path: root/examples/tutch/helper.sig
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Diffstat (limited to 'examples/tutch/helper.sig')
1 files changed, 61 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/examples/tutch/helper.sig b/examples/tutch/helper.sig
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..82467d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/tutch/helper.sig
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+(* Copyright (C) 2017 Ryan Kavanagh <rkavanagh@cs.cmu.edu> *)
+(* Distributed under the ISC license, see COPYING for details. *)
+signature HELPER =
+ datatype checks = Check of string * (unit -> unit)
+ | Problem of string * (unit -> real)
+ (* Path to the directory under which we can find a student's *)
+ (* submitted files. *)
+ val handinPath : string
+ (* Takes in the name of a file submitted by a student *)
+ (* and joins it with handinPath. *)
+ val joinHandinPath : string -> string
+ (* Removes handinPath from a path if it prefixes it. *)
+ val stripHandinPath : string -> string
+ (* Takes in a list of filenames, and checks if those files *)
+ (* exist in the handinPath directory. *)
+ (* Aborts catastrophically if a file is missing. *)
+ val checkFilesExist : string list -> unit
+ (* Uses ghostscript to check if the student submitted a valid *)
+ (* PDF (or an empty file in its place). Aborts catastrophically *)
+ (* if missing. *)
+ val checkPDF : string -> unit
+ (* Runs a series of checks and then outputs a list of *)
+ (* (problem name, score) tuples *)
+ val runChecks : checks list -> (string * real) list
+ (* Produces an AutoLab JSON score string from a scores list *)
+ (* and optional scoreboard *)
+ val scoresToString : (string * real) list * int list option -> string
+ (* Puts a list of strings in a box for printing. *)
+ val stringsInBox : string list -> string list
+ (* Prints a list of strings in a box. *)
+ val printInBox : string list -> unit
+ (* Prints a string followed by newline. *)
+ val printLn : string -> unit
+ (* printLns a list of strings, then the empty score, *)
+ (* then exits. Useful when you need to abort early. *)
+ val abortWithMessage : string list -> 'a
+ (* Prints a command and then runs it, returning the exit status *)
+ val runCmd : string -> OS.Process.status
+ (* Runs a command (with argument list) using Posix.Process.execp. *)
+ (* Return the program's output as a string, along with its exit status. *)
+ val execpOutput : string * string list -> string * Posix.Process.exit_status
+ (* Takes a regex in awk format, and a string, and checks if *)
+ (* the regex matches the string *)
+ val matchesAwkRegex : string * string -> bool