path: root/dot_vim/c-support/templates
diff options
authorRyan Kavanagh <rak@rak.ac>2021-12-14 11:42:41 -0500
committerRyan Kavanagh <rak@rak.ac>2021-12-14 11:42:41 -0500
commitfd2001cd614dfa0d55ec820b7c358a1795d3ea27 (patch)
tree932b5f91ad3c70f9cfa4455a0ccfb27a7b259bf1 /dot_vim/c-support/templates
parentadded symlink to cclub afs (diff)
Simplify vim configuration
Diffstat (limited to 'dot_vim/c-support/templates')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 1382 deletions
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/Templates b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/Templates
deleted file mode 100644
index 9aa86fc..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/Templates
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-$ =============================================================
-$ ========== USER MACROS ======================================
-$ =============================================================
-|AUTHOR| = Ryan Kavanagh
-|AUTHORREF| = ryanakca
-|EMAIL| = ryanakca@kubuntu.org
-|COPYRIGHT| = Copyright (c) 2008 Ryan Kavanagh
-$ =============================================================
-$ ========== FILE INCLUDES ====================================
-$ =============================================================
-|includefile| = c.comments.template
-|includefile| = c.cpp.template
-|includefile| = c.idioms.template
-|includefile| = c.preprocessor.template
-|includefile| = c.statements.template
-$|includefile| = cpp.comments.template
-$|includefile| = cpp.cpp.template
-$|includefile| = cpp.idioms.template
-$|includefile| = cpp.preprocessor.template
-$|includefile| = cpp.statements.template
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.comments.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.comments.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 8080968..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.comments.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-== comment.end-of-line-comment == append ==
-/* <CURSOR> */
-== comment.frame ==
- * <CURSOR>
- *------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-== comment.function ==
- * === FUNCTION ==========================================================
- * Name: |?FUNCTION_NAME|
- * Description: <CURSOR>
- * =========================================================================
- */
-== comment.method ==
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |?CLASSNAME|
- * Method: |?METHODNAME|
- * Description: <CURSOR>
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-== comment.class ==
- * =========================================================================
- * Class: |?CLASSNAME|
- * Description: <CURSOR>
- * =========================================================================
- */
-== comment.file-description == start ==
- * =========================================================================
- *
- * Filename: |FILENAME|
- *
- * Description: <CURSOR>
- *
- * Version: 1.0
- * Created: |DATE| |TIME|
- * Revision: none
- * Compiler: gcc
- *
- * Author: |AUTHOR| (|AUTHORREF|), |EMAIL|
- * License: |LICENSE|
- *
- * =========================================================================
- */
-== comment.keyword-bug == append ==
-== comment.keyword-compiler == append ==
-== comment.keyword-todo == append ==
-== comment.keyword-tricky == append ==
-== comment.keyword-warning == append ==
-== comment.keyword-workaround == append ==
-== comment.keyword-keyword == append ==
-== comment.file-section-cpp-header-includes ==
-/* ##### HEADER FILE INCLUDES ################################################### */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-macros ==
-/* ##### MACROS - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ################################### */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-typedefs ==
-/* ##### TYPE DEFINITIONS - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ######################### */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-data-types ==
-/* ##### DATA TYPES - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ############################### */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-class-defs ==
-/* ##### CLASS DEFINITIONS - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ######################## */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-local-variables ==
-/* ##### VARIABLES - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ################################ */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-prototypes ==
-/* ##### PROTOTYPES - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ############################### */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-function-defs-exported ==
-/* ##### FUNCTION DEFINITIONS - EXPORTED FUNCTIONS ############################ */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-function-defs-local ==
-/* ##### FUNCTION DEFINITIONS - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ##################### */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-class-implementations-exported ==
-/* ##### CLASS IMPLEMENTATIONS - EXPORTED CLASSES ############################# */
-== comment.file-section-cpp-class-implementations-local ==
-/* ##### CLASS IMPLEMENTATIONS - LOCAL CLASSES ################################ */
-== comment.file-section-hpp-header-includes ==
-/* ##### HEADER FILE INCLUDES ################################################### */
-== comment.file-section-hpp-macros ==
-/* ##### EXPORTED MACROS ######################################################## */
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-typedefs ==
-/* ##### EXPORTED TYPE DEFINITIONS ############################################## */
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-data-types ==
-/* ##### EXPORTED DATA TYPES #################################################### */
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-class-defs ==
-/* ##### EXPORTED CLASS DEFINITIONS ############################################# */
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-variables ==
-/* ##### EXPORTED VARIABLES ##################################################### */
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-function-declarations ==
-/* ##### EXPORTED FUNCTION DECLARATIONS ######################################### */
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.cpp.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.cpp.template
deleted file mode 100644
index ce15421..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.cpp.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,353 +0,0 @@
-== cpp.method-implementation ==
- return ;
-} /* ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::|?METHODNAME| ----- */
-== cpp.class ==
- * =====================================================================================
- * Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
- * Description: <CURSOR>
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public:
- /* ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================================= */
- |CLASSNAME| (); /* constructor */
- /* ==================== OPERATORS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== OPERATIONS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== ACCESS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== INQUIRY ======================================= */
- /* ==================== DATA MEMBERS ======================================= */
- protected:
- private:
-}; /* ----- end of class |CLASSNAME| ----- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: |CLASSNAME|
- * Description: constructor
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-} /* ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::|CLASSNAME| (constructor) ----- */
-== cpp.class-using-new ==
- * =====================================================================================
- * Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
- * Description: <CURSOR>
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public:
- /* ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================================= */
- |CLASSNAME| (); /* constructor */
- |CLASSNAME| ( const |CLASSNAME| &other ); /* copy constructor */
- ~|CLASSNAME| (); /* destructor */
- /* ==================== OPERATORS ======================================= */
- const |CLASSNAME|& operator = ( const |CLASSNAME| &other ); /* assignment operator */
- /* ==================== OPERATIONS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== ACCESS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== INQUIRY ======================================= */
- /* ==================== DATA MEMBERS ======================================= */
- protected:
- private:
-}; /* ----- end of class |CLASSNAME| ----- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: |CLASSNAME|
- * Description: constructor
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-} /* ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::|CLASSNAME| (constructor) ----- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: |CLASSNAME|
- * Description: copy constructor
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-|CLASSNAME|::|CLASSNAME| ( const |CLASSNAME| &other )
-} /* ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::|CLASSNAME| (copy constructor) ----- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: ~|CLASSNAME|
- * Description: destructor
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-} /* ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::~|CLASSNAME| (destructor) ----- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: operator =
- * Description: assignment operator
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-const |CLASSNAME|&
-|CLASSNAME|::operator = ( const |CLASSNAME| &other )
- if ( this != &other ) {
- }
- return *this;
-} /* ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::operator = (assignment operator) ----- */
-== cpp.error-class ==
- * =====================================================================================
- * Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
- * Description: <CURSOR>
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public: |CLASSNAME| ( char *msg ):message(msg) { }
- virtual ~|CLASSNAME| ( ) { }
- virtual const char* what ( ) const throw ( ) { return message; }
- protected: char *message;
-}; /* ----- end of class |CLASSNAME| ----- */
-== cpp.template-method-implementation ==
-template < class T >
- return ;
-} /* ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|<T>::|METHODNAME| ----- */
-== cpp.template-class ==
- * =====================================================================================
- * Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
- * Description: <CURSOR>
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-template < class T >
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public:
- /* ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================================= */
- |CLASSNAME| (); /* constructor */
- /* ==================== OPERATORS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== OPERATIONS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== ACCESS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== INQUIRY ======================================= */
- /* ==================== DATA MEMBERS ======================================= */
- protected:
- private:
-}; /* ---------- end of template class |CLASSNAME| ---------- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: |CLASSNAME|
- * Description:
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-template < class T >
-} /* ---------- end of constructor of template class |CLASSNAME| ---------- */
-== cpp.template-class-using-new ==
- * =====================================================================================
- * Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
- * Description: <CURSOR>
- * =====================================================================================
- */
-template < class T >
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public:
- /* ==================== LIFECYCLE ======================================= */
- |CLASSNAME| (); /* constructor */
- |CLASSNAME| (const |CLASSNAME| &other); /* copy constructor */
- ~|CLASSNAME| (); /* destructor */
- /* ==================== OPERATORS ======================================= */
- const |CLASSNAME|& operator = ( const |CLASSNAME| &other ); /* assignment operator */
- /* ==================== OPERATIONS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== ACCESS ======================================= */
- /* ==================== INQUIRY ======================================= */
- /* ==================== DATA MEMBERS ======================================= */
- protected:
- private:
-}; /* ---------- end of template class |CLASSNAME| ---------- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: |CLASSNAME|
- * Description: constructor
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-template < class T >
-} /* ---------- end of constructor of template class |CLASSNAME| ---------- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: |CLASSNAME|
- * Description: copy constructor
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-template < class T >
-|CLASSNAME|< T >::|CLASSNAME| ( const |CLASSNAME| &other )
-} /* ---------- end of copy constructor of template class |CLASSNAME| ---------- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: ~|CLASSNAME|
- * Description: destructor
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-template < class T >
-} /* ---------- end of destructor of template class |CLASSNAME| ---------- */
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Class: |CLASSNAME|
- * Method: operator =
- * Description: assignment operator
- *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- */
-template < class T >
-const |CLASSNAME|< T >& |CLASSNAME|< T >::operator = ( const |CLASSNAME| &other )
- return *this;
-} /* ---------- end of assignment operator of template class |CLASSNAME| ---------- */
-== cpp.template-function ==
-template <class T>
- return ;
-} /* ----- end of template function |?TEMPALTE_FUNCTION_NAME| ----- */
-== cpp.operator-in ==
-ostream &
-operator << ( ostream & os, const |?CLASSNAME| & obj )
- os << obj.<CURSOR> ;
- return os;
-} /* ----- end of function operator << ----- */
-== cpp.operator-out ==
-istream &
-operator >> ( istream & is, |?CLASSNAME| & obj )
- is >> obj.<CURSOR> ;
- return is;
-} /* ----- end of function operator >> ----- */
-== cpp.try-catch ==
-try {<CURSOR>
-catch ( const &ExceptObj ) { /* handle exception: */
-catch (...) { /* handle exception: unspezified */
-== cpp.catch ==
-catch ( <CURSOR>const &ExceptObj ) { /* handle exception: */
-== cpp.catch-points ==
-catch (...) { /* handle exception: */
-== cpp.extern ==
-extern "C" {<CURSOR>
-== cpp.open-input-file ==
-char *ifs_file_name = "<CURSOR>"; /* input file name */
-ifstream ifs; /* create ifstream object */
-ifs.open (ifs_file_name); /* open ifstream */
-if (!ifs) {
- cerr << "\nERROR : failed to open input file " << ifs_file_name << endl;
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-ifs.close (); /* close ifstream */
-== cpp.open-output-file ==
-char *ofs_file_name = "<CURSOR>"; /* output file name */
-ofstream ofs; /* create ofstream object */
-ofs.open (ofs_file_name); /* open ofstream */
-if (!ofs) {
- cerr << "\nERROR : failed to open output file " << ofs_file_name << endl;
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-ofs.close (); /* close ofstream */
-== cpp.namespace ==
-namespace |?NAMESPACE|
-<SPLIT>} /* ----- end of |NAMESPACE| name ----- */
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.idioms.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.idioms.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 09bc0b7..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.idioms.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-== idioms.function ==
-<SPLIT> return ;
-} /* ----- end of function |FUNCTION_NAME| ----- */
-== idioms.function-static ==
-static void<CURSOR>
-<SPLIT> return ;
-} /* ----- end of static function |FUNCTION_NAME| ----- */
-== idioms.main ==
-main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
-} /* ---------- end of function main ---------- */
-== idioms.enum ==
-enum |?ENUM_NAME| {<CURSOR>
-<SPLIT>}; /* ---------- end of enum |ENUM_NAME| ---------- */
-== idioms.struct ==
-struct |?STRUCT_NAME| {<CURSOR>
-<SPLIT>}; /* ---------- end of struct |STRUCT_NAME| ---------- */
-== idioms.union ==
-union |?UNION_NAME| {<CURSOR>
-<SPLIT>}; /* ---------- end of union |UNION_NAME| ---------- */
-== idioms.calloc ==
-|?POINTER| = (<CURSOR>TYPE*)calloc ( (size_t)(COUNT), sizeof(TYPE) );
-if ( |POINTER|==NULL ) {
- fprintf ( stderr, "\ndynamic memory allocation failed\n" );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-free (|POINTER|);
-== idioms.malloc ==
-|?POINTER| = (<CURSOR>TYPE*)malloc ( sizeof(TYPE) );
-if ( |POINTER|==NULL ) {
- fprintf ( stderr, "\ndynamic memory allocation failed\n" );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-free (|POINTER|);
-== idioms.open-input-file ==
-FILE *|?FILEPOINTER|; /* input-file pointer */
-char *|FILEPOINTER|_file_name = "<CURSOR>"; /* input-file name */
-|FILEPOINTER| = fopen( |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, "r" );
-if ( |FILEPOINTER| == NULL ) {
- fprintf ( stderr, "couldn't open file '%s'; %s\n",
- |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, strerror(errno) );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-if( fclose(|FILEPOINTER|) == EOF ) { /* close input file */
- fprintf ( stderr, "couldn't close file '%s'; %s\n",
- |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, strerror(errno) );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-== idioms.open-output-file ==
-FILE *|?FILEPOINTER|; /* output-file pointer */
-char *|FILEPOINTER|_file_name = "<CURSOR>"; /* output-file name */
-|FILEPOINTER| = fopen( |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, "w" );
-if ( |FILEPOINTER| == NULL ) {
- fprintf ( stderr, "couldn't open file '%s'; %s\n",
- |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, strerror(errno) );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-if( fclose(|FILEPOINTER|) == EOF ) { /* close output file */
- fprintf ( stderr, "couldn't close file '%s'; %s\n",
- |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, strerror(errno) );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-== idioms.fprintf ==
-fprintf ( |?FILEPOINTER|, "<CURSOR>\n", );
-== idioms.fscanf ==
-fscanf ( |?FILEPOINTER|, "<CURSOR>", & );
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.preprocessor.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.preprocessor.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 3ec674a..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.preprocessor.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-== preprocessor.define ==
-#define <CURSOR> /* */
-== preprocessor.undefine ==
-#undef <CURSOR> /* */
-== preprocessor.if-else-endif ==
-#if |?CONDITION:u|
-#else /* ----- not |CONDITION| ----- */
-#endif /* ----- not |CONDITION| ----- */
-== preprocessor.ifdef-else-endif ==
-#ifdef |?CONDITION:u|
-#else /* ----- not |CONDITION| ----- */
-#endif /* ----- not |CONDITION| ----- */
-== preprocessor.ifndef-else-endif ==
-#ifndef |?CONDITION:u|
-#else /* ----- not |CONDITION| ----- */
-#endif /* ----- not |CONDITION| ----- */
-== preprocessor.ifndef-def-endif ==
-#ifndef |?BASENAME:L|_INC
-#define |BASENAME|_INC
-#endif /* ----- #ifndef |BASENAME|_INC ----- */
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.statements.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.statements.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 966ae3a..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/c.statements.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-== statements.do-while ==
-do {
-<SPLIT>} while ( <CURSOR> ); /* ----- end do-while ----- */
-== statements.for ==
-for ( <CURSOR>; ; )
-== statements.for-block ==
-for ( <CURSOR>; ; ) {
-== statements.if ==
-if ( <CURSOR> )
-== statements.if-block ==
-if ( <CURSOR> ) {
-== statements.if-else ==
-if ( <CURSOR> )
-== statements.if-block-else ==
-if ( <CURSOR> ) {
-<SPLIT>} else {
-== statements.while ==
-while ( <CURSOR> )
-== statements.while-block ==
-while ( <CURSOR> ) {
-== statements.switch ==
-switch ( <CURSOR> ) {
- case :
- <SPLIT>break;
- case :
- break;
- case :
- break;
- case :
- break;
- default:
- break;
-} /* ----- end switch ----- */
-== statements.case ==
-case <CURSOR>:
-== statements.block ==
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.comments.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.comments.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 9929eab..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.comments.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-== comment.end-of-line-comment == append ==
-// <CURSOR>
-== comment.frame ==
-// <CURSOR>
-== comment.function ==
-// === FUNCTION ===========================================================
-// Name: |?FUNCTION_NAME|
-// Description: <CURSOR>
-// ==========================================================================
-== comment.method ==
-// Class: |?CLASSNAME|
-// Method: |?METHODNAME|
-// Description: <CURSOR>
-== comment.class ==
-// ==========================================================================
-// Class: |?CLASSNAME|
-// Description: <CURSOR>
-// ==========================================================================
-== comment.file-description == start ==
-// ==========================================================================
-// Filename: |FILENAME|
-// Description: <CURSOR>
-// Version: 1.0
-// Created: |DATE| |TIME|
-// Revision: none
-// Compiler: g++
-// Author: |AUTHOR| (|AUTHORREF|), |EMAIL|
-// License: |LICENSE|
-// ==========================================================================
-== comment.keyword-bug == append ==
-== comment.keyword-compiler == append ==
-== comment.keyword-todo == append ==
-== comment.keyword-tricky == append ==
-== comment.keyword-warning == append ==
-== comment.keyword-workaround == append ==
-== comment.keyword-keyword == append ==
-== comment.file-section-cpp-header-includes ==
-// ##### HEADER FILE INCLUDES ###################################################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-macros ==
-// ##### MACROS - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ###################################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-typedefs ==
-// ##### TYPE DEFINITIONS - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE #########################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-data-types ==
-// ##### DATA TYPES - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ###############################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-class-defs ==
-// ##### CLASS DEFINITIONS - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ########################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-local-variables ==
-// ##### VARIABLES - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ################################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-prototypes ==
-// ##### PROTOTYPES - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE ###############################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-function-defs-exported ==
-// ##### FUNCTION DEFINITIONS - EXPORTED FUNCTIONS ############################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-function-defs-local ==
-// ##### FUNCTION DEFINITIONS - LOCAL TO THIS SOURCE FILE #####################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-class-implementations-exported ==
-// ##### CLASS IMPLEMENTATIONS - EXPORTED CLASSES #############################
-== comment.file-section-cpp-class-implementations-local ==
-// ##### CLASS IMPLEMENTATIONS - LOCAL CLASSES ################################
-== comment.file-section-hpp-header-includes ==
-// ##### HEADER FILE INCLUDES ###################################################
-== comment.file-section-hpp-macros ==
-// ##### EXPORTED MACROS ########################################################
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-typedefs ==
-// ##### EXPORTED TYPE DEFINITIONS ##############################################
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-data-types ==
-// ##### EXPORTED DATA TYPES ####################################################
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-class-defs ==
-// ##### EXPORTED CLASS DEFINITIONS #############################################
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-variables ==
-// ##### EXPORTED VARIABLES #####################################################
-== comment.file-section-hpp-exported-function-declarations ==
-// ##### EXPORTED FUNCTION DECLARATIONS #########################################
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.cpp.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.cpp.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 7773989..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.cpp.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-== cpp.method-implementation ==
- return ;
-} // ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::|METHODNAME| -----
-== cpp.class ==
-// =====================================================================================
-// Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
-// Description: <CURSOR>
-// =====================================================================================
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public:
- // ==================== LIFECYCLE =======================================
- |CLASSNAME| (); // constructor
- // ==================== OPERATORS =======================================
- // ==================== OPERATIONS =======================================
- // ==================== ACCESS =======================================
- // ==================== INQUIRY =======================================
- // ==================== DATA MEMBERS =======================================
- protected:
- private:
-}; // ----- end of class |CLASSNAME| -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: |CLASSNAME|
-// Description: constructor
-} // ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::|CLASSNAME| (constructor) -----
-== cpp.class-using-new ==
-// =====================================================================================
-// Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
-// Description: <CURSOR>
-// =====================================================================================
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public:
- // ==================== LIFECYCLE =======================================
- |CLASSNAME| (); // constructor
- |CLASSNAME| ( const |CLASSNAME| &other ); // copy constructor
- ~|CLASSNAME| (); // destructor
- // ==================== OPERATORS =======================================
- const |CLASSNAME|& operator = ( const |CLASSNAME| &other ); // assignment operator
- // ==================== OPERATIONS =======================================
- // ==================== ACCESS =======================================
- // ==================== INQUIRY =======================================
- // ==================== DATA MEMBERS =======================================
- protected:
- private:
-}; // ----- end of class |CLASSNAME| -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: |CLASSNAME|
-// Description: constructor
-} // ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::|CLASSNAME| (constructor) -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: |CLASSNAME|
-// Description: copy constructor
-|CLASSNAME|::|CLASSNAME| ( const |CLASSNAME| &other )
-} // ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::|CLASSNAME| (copy constructor) -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: ~|CLASSNAME|
-// Description: destructor
-} // ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::~|CLASSNAME| (destructor) -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: operator =
-// Description: assignment operator
-const |CLASSNAME|&
-|CLASSNAME|::operator = ( const |CLASSNAME| &other )
- if ( this != &other ) {
- }
- return *this;
-} // ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|::operator = (assignment operator) -----
-== cpp.error-class ==
-// =====================================================================================
-// Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
-// Description: <CURSOR>
-// =====================================================================================
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public: |CLASSNAME| ( char *msg ):message(msg) { }
- virtual ~|CLASSNAME| ( ) { }
- virtual const char* what ( ) const throw ( ) { return message; }
- protected: char *message;
-}; // ---------- end of class |CLASSNAME| ----------
-== cpp.template-method-implementation ==
-template < class T >
- return ;
-} // ----- end of method |CLASSNAME|<T>::|METHODNAME| -----
-== cpp.template-class ==
-// =====================================================================================
-// Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
-// Description: <CURSOR>
-// =====================================================================================
-template < class T >
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public:
- // ==================== LIFECYCLE =======================================
- |CLASSNAME| (); // constructor
- // ==================== OPERATORS =======================================
- // ==================== OPERATIONS =======================================
- // ==================== ACCESS =======================================
- // ==================== INQUIRY =======================================
- // ==================== DATA MEMBERS =======================================
- protected:
- private:
-}; // ----- end of template class |CLASSNAME| -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: |CLASSNAME|
-// Description: constructor
-template < class T >
-} // ----- end of constructor of template class |CLASSNAME| -----
-== cpp.template-class-using-new ==
-// =====================================================================================
-// Class: |?CLASSNAME:c|
-// Description: <CURSOR>
-// =====================================================================================
-template < class T >
-class |CLASSNAME|
- public:
- // ==================== LIFECYCLE =======================================
- |CLASSNAME| (); // constructor
- |CLASSNAME| ( const |CLASSNAME| &other ); // copy constructor
- ~|CLASSNAME| (); // destructor
- // ==================== OPERATORS =======================================
- const |CLASSNAME|& operator = ( const |CLASSNAME| &other ); // assignment operator
- // ==================== OPERATIONS =======================================
- // ==================== ACCESS =======================================
- // ==================== INQUIRY =======================================
- // ==================== DATA MEMBERS =======================================
- protected:
- private:
-}; // ----- end of template class |CLASSNAME| -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: |CLASSNAME|
-// Description: constructor
-template < class T >
-} // ----- end of constructor of template class |CLASSNAME| -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: |CLASSNAME|
-// Description: copy constructor
-template < class T >
-|CLASSNAME|<T>::|CLASSNAME| ( const |CLASSNAME| &other )
-} // ----- end of copy constructor of template class |CLASSNAME| -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: ~|CLASSNAME|
-// Description: destructor
-template < class T >
-} // ----- end of destructor of template class |CLASSNAME| -----
-// Class: |CLASSNAME|
-// Method: operator =
-// Description: assignment operator
-template < class T >
-const |CLASSNAME|<T>& |CLASSNAME|<T>::operator = ( const |CLASSNAME| &other )
- if ( this != &other ) {
- }
- return *this;
-} // ----- end of assignment operator of template class |CLASSNAME| -----
-== cpp.template-function ==
-template <class T>
- return ;
-} // ----- end of template function |?TEMPALTE_FUNCTION_NAME| -----
-== cpp.operator-in ==
-ostream &
-operator << ( ostream & os, const |?CLASSNAME| & obj )
- os << obj.<CURSOR> ;
- return os;
-} // ----- end of function operator << -----
-== cpp.operator-out ==
-istream &
-operator >> ( istream & is, |?CLASSNAME| & obj )
- is >> obj.<CURSOR> ;
- return is;
-} // ----- end of function operator >> -----
-== cpp.try-catch ==
-try {<CURSOR>
-catch ( const &ExceptObj ) { // handle exception:
-catch (...) { // handle exception: unspezified
-== cpp.catch ==
-catch ( <CURSOR>const &ExceptObj ) { // handle exception:
-== cpp.catch-points ==
-catch (...) { // handle exception:
-== cpp.extern ==
-extern "C" {<CURSOR>
-== cpp.open-input-file ==
-char *ifs_file_name = "<CURSOR>"; // input file name
-ifstream ifs; // create ifstream object
-ifs.open (ifs_file_name); // open ifstream
-if (!ifs) {
- cerr << "\nERROR : failed to open input file " << ifs_file_name << endl;
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-ifs.close (); // close ifstream
-== cpp.open-output-file ==
-char *ofs_file_name = "<CURSOR>"; // output file name
-ofstream ofs; // create ofstream object
-ofs.open (ofs_file_name); // open ofstream
-if (!ofs) {
- cerr << "\nERROR : failed to open output file " << ofs_file_name << endl;
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-ofs.close (); // close ofstream
-== cpp.namespace ==
-namespace |?NAMESPACE|
-<SPLIT>} // ----- end of |NAMESPACE| name -----
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.idioms.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.idioms.template
deleted file mode 100644
index febc375..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.idioms.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,98 +0,0 @@
-== idioms.function ==
-<SPLIT> return ;
-} // ----- end of function |FUNCTION_NAME| -----
-== idioms.function-static ==
-static void<CURSOR>
-<SPLIT> return ;
-} // ----- end of static function |FUNCTION_NAME| -----
-== idioms.main ==
-main ( int argc, char *argv[] )
-} // ---------- end of function main ----------
-== idioms.enum ==
-enum |?ENUM_NAME| {<CURSOR>
-<SPLIT>}; // ---------- end of enum |ENUM_NAME| ----------
-== idioms.struct ==
-struct |?STRUCT_NAME| {<CURSOR>
-<SPLIT>}; // ---------- end of struct |STRUCT_NAME| ----------
-== idioms.union ==
-union |?UNION_NAME| {<CURSOR>
-<SPLIT>}; // ---------- end of union |UNION_NAME| ----------
-== idioms.calloc ==
-|?POINTER| = (<CURSOR>TYPE*)calloc ( (size_t)(COUNT), sizeof(TYPE) );
-if ( |POINTER|==NULL ) {
- fprintf ( stderr, "\ndynamic memory allocation failed\n" );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-free (|POINTER|);
-== idioms.malloc ==
-|?POINTER| = (<CURSOR>TYPE*)malloc ( sizeof(TYPE) );
-if ( |POINTER|==NULL ) {
- fprintf ( stderr, "\ndynamic memory allocation failed\n" );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-free (|POINTER|);
-== idioms.open-input-file ==
-FILE *|?FILEPOINTER|; // input-file pointer
-char *|FILEPOINTER|_file_name = "<CURSOR>"; // input-file name
-|FILEPOINTER| = fopen( |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, "r" );
-if ( |FILEPOINTER| == NULL ) {
- fprintf ( stderr, "couldn't open file '%s'; %s\n",
- |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, strerror(errno) );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-if( fclose(|FILEPOINTER|) == EOF ) { // close input file
- fprintf ( stderr, "couldn't close file '%s'; %s\n",
- |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, strerror(errno) );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-== idioms.open-output-file ==
-FILE *|?FILEPOINTER|; // output-file pointer
-char *|FILEPOINTER|_file_name = "<CURSOR>"; // output-file name
-|FILEPOINTER| = fopen( |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, "w" );
-if ( |FILEPOINTER| == NULL ) {
- fprintf ( stderr, "couldn't open file '%s'; %s\n",
- |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, strerror(errno) );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-if( fclose(|FILEPOINTER|) == EOF ) { // close output file
- fprintf ( stderr, "couldn't close file '%s'; %s\n",
- |FILEPOINTER|_file_name, strerror(errno) );
- exit (EXIT_FAILURE);
-== idioms.fprintf ==
-fprintf ( |?FILEPOINTER|, "<CURSOR>\n", );
-== idioms.fscanf ==
-fscanf ( |?FILEPOINTER|, "<CURSOR>", & );
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.preprocessor.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.preprocessor.template
deleted file mode 100644
index dbf8abb..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.preprocessor.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-== preprocessor.define ==
-#define <CURSOR> //
-== preprocessor.undefine ==
-#undef <CURSOR> //
-== preprocessor.if-else-endif ==
-#if |?CONDITION:u|
-#else // ----- not |CONDITION| -----
-#endif // ----- not |CONDITION| -----
-== preprocessor.ifdef-else-endif ==
-#ifdef |?CONDITION:u|
-#else // ----- not |CONDITION| -----
-#endif // ----- not |CONDITION| -----
-== preprocessor.ifndef-else-endif ==
-#ifndef |?CONDITION:u|
-#else // ----- not |CONDITION| -----
-#endif // ----- not |CONDITION| -----
-== preprocessor.ifndef-def-endif ==
-#ifndef |?BASENAME:L|_INC
-#define |BASENAME|_INC
-#endif // ----- #ifndef |BASENAME|_INC -----
diff --git a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.statements.template b/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.statements.template
deleted file mode 100644
index 8018334..0000000
--- a/dot_vim/c-support/templates/cpp.statements.template
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
-== statements.do-while ==
-do {
-<SPLIT>} while ( <CURSOR> ); // ----- end do-while -----
-== statements.for ==
-for ( <CURSOR>; ; )
-== statements.for-block ==
-for ( <CURSOR>; ; ) {
-== statements.if ==
-if ( <CURSOR> )
-== statements.if-block ==
-if ( <CURSOR> ) {
-== statements.if-else ==
-if ( <CURSOR> )
-== statements.if-block-else ==
-if ( <CURSOR> ) {
-<SPLIT>} else {
-== statements.while ==
-while ( <CURSOR> )
-== statements.while-block ==
-while ( <CURSOR> ) {
-== statements.switch ==
-switch ( <CURSOR> ) {
- case :
- <SPLIT>break;
- case :
- break;
- case :
- break;
- case :
- break;
- default:
- break;
-} // ----- end switch -----
-== statements.case ==
-case <CURSOR>:
-== statements.block ==