.vim
parentadded symlink to cclub afs (diff)
Simplify vim configuration
Diffstat (limited to 'dot_vim/plugin/SyntaxFolds.vim')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 323 deletions
diff --git a/dot_vim/plugin/SyntaxFolds.vim b/dot_vim/plugin/SyntaxFolds.vim
deleted file mode 100644
index 27c622c..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/plugin/SyntaxFolds.vim
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,323 +0,0 @@
-" ==============================================================================
-" File: syntaxFolds.vim
-" Author: Srinath Avadhanula
-" ( srinath@fastmail.fm )
-" Last Change: Sun Oct 27 01:00 AM 2002 PST
-" Description: Emulation of the syntax folding capability of vim using manual
-" folding
-" This script provides an emulation of the syntax folding of vim using manual
-" folding. Just as in syntax folding, the folds are defined by regions. Each
-" region is specified by a call to FoldRegions() which accepts 4 parameters:
-" call FoldRegions(startpat, endpat, startoff, endoff)
-" startpat: a line matching this pattern defines the beginning of a fold.
-" endpat : a line matching this pattern defines the end of a fold.
-" startoff: this is the offset from the starting line at which folding will
-" actually start
-" endoff : like startoff, but gives the offset of the actual fold end from
-" the line satisfying endpat.
-" startoff and endoff are necessary when the folding region does
-" not have a specific end pattern corresponding to a start
-" pattern. for example in latex,
-" \begin{section}
-" defines the beginning of a section, but its not necessary to
-" have a corresponding
-" \end{section}
-" the section is assumed to end 1 line _before_ another section
-" starts.
-" startskip: a pattern which defines the beginning of a "skipped" region.
-" For example, suppose we define a \itemize fold as follows:
-" startpat = '^\s*\\item',
-" endpat = '^\s*\\item\|^\s*\\end{\(enumerate\|itemize\|description\)}',
-" startoff = 0,
-" endoff = -1
-" This defines a fold which starts with a line beginning with an
-" \item and ending one line before a line beginning with an
-" \item or \end{enumerate} etc.
-" Then, as long as \item's are not nested things are fine.
-" However, once items begin to nest, the fold started by one
-" \item can end because of an \item in an \itemize
-" environment within this \item. i.e, the following can happen:
-" \begin{itemize}
-" \item Some text <------- fold will start here
-" This item will contain a nested item
-" \begin{itemize} <----- fold will end here because next line contains \item...
-" \item Hello
-" \end{itemize} <----- ... instead of here.
-" \item Next item of the parent itemize
-" \end{itemize}
-" Therefore, in order to completely define a folding item which
-" allows nesting, we need to also define a "skip" pattern.
-" startskip and end skip do that.
-" Leave '' when there is no nesting.
-" endskip: the pattern which defines the end of the "skip" pattern for
-" nested folds.
-" Example:
-" 1. A syntax fold region for a latex section is
-" startpat = "\\section{"
-" endpat = "\\section{"
-" startoff = 0
-" endoff = -1
-" startskip = ''
-" endskip = ''
-" Note that the start and end patterns are thus the same and endoff has a
-" negative value to capture the effect of a section ending one line before
-" the next starts.
-" 2. A syntax fold region for the \itemize environment is:
-" startpat = '^\s*\\item',
-" endpat = '^\s*\\item\|^\s*\\end{\(enumerate\|itemize\|description\)}',
-" startoff = 0,
-" endoff = -1,
-" startskip = '^\s*\\begin{\(enumerate\|itemize\|description\)}',
-" endskip = '^\s*\\end{\(enumerate\|itemize\|description\)}'
-" Note the use of startskip and endskip to allow nesting.
-" Each time a call is made to FoldRegions(), all the regions (which might be
-" disjoint, but not nested) are folded up.
-" Nested folds can be created by successive calls to FoldRegions(). The first
-" call defines the region which is deepest in the folding. See MakeTexFolds()
-" for an idea of how this works for latex files.
-" Function: AddSyntaxFoldItem (start, end, startoff, endoff [, skipStart, skipEnd]) {{{
-function! AddSyntaxFoldItem(start, end, startoff, endoff, ...)
- if a:0 > 0
- let skipStart = a:1
- let skipEnd = a:2
- else
- let skipStart = ''
- let skipEnd = ''
- end
- if !exists('b:numFoldItems')
- let b:numFoldItems = 0
- end
- let b:numFoldItems = b:numFoldItems + 1
- exe 'let b:startPat_'.b:numFoldItems.' = a:start'
- exe 'let b:endPat_'.b:numFoldItems.' = a:end'
- exe 'let b:startOff_'.b:numFoldItems.' = a:startoff'
- exe 'let b:endOff_'.b:numFoldItems.' = a:endoff'
- exe 'let b:skipStartPat_'.b:numFoldItems.' = skipStart'
- exe 'let b:skipEndPat_'.b:numFoldItems.' = skipEnd'
-" }}}
-" Function: MakeSyntaxFolds (force) {{{
-" Description: This function calls FoldRegions() several times with the
-" parameters specifying various regions resulting in a nested fold
-" structure for the file.
-function! MakeSyntaxFolds(force, ...)
- if exists('b:doneFolding') && a:force == 0
- return
- end
- let skipEndPattern = ''
- if a:0 > 0
- let line1 = a:1
- let skipEndPattern = '\|'.a:2
- else
- let line1 = 1
- let r = line('.')
- let c = virtcol('.')
- setlocal fdm=manual
- normal! zE
- end
- if !exists('b:numFoldItems')
- b:numFoldItems = 1000000
- end
- let i = 1
- let maxline = line('.')
- while exists('b:startPat_'.i) && i <= b:numFoldItems
- exe 'let startPat = b:startPat_'.i
- exe 'let endPat = b:endPat_'.i
- exe 'let startOff = b:startOff_'.i
- exe 'let endOff = b:endOff_'.i
- let skipStart = ''
- let skipEnd = ''
- if exists('b:skipStartPat_'.i)
- exe 'let skipStart = b:skipStartPat_'.i
- exe 'let skipEnd = b:skipEndPat_'.i
- end
- exe line1
- let lastLoc = line1
- if skipStart != ''
- call InitStack('BeginSkipArray')
- call FoldRegionsWithSkip(startPat, endPat, startOff, endOff, skipStart, skipEnd, 1, line('$'))
- " call PrintError('done folding ['.startPat.']')
- else
- call FoldRegionsWithNoSkip(startPat, endPat, startOff, endOff, 1, line('$'), '')
- end
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
- exe maxline
- if a:0 == 0
- exe r
- exe "normal! ".c."|"
- if foldlevel(r) > 1
- exe "normal! ".(foldlevel(r) - 1)."zo"
- end
- let b:doneFolding = 0
- end
-" }}}
-" FoldRegionsWithSkip: folding things such as \item's which can be nested. {{{
-function! FoldRegionsWithSkip(startpat, endpat, startoff, endoff, startskip, endskip, line1, line2)
- exe a:line1
- " count the regions which have been skipped as we go along. do not want to
- " create a fold which with a beginning or end line in one of the skipped
- " regions.
- let skippedRegions = ''
- " start searching for either the starting pattern or the end pattern.
- while search(a:startskip.'\|'.a:endskip, 'W')
- if getline('.') =~ a:endskip
- let lastBegin = Pop('BeginSkipArray')
- " call PrintError('popping '.lastBegin.' from stack and folding till '.line('.'))
- call FoldRegionsWithNoSkip(a:startpat, a:endpat, a:startoff, a:endoff, lastBegin, line('.'), skippedRegions)
- let skippedRegions = skippedRegions.lastBegin.','.line('.').'|'
- " if this is the beginning of a skip region, then, push this line as
- " the beginning of a skipped region.
- elseif getline('.') =~ a:startskip
- " call PrintError('pushing '.line('.').' ['.getline('.').'] into stack')
- call Push('BeginSkipArray', line('.'))
- end
- endwhile
- " call PrintError('with skip starting at '.a:line1.' returning at line# '.line('.'))
-" }}}
-" FoldRegionsWithNoSkip: folding things such as \sections which do not nest. {{{
-function! FoldRegionsWithNoSkip(startpat, endpat, startoff, endoff, line1, line2, skippedRegions)
- exe a:line1
- " call PrintError('line1 = '.a:line1.', searching from '.line('.').'... for ['.a:startpat.'')
- let lineBegin = s:MySearch(a:startpat, 'in')
- " call PrintError('... and finding it at '.lineBegin)
- while lineBegin <= a:line2
- if IsInSkippedRegion(lineBegin, a:skippedRegions)
- let lineBegin = s:MySearch(a:startpat, 'out')
- " call PrintError(lineBegin.' is being skipped')
- continue
- end
- let lineEnd = s:MySearch(a:endpat, 'out')
- while IsInSkippedRegion(lineEnd, a:skippedRegions) && lineEnd <= a:line2
- let lineEnd = s:MySearch(a:endpat, 'out')
- endwhile
- if lineEnd > a:line2
- exe (lineBegin + a:startoff).','.a:line2.' fold'
- break
- else
- " call PrintError ('for ['.a:startpat.'] '.(lineBegin + a:startoff).','.(lineEnd + a:endoff).' fold')
- exe (lineBegin + a:startoff).','.(lineEnd + a:endoff).' fold'
- end
- " call PrintError('line1 = '.a:line1.', searching from '.line('.').'... for ['.a:startpat.'')
- let lineBegin = s:MySearch(a:startpat, 'in')
- " call PrintError('... and finding it at '.lineBegin)
- endwhile
- exe a:line2
- return
-" }}}
-" InitStack: initialize a stack {{{
-function! InitStack(name)
- exe 'let s:'.a:name.'_numElems = 0'
-" }}}
-" Push: push element into stack {{{
-function! Push(name, elem)
- exe 'let numElems = s:'.a:name.'_numElems'
- let numElems = numElems + 1
- exe 'let s:'.a:name.'_Element_'.numElems.' = a:elem'
- exe 'let s:'.a:name.'_numElems = numElems'
-" }}}
-" Pop: pops element off stack {{{
-function! Pop(name)
- exe 'let numElems = s:'.a:name.'_numElems'
- if numElems == 0
- return ''
- else
- exe 'let ret = s:'.a:name.'_Element_'.numElems
- let numElems = numElems - 1
- exe 'let s:'.a:name.'_numElems = numElems'
- return ret
- end
-" }}}
-" MySearch: just like search(), but returns large number on failure {{{
-function! <SID>MySearch(pat, opt)
- if a:opt == 'in'
- if getline('.') =~ a:pat
- let ret = line('.')
- else
- let ret = search(a:pat, 'W')
- end
- else
- normal! $
- let ret = search(a:pat, 'W')
- end
- if ret == 0
- let ret = line('$') + 1
- end
- return ret
-" }}}
-" Function: IsInSkippedRegion (lnum, regions) {{{
-" Description: finds whether a given line number is within one of the regions
-" skipped.
-function! IsInSkippedRegion(lnum, regions)
- let i = 1
- let subset = s:Strntok(a:regions, '|', i)
- while subset != ''
- let n1 = s:Strntok(subset, ',', 1)
- let n2 = s:Strntok(subset, ',', 2)
- if a:lnum >= n1 && a:lnum <= n2
- return 1
- end
- let subset = s:Strntok(a:regions, '|', i)
- let i = i + 1
- endwhile
- return 0
-endfunction " }}}
-" Function: Strntok (string, tok, n) {{{
-" extract the n^th token from s seperated by tok.
-" example: Strntok('1,23,3', ',', 2) = 23
-fun! <SID>Strntok(s, tok, n)
- return matchstr( a:s.a:tok[0], '\v(\zs([^'.a:tok.']*)\ze['.a:tok.']){'.a:n.'}')
-endfun " }}}
-" vim600:fdm=marker