path: root/dot_vim/kde-devel-vim.vim
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'dot_vim/kde-devel-vim.vim')
1 files changed, 1029 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/dot_vim/kde-devel-vim.vim b/dot_vim/kde-devel-vim.vim
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7ce39a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dot_vim/kde-devel-vim.vim
@@ -0,0 +1,1029 @@
+" To use this file, add this line to your ~/.vimrc:, w/o the dquote
+" source /path/to/kde/sources/kdesdk/scripts/kde-devel-vim.vim
+" For CreateChangeLogEntry() : If you don't want to re-enter your
+" Name/Email in each vim session then make sure to have the viminfo
+" option enabled in your ~/.vimrc, with the '!' flag, enabling persistent
+" storage of global variables. Something along the line of
+" set viminfo=%,!,'50,\"100,:100,n~/.viminfo
+" should do the trick.
+" To make use of the ,ll and ,lg shortcuts you need to have the files
+" GPLHEADER and LGPLHEADER in your home directory. Their content will be
+" copied as license header then.
+" Don't include these in filename completions
+set suffixes+=.lo,.o,.moc,.la,.closure,.loT
+" Search for headers here
+set path=.,/usr/include,/usr/local/include,
+if $QTDIR != ''
+ let &path = &path . $QTDIR . '/include/,'
+ let &path = &path . $QTDIR . '/include/Qt/,'
+ let &path = &path . $QTDIR . '/include/QtCore/,'
+ let &path = &path . $QTDIR . '/include/Qt3Support/,'
+ let &path = &path . $QTDIR . '/include/QtAssistant/,'
+ let &path = &path . $QTDIR . '/include/QtDBus/,'
+ let &path = &path . $QTDIR . '/include/QtDesigner/,'
+ let &path = &path . $QTDIR . '/include/QtGui/,'
+ let &path = &path . $QTDIR . '/include/QtNetwork/,'
+ let &path = &path . $QTDIR . '/include/QtOpenGL/,'
+ let &path = &path . $QTDIR . '/include/QtSql/,'
+ let &path = &path . $QTDIR . '/include/QtSvg/,'
+ let &path = &path . $QTDIR . '/include/QtTest/,'
+ let &path = &path . $QTDIR . '/include/QtUiTools/,'
+ let &path = &path . $QTDIR . '/include/QtXml/,'
+if $KDEDIR != ''
+ let &path = &path . $KDEDIR . '/include/,'
+if $KDEDIRS != ''
+ let &path = &path . substitute( $KDEDIRS, '\(:\|$\)', '/include,', 'g' )
+set path+=,
+" Use makeobj to build
+set mp=makeobj
+" If TagList is Loaded then get a funny statusline
+" Only works if kde-devel-vim.vim is loaded after taglist.
+" Droping this script in ~/.vim/plugin works fine
+if exists('loaded_taglist')
+ let Tlist_Process_File_Always=1
+ set statusline=%<%f:[\ %{Tlist_Get_Tag_Prototype_By_Line()}\ ]\ %h%m%r%=%-14.(%l,%c%V%)\ %P
+" Insert tab character in whitespace-only lines, complete otherwise
+inoremap <Tab> <C-R>=SmartTab()<CR>
+if !exists("DisableSmartParens")
+" Insert a space after ( or [ and before ] or ) unless preceded by a matching
+" paren/bracket or space or inside a string or comment. Comments are only
+" recognized as such if they start on the current line :-(
+inoremap ( <C-R>=SmartParens( '(' )<CR>
+inoremap [ <C-R>=SmartParens( '[' )<CR>
+inoremap ] <C-R>=SmartParens( ']', '[' )<CR>
+inoremap ) <C-R>=SmartParens( ')', '(' )<CR>
+" Insert an #include statement for the current/last symbol
+inoremap <F5> <C-O>:call AddHeader()<CR>
+" Insert a forward declaration for the current/last symbol
+inoremap <S-F5> <C-O>:call AddForward()<CR>
+" Switch between header and implementation files on ,h
+nmap <silent> ,h :call SwitchHeaderImpl()<CR>
+nmap <silent> ,p :call SwitchPrivateHeaderImpl()<CR>
+" Comment selected lines on ,c in visual mode
+vmap ,c :s,^,//X ,<CR>:noh<CR>
+" Uncomment selected lines on ,u in visual mode
+vmap ,u :s,^//X ,,<CR>
+" Insert an include guard based on the file name on ,i
+nmap ,i :call IncludeGuard()<CR>
+" Insert license headers at the top of the file
+nmap ,lg :call LicenseHeader( "GPL" )<CR>
+nmap ,ll :call LicenseHeader( "LGPL" )<CR>
+nmap ,lm :call LicenseHeader( "MIT" )<CR>
+" Insert simple debug statements into each method
+nmap ,d :call InsertMethodTracer()<CR>
+" Expand #i to #include <.h> or #include ".h". The latter is chosen
+" if the character typed after #i is a dquote
+" If the character is > #include <> is inserted (standard C++ headers w/o .h)
+iab #i <C-R>=SmartInclude()<CR>
+" Insert a stripped down CVS diff
+iab DIFF <Esc>:call RunDiff()<CR>
+" mark 'misplaced' tab characters
+set listchars=tab:·\ ,trail:·
+set list
+set incsearch
+function! SetCodingStyle()
+ if &syntax == 'cmake'
+ call SmartParensOff()
+ set sw=3
+ set ts=3
+ set et
+ set tw=0
+ return
+ endif
+ if ( &syntax !~ '^\(c\|cpp\|java\)$' )
+ return
+ endif
+ "the path for the file
+ let pathfn = expand( '%:p:h' )
+ if pathfn =~ 'nmm'
+ call SmartParensOff()
+ inoremap ( <C-R>=SpaceBetweenKeywordAndParens()<CR>
+ let g:need_brace_on_next_line = '\<\(class\|namespace\|struct\)\>'
+ let g:need_brace_on_same_line = '\<\(if\|else\|while\|switch\|do\|enum\|for\|try\|catch\)\>'
+ set sw=4
+ set ts=4
+ set noet
+ set tw=100
+ elseif pathfn =~ 'kdepim'
+ if strlen(mapcheck('(','i')) > 0
+ iunmap (
+ endif
+ call SmartParensOn()
+ let g:need_brace_on_next_line = '\<\(class\|namespace\|struct\)\>'
+ let g:need_brace_on_same_line = '\<\(if\|else\|while\|switch\|do\|foreach\|forever\|enum\|for\|try\|catch\)\>'
+ set sw=2
+ set sts=2
+ set et
+ set tw=100
+ elseif pathfn =~ 'kdemultimedia\/juk'
+ call SmartParensOff()
+ let g:need_brace_on_next_line = '\<\(class\|namespace\|struct\|if\|else\|while\|switch\|do\|foreach\|forever\|enum\|for\|try\|catch\)\>'
+ let g:need_brace_on_same_line = ''
+ set sw=4
+ set sts=4
+ set et
+ set tw=100
+ else "if pathfn =~ '\(kdelibs\|qt-copy\)'
+ call SmartParensOff()
+ inoremap ( <C-R>=SpaceBetweenKeywordAndParens()<CR>
+ let g:need_brace_on_next_line = '\<\(class\|namespace\|struct\)\>'
+ let g:need_brace_on_same_line = '\<\(if\|else\|while\|switch\|do\|foreach\|forever\|enum\|for\|try\|catch\)\>'
+ set sw=4
+ set sts=4
+ set et
+ set tw=100
+ endif
+ if ( !exists("g:noautobrace") )
+ call EnableSmartLineBreak()
+ endif
+function! DisableSmartLineBreak()
+ iunmap <CR>
+ iuna else
+function! EnableSmartLineBreak()
+ if exists("*pumvisible")
+ inoremap <CR> <C-R>=pumvisible() ? "\<lt>CR>" : "\<lt>ESC>:call SmartLineBreak()\<lt>CR>a\<lt>CR>"<CR>
+ else
+ inoremap <CR> <ESC>:call SmartLineBreak()<CR>a<CR>
+ endif
+ iab else <C-R>=SmartElse()<CR>
+function! SmartElse()
+ "let next = nr2char( getchar( 0 ) )
+ let prefix = ''
+ if strlen(g:need_brace_on_same_line) > 0 && 'else' =~ g:need_brace_on_same_line
+ if getline('.') =~ '^\s*$'
+ if getline(line('.') - 1) =~ '}$'
+ let prefix = prefix . "\<ESC>kmMjdd`MA "
+ elseif getline(line('.') - 1) =~ '}\s*$'
+ let prefix = prefix . "\<ESC>kmMjdd`MA"
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ return prefix . "else\<Right>"
+" automatic indenting is required for SmartLineBreak to work correctly
+filetype indent on
+function! CreateMatchLine()
+ let linenum = line( '.' )
+ let current_line = getline( linenum )
+ " don't do magic if the cursor isn't at the end of the line or if it's
+ " inside a // comment
+ if col( '.' ) != strlen( current_line ) || match( current_line, '//' ) >= 0
+ return ''
+ endif
+ " remove whitespace at the end
+ if match( current_line, '\s\+$' ) >= 0
+ :execute ':s/\s*$//'
+ " the following is needed if return '' is called
+ :execute "normal $"
+ endif
+ let current_line = getline( linenum )
+ " remove all /* */ comments
+ let current_line = substitute( current_line, '/\*.\{-}\*/', '', 'g' )
+ " remove all strings
+ let current_line = substitute( current_line, "'[^']*'", '', 'g' )
+ let current_line = substitute( current_line, '"\(\\"\|[^"]\)*"', '', 'g' )
+ " remove all ( )
+ while current_line =~ '(.*)'
+ let current_line = substitute( current_line, '([^()]*)', '', 'g' )
+ endwhile
+ " prepend earlier lines until we find a ; or {
+ while linenum > 1 && current_line !~ ';' && current_line !~ '{.\+$'
+ let linenum = linenum - 1
+ let prev_line = getline(linenum)
+ if synIDattr(synID(linenum, 1, 1), "name") == 'cComment' "inside a /* */ comment at the beginning of the line
+ if stridx(prev_line, '*/') == -1
+ " next line please
+ let prev_line = ''
+ else
+ " remove everything before */
+ let prev_line = substitute(prev_line, '^.*\*/', '*/', '')
+ endif
+ endif
+ " remove // comment
+ let prev_line = substitute(prev_line, '//.*$', '', '' )
+ " concatenate the lines with a space in between
+ let current_line = prev_line.' '.current_line
+ " remove all /* */ comments
+ let current_line = substitute( current_line, '/\*.\{-}\*/', '', 'g' )
+ " remove all strings
+ let current_line = substitute( current_line, "'[^']*'", '', 'g' )
+ let current_line = substitute( current_line, '"\(\\"\|[^"]\)*"', '', 'g' )
+ " remove all ( )
+ while current_line =~ '(.*)'
+ let current_line = substitute( current_line, '([^()]*)', '', 'g' )
+ endwhile
+ endwhile
+ " remove everything until the last ;
+ let current_line = substitute( current_line, '^.*;', '', '' )
+ " remove everything until the last { which is not at the end of the line
+ let current_line = substitute( current_line, '^.*{\(.\+\)$', '\1', '' )
+ " remove all [ ]
+ while current_line =~ '\[.*\]'
+ let current_line = substitute( current_line, '\[[^\[\]]*\]', '', 'g' )
+ endwhile
+ " if <CR> was pressed inside ( ), [ ] or /* */ don't add braces
+ if current_line =~ '[(\[]' || current_line =~ '/\*'
+ return ''
+ endif
+ return current_line
+function! AddClosingBrace(current_line)
+ if a:current_line =~ '\<enum\|class\|struct\>'
+ :execute "normal o};\<ESC>k"
+ elseif a:current_line =~ '\<namespace\>'
+ let namespace = substitute( a:current_line, '^.*namespace\s\+', '', '' )
+ let namespace = substitute( namespace, '\s.*$', '', '' )
+ :execute "normal o} // namespace " . namespace . "\<ESC>k"
+ else
+ :execute "normal o}\<ESC>k"
+ endif
+function! SmartLineBreak()
+ if synIDattr(synID(line("."), col("."), 1), "name") == 'cComment' "inside a /* */ comment at the point where the line break occurs
+ return
+ endif
+ let match_line = CreateMatchLine()
+ if match_line == ''
+ return
+ endif
+ let match_position1 = -1
+ let match_position2 = -1
+ if strlen(g:need_brace_on_same_line) > 0
+ let match_position1 = match(match_line, g:need_brace_on_same_line)
+ if match_position1 > 0
+ while strpart(match_line, match_position1 - 1, 1) == '#'
+ let old_position = match_position1
+ let match_position1 = match(match_line, g:need_brace_on_same_line, match_position1 + 1)
+ if match_position1 == -1
+ if strpart(match_line, old_position, 2) == 'if'
+ :execute "normal o#endif\<ESC>k$"
+ endif
+ return
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ endif
+ if strlen(g:need_brace_on_next_line) > 0 && match_position1 == -1
+ let match_position2 = match(match_line, g:need_brace_on_next_line)
+ if match_position2 > 0
+ while strpart(match_line, match_position2 - 1, 1) == '#'
+ let old_position = match_position2
+ let match_position2 = match(match_line, g:need_brace_on_same_line, match_position2 + 1)
+ if match_position2 == -1
+ if strpart(match_line, old_position, 2) == 'if'
+ :execute "normal o#endif\<ESC>k$"
+ endif
+ return
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ endif
+ endif
+ if match_position1 > -1
+ if match_line =~ '}\s*else\>'
+ " make sure else is on the same line as the closing brace
+ if getline('.') =~ '^\s*else'
+ if getline(line('.') - 1) =~ '}$'
+ :execute "normal kA \<ESC>J"
+ elseif getline(line('.') - 1) =~ '}\s*$'
+ :execute "normal kJ"
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ while getline('.') =~ '^\s*{$'
+ " opening brace is on its own line: move it up
+ :execute "normal kJ"
+ endwhile
+ if match_line =~ '{$'
+ if getline('.') =~ '[^ ]{$'
+ :execute ':s/{$/ {/'
+ endif
+ else
+ :execute ':s/$/ {/'
+ endif
+ call AddClosingBrace(match_line)
+ elseif getline('.') =~ '^\s*{$'
+ call AddClosingBrace('')
+ elseif match_position2 > -1
+ if match_line =~ '{$'
+ :execute ':s/\s*{$//'
+ endif
+ :execute "normal o{"
+ call AddClosingBrace(match_line)
+ endif
+ :execute "normal $"
+function! SmartParensOn()
+ inoremap ( <C-R>=SmartParens( '(' )<CR>
+ inoremap [ <C-R>=SmartParens( '[' )<CR>
+ inoremap ] <C-R>=SmartParens( ']', '[' )<CR>
+ inoremap ) <C-R>=SmartParens( ')', '(' )<CR>
+function! SmartParensOff()
+ if strlen(mapcheck('[','i')) > 0
+ iunmap (
+ iunmap [
+ iunmap ]
+ iunmap )
+ endif
+function! SmartTab()
+ let col = col('.') - 1
+ if !col || getline('.')[col-1] !~ '\k'
+ return "\<Tab>"
+ else
+ return "\<C-P>"
+ endif
+function! SmartParens( char, ... )
+ if ! ( &syntax =~ '^\(c\|cpp\|java\)$' )
+ return a:char
+ endif
+ let s = strpart( getline( '.' ), 0, col( '.' ) - 1 )
+ if s =~ '//'
+ return a:char
+ endif
+ let s = substitute( s, '/\*\([^*]\|\*\@!/\)*\*/', '', 'g' )
+ let s = substitute( s, "'[^']*'", '', 'g' )
+ let s = substitute( s, '"\(\\"\|[^"]\)*"', '', 'g' )
+ if s =~ "\\([\"']\\|/\\*\\)"
+ return a:char
+ endif
+ if a:0 > 0
+ if strpart( getline( '.' ), col( '.' ) - 3, 2 ) == a:1 . ' '
+ return "\<BS>" . a:char
+ endif
+ if strpart( getline( '.' ), col( '.' ) - 2, 1 ) == ' '
+ return a:char
+ endif
+ return ' ' . a:char
+ endif
+ if !exists("g:DisableSpaceBeforeParen")
+ if a:char == '('
+ if strpart( getline( '.' ), col( '.' ) - 3, 2 ) == 'if' ||
+ \strpart( getline( '.' ), col( '.' ) - 4, 3 ) == 'for' ||
+ \strpart( getline( '.' ), col( '.' ) - 6, 5 ) == 'while' ||
+ \strpart( getline( '.' ), col( '.' ) - 7, 6 ) == 'switch'
+ return ' ( '
+ endif
+ endif
+ endif
+ return a:char . ' '
+function! SpaceBetweenKeywordAndParens()
+ if ! ( &syntax =~ '^\(c\|cpp\|java\)$' )
+ return '('
+ endif
+ let s = strpart( getline( '.' ), 0, col( '.' ) - 1 )
+ if s =~ '//'
+ " text inside a comment
+ return '('
+ endif
+ let s = substitute( s, '/\*\([^*]\|\*\@!/\)*\*/', '', 'g' )
+ let s = substitute( s, "'[^']*'", '', 'g' )
+ let s = substitute( s, '"\(\\"\|[^"]\)*"', '', 'g' )
+ if s =~ "\\([\"']\\|/\\*\\)"
+ " text inside a string
+ return '('
+ endif
+ if a:0 > 0
+ if strpart( getline( '.' ), col( '.' ) - 3, 2 ) == a:1 . ' '
+ return "\<BS>" . a:char
+ endif
+ if strpart( getline( '.' ), col( '.' ) - 2, 1 ) == ' '
+ return a:char
+ endif
+ return ' ' . a:char
+ endif
+ if strpart( getline( '.' ), col( '.' ) - 3, 2 ) == 'if' ||
+ \strpart( getline( '.' ), col( '.' ) - 4, 3 ) == 'for' ||
+ \strpart( getline( '.' ), col( '.' ) - 6, 5 ) == 'while' ||
+ \strpart( getline( '.' ), col( '.' ) - 7, 6 ) == 'switch' ||
+ \strpart( getline( '.' ), col( '.' ) - 8, 7 ) == 'foreach' ||
+ \strpart( getline( '.' ), col( '.' ) - 8, 7 ) == 'forever'
+ return ' ('
+ endif
+ return '('
+function! SwitchHeaderImpl()
+ let privateheaders = '_p\.\([hH]\|hpp\|hxx\)$'
+ let headers = '\.\([hH]\|hpp\|hxx\)$'
+ let impl = '\.\([cC]\|cpp\|cc\|cxx\)$'
+ let fn = expand( '%' )
+ if fn =~ privateheaders
+ let list = glob( substitute( fn, privateheaders, '.*', '' ) )
+ elseif fn =~ headers
+ let list = glob( substitute( fn, headers, '.*', '' ) )
+ elseif fn =~ impl
+ let list = glob( substitute( fn, impl, '.*', '' ) )
+ endif
+ while strlen( list ) > 0
+ let file = substitute( list, "\n.*", '', '' )
+ let list = substitute( list, "[^\n]*", '', '' )
+ let list = substitute( list, "^\n", '', '' )
+ if ( ( fn =~ headers || fn =~ privateheaders ) && file =~ impl ) || ( fn =~ impl && file =~ headers )
+ call AskToSave()
+ execute( "edit " . file )
+ return
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ if ( fn =~ headers )
+ call AskToSave()
+ if exists( "$implextension" )
+ let file = substitute( fn, headers, '.' . $implextension, '' )
+ else
+ let file = substitute( fn, headers, '.cpp', '' )
+ endif
+ " check for modified state of current buffer and if modified ask:
+ " save, discard, cancel
+ execute( 'edit '.file )
+ call append( 0, "#include \"".fn."\"" )
+ call append( 2, "// vim: sw=4 sts=4 et tw=100" )
+ execute( "set sw=4" )
+ execute( "set sts=4" )
+ execute( "set et" )
+ execute( "set tw=100" )
+ elseif fn =~ impl
+ call AskToSave()
+ let file = substitute( fn, impl, '.h', '' )
+ execute( "edit ".file )
+ endif
+function! SwitchPrivateHeaderImpl()
+ let privateheaders = '_p\.\([hH]\|hpp\|hxx\)$'
+ let headers = '\.\([hH]\|hpp\|hxx\)$'
+ let impl = '\.\([cC]\|cpp\|cc\|cxx\)$'
+ let fn = expand( '%' )
+ if fn =~ privateheaders
+ let list = glob( substitute( fn, privateheaders, '.*', '' ) )
+ elseif fn =~ headers
+ let list = glob( substitute( fn, headers, '_p.*', '' ) )
+ elseif fn =~ impl
+ let list = glob( substitute( fn, impl, '_p.*', '' ) )
+ endif
+ while strlen( list ) > 0
+ let file = substitute( list, "\n.*", '', '' )
+ let list = substitute( list, "[^\n]*", '', '' )
+ let list = substitute( list, "^\n", '', '' )
+ if ( fn =~ privateheaders && file =~ impl ) || ( fn =~ impl && file =~ privateheaders ) || ( fn =~ headers && file =~ privateheaders )
+ call AskToSave()
+ execute( "edit " . file )
+ return
+ endif
+ endwhile
+ if ( fn =~ privateheaders )
+ call AskToSave()
+ if exists( "$implextension" )
+ let file = substitute( fn, privateheaders, '.' . $implextension, '' )
+ else
+ let file = substitute( fn, privateheaders, '.cpp', '' )
+ endif
+ " check for modified state of current buffer and if modified ask:
+ " save, discard, cancel
+ execute( 'edit '.file )
+ call append( 0, "#include \"".fn."\"" )
+ call append( 2, "// vim: sw=4 ts=4 noet" )
+ execute( "set sw=4" )
+ execute( "set ts=4" )
+ elseif fn =~ impl
+ let file = substitute( fn, impl, '_p.h', '' )
+ call CreatePrivateHeader( file )
+ elseif fn =~ headers
+ let file = substitute( fn, headers, '_p.h', '' )
+ call CreatePrivateHeader( file )
+ endif
+function! AskToSave()
+ if &modified
+ let yesorno = input("Save changes before switching file? [Y/n]")
+ if yesorno == 'y' || yesorno == '' || yesorno == 'Y'
+ :execute 'w'
+ return 1
+ else
+ return 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ return 1
+function! CreatePrivateHeader( privateHeader )
+ let privateheaders = '_p\.\([hH]\|hpp\|hxx\)$'
+ let headers = '\.\([hH]\|hpp\|hxx\)$'
+ let impl = '\.\([cC]\|cpp\|cc\|cxx\)$'
+ let fn = expand( '%' )
+ if fn =~ headers
+ let className = ClassNameFromHeader()
+ elseif fn =~ impl
+ let className = ClassNameFromImpl()
+ endif
+ if AskToSave() && fn =~ headers
+ :normal gg
+ " check whether a Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE is needed
+ let dp = search( '\(^\|\s\+\)Q_DECLARE_PRIVATE\s*(\s*'.className.'\s*)' )
+ if dp == 0 "nothing found
+ call search( '^\s*class\s\+\([A-Za-z0-9]\+_EXPORT\s\+\)[A-Za-z_]\+\s*\(:\s*[,\t A-Za-z_]\+\)\?\s*\n\?\s*{' )
+ call search( '{' )
+ let @c = className
+ if match(getline(line('.')+1), 'Q_OBJECT')
+ :normal joQ_DECLARE_PRIVATE(c)
+ else
+ :normal oQ_DECLARE_PRIVATE(c)
+ endif
+ :execute 'w'
+ endif
+ endif
+ execute( "edit ".a:privateHeader )
+ let privateClassName = className . 'Private'
+ let header = substitute( a:privateHeader, privateheaders, '.h', '' )
+ call IncludeGuard()
+ " FIXME: find out what license to use
+ call LicenseHeader( "LGPL" )
+ :set sw=4
+ :set sts=4
+ :set et
+ :set tw=100
+ :normal Go// vim: sw=4 sts=4 et tw=100
+ let @h = header
+ let @p = privateClassName
+ let @c = className
+ :normal kkko #include "h" class p { Q_DECLARE_PUBLIC(c) protected: c* q_ptr; };
+function! ClassNameFromHeader()
+ :normal gg
+ call search( '^\s*class\s\+\([A-Za-z0-9]\+_EXPORT\s\+\)\?[A-Za-z_]\+\s*\(:\s*[,\t A-Za-z_]\+\)\?\s*\n\?\s*{' )
+ "\zs and \ze mark start and end of the matching
+ return matchstr( getline('.'), '\s\+\zs\w\+\ze\s*\(:\|{\|$\)' )
+function! ClassNameFromImpl()
+ :normal gg
+ call search( '\s*\([A-Za-z_]\+\)::\1\s*(' )
+ :normal "cye
+ return @c
+function! IncludeGuard()
+ let guard = toupper( substitute( substitute( expand( '%' ), '\([^.]*\)\.h', '\1_h', '' ), '/', '_', '' ) )
+ call append( '^', '#define ' . guard )
+ +
+ call append( '^', '#ifndef ' . guard )
+ call append( '$', '#endif // ' . guard )
+ +
+function! LicenseHeader( license )
+ let filename = $HOME . "/" . a:license . "HEADER"
+ execute ":0r " . filename
+" call append( 0, system( "cat " . filename ) )
+function! SmartInclude()
+ let next = nr2char( getchar( 0 ) )
+ if next == '"'
+ return "#include \".h\"\<Left>\<Left>\<Left>"
+ endif
+ if next == '>'
+ return "#include <>\<Left>"
+ endif
+ return "#include <.h>\<Left>\<Left>\<Left>"
+function! MapIdentHeader( ident )
+ let header = tolower(substitute(a:ident, '::', '/', 'g')).'.h'
+ if a:ident =~ 'Private$'
+ let header = substitute(header, 'private', '_p', '')
+ endif
+ " always prefer the headers in the same directory
+ let check = header
+ let slash = 1
+ while slash != -1
+ if filereadable( check )
+ return '"' . check . '"'
+ endif
+ let slash = match( check, '/' )
+ let check = strpart( check, slash + 1 )
+ endwhile
+ let check = tolower(substitute(a:ident, '::', '/', 'g')).'_p.h'
+ let slash = 1
+ while slash != -1
+ if filereadable(check)
+ return '"' . check . '"'
+ endif
+ let slash = match(check, '/')
+ let check = strpart(check, slash + 1)
+ endwhile
+ " Qt stuff
+ if a:ident =~ '^Q[A-Z]'
+ " let's try to find the module
+ let module = ''
+ if $QTDIR != ''
+ if filereadable($QTDIR.'/include/QtCore/'.a:ident)
+ let module = 'QtCore/'
+ elseif filereadable($QTDIR.'/include/QtGui/'.a:ident)
+ let module = 'QtGui/'
+ elseif filereadable($QTDIR.'/include/Qt3Support/'.a:ident)
+ let module = 'Qt3Support/'
+ elseif filereadable($QTDIR.'/include/QtAssistant/'.a:ident)
+ let module = 'QtAssistant/'
+ elseif filereadable($QTDIR.'/include/QtDBus/'.a:ident)
+ let module = 'QtDBus/'
+ elseif filereadable($QTDIR.'/include/QtDesigner/'.a:ident)
+ let module = 'QtDesigner/'
+ elseif filereadable($QTDIR.'/include/QtNetwork/'.a:ident)
+ let module = 'QtNetwork/'
+ elseif filereadable($QTDIR.'/include/QtOpenGL/'.a:ident)
+ let module = 'QtOpenGL/'
+ elseif filereadable($QTDIR.'/include/QtSql/'.a:ident)
+ let module = 'QtSql/'
+ elseif filereadable($QTDIR.'/include/QtSvg/'.a:ident)
+ let module = 'QtSvg/'
+ elseif filereadable($QTDIR.'/include/QtTest/'.a:ident)
+ let module = 'QtTest/'
+ elseif filereadable($QTDIR.'/include/QtUiTools/'.a:ident)
+ let module = 'QtUiTools/'
+ elseif filereadable($QTDIR.'/include/QtXml/'.a:ident)
+ let module = 'QtXml/'
+ endif
+ endif
+ return '<'.module.a:ident.'>'
+ elseif a:ident == 'qDebug' ||
+ \a:ident == 'qWarning' ||
+ \a:ident == 'qCritical' ||
+ \a:ident == 'qFatal'
+ return '<QtCore/QtDebug>'
+ elseif a:ident =~ 'Q_DECLARE_INTERFACE'
+ return '<QtCore/QObject>'
+ elseif a:ident =~ '^QT_VERSION' ||
+ \a:ident =~ '^Q_\(W\|O\)S_' ||
+ \a:ident =~ '^Q_CC_' ||
+ \a:ident =~ '^Q_.*STRUCTOR_FUNCTION$' ||
+ \a:ident =~ '^qu\?int' ||
+ \a:ident =~ '^Q_.*_RESOURCE$' ||
+ \a:ident == 'qreal' ||
+ \a:ident == 'qAbs' ||
+ \a:ident == 'qRound' ||
+ \a:ident == 'qRound64' ||
+ \a:ident == 'qMin' ||
+ \a:ident == 'qMax' ||
+ \a:ident == 'qBound' ||
+ \a:ident == 'qVersion' ||
+ \a:ident == 'qSharedBuild' ||
+ \a:ident == 'Q_UNUSED' ||
+ \a:ident == 'Q_ASSERT' ||
+ \a:ident == 'qInstallMsgHandler' ||
+ \a:ident == 'Q_GLOBAL_STATIC' ||
+ \a:ident == 'Q_GLOBAL_STATIC_WITH_ARGS' ||
+ \a:ident == 'qFuzzyCompare' ||
+ \a:ident == 'qIsNull' ||
+ \a:ident == 'qSwap' ||
+ \a:ident == 'Q_D' ||
+ \a:ident == 'Q_Q' ||
+ \a:ident == 'Q_DISABLE_COPY' ||
+ \a:ident == 'qsrand' ||
+ \a:ident == 'qrand'
+ return '<QtCore/QtGlobal>'
+ " Phonon stuff
+ elseif a:ident =~ '^Phonon::[A-Z]'
+ if a:ident =~ '^Phonon::\(NoDisc\|Cd\|Dvd\|Vcd\|.\+MetaData\|.*State\|.*Category\|.\+Error\)'
+ return '<Phonon/Global>'
+ endif
+ return '<'.substitute(a:ident, '::', '/', 'g').'>'
+ endif
+ " KDE stuff
+ let kdeincdir = substitute(system('kde4-config --prefix'), '[\n\r]*', '', 'g').'/include/KDE/'
+ let classname = substitute(a:ident, '^.*:', '', '')
+ let pathfn = expand('%:p:h')
+ if filereadable(kdeincdir.classname) && !pathfn =~ 'kdelibs'
+ return '<'.classname.'>'
+ elseif filereadable(kdeincdir.'Phonon/'.classname)
+ return '<Phonon/'.classname.'>'
+ elseif filereadable(kdeincdir.'Solid/'.classname)
+ return '<Solid/'.classname.'>'
+ elseif filereadable(kdeincdir.'KIO/'.classname)
+ return '<KIO/'.classname.'>'
+ elseif filereadable(kdeincdir.'KParts/'.classname)
+ return '<KParts/'.classname.'>'
+ elseif a:ident == 'K\(Double\|Int\)\(NumInput\|SpinBox\)'
+ return '<knuminput.h>'
+ elseif a:ident == 'KSharedConfig'
+ return '<kconfig.h>'
+ elseif a:ident == 'KConfigGroup'
+ return '<kconfiggroup.h>'
+ elseif a:ident == 'KListViewItem'
+ return '<klistview.h>'
+ elseif a:ident =~ 'kd\(Debug\|Warning\|Error\|Fatal\|Backtrace\)'
+ return '<kdebug.h>'
+ elseif a:ident == 'kapp'
+ return '<kapplication.h>'
+ elseif a:ident == 'i18n' ||
+ \a:ident == 'I18N_NOOP'
+ return '<klocale.h>'
+ elseif a:ident == 'locate' ||
+ \a:ident == 'locateLocal'
+ return '<kstandarddirs.h>'
+ elseif a:ident =~ '\(Small\|Desktop\|Bar\|MainBar\|User\)Icon\(Set\)\?' ||
+ \a:ident == 'IconSize'
+ return '<kiconloader.h>'
+ " aRts stuff
+ elseif a:ident =~ '\arts_\(debug\|info\|warning\|fatal\)'
+ return '<debug.h>'
+ " Standard Library stuff
+ elseif a:ident =~ '\(std::\)\?\(cout\|cerr\|endl\)'
+ return '<iostream>'
+ elseif a:ident =~ '\(std::\)\?is\(alnum\|alpha\|ascii\|blank\|graph\|lower\|print\|punct\|space\|upper\|xdigit\)'
+ return '<cctype>'
+ elseif a:ident == 'printf'
+ return '<cstdio>'
+ endif
+ let check = header
+ while 1
+ if filereadable( check )
+ return '"' . check . '"'
+ endif
+ let slash = match( check, '/' )
+ if slash == -1
+ return '<' . header . '>'
+ endif
+ let check = strpart( check, slash + 1 )
+ endwhile
+" This is a rather dirty hack, but seems to work somehow :-) (malte)
+function! AddHeader()
+ let s = getline( '.' )
+ let i = col( '.' ) - 1
+ while i > 0 && strpart( s, i, 1 ) !~ '[A-Za-z0-9_:]'
+ let i = i - 1
+ endwhile
+ while i > 0 && strpart( s, i, 1 ) =~ '[A-Za-z0-9_:]'
+ let i = i - 1
+ endwhile
+ let start = match( s, '[A-Za-z0-9_]\+\(::[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]*\)*', i )
+ let end = matchend( s, '[A-Za-z0-9_]\+\(::[A-Z][A-Za-z0-9_]*\)*', i )
+" if end > col( '.' )
+" let end = matchend( s, '[A-Za-z0-9_]\+', i )
+" endif
+ let ident = strpart( s, start, end - start )
+ let header = MapIdentHeader(ident)
+ let include = '#include '.header
+ let line = 1
+ let incomment = 0
+ let appendpos = 0
+ let codestart = 0
+ let similarpos = 0
+ let similarity = 0
+ while line <= line( '$' )
+ let s = getline( line )
+ if incomment == 1
+ let end = matchend( s, '\*/' )
+ if end == -1
+ let line = line + 1
+ continue
+ else
+ let s = strpart( s, end )
+ let incomment = 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ let s = substitute( s, '//.*', '', '' )
+ let s = substitute( s, '/\*\([^*]\|\*\@!/\)*\*/', '', 'g' )
+ if s =~ '/\*'
+ let incomment = 1
+ elseif s =~ '^' . include
+ break
+ elseif s =~ '^#include' && s !~ '\.moc"'
+ let appendpos = line
+ if s =~ '^#include '.header[0:similarity+1]
+ let similarpos = line
+ let similarity = similarity + 1
+ while s =~ '^#include '.header[0:similarity+1]
+ let similarity = similarity + 1
+ endwhile
+ if s[9:strlen(s)-2] > header[0:strlen(header)-2]
+ let similarpos = similarpos - 1
+ let similarity = 100 "this include belongs one line higher (assuming the order of includes already is alphabetically)
+ endif
+ endif
+ elseif codestart == 0 && s !~ '^$'
+ let codestart = line
+ endif
+ let line = line + 1
+ endwhile
+ if similarpos > 0
+ let appendpos = similarpos
+ endif
+ if line == line( '$' ) + 1
+ if appendpos == 0
+ call append( codestart - 1, include )
+ call append( codestart, '' )
+ else
+ call append( appendpos, include )
+ endif
+ endif
+function! AddForward()
+ let s = getline( '.' )
+ let i = col( '.' ) - 1
+ while i > 0 && strpart( s, i, 1 ) !~ '[A-Za-z0-9_:]'
+ let i = i - 1
+ endwhile
+ while i > 0 && strpart( s, i, 1 ) =~ '[A-Za-z0-9_:]'
+ let i = i - 1
+ endwhile
+ let start = match( s, '[A-Za-z0-9_]\+\(::[A-Za-z0-9_]\+\)*', i )
+ let end = matchend( s, '[A-Za-z0-9_]\+\(::[A-Za-z0-9_]\+\)*', i )
+ if end > col( '.' )
+ let end = matchend( s, '[A-Za-z0-9_]\+', i )
+ endif
+ let ident = strpart( s, start, end - start )
+ let forward = 'class ' . ident . ';'
+ let line = 1
+ let incomment = 0
+ let appendpos = 0
+ let codestart = 0
+ while line <= line( '$' )
+ let s = getline( line )
+ if incomment == 1
+ let end = matchend( s, '\*/' )
+ if end == -1
+ let line = line + 1
+ continue
+ else
+ let s = strpart( s, end )
+ let incomment = 0
+ endif
+ endif
+ let s = substitute( s, '//.*', '', '' )
+ let s = substitute( s, '/\*\([^*]\|\*\@!/\)*\*/', '', 'g' )
+ if s =~ '/\*'
+ let incomment = 1
+ elseif s =~ '^' . forward
+ break
+ elseif s =~ '^\s*class [A-za-z0-9_]\+;' || (s =~ '^#include' && s !~ '\.moc"')
+ let appendpos = line
+ elseif codestart == 0 && s !~ '^$'
+ let codestart = line
+ endif
+ let line = line + 1
+ endwhile
+ if line == line( '$' ) + 1
+ if appendpos == 0
+ call append( codestart - 1, forward )
+ call append( codestart, '' )
+ else
+ call append( appendpos, forward )
+ endif
+ endif
+function! RunDiff()
+ echo 'Diffing....'
+ read! cvs diff -bB -I \\\#include | egrep -v '(^Index:|^=+$|^RCS file:|^retrieving revision|^diff -u|^[+-]{3})'
+function! CreateChangeLogEntry()
+ let currentBuffer = expand( "%" )
+ if exists( "g:EMAIL" )
+ let mail = g:EMAIL
+ elseif exists( "$EMAIL" )
+ let mail = $EMAIL
+ else
+ let mail = inputdialog( "Enter Name/Email for Changelog entry: " )
+ if mail == ""
+ echo "Aborted ChangeLog edit..."
+ return
+ endif
+ let g:EMAIL = mail
+ endif
+ if bufname( "ChangeLog" ) != "" && bufwinnr( bufname( "ChangeLog" ) ) != -1
+ execute bufwinnr( bufname( "ChangeLog" ) ) . " wincmd w"
+ else
+ execute "split ChangeLog"
+ endif
+ let lastEntry = getline( nextnonblank( 1 ) )
+ let newEntry = strftime("%Y-%m-%d") . " " . mail
+ if lastEntry != newEntry
+ call append( 0, "" )
+ call append( 0, "" )
+ call append( 0, newEntry )
+ endif
+ " like emacs, prepend the current buffer name to the entry. but unlike
+ " emacs I have no idea how to figure out the current function name :(
+ " (Simon)
+ if currentBuffer != ""
+ let newLine = "\t* " . currentBuffer . ": "
+ else
+ let newLine = "\t* "
+ endif
+ call append( 2, newLine )
+ execute "normal 3G$"
+function! AddQtSyntax()
+ if expand( "<amatch>" ) == "cpp"
+ syn keyword qtKeywords signals slots emit Q_SLOTS Q_SIGNALS
+ syn keyword qtCast qt_cast qobject_cast qvariant_cast qstyleoption_cast
+ syn keyword qtTypedef uchar uint ushort ulong Q_INT8 Q_UINT8 Q_INT16 Q_UINT16 Q_INT32 Q_UINT32 Q_LONG Q_ULONG Q_INT64 Q_UINT64 Q_LLONG Q_ULLONG pchar puchar pcchar qint8 quint8 qint16 quint16 qint32 quint32 qint64 quint64 qlonglong qulonglong qreal
+ syn keyword kdeKeywords k_dcop k_dcop_signals
+ syn keyword cRepeat foreach
+ syn keyword cRepeat forever
+ hi def link qtKeywords Statement
+ hi def link qtMacros Type
+ hi def link qtCast Statement
+ hi def link qtTypedef Type
+ hi def link kdeKeywords Statement
+ hi def link kdeMacros Type
+ endif
+function! InsertMethodTracer()
+ :normal [[kf(yBjokDebug() << ""()" << endl;
+function! UpdateMocFiles()
+ if &syntax == "cpp"
+ let i = 1
+ while i < 80
+ let s = getline( i )
+ if s =~ '^#include ".*\.moc"'
+ let s = substitute( s, '.*"\(.*\)\.moc"', '\1.h', '' )
+ if stridx( &complete, s ) == -1
+ let &complete = &complete . ',k' . s
+ endif
+ break
+ endif
+ let i = i + 1
+ endwhile
+ endif
+autocmd Syntax * call AddQtSyntax()
+autocmd CursorHold * call UpdateMocFiles()
+autocmd BufNewFile,BufRead * call SetCodingStyle()
+" vim: sw=4 sts=4 et